33 Al Ahzab Translation
33 Al Ahzab Translation
33 Al Ahzab Translation
O Prophet (Muhammad
Yā 'Ayyuhā An-Nabīyu
Attaqi Allāha Wa Lā
SAW)! Keep your duty to
Allāh, and obey not the
َ قا بِ ﱡيالنﱠ أَ ﱡيھَا
اي ِ لﱠهَ َوالَ ال تﱠ
Tuţi`i Al-Kāfirīna Wa Al- disbelievers and the ق ِر ْيل َكافِا تُ ِط ِع
ِ ِين َو ْال ُمنَاف
َ َن
Munāfiqīna 'Inna Allāha
Kāna `Alīmāan
hypocrites (i.e., do not follow
their advices). Verily! Allāh َِن َعلِيما ً َح ِكيماالﱠهَ َكال ﱠنإ
Ĥakīmāan is Ever AllKnower, AllWise. ◌ً
(Al-Ahzab 33:1)
'Ashiĥĥatan `Alaykum Being miserly towards you َءاأَ ِش ﱠحةً َعلَ ْي ُك ْم فَإ ِ َذا َج
Fa'idhā Jā'a Al-Khawfu
Ra'aytahum Yanžurūna
(as regards help and aid in
Allāh's Cause). Then when ف َرأَ ْيتَھُ ْم يَا ُ َن وظُ ُر ْن ْل َخ ْو
'Ilayka Tadūru fear comes, you will see them ْك تَ ُد َ كوإِلَي َ لﱠ ِذي ا ُر أَ ْعيُنُھُ ْم
ِ ْل َم ْو
looking to you, their eyes
'A`yunuhum Kālladhī revolving like (those of) one ت فَإ ِ َذا ا يُ ْغ َشى َعلَ ْي ِه ِم َن
Yughshá `Alayhi Mina over whom hovers death, but ب َ َف َسلَقُو ُكا َذھ ُ ْم ْل َخ ْو
Al-Mawti Fa'idhā
Dhahaba Al-Khawfu
when the fear departs, they
will smite you with sharp ىاح َد بِأ َ ْل ِسنَ ٍة
ِ ٍَد أَ ِش ﱠحةً َعل
Salaqūkum Bi'alsinatin tongues, miserly towards او َالئِ َك لَ ْم ي ُْؤ ِمنُوأُ ِر ْل َخ ْياْ
Ĥidādin 'Ashiĥĥatan `Alá (spending anything in any) َ ََن الﱠهُ أَ ْع َمالَھُ ْم َو َكال فَأَحْ ب
Al-Khayri 'Ūlā'ika Lam good (and only covetous of
Yu'uminū Fa'aĥbaţa booty and wealth). Such have ً◌ لﱠ ِه يَ ِسيراال َذلِ َك َعلَى
not believed. Therefore Allāh
Allāhu 'A`mālahum Wa
makes their deeds fruitless,
Kāna Dhālika `Alá and that is ever easy for
Allāhi Yasīrāan Allāh. (Al-Ahzab 33:19)
They think that AlAhzāb (the
Yaĥsabūna Al-'Aĥzāba Confederates) have not yet
Lam Yadh/habū Wa 'In withdrawn, and if AlAhzāb ُب لَ ْم األَحْ َزا َنويَحْ َسب َ
Ya'ti Al-'Aĥzābu (the Confederates) should ت ْن َوإِ ايَ ْذھَبُو ْ
ِ بُ األَحْ َزا يَأ
come (again), they would
Yawaddū Law 'Annahum
Bādūna Fī Al-'A`rābi
wish they were in the deserts َن فِيوبَا ُد ْمھُنﱠلَ ْو أَ ايَ َو ﱡدو
Yas'alūna `An 'Anbā'ikum
(wandering) among the
bedouins, seeking news about
ب يَسْأ َ ُلاألَ ْع َرا ِ َن َع ْن و
Wa Law Kānū Fīkum you (from a far place); and if َك ْنأ
َ َما ْمفِي ُك انُوابَائِ ُك ْم َولَ ْو
Mā Qātalū 'Illā
they (happen) to be among
you, they would not fight but
ً◌ إِالﱠ قَلِيال واقَاتَ ُل
little. (Al-Ahzab 33:20)
Wa 'Anzala Al-Ladhīna
And those of the people of َظاھَرُوھُيلﱠ ِذا َز َل ْن َوأ َ ْم َن
the Scripture who backed
