Alert Orders and Risk Management in Customs Control
Alert Orders and Risk Management in Customs Control
Alert Orders and Risk Management in Customs Control
Introduction. This CAO implements primarily Sections 300, Chapter 1 of Title III, Section
301 Chapter 2 of Title III, Section 1111 and 1112, Chapter 3 of Title XI, Section 1116 and
1117, Chapter 4 of Title XI, of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10863 otherwise known as the
Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA).
Section 1. Scope.
1.1 This CAO shall apply to the issuance of Alert Orders, Pre-Lodgement
Control Order, Post-Release Control Order and Controlled Delivery Order
by the Bureau of Customs (BOC).
1.2 This CAO shall apply to all importations, whether for consumption,
warehousing or for admission to Free Zone as defined in Sec. 102(w) of the
CMTA and whether dutiable, taxable or not.
Section 2. Objectives.
3.1 Alert Orders – are written orders issued by authorized customs officers on the basis
of derogatory information regarding possible non-compliance with the CMTA, after
the lodgment of goods declaration and before their release from customs custody.
3.4 Post-Release Control Order - An order issued by the Commissioner or the customs
officer/s authorized by the former to pursue goods even after their release from
customs custody based on the grounds enumerated under Sec. 4.1 of this Order.
3.6 Goods Declaration – refers to a statement made in the manner prescribed by the
Bureau and other appropriate agencies, by which the persons concerned indicate
the procedure to be observed in the application for the entry or admission of
imported goods and the particulars of which the customs administration shall
3.7 Jurisdictional Control – refers to the power and rights of the Bureau in exercising
supervision and police authority over all seas within the jurisdiction of the Philippine
territory and over all coasts, ports, airports, harbors, bays, rivers and inland waters
whether navigable or not from the sea.
3.8 Lodgement – refers to the registration of a goods declaration with the Bureau.
3.9 Release of Goods – refers to the action by the Bureau to permit goods undergoing
clearance to be placed at the disposal of the party concerned and the goods have
legally left of the jurisdiction of the Bureau.
1cf RKC
Customs Administrative Order No.
Page 2 of 10
3.10 Perishable goods – refers to goods liable to perish or goods that depreciate greatly
in value while stored or which cannot be kept without great disproportionate
expense, which may be proceeded to, advertised and sold at auction upon notice
if deemed reasonable.
3.11 Products of Illicit Trade – involves money, goods, or value gained from illegal and
otherwise unethical activity.
3.12 Prohibited importation and exportation – The importation and exportation of the
following goods are prohibited:
3.13 Regulated importation and exportation – Goods which are subject to regulation
shall be imported or exported only after securing the necessary goods declaration
or export declaration, clearances, licenses, and any other requirements, prior to
importation or exportation. In case of importation, submission of requirements
after arrival of the goods but prior to release from customs custody shall be allowed
but only in cases provided for by governing laws or regulations.
The restriction to import or export the above stated goods shall include the
restriction on their transit.
4.1 An Alert Order or Post-Release Control Order shall be issued on the basis of
derogatory information regarding the following violations:
4.3.2 Violations of the CMTA and other penal statutes in coordination with the
concerned government agency.
4.4 The issuance of Alert Order shall suspend the processing of goods declaration
and shall prevent the release of the goods until physical or non-intrusive
inspection of the goods within forty eight (48) hours from the issuance of the
Order is conducted, the proper duties, taxes and other charges including
4.5 The issuance of Pre-Lodgement Control Order shall not prevent the lodgement
of goods declaration but only the release of the goods until the required
examination is conducted and completed, the proper duties, taxes and other
charges including surcharges are paid, and the Bureau is certain that there is
no legal ground to prevent the release of the goods from customs custody.
4.7 The issuance of Controlled Delivery Order shall authorize the Bureau in
coordination with the other concerned government enforcement agencies to
allow an unlawful or suspect consignment of any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical, equipment or paraphernalia, or
property believed to be derived directly or indirectly from any offense, to pass
into, through or out of the country under the supervision of an authorized officer,
with a view to gathering evidence to identify any person involved in any
dangerous drugs related offense, or to facilitate prosecution of that offense.
4.8 Alert orders shall be dated and assigned a unique reference number in series
which shall be the basis for reporting to and monitoring by the Commissioner
and the Secretary of Finance.
4.9 The costs of the physical inspection shall be borne by the Bureau provided that
such cost shall be reimbursed by the owner prior to the release of the goods if
the physical inspection results in the assessment of additional duties or taxes
or the issuance of a warrant of seizure.
4.10 The alerting officer or any authorized customs officer shall make a recommendation to
the concerned District Collector for lifting of Alert Order or issuance of a warrant of
seizure and detention (WSD) within forty-eight (48) hours or in the case of perishable
goods, within twenty-four (24) hours from inspection, furnishing the Commissioner with
a copy of the recommendation.
4.11 Upon recommendation of the alerting officer or any other authorized customs
officer, the District Collector shall, within five (5) days or two (2) days in case of
perishable goods, issue either (a) a lifting of the alert order and an order of
4.12 The Bureau’s information system shall immediately reflect the imposition or
lifting of an alert order.
4.13 The Bureau shall create a central clearing house for alert orders and shall
submit quarterly reports to DOF on the status thereof.
4.14 The Bureau shall assign customs personnel at the exit gate of the port or
terminal facility which has no OLRS capability and/or for manually issued gate
4.15 When the subject of the alert order are perishable goods, the alerting customs officer
of the Bureau shall attach to his/her recommendation a certificate stating that the
goods are perishable.
The results of the alert orders and other orders issued pursuant to this CAO
shall be recorded and stored in a database to form part of the Bureau’s Risk
Management System.
This CAO amends or repeals previously issued CAOs and CMOs which are
inconsistent with the provisions here stated.
This CAO shall be reviewed every (five)5 years and be amended or revised,
if necessary.
Section 11.Effectivity.
This Order shall take effect within 15 days from publication at the Official
Gazette or a newspaper of national circulation.
2. Related Policies.
b. Bureau of Customs Central Records and Management Division