Shaaban Amaal PDF
Shaaban Amaal PDF
Shaaban Amaal PDF
Sha’ban Amaal 1
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ِٔٗ١ٌَِةُ ئَُٛارٚ
and to Him I turn repentant.
ْ ٌُِّْ َوشَِٖ ٱٌََٛٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 9
Salwaat Sha’baaniyah
ٖٔحُٛغشَحٔ ٱٌُّٕج
َ َش
the tree of Prophethood,
ٔظٔغِ ٱٌشِِّعَبٌَخََِٛٚ
the trustees of the (Divine) Mission,
ُْ الَؽٔك
ِ ٌَُٙ ََُٱٌالَّ ِصٚ
but he who adheres to them will win.
ِٓ١ٔغ َزى
ِ ٌَُّْبسٔ ٱٌُّْعْؽَشِّ ٱ١َ ٔغٚ
the supporters of the helpless, distressed ones,
ْ َٓ ٱالِثشَاسِ ٱال١ِِّج١َّٱٌؽ
the pure, pious, and righteous
َُُِٙز٠َِالَٚٚ ُ
ِ ََُٙ َفشَظْذَ ؼَب َػزٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 14
َزٔه١َ ص
ٔ ِ ثَِّؼِٟٔخ ِض
ْ ُالَ رَٚ
do not disgrace me due to my acts of disobedience to
َِٗٔ ِِٔٓ سِصْ ٔله١ٍَ َاعَبحَ َِِٓ لَزَّشِدَ َػُِٛ َِٟٕٱسِصُ ْلٚ
and grant me the feeling of sympathy towards those
whom You have decided to straighten their sustenance
َع ٍٔه
ْ َٖ ِِٔٓ فٍَٟذ َػ
َ ِعٖؼَٚ ثَِّب
by means of Your favors that You have decided to make
expansive for me
ُ ِّذٔ ُس١َه ع
َ ِّ١ِشُ َٔجِٙ ََٰ٘زَا شٚ
This is the month of Your Prophet and the Master of
Your Messengers.
ْ َِّٱٌشٚ ؽَفَ ْفزَُٗ ِٔ ْٕهَ ثِٱٌشٖؽَِّ ٔخٞٔشَ ِؼجَبُْ ٱٌَّز
It is Sha`ban, which You have encompassed with Your
mercy and pleasure
َ ٌَ ًِِٔ ٱٌشَّفَبػَخ١ََٔٚ
and help us attain his intercession for us.
ْ َِّٱٌشٚ ِٔ ْٕهَ ٱٌشٖؽَِّ َخٌٟٔ َعجِذ
َ ِٚذ ا
ِ َل
and thus You will confer upon me with Your mercy and
ْ َِؾًَِّ ٱالَٚ دَاسَ ٱٌْ َمشَا ِسَِٟٕأْضٌَْ َزٚ
and allow me to reside in the Eternal Abode and the
Place of the Righteous.
Sha’ban Amaal 18
Munajat Sha’baniyah
َ ُزه١ِ ع
َ ٖ ِئرَا َٔبٍََٟا ْلجًِْ َػٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 19
َه١ِ ٌَُِِزَعَشِّػب﵁ ئ
imploring You,
َِٟاثٛه َص
َ ٠ِذ
َ ٌَ ب﵁ ٌَّٔب١ِسَاع
and hoping for the reward that You have.
َ خ ُجشُ ؽَب
ْ َرَٚ
recognize my needs,
ِٞخشِ ػُ ِّش
ٔ ٰ آٌَِٝ ئِِّٟٕٔ ُُْٛى٠َ َّب١ٔف
up to the end of my life,
َِّٞظَشٚ َٟٔٔفْؼَٚ
and all my benefits and harms that come upon me.
ِٟٔص ُش
ُ ْٕ٠َ ٞٔ فَ َِّٓ رَا ٱٌَّزَِٟٕخزٌَْز
َ َِِْئٚ
If You disappoint me, then who else can ever back me?
َ َي ع
ِ ٍُٛؽ
ُ َٚ ه
َ ع ِج
َ َرُ ِثهَ ِِٔٓ غُٛ اػٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, I do seek Your protection against Your
wrath and against the befalling of Your ire upon me.
َع َؼزٔه
َ ً
ِ ْٖ ثِفَعٍَٟدَ َػًُٛ اِْ رَغ
ٌ ِ٘ذ ا
َ ْٔفَب
You are still expected to confer upon me with Your
expansive favor.
