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This Risk Register is organised in sections as follows:


1.1 Substances 2.1 Workplace environment and facilities 3.1 Manual handling / ergonomics 4.1 Clients, customers and general public 5.1 Purchasing
(a) Chemicals
(b) Asbestos and hazardous materials 2.2 Working outdoors 3.2 Travel and off-campus activities 4.2 Contractors 5.2 Emergency Incident
(includes Fieldwork and 4WD)

1.2 Biological 2.3 Laboratories (non-radioactive) 3.3 Diving and boating 4.3 After hours on campus 5.3 Legal compliance
(includes auditing)
(a) Biological research and activities
(b) Infectious diseases 2.4 Workshops 3.4 Workplace design and construction
(c) Working with animals
2.5 Confined spaces 3.5 Hot work
1.3 Electrical
2.6 Work at heights above 2 metres 3.6 Smoking
1.4 Physical
(a) Plant and equipment 2.7 Cooling towers 3.7 Alcohol and other drugs
(b) Noise
(c) Ionising radiation
(d) Non-ionising radiation
(excluding outdoors)

(e) Traffic
(f ) Firearms, regulated and
prescribed weapons

1.5 Psychosocial

UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 1 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating

1.1(a)  Chemical exposure - acute or 50 6 3 900  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Chemical Safety web site 50 1 3 150
chronic: 1984
Chemicals VH M
o inhalation  AS/NZS 2229 Fuel Dispensing Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres  Safety Requirements for Purchase  ChemAlert -MSDS manifest and
o absorption  Occupational Safety and Health or Supply of Goods inventory system
 AS 1692 Steel Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
o ingestion Regulations 1996:
o injection o Part 5 - Hazardous substances  AS/NZS 1020 The Control of Undesirable Static Electricity  Safety Risk Management  Chemical Risk Assessments

 Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004  AS 1216 Class Labels for Dangerous Goods  Chemical Waste – Cytotoxic  Pre-purchase checklist - chemicals
 Fire or Fire and/or explosion
 AS 1940 The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Waste Disposal
through incorrect storage,
 Dangerous Goods Safety (General)
 Licensing agreements and requirements
handling, labeling or mixing of Liquids
Regulations 2007  Illicit Drug Precursors
 AS 2567 Laminar Flow Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets
 Engineering controls such as:
 Poisons Permits  fume cupboards
 Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage
and Handling of Non-explosives)  AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories  mechanical ventilation
 New chemicals with uncertain Regulations 2007 o Part 2: 2006 - Chemical aspects  Chemical Waste - Disposal to  extraction
properties arising from o Part10: 2004 - Storage of chemicals Sewer  atmospheric monitoring
research and subsequent  Poisons Act 1964
health and environmental  AS/NZS 1596 The Storage and Handling of LP Gas
 Chemical Waste – Offsite Disposal  Purpose built storage areas for
affects (e.g. Nanoparticles  Poisons Regulations 1965 cylinders and compressed gases
 AS 1345 Identification of the Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Ducts
etc)  Carcinogens, Mutagens and
 Excise Act 1901  AS 2030 (series) The Verification, Filling, Inspection, Testing and Teratogens - Research Services
 Restricted access to authorised
Maintenance of Cylinders for Storage and Transport of Compresses grant approval personnel
 Time sensitive chemicals that gases
can become unstable during  Waste Management. Disposal of
 Correct labelling, storage and
 Excise Regulations 1925  AS 1894 The Storage and Handling of Non-Flammable Cryogenic and
storage segregation
(Commonwealth) o Ethidium Bromide
Refrigerated Liquids
o Gaseous Waste  Scheduled workplace assessments that
 Chemical Weapons Prohibition Act  AS 4757 Handling and Destruction of Drugs o General Laboratory Wastes include chemical assessment
 Production of hazardous 1994 o Hazardous Chemicals (not
 Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons
wastes (Commonwealth)
radioactive)  Time sensitive chemicals dated

 Agricultural and Veterinary  National Standard Storage and Handling of Workplace Dangerous  Emergency procedures for accidental
 Environmental contamination Chemicals (Western Australia) Act Goods [NOHSC:1015 (2001)] GUIDELINES: release/spillage
due to accidental leakage, 1995
spills, emissions: CODES OF PRACTICE:  Chemical Management Guidelines  Health monitoring
o air  Agricultural and Veterinary
Chemicals Code Act 1994  Australian Dangerous Goods Transport Code Edition 6 & 7 
o water  Laboratory Code of Conduct Exposure monitoring
(Commonwealth)  National Code of Practice for the Preparation of Material Safety Data
o soil/ground
Sheets [NOHSC:2011 (2003)]  Eyewash and Emergency  Chemical Management Training
 Water Corporation Act 1995 Showers
 National Model Regulation for the Control of Workplace Hazardous  Gas Safety Training
 Water Supply Sewerage and Substances [NOHSC:1005(1994)]  Capacitors containing PCBs - safe
Drainage Act 1912 handling of  Personal protective equipment (PPE)
 National Code of Practice for the Control of Workplace Hazardous
 Health (Treatment of Sewage and Substances [NOHSC:2007(1994)]
 Material Safety Data Sheets  Hazardous waste removal
Disposal of Effluent and Liquid  Code of Practice for the Control of Scheduled Carcinogenic (MSDS)
Waste) Regulations 1974  Spill kit
Substances [NOHSC:2014 (1995)]
 Concessional Spirits
 National Code of Practice for the Labelling of Workplace Substances  First Aid
[NOHSC:2012 (1994)]  Waste Management - Disposal of
Contaminated Pipettes (R2002)
 National Code of Practice for the Storage and Handling of Workplace
Dangerous Goods [NOHSC:2017 (2001
GUIDANCES:  Waste Management - Disposal of
Non contaminated disposal
 National Guidance Note - Assessing Risks of Hazardous Substances glassware and broken glass
 National Guidance Note - Exposure Standards  Material Safety Data Sheets
 Controlling Isocyanate Hazards at Work
 Guidance Note for the Assessment of Health Risks Arising from the
Use of Hazardous Substances in the Workplace [NOHSC:1317(1994)]
 Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances
{NOHSC:1008 (2004)]
 National Model Regulation for the Control of Scheduled Carcinogenic
Substances [NOHSC:1011 (1995)]
 National Code Storage and Handling of Workplace Dangerous Goods
[NOHSC:1017 (2001)]
 Hazardous Substances Information System (HSIS) web site
 Adopted National Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants
in the Occupational Environment [NOHSC:1011 (1995)]

UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 2 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating

 Guidance Note on Interpretation of Exposure Standards for

Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment
 Guidelines for Health Surveillance NOHSC:7039 (1995)]