Žāharūhum Min 'Ahli Al- them (the disbelievers) Allāh تا ِم ْن أَ ْھ ِل َ ب ِم ْال ِكِ ْن
Kitābi Min Şayāşīhim Wa
Qadhafa Fī Qulūbihimu
brought them down from
their forts and cast terror into
ف فِي َ اصي ِھ ْم َوقَ َذِ َ صيَ
Ar-Ru`ba Farīqāan their hearts, (so that) a group ب فَال قُلُوبِ ِھ ُم َ ـــاررﱡ ْع
ِ ً◌ يقـ
Taqtulūna Wa Ta'sirūna (of them) you killed, and a
group (of them) you made
َووتَأْ ِس ُر َنوتُ ُل ْقت َ َـــار َن ف
ِ يقـ
captives. (Al-Ahzab 33:26) ◌ً
Wa 'Awrathakum And He caused you to inherit
'Arđahum Wa Diyārahum their lands, and their houses, ارھُ ْم َ َْوأَ ْو َرثَ ُك ْم أَر
َ َضھُ ْم َو ِدي
Wa 'Amwālahum Wa
'Arđāan Lam Taţa'ūhā Wa
and their riches, and a land
which you had not trodden
لَ ْم ً◌ َوأَ ْم َوالَھُ ْم َوأَرْ ضا
Kāna Allāhu `Alá (before). And Allāh is Able ُ طئ َ لﱠهُ َعلَى ال َناوھَا َو
َ َ كت
Kulli Shay'in to do all things. (Al-Ahzab
ً◌ قَ ِديرا ◌ٍ ُكلﱢ َش ْيء
Yā 'Ayyuhā An-Nabīyu
Qul Li'zwājika 'In
O Prophet (Muhammad
SAW)! Say to your wives: If اج َك لْ بِ ﱡي قُالنﱠ يَاأَ ﱡيھَا ِ ِأل ْز َو
ِةَ ْال َح َيا َن ْد ِرتُ ﱠنتُ ْن ُك ْنإ
Kuntunna Turidna Al- you desire the life of this
Ĥayā Ata Ad-Dunyā Wa world, and its glitter, Then
Zīnatahā Fata`ālayna come! I will make a ا َو ِزينَتَھَا فَتَ َعالَي َْن يَ ْن ﱡدال
'Umatti`kunna Wa provision for you and set you َس َراحا ﱠن َوأُ َسرﱢ حْ ُك ﱠنأُ َمتﱢ ْع ُك
'Usarriĥkunna free in a handsome manner
(divorce). (Al-Ahzab 33:28) ◌ً ً◌ َج ِميال
Sarāĥāan Jamīlāan
O Prophet (Muhammad
Yā 'Ayyuhā An-Nabīyu
'Innā 'Aĥlalnā Laka
SAW)! Verily, We have َ انبِ ﱡي إِالنﱠ أَ ﱡيھَا
اي أَحْ لَ ْلنَا لَ َك ﱠ
'Azwājaka Al-Lātī 'Ātayta
made lawful to you your
wives, to whom you have
اج َك َ تال أَ ْز َو ِ ْت يالﱠ َ آتَي
'Ujūrahunna Wa Mā paid their Mahr (bridal ُُورھَ ت ﱠنأُج ْ يَ ِمينُ َك َو َما َملَ َك
Malakat Yamīnuka
Mimmā 'Afā'a Allāhu
money given by the husband
to his wife at the time of
ف ا ﱠم ِم َ َْك ال َءاأ َ لﱠهُ َعلَي
`Alayka Wa Banāti marriage), and those اوبَ َن َ ت َع ِ ت ا َك َوبَ َن ﱢم ِ
`Ammika Wa Banāti (captives or slaves) whom
your right hand possesses -
ت َخاااتِ َك َوبَ َن ﱠم َع ِ َِك ل
`Ammātika Wa Banāti
Khālika Wa Banāti
whom Allāh has given to اوبَ َن َ ت َخاالَتِ َك ِ الﱠتِي ال
Khālātika Al-Lātī Hājarna
you, and the daughters of
your 'Amm (paternal uncles)
اجرْ َن َم َع َك َوا ْم َرأَة َ ًَ◌ ھ
Ma`aka Wa Amra'atan and the daughters of your ت نَ ْف َسھَا ْنإِ ً◌ ُم ْؤ ِمنَة ْ ََوھَب
Mu'uminatan 'In Wahabat
Nafsahā Lilnnabīyi 'In
'Ammah (paternal aunts) and