Sha’ban Amaal 22
َبٌَٙ ِظش
َ ٌَّٕ ٱٟٔ فٰٟٔ َٔفْغٍَٝ َلذِ عُشِدُ َػٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, I have wronged myself when I allowed
myself to behave unrestrainedly;
َ ََٖب٠ٖ اٍَٟضَيْ ِثشٗنَ َػ٠َ ٌَُِ ٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, You have never ceased Your favors from me
all over my lifetime;
َ ًَٟٔ ف١َّٔ ئِالَّ ٱٌْغٌََِِّٟٕٛأْذَ ٌَُِ ُرٚ
while You have not shown me but the good throughout
my lifetime?
Sha’ban Amaal 24
ٍُُِٗ٘ ذ ا
َ ْٔ َِب اَِٞيَّ ِِٔٓ ا ِِشٛ َرٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, (please) manage my affairs in the very way
that befits You,
ْ ٱالٟٖٔ ِٔ ْٕهَ فٍَٟع ْزشَِ٘ب َػ
َ ٝ
ٰ ٌَِطُ ئَٛ ؽ
ِ َأَب اٚ
but I need Your concealment more urgently in the Next
ٍَِٟٔ ػ ا
َ َدُنَ ثَغُٛ عٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, it is Your magnanimity that expanded my
َ الَ َر ُشدٖ ؽَبٌِِٰٟٙئ
Sha’ban Amaal 26
ٔ ِٙ َ ٌَُِ رَِٟٔاَٛ٘ َ ا َسدِدِٛ ٌَ ٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, had You wanted to humiliate me, You would
not have guided me (to You).
ُِذ١َٕ ذ ا ْف
ِ ؽَبعَخٕ َلٟٔ فِٟٔٗ َِب اظُُّٕهَ َر ُشدٌِِٰٟٙئ
ََب ِْٕٔهِٙ َؼ ٍَجٟٔ فِٞػُ ِّش
O my God, I do not expect You to reject my request that
I spent my whole lifetime asking for it from You.
ع ِشَِذا﵁
َ ذ اثَذا﵁ اثَذا﵁ دَائّٔ ﵁ب
ُ ِّ َ َف ٍَهَ ٱٌْؾٌِِٰٟٙئ
Sha’ban Amaal 27
ٔ أَِّٟب اٍَِٙ٘ ذ ا
ُ ٍَِّ ٱٌَّٕب َس ا ِػِٟٕخ ٍْ َز
َ َِئِِْ ادٚ
and if You decide to send me to Hell, I shall declare to
its inhabitants that I love You.
ِ َِ ٔجَخ١ِ خ
َ ٌْف أْ َمٍٔتُ ِِٔٓ ٔػ ْٕذٔنَ ثِٱ
َ ١ِ َوٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, how can it be that I return from You with
disappointment and deprivation
ٔ ًَ عَخ
ِ ١ِعج
َ ٌَِٰٝ ئَُِٟٔٛسُوٚ
and when I was taking the path that ends with Your ire.
َ ٠َ َٓ١ِ ََٱِثُٓ َػ ِجذٔنَ لَبئُْٔ ثٚ ن
َ َُأَب َػ ِجذٚ ٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, nevertheless, I am—Your servant and the
son of Your servant—now standing before You
َ َٔ ِِٓٔ َٟٔبئ١ؾ
ِ ٔعز
ِ ِِٔٓ لٍَّٔخٔ ٱ
namely, my shameless inconsideration of You,
َزٔه١َ ص
ٔ ِي فَبْٔزَمًَٔ ثِٗٔ ػَِٓ َِؼ
ٌ ِٛؽ
َ ٌٟٔ ِٓى
ُ َ٠ ٌَُِ ٌِِٰٟٙئ
Sha’ban Amaal 30
َ ٌَّٔ ِٟٕظ َز
ْ ِ َم٠ذ ا
ٕ َْلٚ ٟٔئِالَّ ف
except after You aroused me to love You.
َ ه
َ ْٕ ِٔ ٔٗ١ِٔذ
ِ ٠ُ َلٍْجب﵁ٌٟٔ ِ َ٘تٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, (please) grant me a heart whose longing for
You will approach it to You,
ٔ َه١ِ ٌَِغ ئ
ُ َشِف٠ُ ٌَٔغَبٔب﵁ٚ
a tongue whose truthfulness is directed to You,
ْ َِ ُش١ِ ٓ الَرَ ثِهَ َغ
ِ َِ َٚ
he who seeks Your shelter shall never be disappointed,
ْش١ِٕغ َز
ِ ٌَُّ ََظَ ِثهَٙ ئِْٖ َِِٓ ٱْٔزٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, he who abides by Your Path shall be
ِ ٌَُّ ََئِْٖ َِِٓ ٱ ِػزَصََُ ِثهٚ
and he who resorts to You shall be succored.