1.1(b)  Health effects including 25 3 3 225  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Asbestos Materials Register 25 1 3 75
respiratory conditions 1984 PROCEDURES:
Asbestos and M L
 Adopted National Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants  Work Area Access Permit Process
 Exposure to hazardous in the Occupational Environment [NOHSC:1011(1995)]  Safety Risk Management
materials:  Occupational Safety and Health  Engage licensed asbestos
o asbestos Regulations 1996: CODES OF PRACTICE:  Waste Management - Disposal of contractors/removalist
o Part 5 - Hazardous substances  National Code of Practice for the Management of Asbestos Asbestos Waste (R2002)
o lead
o synthetic mineral fibres
 National Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos  Engage hygienists with knowledge and
 National Code of Practice - Synthetic Mineral Fibres  Asbestos Management Plan skills in asbestos and hazardous
o polychlorinated biphenyl
 Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992  National Code of Practice - Labeling of Workplace Substances materials surveys and management
 Asbestos and hazardous (WA) - (includes amendments to  National Code of Practice - Inorganic Lead at Work
material waste  Contractor information
 Asbestos Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos
 Restricted access
 Code of Practice for the Management and Control of Asbestos in the
Workplace [NOHSC:2018(2005)]  Signage

GUIDANCES:  Asbestos Survey Program

 Provision of Information on Hazardous Substances (MSDS)National
Guidance Note - Assessing Risks of Hazardous Substances  Asbestos Exposure Register
 National Guidance Note - Membrane Method of Estimating Asbestos
 National Guidance Note - Exposure Standards  Exposure Monitoring
 Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
 Training/Induction
 Guidance Note on Interpretation of Exposure Standards for
Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment  Supervision
 AS 2601 The Demolition of Structures
 Hazardous waste removal

1.2(a)  Biological 25 3 2 150  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Biological Safety web site 25 1 2 50
exposure/contamination 1984
Biological M L
Research &  Occupational Safety and Health
 AS/NZS Management of Clinical and Related wastes  Safety Requirements for Purchase  Biohazard, Biosafety and Gene
Activities or Supply of Goods Technology Induction
Regulations 1996:  AS 2476 General Fumigation Procedures
 Release of biological agent o Part 5 - Hazardous substances
into uncontrolled environment  AS 2252 (series) Biological Safety Cabinets  Animal Handling  Risk assessments
 Health Act 1911
 AS 2639 Laminar Flow Cytotoxic Drug Safety Cabinets – Installation  Immunization  Laboratory Safety Course
 Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 and Use
 Working with animals  Inductions
o Physical injuries  Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage  AS/NZS (series) Classification of Hazardous Areas  Infectious Diseases
o Zoonotic diseases and Handling of Non-explosives)  Access to facilities is restricted to
o Allergic hazards Regulations 2007  AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories  Gene Technology
o Part 3: 2010 - Microbiological safety and containment authorised personnel
 Biological Control Act 1986 (WA)  Carcinogens, Mutagens and
 AS 4031 Non-Reusable Containers for the Collection of Sharp  Laboratory Manuals
Teratogens - Research Services
 Importation and exportation of  Biological Control Act 1984 Medical Items Used in Health care Areas grant approval
biological materials (Commonwealth)  Controlled shipping and movement of
 Security Sensitive Biological Agents (SSBA) Standards infectious substances, diagnostic
 Agricultural and Veterinary  Needlestick/Sharps Injury and specimens and genetically modified
Chemicals (Western Australia) Act Disposal of Sharps organisms
 Infectious wastes 1995
CODES OF PRACTICE:  Waste Management - Disposal of  Engineering controls such as laminar
 Agricultural and Veterinary Biological Materials flow cupboards
Chemicals Code Act 1994  National Code of Practice - Ethylene Oxide in Sterilisation
(Commonwealth)  Waste Management - Disposal of  Facility inspections
 National Code of Practice - Labeling of Workplace Substances Hazardous Chemicals (not
 Gene Technology Act 2000
radioactive)  Personnel protective equipment
 National Code of Practice - Hepatitis and HIV
 Gene Technology Regulations 2001  Waste Management - Disposal of  Health monitoring
(Commonwealth) Needles and Syringes
 Australian Dangerous Goods Transport Code Edition 6 & 7  Infectious waste removal
 Gene Technology Act 2006 (WA)
 Waste Control-Autoclave, Incineration
 The National Health Security Act GUIDANCES: GUIDELINES:
2007 (Commonwealth)
 Guidelines for Health Surveillance NOHSC:7039 (1995)]  Autoclaves
 National Health Security

UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 3 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
 Laboratory handling of human
Amendment Bill 2009  Security Sensitive Biological Agents (SSBA) Guidelines biological specimens
 Guidelines for Small Scale Genetic Manipulation Work
 The National Health Security [Commonwealth]  Influenza Guidelines
Regulations 2008 (Commonwealth)
 Handbook on the Regulation of Gene Technology in Australia  Waste Management - Disposal of
 Quarantine Regulations 2000 [Commonwealth] Contaminated Pipettes (R2002)
 Waste Management - Disposal of
 Quarantine Act 1908
Non contaminated disposal
glassware and broken glass
 Export Control Act 1982
 Wildlife Protection (Regulation of
Export and Imports) Act 1982

1.2(b)  Working in health care 25 6 2 300  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Standard precautions 25 1 2 50
Infectious facilities, services and M 1984 L
Diseases environment  Safety Risk Management  Additional precautions (for suspected
 Occupational Safety and Health CODES OF PRACTICE: confirmed infectious disease)
 Working in childcare facilities Regulations 1996  First Aid Procedure
 National Code of Practice - Hepatitis and HIV  Training
 First aid activities  Health Act 1911 (WA)  Needlestick / Sharps Injury and
 National Code of practice for the Control of Work Related Exposure to Disposal of Sharps  Human immunisation
Hepatitis and HIV (Blood-Borne) Viruses [NOHSC:2010 (2003)]
 Infectious wastes
 Infectious Diseases  Personal protective equipment

GUIDANCES:  Health monitoring

 Australian Immunization Handbook (NHMRC) (Commonwealth) GUIDELINES:
 First aid training
 Guidelines for Health Surveillance NOHSC:7039 (1995)]  Influenza
 Infectious waste management
 Guidance Note - Reducing the Risk of Infectious Diseases in
Childcare Workplaces – [WorkSafe WA]
 Australian Government Department of Health and Aging Infection
Control Guidelines 2004
 Australian Quarantine Inspection Service Department of Environment
and Conservation