the daughters of your Khāl
ْنبِ ﱡي أَالنﱠ َدابِ ﱢي إِ ْن أَ َرنﱠلِل
'Arāda An-Nabīyu 'An (maternal uncles) and the َ صةلِ ِك َحھَا َخانيَس
ْت َ ◌ً لَ َك
Yastankiĥahā Khālişatan daughters of your Khālah يل ُم ْؤ ِم ِنا ِنو ُد ْن ِم ْ َْد َن ق
Laka Min Dūni Al- (maternal aunts) who
Mu'uminīna Qad `Alimnā
migrated (from Makkah) with َعلِ ْمنَا َما فَ َرضْ نَا َعلَ ْي ِھ ْم
Mā Farađnā `Alayhim Fī
you, and a believing woman
if she offers herself to the
ِ تْ اج ِھ ْم َو َما َملَ َكِ أَ ْز َو
'Azwājihim Wa Mā Prophet, and the Prophet
wishes to marry her; a
ُ َْك وأَ ْي َمانُھُ ْم لِ َك ْيالَ ي
ك َ َن َعلَي
Malakat 'Aymānuhum
Likaylā Yakūna `Alayka privilege for you only, not for او َك ٌ◌ َح َرج َ لﱠهُ َغفُوراال َن
Ĥarajun Wa Kāna Allāhu the (rest of) the believers.
Indeed We know what We
◌ً ً◌ َر ِحيما
Ghafūrāan Raĥīmāan have enjoined upon them
about their wives and those
(captives or slaves) whom
their right hands possess, - in
order that there should be no
difficulty on you. And Allāh
is Ever OftForgiving, Most
Merciful. (Al-Ahzab 33:50)
You (O Muhammad SAW)
Turjī Man Tashā'u
can postpone (the turn of)
Minhunna Wa Tu'uwī whom you will of them (your
'Ilayka Man Tashā'u Wa
Mani Abtaghayta
wives), and you may receive
whom you will. And
ش ْنتُرْ ِجي َم َ َﱠن ُء ِم ْنھُات
Mimman `Azalta Falā whomsoever you desire of يوتُ ْؤ ِو
َ ْك َم َ ش ْنإِلَي َ َُء ات
Junāĥa `Alayka Dhālika those whom you have set
aside (her turn temporarily),
َ ت ﱠمتَ َغي
ْت ِم ْبا َو َم ِن َ ْن َع َز ْل
'Adná 'An Taqarra
'A`yunuhunna Wa Lā it is no sin on you (to receive ْك َذلِ َك أَافَالَ ج َُن َ ىن ْد َح َعلَي َ
Yaĥzanna Wa Yarđayna
her again), that is better; that َﱠن َوالَ يَحْ َز ﱠنتَقَ ﱠر أَ ْعيُنُھُ ْنأ
they may be comforted and
Bimā 'Ātaytahunna not grieved, and may all be ضي َْن بِ َم َ ُﱠن ُكلﱡھُ ﱠنآتَ ْيتَھ
َ ْاويَر
Kulluhunna Wa Allāhu
Ya`lamu Mā Fī
pleased with what you give
them. Allāh knows what is in َ لﱠهُ يَ ْعلَ ُم َما فِي قُلُوبِ ُك ْم
Qulūbikum Wa Kāna your hearts. And Allāh is او َك َ ً◌ ما ً َحلِيمالﱠهُ َعلِيال َن
Allāhu `Alīmāan Ever AllKnowing, Most
Ĥalīmāan Forbearing. (Al-Ahzab
Lā Yaĥillu Laka An-Nisā' It is not lawful for you (to
Min Ba`du Wa Lā 'An marry other) women after َ َبَ ْع ُد ْنلنِ َساء ِما الَ يَ ِحلﱡ ل
Tabaddala Bihinna Min this, nor to change them for َِم ْن ﱠنتَبَ ﱠد َل بِ ِھ ْن َوالَ أ
'Azwājin Wa Law other wives even though their
'A`jabaka Ĥusnuhunna beauty attracts you, except َولَ ْو أَ ْع َجبَ َك ◌ٍ جاأَ ْز َو
'Illā Mā Malakat