ِِٓٔ َِِّّٟٕتِ ظ١َ َفالَ رُخٌَِِٰٟٙب ئ٠ ََ َلذِ ٌُزْدُ ِثهٚ
َسَؽِ َّ ٔزه
I am thus having recourse to You, O my God! So,
(please) do not disappoint me as regards Your having
mercy upon me
َزٔه٠َِالٚ ً
ِ ِ٘ أٟ فِِّٟٕ ٔ الٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, grant me, among those who show servitude
to You,
َ َِ ِِٓٔ ََبدَح٠ُِِّمَبََ َِِٓ سَعَب ٱٌض
the position of one who (incessantly) longs for more
love for You.
ٔذِ َِؾًَِّ ُلَٚ ه
َ ػِ َٔغَبػِ اعَِّبٔئِٚ َسٟٔ فَّٟٖٔ٘ٔزٚ
and (please) devote all my pursuit to my attaining the
delight of the success that is achieved through Your
Names and the amount of Your Holiness.
ْ ُّ ٌْفُ ٱ١ٔ أَب َػ ِجذُنَ ٱٌعَّؼٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, I am Your servant—the feeble and sinful—
َِه١ٌَِظشَِ٘ب ئ
َ َٔ َِبء١ع
ٔ ِِثَٕب ثٍَُُٛأِشِ اثِصَبسَ لٚ
and illuminate the sights of our hearts with the light of
observing of You
ِ ؽَٕب ُِؼٍََّمَخ﵁ ثِؼٔضِّ ُل
ُ َاٚشَ ا ِس١ٔرَصَٚ
and that our souls hang to the Majesty of Your
ِشا﵁َٙه ع
َ ٌَ ًَََّٔػٚ عشٓ﵁ا
ٔ ُٗ َز١ِ ع
َ َفَٕب
and You have thus taken into their confidence and they
acted for You openly.
َ ٌَ ِٟٕؽ ْز
َ َب َلذِ اعِ َم٠خؽَب
َ ٌْ ئِِْ وَبَٔذٔ ٱٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, if my sins have overthrown me in Your
َعزٔؼِذَادٔ ٌٍٔٔمَبٔئه
ِ َِ ٱٌْغَ ْفٍَ ُخ َػِٓ ٱإلِْٟٕ أَب َِ ْز
ِ ِ ئٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, if my inadvertence has screened me against
readying myself for meeting You,
ََاثِهًٛ َص
ُ ٠ِعض
َ ٰٔ ٱٌْغََّٕخٌَِٝ ئِٟٔفَ َمذِ دَػَب
then Your opulent reward has drawn me to Paradise.
َُا ِسغَتٚ ً
ُ َِٙهَ اِثز١ِ ٌََِئٚ ي
ُ ه اعِب
َ ٍَ َفٌِِٰٟٙئ
O my God, You alone do I pray and You alone do I
implore and desire.
Sha’ban Amaal 38
ْشُ ٓ
ِ ً َػ
ُ َُغْف٠ َالَٚ
who never fail to thank You,
ه ػَبسِفب﵁
َ ٌَ َُْٛفَبو
so that I will recognize You
Sha’ban Amaal 39
َ ُِْٕ ََانٛع
ٔ ٓ
ِ َ َػٚ
and I will leave everybody else,
شا﵁١ّٔب﵁ َوض١ٍٔغ
ِ َعٍَََُّ رَٚ
and exalt them very much.
Sha’ban Amaal 40
َِِٛ ١َ ٌْ ٰ٘زَا ٱٟٔدٔ فٌَُِّٛٛ ٌْ اعِبٌُهَ ثِؾَكِّ ٱُُِِّٟٖٔ ئٌٍََّٙا
O Allah, I beseech You in the name of the one born on
this day,
ِّٔذٔ ٱالعِشَح١َعَٚ
the master of the Family (of Prophethood),
َ ٌََْ ٱِٛ ٠َ ٔصشَح
ْ ٌُّٕدٔ ثِٱُٚٱٌَّْ ِّذ
the one who shall be backed with victory on the Day of
ِ َٔ ِِٓٔ َِّضِ ِِٔٓ َل ْزٍٔ ٔٗ اْٖ ٱالئّٖٔخَٛٱٌُّْؼ
the one whom has been awarded the favor of the
Imams‟ being from his offspring as recompense of his
being slain,
َٱ ٱٌضَّبسُٚضْبس٠ََٚ
َٱ ٱٌْغَجٖبسُٛشِظ٠َُٚ
please the Omnipotent Lord,
Sha’ban Amaal 45
ٍِ َش أْصَبس١خ
َ ٱُُٛٔٛى٠ََٚ
and be the best supporters.