1.2(c)  Manual handling 25 3 5 375  Occupational Safety and Health Act 25 0.5 5 62.5
STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Animal Ethics Committee
Working with H 1984 L
Animals  Injuries from contact with  Manual Handling
animals (bites, scratches,  Occupational Safety and Health
 Central facilities, with (restricted access)
kicks) Regulations 1996  Animal Handling
CODES OF PRACTICE:  Animal quarantine
 Animal borne disease (Q  Animal Welfare Act 2002  Infectious Diseases
fever)  Training of handlers and carers
 Animal Welfare (General)  Gene Technology
 Animal induced allergies Regulations 2003  Standard operating procedures
GUIDANCES:  Needlestick/Sharps Injury and
 Animals escaping enclosures  Animal Welfare (Scientific Purposes) Disposal of Sharps
Regulations 2003  Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in  Personal protective equipment
Research and Teaching web site
 Animal carcasses and wastes  Quarantine Act 1908  Waste Management - Disposal of
 Alert Preventing Asthma in Animal Handlers [NIOSH] Biological Materials  Human immunisation
 Quarantine Regulations 2000
 Waste Management - Disposal of  Management of animal wastes
Needles and Syringes


1.3  Use of faulty 50 6 5 1500  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Pre-purchase safety considerations 50 1 2 100
Electrical equipment/appliances VH 1984 M
 AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories  Electrical Safety and Electrical  Visual inspections for damage
 Use of uncertified electrical  Occupational Safety and Health o Part 7: 1991 - Electrical aspects Work Procedure
equipment/appliances Regulations 1996:  Scheduled testing and tagging of
 AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules
o Part 4 - Plant  Safety Requirements for Purchase portable electrical equipment
 Incorrect and/or faulty  AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules Appendix A Referenced Documents or Supply of Goods
electrical installation  Electricity Act 1945  Tag out and remove from service
 AS/NZS 3105 Approval and Test Specification – Electrical and  Electrical Equipment damaged or faulty equipment
 Substations and switchboards  Electricity (Licensing) Regulations Portable Outlet Devices
1991  Electrical Equipment Testing and  Qualified and competent electrical
 AS/NZS 3199 Approval and Test Specification – Cord Extension Sets workers for design, manufacture and
UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 4 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
 Electricity Regulations 1947  AS/NZS 3760 In service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical testing
 Electrical installation by licensed
 AS 3112 Approval and Test Specification – Plug and Socket Outlets electricians
 AS/NZS 1660 (series) Test Methods for Electric Cables, Cords and  Use of RCDs
Conductors  Portable Appliance Testing
and Tagging
 RCD testing program
CODES OF PRACTICE:  Electrical safety – A user guide to  Signage
the safe use of electrical
GUIDANCES: equipment on UWA premises  Workplace Inspections
 Isolation of Plant (also cited under Plant and Equipment)  UWA Electrical Design Competency
 Guidance to testing & tagging portable electrical equipment and
residual current devices at workplaces [WorkSafe WA]

1.4(a) 25 3 2 150 STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Plant Registers 25 1 2 50

Plant and  Injury / Health impacts M  Occupational Safety and Health Act L
Equipment 1984
 AS 3610-1995 Formwork for Concrete  Safety Requirements for Purchase  Pre purchase safety considerations
 Lack of operator competency /  AS/NZS 4576 – 1995 Guidelines for Scaffolding or Supply of Goods
training  Plant Hazard and Risk Assessments
 Occupational Safety and Health  AS 3892 Pressure Equipment – Installation  Plant and Equipment
 Unassessed plant and Regulations 1996:  Guarding and engineering controls
equipment o Part 4 - Plant  AS 4024 (series) Safety of Machinery  Hot Work
 Emergency stops
 AS 1200 Pressure Equipment
 Lack of/inappropriate guarding  Permit to Work
 AS 1219 Power Presses – Safety Requirements
 Training and supervision
 Unrestricted access  Use of University Vehicles
 AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories  Restricted access
 Poorly managed or o Part 6: 2010 - Plant and equipment aspects  Safety Risk Management  Scheduled maintenance
maintained plant  AS 1893 Code of Practice for the Guarding and Safe Use of Metal and
 Adverse impact on the Paper Cutting Guillotines  Standard Operating Procedures
environment:  AS 1418 (series) Cranes, Hoists and Winches GUIDELINES:
o waste generation from  Tag Out Procedures
plant  AS 1353 (series) Flat Synthetic-Webbing Slings  Personal Protective Equipment
o decommissioning and  Personal protective equipment
removal of plant  AS 1380 (series) Fibre-Rope Slings
 Work Environment, plant and  Waste removal
 AS 1438 (series) Wire-Coil Flat Slings equipment - inspection, testing
 Refer to “Electrical”
and monitoring  Removal of decommissioned plant
 Refer to “Ionising Radiation”  AS 4497 (series) Round slings—Synthetic Fibre
 AS 1473 (series) Guarding and Safe Use of Woodworking Machinery  Scheduled Inspections
 Refer to “Non-Ionising
Radiation”  AS/NZS 1576 (series) Scaffolding  First Aid

 National Standard for Plant [NOHSC:1010(1994)]  Licenses and Registration (e.g. High
risk licenses or registration of pressure
 Abrasive Blasting
 Concrete and Masonry Cutting and Drilling
 Excavation
 Safeguarding of Machinery and Plant

Isolation of Plant [WorkSafe WA] (also cited under Electrical)
 Plant Design [WorkSafe WA] (also cited under Workplace Design and
 Plant in the Workplace [WorkSafe WA] (also cited under Workplace
Design and Construction)
 Powered Mobile Plant
 Working Safely with Forklifts

1.4(b)  Hearing impairment 25 6 2 300  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Purchasing less noisy plant and 25 1 2 50

UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 5 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
1984  AS 1055 (series) Acoustics – Description and Measurement of
Noise  Noise in excess of the H Environmental Noise PROCEDURES: equipment L
exposure standards
 Occupational Safety and Health  AS 1269 (series) Occupational Noise Management  Pre-purchasing checklist
 Resolving Safety & Health Issues
 Distracting noise Regulations 1996:
o Part 3 - Noise control & hearing
 AS 2822 Acoustics – Methods Of Assessing And Producing Speech  Acoustic engineering controls
Privacy And Speech Intelligibility
 Noise impact on surrounding protection GUIDELINES:  Noise Risk Assessments
community  AS 2107 Acoustics – Recommended Design Sound Levels and
Reverberation Times for Building Interiors  Personal Protective Equipment  Audiometric screening
CODES OF PRACTICE:  Safety Signage Audit Tool  PPE - hearing protection
 Managing Noise at Workplaces
 Hearing protection training
 Control of Noise in the Music Entertainment Industry
 Signage
 National Code of Practice for Noise Management and Protection of
hearing at Work (NOHSC:2009 [2004])  Restricted access
 HB Occupational Personal Protection
 Managing Noise at Work (Commonwealth)