those (captives or slaves) ُت يَ ِمينُ َك ﱠن ُح ْسنُھ ْ إِالﱠ َما َملَ َك
whom your right hand
Yamīnuka Wa Kāna possesses. And Allāh is Ever َ لﱠهُ َعلَى ُكلﱢ َش ْيءال َن
او َك
Allāhu `Alá Kulli Shay'in
a Watcher over all things (Al-
Ahzab 33:52)
ٍ◌ ً◌ َرقِيبا
'In Tubdū Shay'āan 'Aw Whether you reveal anything ِف ا ُدو ْبتُ ْنإُ هو َشيْئا ً أَ ْو تُ ْخ
Tukhfūhu Fa'inna Allāha or conceal it, verily, Allāh is
Kāna Bikulli Shay'in Ever AllKnower of ◌ُ ◌ُ ِ َن بِ ُك ﱢل الﱠهَ َكال ﱠنفَإ
`Alīmāan everything. (Al-Ahzab 33:54) ً◌ َش ْي ٍء َعلِيما
Lā Junāĥa `Alayhinna Fī
'Ābā'ihinna Wa Lā It is no sin on them (the
'Abnā'ihinna Wa Lā
Prophet's wives, if they يف ﱠن َح َعلَ ْي ِھاالَ ج َُن ِ
'Ikhwānihinna Wa Lā
appear unveiled) before their
fathers, or their sons, or their
َوالَ ﱠننَائِ ِھ ْب َوالَ أَ ﱠنآبَائِ ِھ
'Abnā'i 'Ikhwānihinna Wa brothers, or their brother's ان ْب َوالَ أَ ﱠنإِ ْخ َوانِ ِھ
َ ِء
Lā 'Abnā'i 'Akhawātihinna
Wa Lā Nisā'ihinna Wa Lā
sons, or the sons of their
sisters, or their own
ان ْب َوالَ أَ ﱠنإِ ْخ َوانِ ِھَ ِء
Mā Malakat (believing) women, or their َوالَ ﱠن َوالَ نِ َسائِ ِھ ﱠنأَ َخ َواتِ ِھ
'Aymānuhunna Wa (female) slaves, and keep
your duty to Allāh. Verily,
ُت أَ ْي َمانُھ ْ ق ﱠن َما َملَ َك ِ َني َواتﱠ
Attaqīna Allāha 'Inna
Allāha Kāna `Alá
Allāh is Ever AllWitness َن َعلَى ُكلﱢ الﱠهَ َكال ﱠنلﱠهَ إِال
Kulli Shay'in
over everything. (Al-Ahzab
ً◌ َش ِھيدا ◌ٍ َش ْيء
'Inna Allāha Wa
ُِ◌ ُ◌ لﱠهَ َو َمالَئِ َكتَهال ﱠنإ
Allāh sends His Salāt
Malā'ikatahu Yuşallūna (Graces, Honours, Blessings,
`Alá An-Nabīyi Yā Mercy, etc.) on the Prophet ُصلﱡ َ يلنﱠا َن َعلَىوي َ ابِ ﱢي
'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna
'Āmanū Şallū `Alayhi Wa
(Muhammad SAW) and also
His angels too (ask Allāh to ان آ َمنُويلﱠ ِذا أَ ﱡيھَا
َ اص ﱡلوَ
Sallimū Taslīmāan bless and forgive him). O you
who believe! Send your Salāt
ً◌ تَ ْسلِيما ا َعلَ ْي ِه َو َسلﱢ ُمو
on (ask Allāh to bless) him
(Muhammad SAW), and
(you should) greet (salute)
him with the Islāmic way of
greeting (salutation i.e. As-
Salāmu 'Alaikum). (Al-
Ahzab 33:56)
'Inna Al-Ladhīna
Verily, those who annoy
Yu'udhūna Allāha Wa
Rasūlahu La`anahumu
Allāh and His Messenger ِلﱠهَ ال َنوي ُْؤ ُذ َنيلﱠ ِذا ﱠنإ
Allāhu Fī Ad-Dunyā Wa
(SAW) Allāh has cursed
them in this world, and in the
لﱠهُ ال لَ َعنَھُ ُم ُ◌ ُ◌ َو َرسُولَه
Al-'Ākhirati Wa 'A`adda Hereafter, and has prepared اآلخ َر ِة َوأَ َع ﱠد ْن ﱡدال فِي
ِ يَا َو
Lahum `Adhābāan for them a humiliating
torment. (Al-Ahzab 33:57)
ً◌ ان ُم ِھي ً◌ لَھُ ْم َع َذابا