َ ٌِّْْئَٕب َِؼَُٗ دَاسَ ٱَٛثَٚ
and allow us to dwell in the House of Honor with him
َِٔؾًَِّ ٱإلِلَبَِخَٚ
and in the abode of residence.
َ َغِ ٱٌْج١َّٰٔ عٍَََٝٱٌْؾُغَظِ ػٚ
and the Arguments against all humankind.
ََُٗثزِٚ ظشُ ا
ٔ َْٕٔ َزَٚ َُٗذُ ُر ِشَثزَٙ َْٔش
as we are witnessing the soil of him and expecting his
ٔدُٚغ َجش
َ ٌُُْ ٱ١َٔػظ
the Magnificent in omnipotence,
ِذُ ٱٌّْٔؾَبي٠ٔشذ
the Mighty in prowess,
َ ٌٌّْ َػِٓ ٱَِٟٕغ
the Self-Sufficient from the creatures,
َِبء٠ى ِج ِش
ٔ ٌْطُ ٱ٠َِػش
the Ample in pride,
ٔتُ ٱٌشٖؽَِّخ٠َِلش
the Close in mercy,
Sha’ban Amaal 50
َٔ ِػذٌْٛصَبدٔقُ ٱ
the Truthful in promise,
ٔعَبثِغُ ٱٌِّٕؼَِّخ
the Opulent in favors,
َ ػٌ ثَِّب١ُِٔؾ
the All-encompassing of all that which You have
ٔشُ سْ ِئرَاُٛشى
َ َٚ
the Thankful for those who thank You,
ِ ُِ َنُٛادِػ
I pray You for I need You,
ْ َِ َه١ِ ٌَِ ئَٟٔاِثىٚ
I weep before You for I am distressed,
َ َٚ َٔبُُِٚٗ َغشََِّٙٔفا
for they have deceived us, cheated us,
َ ِجه١ِؽج
َ ٌََُذَٚٚ
and the sons of Your beloved one;
َه١ِ ؽ
ِ َٚ ٝ
ٰ ٍََٱْئزََّ ْٕزَُٗ َػٚ
and for keeping Your Revelation.
ْ ََِٚ فَٱعِ َؼًْ ٌََٕب ِِٔٓ ا ِِ ِشَٔب َفشَع ﵁ب
So, (please) prepare a way out and a relief for us,
ب را اٌضفٕبد٠ ه١ٍاٌغالَ ػ
Peace be on you, O the Imam, Who got sores on spots
which Touched during Sajda!
،ؽْفَأُ أثَذا﵁٠ُ َالٚ ؽْفَ ْأ٠ُ ٌَُِ ٞسُ ا﵀ِ اٌَّزُٛٔ َذُ َّأٔهَٙ َْأشٚ
And I bear witness that you are verily the Light of Allah
that has not and shall never be extinguished.
،َؽ َش ُِه
َ ََ ؾ َش
َ ٌَْ٘زا اٚ
And this holy precinct is yours.
َ صشَعُ َث
ْ َِ َصشَع
ْ ٌََّْ٘زا اٚ
And this death is the death of your body only,
ٔ ا﵀ِ ٔبٚ َةٍَُٛال َِ ْغٚ
And you have never been defeated since Allah is the
One Who is supporting you.
.َُُٗثشَوبرَٚ ﵀
ِ َسَؽَِّخُ اٚ ُ
ِ ُى١ِ ٍَ اٌغٖالَُ َػٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 64
ٔ ٱٌْ ٍُّّٖٔبدٟٔخٍْكُ ف
َ ٌَْ ْفضَعُ ٱ٠ ِٔٗ١ٌََِئٚ
and to Whom the creatures turn in ordeals!
َ َرَٚ َِ َِ٘بَٚا ٔؼشُ ٱالٛخ
َ ِٔٗ١ٍَ ٰ َػَٝٓ الَ رَخْف
ِ َِ َب٠
َخَ ٌْٱ
O He from Whom neither the ideas of illusions nor the
initiatives of delusions can be concealed!
َٔادَٚٱٌغَّٖبٚ ٓ
َ ١ٔدُ ٱالسَظُٛذٖٔٔ َِ ٍَى١َ َب َِِٓ ِث٠
O He Who grasps the kingdoms of the earth and the
َِال أْذ
َّ أْذَ ٱٌٍَُّٗ الَ ئٌَِٰٗ ئ
You are verily Allah; there is no god save You!