1.4(c)  Radioactive substances 25 6 2 300
 Occupational Safety and Health STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Radiological Council Registration of 25 1 1 25
Ionising o External exposure M 1984 Radioactive Substances, Premise and L
 AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories  Radioactive Materials Equipment; Licensing of Individuals
Radiation o Internal contamination
o Part 4: 1998 - Ionizing radiations
o Storage, transport, disposal  Working Rules
 Occupational Safety and Health  Pre-purchase checklist
Regulations 1996: CODES OF PRACTICE:  Radioactive Spill Emergency
 Irradiating apparatus
o X-ray burns (skin, eyes) o Part 5 - Hazardous substances Procedures  Radiation Safety Officer
 National Code of Practice - Labeling of Workplace Substances
 Transport of radioactive materials  School Radiation Safety Officers / Laser
 National Standard for Limiting Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Safety Officers
 Radiation Safety Act 1975 – 1999 Radiation [NOHSC:1013(1995)]  Wipe Test

 Radiation Safety (General )  Code of Practice Exposure of Humans to Ionizing Radiation for  Personal Radiation Monitoring  Risk Management (Risk Assessments,
Research Purposes (Commonwealth) SOP’s, Method Statements)
Regulations 1983 – 2003
 Nuclear Moisture/Density Gauges
 Code of Practice and Safety Guide for Radiation protection in  Risk Management
 Radiation Safety (Transport of  Cabinet X-ray
Dentistry (Commonwealth)
Radioactive Substances)  Radiation Training
Regulations 2002  Code of Practice for the Security of Radioactive Sources  Dental X-ray Machines
(Commonwealth)  Intra-Oral Dental X-ray Units  Radiation Audit program
 Radiation Safety (Qualifications)
Regulations 1980 - 2000  Radioisotope Laboratories  Secured radiation storage
 Nuclear Waste Storage and  Sealed Radioactive School  Radiation Protocols (risk assessments)
Transport (Prohibition) Act 1999  Recommendations for Limiting Exposure to Ionizing radiation (1995) Sources
(Commonwealth) (Guidance Note [NOHSC:3022(1995)]  Personal monitoring (badges)
 Safety With Radioactivity
 Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency Fields -- 3 kHz to 300
 Nuclear Non-Proliferation
GHz, (Radiation Protection Series No. 3)  X-ray Analysis Machines  Contamination monitoring (wipe testing)
(Safeguards) Act 1987
(Commonwealth)  National Directory for Radiation Protection (Commonwealth)  X-Ray Equipment  Central Radioactive Waste Store

 Refer to “Plant” classification for plant Standards/Codes/Guidance  Waste Management - Disposal of  Controlled Access
Radioactive Waste

 Radiation Emergency Call List  Supervision

 Radioactive Materials Protocol  PPE

 School Radiation Safety Officers
 Summary of Monthly Wipe Tests
 Biological Monitoring – Urine
Analysis and Thyroid Monitoring

1.4(d)  Excessive exposure to non- 25 6 3 450  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Radiological Council Registration of 25 0.5 3 37.5
ionising radiation 1984 Irradiating Apparatus; Electronic
Non-Ionising H  AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories L
Radiation  Lasers Products; Licensing of Individuals
 Occupational Safety and Health o Part 5: 2004 - Non-ionizing radiations - Electromagnetic, sound &
(excluding  Burns
outdoors) o Skin Regulations 1996 ultrasound  Class 3B and 4 Laser Equipment  Radiation Safety Officer
o Eyes  AS 2397 Safe Use of Lasers in the Building and Construction Industry  Local Laser Safety Officers
 Radiation Safety Act 1975 - 1999
UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 6 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
 Radiation Safety (Qualifications)  AS/NZS 2211 (series) Safety of Laser products  Radiation Training
Regulations 1980 - 2000  Radiation Protection Standard for Maximum Exposure levels to  Laser Safety Officers
Radiofrequency Fields – 3kHz to 300GHz (Commonwealth) Responsibilities  Radiation Audit program

 Radiation Protection Standard for Occupational Exposure to  Microwave Oven Safety  Risk Management (Risk Assessments,
Ultraviolet Radiation (Commonwealth) SOP’s, Method Statements)

 Refer to “Plant” classification for plant Standards/Codes/Guidances  Signage

CODES OF PRACTICE:  Controlled Access

GUIDANCES:  Supervision


1.4(e)  Injury and/or property damage 50 1 5 250  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES: 50 0.5 3 75
Traffic M 1984  Traffic management: L
 Uncontrolled vehicle access  AS/NZS 2890.1 -2004 Parking Facilities - Off Street Parking Land By-Laws o Controlled access onto inner campus
on inner campus  Occupational Safety and Health o Designated parking spaces
Regulations 1996  AS/NZS 4602 - 1999 High Visibility Safety Garments o Speed limits on campus
 Interaction of vehicles, cyclists o Designated delivery points
and pedestrians  Road Traffic Act 1974 CODES OF PRACTICE: o Traffic signs
o Walkways and pathways
 Cyclists not wearing helmets  Road Safety Council Act 2002 GUIDANCES: o Parking patrols and fines
 Working Safely with Forklifts [WorkSafe WA]
 Speed  Road Traffic Administration Act 2008  Management of cyclists:
 Safe Movement of Vehicles at Workplaces [WorkSafe WA] o Signage
 Unauthorised and/or unsafe  Road Traffic (Authorisation to Drive) o Monitoring
parking Act 2008  Safe Movement of Vehicles [WorkSafe WA]
 Security Services

1.4(f)  Personal injury 50 1 2 100  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Licensed and trained personnel with 50 0.5 1 25
Firearms, M 1984 access to firearms L
Regulated and  Theft and misuse
Prescribed  Occupational Safety and Health  Secure firearm storage
Weapons Regulations 1996 CODES OF PRACTICE:
 Register of firearms with Security
 National Firearms Safety Code (Commonwealth)
 Firearms Act 1973
 Personal Protective Equipment –
 WA Firearms Safety Handbook
hearing and eye protection

 Routine cleaning and maintenance of


1.5  Occupational stress 15 3 5 225  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Mental Health Promotion 15 1 5 75
1984 o Health & wellbeing activities and
Psychosocial  Workplace bullying and M L
harassment  Occupational Safety and Health  UWA Staff Agreements workshops
CODES OF PRACTICE: o Training and awareness
Regulations 1996
 Violence (e.g.  Code of Ethics & Code of Conduct
Occupational/Domestic)  Violence, Aggression and Bullying at Work (SafeWork Australia)  Case and Injury Management Support
 UWA grievance and complaint
 Fatigue  Working Hours resolution procedures  Counseling support services (EAP)