Wa Al-Ladhīna
Yu'udhūna Al- And those who annoy
َ ون ي ُْؤ ُذيلﱠ ِذ
او َ يل ُم ْؤ ِم ِنا َن ْ َن
Mu'uminīna Wa Al- believing men and women
Mu'umināti Bighayri Mā undeservedly, bear on او ْال ُم ْؤ ِم َن
َ ت بِ َغ ْي
ِ َما ِر
Aktasabū Faqadi
themselves the crime of
slander and plain sin. (Al-
انبُ ْھتَا احْ تَ َملُوا فَقَ ِد ا ْكتَ َسبُوا
Aĥtamalū Buhtānāan Wa Ahzab 33:58) ◌ً ً◌ ان ُمبِي ً◌ َوإِ ْثما
'Ithmāan Mubīnāan
َ الَ ً◌ أَبَدا
Wherein they will abide for
Khālidīna Fīhā 'Abadāan ever, and they will find َ َان فِيه
يخالِ ِد
Lā Yajidūna Walīyāan neither a Walī (a protector) صيرا ً◌ َن َولِيّاويَ ِج ُدِ ََوالَ ن
Wa Lā Naşīrāan nor a helper. (Al-Ahzab
33:65) ◌ً
On the Day when their faces
Yawma Tuqallabu will be turned over in the
Wujūhuhum Fī An-Nāri Fire, they will say: "Oh, ار يَ ْو َم تُقَلﱠبُ ُوجُوھُھُ ْم فِي
ِ النﱠ
Yaqūlūna Yā Laytanā would that we had obeyed ان يَا لَ ْيتَ َنويَقُو ُل َ َأ
َ ط ْعنَا
'Aţa`nā Allāha Wa 'Aţa`nā Allāh and obeyed the
َ َا ﱠرسُو َلال لﱠهَ َوأ
Ar-Rasūlā Messenger (Muhammad ط ْعنَاال
SAW)." (Al-Ahzab 33:66)
And they will say: "Our
Wa Qālū Rabbanā 'Innā Lord! Verily, we obeyed our اوقَالُوَ ارب َﱠن َ ِانإ ط ْعنَا ﱠ َ َأ
'Aţa`nā Sādatanā Wa
َ َ َسا َدتَنَا َو ُكبَ َرا َءنَا فَأ
chiefs and our great ones, and
Kubarā'anā they misled us from the ض ﱡلونَا
Fa'ađallūnā As-Sabīlā (Right) Way. (Al-Ahzab يالالَ ِﱠسب
Rabbanā 'Ātihim Đi`fayni Our Lord! give them double
Mina Al-`Adhābi Wa Al- torment and curse them with
ارب َﱠنَ ض ْعفَي ِْن ِم َن ِ آتِ ِھ ْم
`Anhum La`nāan a mighty curse!" (Al-Ahzab ب َو ْال َع ْنھُ ْم لَ ْع ْال َع َذا
ِ ً◌ ان
Kabīrāan 33:68) ً◌ َكبِيرا
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna
'Āmanū Lā Takūnū
O you who believe! Be not َ ان آ َمنُويلﱠ ِذا أَ ﱡيھَا
اي َ َال
like those who annoyed Mûsa
Kālladhīna 'Ādhaw Mūsá (Moses), but Allāh cleared َ َن آ َذ ْوا يلﱠ ِذ
اك اتَ ُكونُو
Fabarra'ahu Allāhu him of that which they ُا ﱠملﱠهُ ِمال ُمو َسى فَبَرﱠأَه
alleged, and he was
َ لﱠ ِه ال َد ْن َن ِع
Mimmā Qālū Wa او َك او ُلقَا
Kāna `Inda Allāhi honourable before Allāh. (Al-
Wajīhāan Ahzab 33:69) ً◌ َو ِجيھا
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna O you who believe! Keep َ ان آ َمنُويلﱠ ِذا أَ ﱡيھَا
اي َ اتﱠقُوا
'Āmanū Attaqū Allāha Wa your duty to Allāh and fear
Qūlū Qawlāan Him, and speak (always) the َس ِديدا ً◌ قَ ْوال الﱠهَ َوقُولُوال
Sadīdāan truth. (Al-Ahzab 33:70) ◌ً
He will direct you to do
righteous good deeds and
Yuşliĥ Lakum
'A`mālakum Wa Yaghfir
will forgive you your sins.