Sha’ban Amaal 67
َُٗع ِجز
َ عَّٔؼِذَ دُػَبءَُٖ فَبَٚ
with those whose prayers have been heard by You and
thus You have responded to them,
ٔٗٔ َشر٠ِعش
َ ُِ١َٔ َػظٚ ٗٔ ٔ َئز١ٔخؽ
َ ٔٓ عَبٌٔف
ِ َصْدَ َػٚرَغَبَٚ
and overlooked their past sins and enormous offenses.
ِٟثُٛ١ُع ْزشِ ػ
َ ٟٔهَ ف١ِ ٌٌَََِغَبدُ ئٚ
and resorting to You so that You may conceal my
َُُِٙز١ِ ع َز َج
ِ َٓ ٱ٠َٔبٔئهَ ٱٌَّز١ٌَِٔٚب ِِٔٓ اٙ١ٔ فٍِْٟٕ َٱعِ َؼٚ
ٌَٔؽَب َػ ٔزه
and include me at this night with Your intimate
servants whom You have selected for obeying You,
Sha’ban Amaal 69
َ َٓ عَ َؼذ
ِ ِّٖٔ ٍُُِْٟٕٖ ٱعِ َؼٌٍََّٙا
O Allah, (please) make me of those whose efforts are of
a happy end
َُٔعٍَُٔ َفَٕؼ
َ ٓ
ِ ِّٖٔ ٍِْٟٕ َٱعِ َؼٚ
make me of those who enjoy blissful life as they have
been safe (from sins),
ََُِٕفَبصَ فَ َغٚ
and those who have been awarded excellently as they
have won,
ِ ششٖ َِب ا
َ َِٟٕٱوْ ٔفٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 70
َ ٔزه١َ ص
ٔ ِ َِؼَٟٔبدٔ ف٠ َِٔٓ ٱالٔ ْص ٔدِِّٟٕ َٔٱػِصٚ
save me from doing more acts of disobedience to You,
ًُُ ٱٌزَّبئٔت١ٔغزَم
ِ ٌُِّّْيُ ٱَُٛؼ٠ َٰ َو َش ِٔهٍََٝ َػٚ
and only on Your generosity does a repentant and
contrite depends.
َٖزٔه٠ششَاسِ َث ِش
ٔ ِِٓٔ ٕ عَُّٕخٟٔ فٍِْٟٕ َٱعِ َؼٚ
and include me with Your protection against Your evil
Sha’ban Amaal 72
ِ ذ ا ٍُِ٘ ُٗ الَ ثَِّب ا
َ ْٖٔ ثَِّب اٍَٟعذِ َػ
ُ َٚ
(Please) bestow upon me magnanimously according to
that which befits You, not according to what I deserve.
َ ِثهَِّٟٕغَٓ ظ
ُ َفَ َمذِ ؽ
Verily, I carry an excellent opinion about You,
َ ٌَهٟٔرَؾَمَّكَ سَعَبئَٚ
I do hope for You,
َى َشِٔه
َ ِثَٟٔ َػٍٔمَذْ َٔفْغٚ
and my self is hanged to the rope of Your generosity,
ُ ٌْٖ ٱٍَٟؾ ِجظُ َػ
ِ َ٠ َٞٔ ٱٌزَّْٔتَ ٱٌَّزٌٟٔ َِٱغْ ٔفشٚ
(Please) forgive me the sin that prevents me from
enjoying high morals
ًَِ َػؽَبٔئه٠ِغض
َ َِأْؼََُ ثٚ
I will enjoy Your profuse granting,
َؾ َشِٔه
َ فَ َمذِ ٌُزْدُ ِث
I am having recourse to Your sanctity,
َى َشِٔه
َ ٌٔ ُرَ َؼشٖظْذَٚ
asking for Your generosity,
َع ِجه
َ َؾٍْ ّٔهَ ِِٔٓ غ
ٔ ِثَٚ
and in Your forbearance against Your ire.
دَٔ٘بُِٛػَِٛ َٚ ه
َ َؽُغٖ ٔزٚ
in the name of Your Argument, and in the name of
Your promise in it;
َب فَعْال﵁ٍٙٔع
ْ َٰ فٌَِٝ َل َشْٔذَ ئٟٔٱٌَّز
the night that You have added a new merit to its many
ََبرٔه٠ِ٢ ت
َ ِّالَ ُِؼَمَٚ
or obscure Your signs.
ْ ٌَُّْبؤُنَ ٱ١ظ
ٔ َٚ
Your bring splendor,
ِسُِٛغ٠َٖبءِ ٱٌذ١خ
ْ َ ؼٟٔسُ فٌَُّٕٛٱٌْ َؼٍَُُ ٱٚ
the luminous sign in the obscurity of darkness,
ِ ٌَّْٱٌْغَبئٔتُ ٱ
the absent, and the concealed.