 Prevention and resolution of  UWA Medical Centre support

GUIDANCES: workplace harassment and
bullying  Security Services
 Dealing with bullying at work (a guide for workers) (WorkSafe WA)
 Dealing with workplace bullying - a worker's guide (SafeWork  UWA Organisational Change and  Training/ Induction (e.g. Bulling, Sexual
Australia) Change Management process Harassment)
 Guide for preventing and responding to workplace bullying (SafeWork
Australia)  UWA Policy on Mental Health &
 Guide for managing the risk of fatigue at work (SafeWork Australia) Mental Health Emergency on
 Fatigue management - a worker's guide (SafeWork Australia) Campus procedure

 Staff Appraisal Procedures

2.1  Poor ergonomic and work 15 3 5 225  Occupational Safety and Health Act  STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Provision of facilities: 15 1 5 75
Workplace station layout M 1984 o toilets L
 AS 1680 (series) Interior Lighting  Safety Risk Management o washing facilities
and Facilities  Poor storage and office space  AS 3590 (series) Screen-Based Workstations o eating
 Occupational Safety and Health  Computer Workstation
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Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
 Poor environmental Regulations 1996: Ergonomics
characteristics: o Part 3 - Workplace Safety  AS 2107 Noise in Offices  Workplace design
o thermal discomfort Requirements  AS 2822 Acoustics – Methods Of Assessing And Producing Speech  Waste Management - Disposal of
o nuisance noise Privacy And Speech Intelligibility Miscellaneous Waste  Ergonomic assessments
o inadequate lighting
o glare  AS 2107 Acoustics – Recommended Design Sound Levels and  Incident, Near Miss and Hazard
Reverberation Times For Building Interiors GUIDELINES: reporting and follow-up
 Poorly maintained equipment  AS/NZS 1668 (series) The Use Of Ventilation And Air Conditioning In  Work Environment, plant and  Workplace inspections
Buildings equipment - inspection, testing
 Office waste  Office waste removal and recycling
and monitoring
 AS/NZS 4438 Height Adjustable Swivel Chairs
 Inadequate access to facilities  Planned preventive maintenance
including:  AS/NZS 4442 Office Desks  Summary for Good Seated
o toilets Posture at the Computer
 AS/NZS 4443 Office Panel Systems – Workstations
o washing facilities
 Computer Workstation and Office
o drinking water  AS/NZS 2466 Guide to the Design of Microform Workstations Safety Checklist
o dining facilities
 Ergonomic Equipment available
 Emergency access and CODES OF PRACTICE: from UWA Safety and Health
 First aid, workplace amenities and personal protective clothing  Home-based Work Guidelines
 National Code of Practice for the Prevention of Occupational Overuse  Thermal Comfort
Syndrome [NOHSC:2013 (1994)]


 General Duty of Care in Western Australian Workplaces

 Preparing for Emergency Evacuations at the Workplace

 Ergonomic Principles And Checklists For The Selection Of Office
Furniture And Equipment (Commonwealth)
 Guidance Note for the Prevention of Occupational Overuse Syndrome
in Keyboard Employment [NOHSC:3005 (1996)]

2.2  Exposure to adverse weather 50 1 2 100  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Risk Management (Risk Assessments, 50 0.5 1 25
Working conditions: M 1984 SOP’s, Method Statements) L
o uncontrolled environment  Safety Risk Management
o thermal (heat cold)  Occupational Safety and Health  Driving in Remote Locations
 Scheduled work at appropriate times,
o ultraviolet light exposure Regulations 1996 CODES OF PRACTICE: seasons and weather conditions
o rain  Field Work Procedures in Rural
o wind and Remote Areas  Standard operating procedures
o lightning
GUIDANCES:  Underwater Diving  PPE:
o Wet weather gear
 Marine Vessel Safety and
 Safe Movement of Vehicles at Workplaces o Long sleeved clothing
o Sunhats
 Radiation Protection Standard for Occupational Exposure to o Sunglasses
Ultraviolet Radiation (Commonwealth)
o Appropriate Footwear
 Working Overseas - Safety and
 Guidance Note for the Protection of Workers from Ultraviolet Radiation
in Sunlight [NOHSC:3012 (1991)]
Health Guidelines  Sunscreen

 30/30 lightning guidance

 First Aid

2.3  Hazards associated with the 50 3 3 450  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Laboratory design 50 0.5 3 75
work/research undertaken in 1984
Laboratories H L
the laboratory. For example:
 Occupational Safety and Health
 AS 1319 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment  Workplace Inspections  Laboratory manuals
(non- o chemical
Regulations 1996:  AS 2982.1 Laboratory Design and Construction – General  Laboratory Emergency Response
radioactive) o microbiological
o Part 3 - Workplace Safety Requirements
 Risk Management (Risk Assessments,
o ionising radiation (section  Emergency and Critical Incident SOP’s, Method Statements)
5)  AS 4775 Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment Management Plans
o Part 4 - Plant  Training
o non-ionising radn
(section 6)  AS 2243 (series) Safety in Laboratories  Safety Risk Management
 Licensing of Liquid Waste o Part 1: 2005 - Planning and operational aspects  Restricted access
o Part 2: 2006 - Chemical aspects  Electrical Equipment
 mechanical aspects Regulations 1967
o Part 3: 2010 - Microbiological safety and containment  Electrical Equipment Testing and
 Area (laboratory) inductions
 electrical aspects  Water Corporation Act 1995 o Part 4: 1998 - Ionizing radiations Tagging Policy
o Part 5: 2004 - Non-ionizing radiations-Electromagnetic, sound &  Laboratory inspections
 Hazards associated with using  Water Supply Sewerage and  Plant and Equipment
plant and equipment. For Drainage Act 1912
o Part 6: 2010 - Plant and equipment aspects  Personal protective equipment
example:  Waste Management - Disposal of
 Health (Treatment of Sewage and o Part 7: 1991 - Electrical aspects
o centrifuge General Laboratory Wastes  Supervision
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Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
o autoclave o Part 8: 2006 - Fume cupboards
o microscope Disposal of Effluent and Liquid o Part 9: 2009 - Recirculating fume cabinets  Waste Management - Disposal of  Refer to specific hazard classification
Waste) Regulations 1974 Hazardous Chemicals (not for required controls
o pipette o Part 10: 2004 - Storage of chemicals
o fume hoods
o biological cabinets  AS 2430.3.6 Classification of Hazardous Areas - Examples of Area
Classification - Laboratories, Including fume Cupboards and GUIDELINES:
o refrigerators/freezers
Flammable Medical Agents
o cage washer  Laboratory Code of Conduct
o compressed gases CODES OF PRACTICE:  Eyewash and Emergency
 Occupational Health and Safety Code of Practice 2008 Showers
 Generation of wastes as per (Commonwealth) Part 9 - Safety in Laboratories
 National Code of Practice - Labeling of Workplace Substances  Autoclaves
specific hazard classification
 First aid, workplace amenities and personal protective clothing
 Work Environment, plant and
 Code of Practice: Safe Design of Buildings and Structures 2008 equipment - inspection, testing
and monitoring

