Ashish ProteasFire

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Q1: Analyze the development of the Protea Firebrand and campaign.

Ans: South African team in 2010 was Successful, there were good performers, the South
African team had given us Legends of Cricket, but still there was something missing. They were
not playing as a cohesive unit, more than feeling proud to represent the nation they were
happy to find a source to earn a living.
The major reason for this was “Lack of Culture”. The team lacked a name and a culture which
can be handed down through the generations.
So, The team Captain, Graeme Smith and Team Psychologist Jeremy Snape recognized this and
came with the idea of Protea Fire. Protea name origins from Greek God, Proteus, who could see
into the future and could only, tell truth.
The four attributes of the Protea Flower became a core of the team’s value:
A. Truth
B. Resilience
C. Fire
D. Adaptability

South African cricket came into so much controversy with the match fixing allegations, and their
captain Hanse Cronje being found guilty for it. They were under scrutiny and people were losing
their faith. Truth stands for being transparent, Resilience stands for their grind that they will not
give up under any circumstances, Fire stands for their lethal pace attack and batting prowess,
Adaptability stands for their endurance and technique to adapt in any condition all over the
world and perform well.

The culture in the team bought a shift from the guys playing for salary and their individual
performance to more meaningful, such as playing for their nation and fans all over.

Campaign’s Major Objectives were:-

 To build a South African Cricket brand that people can trust and follow.
 To create a fan base for the team that would help in the business of cricket.

The campaign was planned in 4 stages:

 They tried to convey the message to the people about the brand.
 The campaign tried to mobilize people for the coming World cup.
 Tried to establish an emotional vonnect with the Proteas.
 They made sure that they establish a fan base and work with it.

So, the way campaign was designed and implemented it covered all the aspects to make it
popular and trending and it eventually became trending also. As people could feel a connection
with the Team.
Q2. To what extent was the campaign successful?

Ans. These are the certain factors that shows the success of the campaign.

 South Africa is a very large country and tge TV proved to be the biggest driver fir the campaign &
gauges the impact on the affinity/love for the Proteas brand which was almost 82%.
 Total of R51, 448,122 media value was generated which was 1:5 of ROI.
 With content used by the SABC & SuperSport an additional R16.5m TV advertising value.
 R6.7m in print & broadcast editorial value.
 Even after the South African team lost the World cup, there was admiration & empathy in
people for them. They were labelled as a team "who won people's heart".
 Social media was very attractive & friendly marketing tool for the campaign as they had a very
tight budget.
 CSA Face book page received 1,74,423 likes and in just 6 months it reached to 20,24,462 likes.
 YouTube channel reached 3,41,000 views during World Cup & 1 million views during the entire
 On Twitter, it showed over 63,000 new followers in excess of 2,30,000 profile visits, almost
50,000 @OfficialCSA mention & 19.1 million tweet impressions.
 An attendance of 4,80,000 people during World Cup, with 7,716 click troughs from 31 unique
banner adverts to the message submission page.
 There was 10% increase in supporter of the Proteas.
 Almost 91% respondents of the feedback strongly agree that “they are very proud that this team
represents them.
 While 60% said they are more likely to attend more Proteas cricket matches than before.
 43% said they are more likely to attend more domestic matched than before.
 The vast majority of respondents stated that Protea Fire could carry this team through good &
bad times.

3. How should the #ProteaFire brand respond to losing the semifinal game?

The #ProteaFire brand should connect to the people and fans, send a message of love and apology to
them. They should thank them for their support, urge them to continue to do so through thick and thin.
They should also reflect on their performance and tell the people that they are proud of the way they
played and the journey they made in the tournament. They should also promise the people to keep
working hard and achieve more laurels for the country and entertain the fans. It is important to
establish an emotional connection with the people and see the situations with hope.

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