ُُٖؾ ٔزذ
ِ َِ َََ َو ُشٚ ُٖ ٌُِٔذَِٛ ًََّع
Lofty is his birth and noble is his lineage.
ُُٖٖذَُٙٱٌَّْالٔئىَخُ شٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 79
ْ َ٠ َ الٞٔسُُٖ ٱٌَّزَُٛٔٚ
His light that shall never be extinguished,
ْ َ٠ َ الٞٔؾٍُِْ ٱٌَّز
ٔ ٌْ ٱُٚرَٚ
and the forbearing person who shall never deviate the
ْ َظُ ٱٌْؼ١َِٔاََٛٔٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 80
the one for whom the laws of ages have been made,
ٍَِخٔ ٱٌْ َمذِس١ِ ٌَ ٟٔ َزَٕضَّيُ ف٠َ ُِِ َِبِٙ١ٍََٱٌْ َُّٕضَّيُ َػٚ
who receive that which is revealed on the Grand Night,
َِٱٌَّٕشْشٚ ش ِش
ْ ََاصْؾَبةُ ٱٌْؾٚ
and the managers of the Resurrection and the Account.
ِ َٚ َرشَاعَِّ ُخ
They are the interpreters of His revelations
َُُِّٙٔٔلَبئٚ ُ
ِ ِّٰٙٔٔ خَبرٍَُُٖٝ فَصًَِّ َػٌٍََّٙا
O Allah, send blessings to their seal and their Riser
ُ َٚ َِٔٗٔاٛ ا ِػَٟٔٱ ْو ُز ِجَٕب فٚ
and decide us to be among his assistants and elite ones.
َٓ١ّٔٔثِؾَمِّٗٔ لَبئَٚ
among those who carry out our duty toward him,
Sha’ban Amaal 82
ٕذَٔب ُِؾَّٖذ
ٔ ِّ١َٰ عٍََٝارُُٗ َػٍَٛ ص
َ َٚ
His blessings be upon our master, Muhammad,
َٓ١ٍََٔٱٌْ ُّ ِشعٚ ٓ
َ ١ِّ١ِخَبرَُِ ٱٌَّٕج
the seal of the Prophets and the Messengers,
َٓ١ّٔٔؽىََُ ٱٌْؾَبو
ِ َب ا٠
O Most Just of all
Sha’ban Amaal 84
َٗٱٌشَّبًُِٔ ٱٌْؼَب
comprehensive, and thorough;
ٌٍَّٔٗؽغٖخٔ ٱ
ُ ٍََٰٝػ
be upon the Argument of Allah,
َٖٔٔػٔجَبدٚ ٗٔ ٔخٍْم
َ ٍَٰٝ َفزٔٗٔ َػ١ٍٔخ
َ َٚ
His viceroy among His creatures and servants,
ٖٔحُٛعُالٌَخٔ ٱٌُّٕجَٚ
the offspring of Prophethood,
ْٔصَبؽٔتِ ٱٌضََِّب
the Patron of the Age,
Sha’ban Amaal 86
ِ ٌَُّْٓ ٱ١ِِٕٔ َب ُِؼٔضَّ ٱٌْ ُّ ِإ٠ َه١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َ ٖاٌغ
Peace be upon you, O grantor of dignity to the
oppressed and faithful ones.
َٓ١ُِٔٛؾغَظِ ٱٌَّْؼِص
ُ ٌَْب ِثَٓ ٱالئّٖٔخٔ ٱ٠ َه١ِ ٍَ اٌغٖالَُ َػ
Peace be upon you, O son of the Imams—the arguments
(of Allah) and Immaculate
َ َٚ ثَ ِؼذَ َِب ُِ ٍٔئَذْ ُظٍّْ ﵁ب
after it will be filled with wrong and partiality.
َ َفَؼَغًَٖ ٱٌٍَّ ُٗ َفش
So, may Allah hasten your reappearance,
َ ًََٖ َِخْشَٙعَٚ
make easy your advent,
:َٓ١ٍٔصذَقُ ٱٌْمَبٔئ
ْ اَٛ ُٙ َف
He is surely the most truthful of all those who can
speak (and He has said):
َ ؽَب
My request is...
Sha’ban Amaal 91
َ هَ ثِؾَب١ِ ٌَِِذُ ئَٖٙعٛفَ َمذِ َر
for I am turning my face towards you for settling my
دا﵁َُِِّٛمَبِب﵁ َِؾَٚ
and praiseworthy standing.
ٟٔشفٔ ُو ِشثَز
ْ ََوٚ
and to relieve my grief.