2.4  Injury and/or property damage 50 3 3 450  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Specialised facilities, restricted access 50 0.5 3 75
Workshops H L
 Unassessed plant and  Occupational Safety and Health
 Appropriate selection and maintenance
equipment  Workplace Inspections of equipment, tools and chemicals
Regulations 1996
 Poorly maintained equipment  Safety Risk Management  Risk Management (Risk Assessments,
 First aid, workplace amenities and personal protective clothing SOP’s, Method Statements)
 Lack of/inappropriate guarding  Electrical Equipment
 National Code of Practice - Labeling of Workplace Substances  Training, including induction
 Lack of operator competency /  Electrical Equipment Testing and
training  Health and Safety in Welding – Tech Note 7 Tagging  Standard operating procedures

 Hazards associated with the  Plant and Equipment  Good housekeeping

work undertaken. For GUIDANCES:
 Waste Management - Disposal of  Management of wastes
o mechanical equipment  Plant in the Workplace Hazardous Chemicals (not
radioactive)  Audit/Inspections
o electrical equipment
 Safe Use of Woodworking Machinery
o industrial chemicals  First Aid
o wastes  Safe Use of Chemicals in the Woodworking Industry  PPE
 Controlling Wood Dust Hazards at Work  Eyewash and Emergency
 Unrestricted access Showers

 Refer to specific hazard  Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

 Work Environment, plant and
classifications equipment - inspection, testing
and monitoring

2.5  Asphyxiation 50 1 2 100  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Confined space requirements 50 0.5 2 50
Confined  Entrapment M L
 AS/NZS 2865 Safe Working in a Confined Space  Confined Space  Confined space register
 Unrestricted access to  Occupational Safety and Health
confined spaces  Permit to Work  Confined space entry permit system
Regulations 1996:
o Part 3, Division 8
 Inadequate risk assessment CODES OF PRACTICE:
 Safety Risk Management  Confined space entry training
of confined space
 Confined space emergency procedures
 Inadequate identification of GUIDELINES:
confined space GUIDANCES:  Safety signage
 HB 213 Guidelines for Safe Working in a Confined Space  Work Environment, plant and
 Poorly ventilated workplaces equipment - inspection, testing  Restricted access
and monitoring

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Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating

2.6  Fall from height 50 1 3 150  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Fall protection: 50 0.5 3 75
1984 PROCEDURES: o Handrails and barriers
Working at M L
Heights Above  Working close to an edge  AS/NZS 1891 (series) Industrial Fall-Arrest Systems and Devices o Elevated work platforms
unprotected  Occupational Safety and Health  Contractor safety handbook for o scaffolding
2 Metres contractors, sub-contractors and
Regulations 1996  AS/NZS 1576 (series) Scaffolding o edge protection
their employees
 Unsuitable working
environment:  AS 1577 Scaffold Planks  Fall arrest and anchor point systems
o slippery roof  Safety Risk Management
o brittle roof  AS/NZS 4576 Guidelines for Scaffolding  Standard Operating Procedures
o adverse weather conditions GUIDELINES:  Height safety training (including
(wind and rain)  AS/1657 Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and ladders – Design,
Construction and Installation recovery and emergency response)
 Unsecured equipment
 AS/NZS 1892 (series) Portable Ladders  Accessing heights under suitable
 Inappropriate use of access weather conditions (e.g. not raining and
and/or fall arrest equipment little/no wind)
 Faulty, poorly maintained or
 Restricted access and entry points
inappropriate use of:  Prevention of Falls at Workplaces 2004 (WA)
o Ladders
 Ladder training
o Scaffold  Elevated work platform training
o elevated work platform GUIDANCES:
o harnesses and lanyards
 Fall Prevention for Scaffolders  Barricading
o anchor points
 Equipment testing


2.7  Legionella bacteria in cooling 15 6 2 180  Occupational Safety and Health Act  Cooling tower system registration 15 1 2 30
tower system 1984 STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:
Cooling M L
 Safety Risk Management  Scheduled testing, maintenance and
 Access to roofs  AS/NZ 36666.1:2002 part 1: Microbial control - Design, installation management of cooling towers
 Occupational Safety and Health and commissioning
 Access to plant Regulations 1996:  AS/NZ 36666.2:2002 part 2: : Microbial control - Operation and
GUIDELINES:  Regular water quality testing
o Part 4 - Plant Maintenance
 Use of chemicals  Restricted access to authorised
 AS/NZ 36666.3.2000 part 3: : Microbial control - Performance-based personnel
 Working at heights  Health (and Water Systems) maintenance of cooling water systems
Regulations 1994
 Refer to “Plant”

 Refer to “Chemical” CODES OF PRACTICE:

 Prevention and Control of Legionnaires Disease
 Refer to “Working at Heights”

 A Guide to Developing Risk Management Plans (Commonwealth)

3.1  Manual handling 25 6 5 750  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Manual handling risk management 25 3 3 225
tasks/activities that include the 1984  Manual Handling plans
Manual following characteristics: VH  National Standard for Manual Tasks (Commonwealth) M
Handling and  Occupational Safety and Health
o repetitive or sustained
Regulations 1996  Ergonomics  Manual handling training
application of force See also Section 20 Workplace, Environment and Facilities
o repetitive or sustained  Computer Laptop  Workstation ergonomic assessments
awkward posture
o repetitive or sustained CODES OF PRACTICE:  Computer Workstation  Mechanical aids and lifting devices:
movement Ergonomics o trolleys
o application of high  Manual Handling o forklifts
 Improving Manual Handling Poster
force  o pedestrian stackers and walkers
o exposure to sustained  National Code of Practice – Occupational Overuse Syndrome  Vision Testing and Prescription o platform ladders
vibration o hoists
 National Code of Practice for Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
from Performing Manual Handling tasks at Work (Commonwealth) GUIDELINES:  Pre purchase safety considerations
 handling of a person or an  Manual Handling Guidelines
GUIDANCES:  Provision of ergonomic equipment
 Computer Workstation and Office
 handling of unstable or Safety Checklist
unbalanced loads or loads
which are difficult to grasp or  Ergonomic Equipment available
hold from UWA Safety and Health

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Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating

3.2  Domestic travel 50 6 5 1500  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Travel Policy 50 1 5 250
Travel and Off  Overseas travel VH M
campus  International Travel Risk Assessment
 Occupational Safety and Health  Travel Policy and Plan
Activities  Remote locations
Regulations 1996 CODES OF PRACTICE:
(includes  Field trips and activities  Use of University Vehicles  Medical and Security Travel Support
Fieldwork and  Fatigue Management for Commercial Vehicle Drivers Services Provider
4WD)  Driving and travel  Driving in Remote Locations
arrangements  Field trip Risk Assessment and Plan
 Inadequate communication  Field Work Procedures in Rural
GUIDANCES: and Remote Areas  Communications Plan
 Adverse environmental impact
from field trip activities  Smartraveller web site (Commonwealth)  Manual Handling  4WD training