And whosoever obeys Allāh
ْيُصْ لِحْ لَ ُك ْم أَ ْع َمالَ ُك ْم َويَ ْغفِر
Lakum Dhunūbakum Wa and His Messenger (SAW) لﱠهَ ال ي ُِط ِع ْنلَ ُك ْم ُذنُوبَ ُك ْم َو َم
Man Yuţi`i Allāha Wa اف ْدفَقَ ُ◌ ُ◌ لَه َو َرسُو
Rasūlahu Faqad Fāza
he has indeed achieved a
great achievement (i.e. he
َ َز
Fawzāan `Ažīmāan will be saved from the Hell- ً◌ فَ ْوزاً َع ِظيما
fire and made to enter
Paradise). (Al-Ahzab 33:71)
Truly, We did offer Al-
'Innā `Arađnā Al- Amānah (the trust or moral
'Amānata `Alá As-
responsibility or honesty and
all the duties which Allāh has ِألَ َمانَةَ َعلَىا ا َع َرضْ نَانﱠإ
Samāwāti Wa Al-'Arđi
Wa Al-Jibāli Fa'abayna
ordained) to the heavens and اوال َ ض ا ﱠس َم ِ ْت َواألَر ِ
'An Yaĥmilnahā Wa
the earth, and the mountains,
but they declined to bear it
َ او ْال ِج
ب َ َيَحْ ِم ْلنَھَا ْن ِل فَأَبَي َْن أ
'Ashfaqna Minhā Wa and were afraid of it (i.e. ََن ِم ْنھَا َو َح َملَھَا ْق َوأَ ْشف
Ĥamalahā Al-'Insānu afraid of Allāh's Torment).
But man bore it. Verily, he
اس ْن ِإلاَ ِهن ُن إ َن ا َك ُ◌ ُ◌ ﱠ
'Innahu Kāna Žalūmāan
Jahūlāan was unjust (to himself) and ظلُوما َ ◌ً ً◌ َجھُوال
ignorant (of its results). (Al-
Ahzab 33:72)
So that Allāh will punish the
Liyu`adhdhiba Allāhu Al- hypocrites, men and women, بَ قا لﱠهُال لِيُ َع ﱢذ ْ َن
ِ ِيل ُمنَاف
Munāfiqīna Wa Al-
Munāfiqāti Wa Al-
and the men and women who
are AlMushrikûn (the
َ ِاو ْال ُمنَاف
ق َ ت َو ْال ُم ْش ِ ك ِر ِ َن ي
Mushrikīna Wa Al- polytheists, idolaters, pagans, اك ِر َو ْال ُم ْش
َ ت ُ َت َوي ِ بو َ لﱠهُ ال
Mushrikāti Wa Yatūba disbelievers in the Oneness يل ُم ْؤ ِم ِنا َعلَى ْ َن
Allāhu `Alá Al- of Allāh, and in His
Mu'uminīna Wa Al- Messenger Muhammad SAW او ْال ُم ْؤ ِم َن
َ كَ ت َو ِ لﱠهُ ال َنا
Mu'umināti Wa Kāna ). And Allāh will pardon
(accept the repentance of) the
ً◌ َر ِحيما ً◌ َغفُورا
Allāhu Ghafūrāan true believers of the Islāmic
Raĥīmāan Monotheism, men and
women. And Allāh is Ever
OftForgiving, Most Merciful.
(Al-Ahzab 33:73)
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