ِّٔٗصشَ ؽَم
ٔ َٔبَٚ ٗٔ ٌٍَّفَخَ ٱ١ٍٔخ
َ َب٠ َه١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you, O viceroy of Allah and backer of
His right.
َّ َٚٚ ُٖ َخز
َ اٞٔضَبقَ ٱٌٍَّٗٔ ٱٌَّز١ِٔ َب٠ َه١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you, O covenant of Allah that He has
made and confirmed.
ْ ٌََّْٱٌْ ٔؼٍُُْ ٱٚ
poured knowledge,
Sha’ban Amaal 95
ٔ َاٌَْٛٱٌشٖؽَِّخُ ٱٚ س
ُ َِٛٱٌْ َغٚ
aid, and expansive mercy.
ْ َِ َش١ِ َػِذا﵁ َغٚ
This is verily a promise that shall never be belied.
ُ ِرَغَٚ غ
ُ ََٓ َرشِو١ٔهَ ؽ١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you whenever you genuflect and
prostrate (yourself for Allah).
Sha’ban Amaal 96
ُُرىَجِّشَٚ ً
ُ ٍََُِّٙٓ ر١ٔهَ ؽ١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you whenever you profess Allah‟s
Godhead and profess His All-greatness.
ُغزَغْ ٔفش
ِ َرَٚ ذ
ُ َّ َِٓ رَؾ١ٔهَ ؽ١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you whenever you praise Allah and
implore for His forgiveness.
ٟٔرُِّغَٚ ؼ
ُ ِصج
ْ َُٓ ر١ٔهَ ؽ١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you whenever you begin and end your
ُُِْٛإلَِبَُ ٱٌَّْب
ِ َب ٱٙٗ٠ هَ ا١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you, O entrusted leader.
ُيُِٛذَُ ٱٌَّْب
ٖ َب ٱٌْ ُّ َمٙٗ٠ هَ ا١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you, O favored and expected.
Sha’ban Amaal 97
ٖ ٌَأِغِ ٱٛغ
َ ِهَ ث١ِ ٍَ الَُ َػ
َغ ٖ ٌَا
Peace be upon you to the ultimate meaning of peace.
ٖ َُٓ ؽ١ِِٕٔ شَ ٱٌْ ُّ ِإ١ِٔ ٓب﵁ ا١ٍٔ ا ْٖ َػ
that `Ali the Commander of the Faithful is His
ٖ ُغَٓ ؽ
َ ََٱٌْؾٚ
al-Hasan is His argument,
ٖ َُٓ ؽ١ِ غ
َ َُٱٌْؾٚ
al-Husainis His argument,
ٖ ُِٓ ؽ١ِ غ
َ ُٖ ِثَٓ ٱٌْؾٍَٟٔ َػٚ
`Ali the son of al-Husainis His argument,
ٖ ٍُّ ؽٍُِٟٔؾَ ّٖذَ ِثَٓ َػَٚ
Muhammad the son of `Ali is His argument,
ٖ َُعَؼِ َفشَ ِثَٓ ُِؾَ ّٖذٕ ؽٚ
Ja`far the son of Muhammad is His argument,
ٖ ُٰ ِثَٓ عَؼِ َفشٍ ؽَٝعُٛ َِٚ
Musa the son of Ja`far is His argument,
ٖ ُٰ ؽَٝعُِٛ َٖٓ ِثٍَٟٔ َػٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 99
ٖ ٍُّ ؽٍُِٟٔؾَ ّٖذَ ِثَٓ َػَٚ
Muhammad the son of `Ali is His argument,
ٖ ُٖ ِثَٓ ُِؾَ ّٖذٕ ؽٍَٟٔ َػٚ
`Ali the son of Muhammad is His argument,
ٖ ٍُّ ؽٍٟٔغَٓ ِثَٓ َػ
َ ََٱٌْؾٚ
and al-Hasan the son of `Ali is His argument.
َ َبِٙٔـَّب٠ِ ئٟٔذ ف
ْ َغج
َ َِ وٚ ا
nor in its belief earned good by works,”
ٌّد ؽَك
َ َِّٛ ٌَْا ْٖ ٱٚ
death is true,
ٌّششَ ؽَك
ْ ٌَّٕذُ ا ْٖ ٱَٙ َْا شٚ
And I bear witness that the Raising for death is true,
ٌَّٱٌْجَؼَشَ ؽَكٚ
the Resurrection is true,
ٌّغ ؽَك
َ ٌصشَا
ِّ َا ْٖ ٱٚ
the Discriminating Bridge is true,
ٌّضَاَْ ؽَك١ٌَّْٔٱٚ
the Balance (of deeds) is true,
ٌّششَ ؽَك
ْ ََٱٌْؾٚ
the Gathering is true,
ٌَّٱٌْؾٔغَبةَ ؽَكٚ
the Reckoning is true,
َِّنُٚٓ َػذ
ِ ِٔ ٌءَِٞثش
and denouncing your enemy.