 Unexpected  Medical and Security Travel Support Services Provider web site  Emergency response procedures
events/emergencies GUIDELINES:
 National Guidelines for Working Alone or in a Remote Locality
[Commonwealth Safety Management Forum] (also cited under After  First aid
Hours on Campus)  Working Overseas - Safety and
Health Guidelines  Induction
 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website [Commonwealth]

3.3  Drowning 50 3 3 450  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Risk Management (Risk Assessments, 50 0.5 3 75
Diving and H 1984 SOP’s, Method Statements) L
 Diving associated conditions  AS 2030 - The verification, filling, inspection, testing and maintenance  Boating Procedures Manual
(e.g. nitrogen narcosis) of cylinders for storage and transport of compressed gases  Fieldwork Registration Forms
 Occupational Safety and Health  AS 2677 - Inflatable boats  Scientific Diving Procedures
 Dangerous marine flora and Regulations 1996 Manual  Fieldwork Planning and Approval Forms
fauna  AS/NZS 2299 - Occupational Diving Operations (Fieldwork safety plans, Method
 Vessel Safety Management statement, Dive proposal, Snorkeling
 Diver poor swimming skills  Western Australian Marine Act 1982  AS 3848 - Filling of portable gas cylinders System operations plan)
 AS 2815 - Training and certification of occupational divers  Fieldwork Forms (checklists, inductions,
 Faulty equipment
 WA Marine (Lifesaving Appliances,  AS 4005 - Training and certification of recreational divers GUIDELINES: dive logs)
 Operating/using boat and Fire Appliance and Miscellaneous
equipment Equipment) Regulations 1983  ISO 24801-3:2014  Flowchart – Planning Process for  Scheduled work at appropriate times,
Diving and Boating Fieldwork seasons and weather conditions
 Adverse diving conditions  Vessel operates in accordance with
 WA Marine (Emergency Procedures CODES OF PRACTICE:
and Safety of Navigation) UWA Vessel Safety Management
Regulations 1983  Man Overboard: prevention and response – Department of System.
Commerce, WA Code of Practice (2010)
 Use of appropriate and maintained
 WA Marine (Certificates of  Ferry and Charter Boat Industry equipment
Competency and Safety Manning)
Rules 1983  Communication (VHF radio, mobile
GUIDANCES: phones, sat. phone)

 Marine and Harbours Act 1981  ADAS Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme – ADAS Operations  Training/ Qualifications
Manual [ADAS Board and Commonwealth]
 First aid
 Defense Research and Development Canada - DCIEM Diving Manual
 Prevention of Collisions at Sea
Regulations 1983  American Association for Underwater Science (AAUS) Standards for
 Supervision
Scientific Diving
 Emergency response procedures
 Man Overboard: Prevention and Response - Draft Code of Practice
(WA)  PPE

 NHMRC Guidelines for Managing Risk in Recreational Water (2008)

3.4  Introduction hazards/risks at 25 3 3 225  Occupational Safety and Health Act Refer to specific hazard classification for Standards / Code / Guidance  Workplace design standard 25 1 3 75
Workplace design M 1984 PROCEDURES: L
Design and
STANDARDS:  Project Managers
 Safety Risk Management
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Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
 Hazards/Risks associated  Occupational Safety and Health
Construction with construction works: Regulations 1996:  AS 2982.1 Laboratory Design and Construction – General  Risk management approach
o electrical o Part 3 - Workplace Safety Requirements
 Facilities Management:
o plant Requirements  AS 1345 Identification of the Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Ducts Compliance - Design Standards
 Restricted/authorised access:
o fall from heights o Part 4 - Plant o Architecture – Building  temporary fencing
o chemicals o Part 6 - Performance of High Risk  AS/NZS 3017 Electrical Installations – Verification Guidelines o Architecture – Electrical  signage
o manual handling Work o Architecture – Hydraulics
o noise
 AS/NZS 3019 Electrical Installations – Periodic Guidelines  Contractor and site induction
o Architecture - Mechanical
o changing environment  AS/NZS 1576 (series) Scaffolding  Refer to specific hazard classification
o unauthorised access
 AS/1657 Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and ladders – Design, for controls
Construction And Installation GUIDELINES:  Hazardous materials removal
 Slip, trips and falls  AS 2436 Guide to Noise Control on Construction, Maintenance and  UWA Buildings and Campus
Demolition Sites Access Guidelines  Routine maintenance

 Hazardous materials removal  Incident reporting and follow-up actions

 Safe Design of Buildings and Structures 2008
 National Code of Practice – Synthetic Mineral Fibres
 Safe Design of Buildings and Structures
 Building Code of Australia (Commonwealth)

 Plant Design (also cited under Plant and Equipment)
 Plant in the Workplace (also cited under Plant and Equipment)
 Prevention of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
 National Standard for Construction Work [NOHSC:1016 (2005)]

3.5  Fire and/or explosion 15 10 3 450  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Contractor and workshop requirements 15 3 1 45
Hot Work H L
 Injury and/or property damage  AS 1335 Hoses and Hose Assemblies for Welding, Cutting and Allied  Hot work permit system
 Occupational Safety and Health Processes  Hot Work Permit
 Conducting hot work outdoors Regulations 1996  AS/NZS 1338.1 Filters for Eye Protectors - Filters For Protection
 Risk Management (Risk Assessments,
during a total fire ban  Contractor Safety Handbook SOP’s, Method Statements)
Against Radiation Generated In Welding And Allied Operations
 AS/NZS 1554 (series) Structural Steel Welding  Training and Induction

 AS 1674 (series) Safety In Welding And Allied Processes  Fire alarm systems

 Fire fighting equipment

 Scheduled maintenance for hot work
 Health and Safety in Welding – Tech Note 7 plant and fire detection and fighting

GUIDANCES:  Scheduled building evacuations and

 Gas Welding Safety Flashback Arresters

 First Aid

3.6  Passive smoking 15 3 2 90  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  No smoking on UWA premises 15 1 2 30
Smoking L L
 Fires  No smoking in buildings, vehicles,
 Occupational Safety and Health CODES OF PRACTICE:  Smoking Policy boats.
 Generation litter/butts Regulations 1996
 Contractor Safety Handbook
 The Tobacco Products Control Act GUIDANCES:
 Appendix to NOHSC guidance note on elimination of tobacco smoke
 Tobacco Products Control
 Guidance Note on Elimination of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the
Regulations 2006
Workplace (NOHSC: 3019 (2003)]

3.7  Injury / heath impacts 15 3 5 225  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Events Management Plans 15 1 5 75
Alcohol and M 1984 L
Other Drugs  Affect on performance  UWA Policy: Alcohol and Other  Alcohol permits and approvals
 Occupational Safety and Health Drugs
 Inappropriate behaviour Regulations 1996 CODES OF PRACTICE:  Responsible serving of alcohol
 Staff Agreements requirements
 Discarded needles
 Counselling services
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Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
 Health Promotion Unit
 Alcohol and Other Drugs at the Workplace
 Supervision
 Australian Drug Information network web site (Commonwealth)
 Security Services

4.1  Injury and/or property damage 25 3 5 375  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Maintenance and lighting 25 1 3 75
Clients, H 1984  Contractor Safety and Health L
Customers and  Unfamiliar with University Policy
 Direct and indirect supervision
General Public OSH procedures  Occupational Safety and Health CODES OF PRACTICE:
Regulations 1996  Student Guide to Safety and  Restricted access to University
 Activities that adversely Health buildings and property
impact on the University GUIDANCES:
environment and/or staff  Supervision
 24 hour security support
 Visitor Safety
 Inductions

 Public liability insurance

4.2  Unfamiliar with workplace and 10 3 5 1500  Occupational Safety and Health Act Refer to specific hazard classification for Standards/Codes/Guidances Refer to specific hazard  Use of Preferred contractors (list) 100 0.5 5 250
OSH procedures 0 1984 classification for policies and
Contractors VH M
STANDARDS: procedures  Contractor agreed scope of works
 High risk and/or specialised  Occupational Safety and Health and/or contracts prior to commencing
tasks Regulations 1996  National Occupational Health and Safety Certification Standard for PROCEDURES: work
Users and Operators of industrial Equipment (NOHSC: 1006 2001)
 Work that adversely impacts  Refer to specific hazard  Contractor Safety and Health  Contractor induction, SM Plan, JSA
on the University personnel classification for legislation Policy requirements
and/or environment CODES OF PRACTICE:
 Contractor Safety Handbook for  Supervision of works and contractors by
 Conducting unsafe work contractors, sub-contractors and Project Officers or School personnel
practices in conflict with GUIDANCES: their employees
University procedures  Contractor performance monitoring and
 Plant in the Workplace  Contractor induction reviews

 Permits to Work


 Job Safety Analysis

4.3  Working alone 50 1 3 150  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: PROCEDURES:  Risk assessments 50 0.5 2 50
After Hours On M 1984 L
Campus CODES OF PRACTICE:  Emergency – General  Communication systems
 Reduction in emergency  Occupational Safety and Health
assistance and support Regulations 1996  Code of Practice Working Hours  Working in Isolation  Training/Induction

GUIDANCES:  Restricted access to University

buildings and property
 Working Alone Guidance Note
 National Guidelines for Working Alone or in a Remote Locality  After hours sign in books
[Commonwealth Safety Management Forum] (also cited under Travel
and Off-Campus activities)  24 hour security support and escort

5.1  Introducing hazards into the 50 6 3 900  Occupational Safety and Health Act Refer to specific hazard classification for Standards/Codes/Guidances  Pre-purchase safety considerations: 50 1 1 50
workplace: 1984 o plant and equipment
Purchasing o plant and equipment VH PROCEDURES: L
(including electrical)
(including electrical) STANDARDS: o chemicals and substances
o chemicals and substances  Occupational Safety and Health  Safety Requirements for Purchase
Regulations 1996: o radiation sources
o radiation sources or Supply of Goods
o Part 3 - Workplace Safety o office furniture and equipment
o office furniture and o personal protective equipment
o Part 4 - Plant
o personal protective
equipment GUIDELINES:

 Introducing new and/or

uncontrolled wastes GUIDANCES:

5.2  Uncontrolled emergency 50 3 5 750  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS: 50 0.5 3 75
Emergency incident leading to adverse VH 1984 PROCEDURES:  Emergency Planning Committee L
outcomes:  AS 3745 Emergency Control Organisation and Procedures for
o Loss of life  Occupational Safety and Health Buildings, Structures and Workplaces  Emergency – General  Campus and specific emergency
management plans
UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 13 of 14

Raw Risk Raw Residual Risk Residu

Category Description of Hazard/Risk Assessment Risk Legislation Standards/Codes/Guidances  University Procedures / Controls Rating al Risk
Rating Guidelines Rating
o injury or illness Regulations 1996  Emergency - Fire & Evacuation
o Property damage  AS 1603 (series) Automatic Fire Detection And Alarm Systems  Inductions and training
o Environmental impacts  Building Code of Australia  AS 1670 (series) Fire Detection, Warning, Control And Intercom  Emergency and Critical Incident
Systems Management Plans  Trained first aiders and building
 Loss of communications wardens
 AS/NZS 1841 (series) Portable Fire Extinguishers  Laboratory Emergency Response
 Loss of services
 Scheduled building evacuations and
 Breakdown in emergency CODES OF PRACTICE:
GUIDELINES:  Building essential services and ongoing
maintenance of those services
 Emergency Procedures Booklet
GUIDANCES:  Building specific emergency procedures
 Emergency Procedures Posters and plans
 Preparing for emergency evacuations at the workplace
 Emergency contact information on
 Task/activity specific emergency
procedures and plans
telephones and maps
 Breathing apparatus availability

5.3  Injury and/or property damage 50 3 5 750  Occupational Safety and Health Act STANDARDS:  Occupational Health and Safety 50 1 1 50
Legal VH 1984 Management System L
Compliance  Prosecution and fines  AS/NZS 4804 Occupational health and safety management systems -
 Occupational Safety and Health General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques  Risk assessments
 Intervention programs Regulations 1996
 AS/NZS 4801: Occupational health and safety management systems  Licenses, Permits and Agreements
 Reputation damage to the  Workers' Compensation and injury - Specification with guidance for use
University Management Act 1981 [WA]  Authorising Officers
 WorkSafe Plan
 Loss of funding – government,  Refer to category classification for  Records management and data control
private sector specific legislation  AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Principles and
Guidelines  University Safety Committee
 Loss of certification
 Safety and Health Representatives and
CODES OF PRACTICE: designated work groups

 Internal auditing
 External auditing

 Incident reporting, recording and


WA Legislation:

Commonwealth Legislation:

WorkSafe WA:

WorkSafe WA Publications:

Safe Work Australia:

National Standards Codes of Practice and related Guidance Notes:

Australian Standards / New Zealand Standards:

UWA Safety and Health Risk Register Authorised by: University Safety Committee This document is uncontrolled when printed. The current version is available on the Safety and Health website Published: September 2016 Version 1.6 Page 14 of 14

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