ْخَ َِٱٌْجَبؼًُٔ َِب ا عٚ
the wrong is only that which you disallow,
ٔ َآٚ ُ
ِ ٌُٖٔىٚ َ اَِٞالَِٛ َب٠ ُُِِثىَٚ
and in you all, O my master, from the beginning to the
َٓ١َِٔٓ آ١ِٔآ
Respond! Respond!
Sha’ban Amaal 104
Translation of Ariza
Dua Kumail
ِ ََب شٌَٙ ََُُٛم٠ الٟٔٔضٔرهَ َّاٌز
َّ ثِؼَٚ
And by Your might, which nothing can resist;
َ ٖيَ اَٚب َأ٠
O First of those who are first
ٔ ٢خشَ ا
ٔ َب آ٠َٚ
And O Last of those who are last!
ِّ ُش١ُغ
ِّ رٟٔةَ َّاٌزُٛٔاٌز
ُّ ٌٟٔ َُُِ اغْ ٔفشٌٍَّٙا
O Allah, forgive me those sins which alter blessings!
Sha’ban Amaal 110
َ ًََُّوٚ ُُٗ وًَُّ َرْٔتٍ َأ ْرَٔ ِجزٌٟٔ ُُِٖ اغْ ٔفشٌٍَّٙا
َبُٙخؽَ ْأر
ْ َأ
O Allah, forgive me every sin I have committed and
every mistake I have made!
ٔ ْ َٔفٌَِٟعزَشْفٔغُ ِثهَ ئ
ِ ََأٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 111
ْشُ ِٟٕصِ َػَُٛأَْ رٚ
And to provide me with gratitude toward You
َ ٌشذَأئذٔ ؽَب
َّ َأَٔضَيَ ِثهَ ٔػ ْٕذَ اٚ
And who has stated to You in difficulties his need
َ َِزٔهُٛؽى
ُ ِِٓٔ ُىُٓ اٌْ ٔفشَاس
ٔ ِّ ُ٠ َالٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 113
ُ ٌٔ ُعذ
ِ َُُٖ ال أٌٍَّٙا
O Allah, I find no forgiver of my sins,
عَبرٔشا﵁ٟٖٔال ٌٔ َمجَبئٔؾٚ
Nor concealer of my ugly acts
ِّ غِٓ ُِج
َ َؼِ ثِبٌْؾ١ِ اٌْ َمجٍَّٟٔ ٍَِء ِِِّٓ ػَٟٖال ٌٔشٚ
َشَن١ِ َغ
Nor transformer of any of my ugly acts into good acts
but You
َٟٔظٍَِّذُ َٔفْغ
I have wronged myself,
ٍََٖٟٕهَ َػ
ِّ َِٚ ٌٟٔ َُِ رٔ ْوشِن٠ٔ َلذٌَِٟعىَٕذُ ئ
َ َٚ
And I have depended upon Your ancient remembrance
of me and Your favour toward me.
َِٞالَِٛ ٌٍَُُّٖٙا
O Allah! O my Protector!
َُٗع َز ِشر
َ ٍؼ١ِوَُ ِِّٓ َلج
How many ugly things You hast concealed!
َُٗش ِشر
َ َٔ ٌَُّٗ ًٍ ٌَّغِذُ أَ ِ٘ال﵁١ََّٔوَُ ِِّٓ َصَٕبٕء عٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 115
ٌٟٔ أَػَِّبِٟصشَدْ ث
ُ ََلٚ
And my acts are inadequate,
ِ ِ ثَٟٔٔفْغَٚ سَِ٘بَُٚب ثِ ُغش١ْٔذ
ٗ ٌ اِٟٕخذَ َػ ْز
َ َٚ
ٌٟٔ ِٔؽَبَٚ
And this world with its delusions, my own soul with its
offences and my delay have deceived me.
Sha’ban Amaal 116
َٟٔارٍَٛ خ
َ ٟٔ َِب ػَ ّٔ ٍْزُُٗ فٍََٝثَخٔ ػُٛ ثِبٌْؼُمٍِْٟٕ ع
ِ َال رُؼَبٚ
And not to hasten me to punishment for what I have
done in private:
فب﵁َُٚأي َسؤٛؽ
ِ َ وًُِّ األٟٔ فٌٟٔ َٔضٔره
َّ ُُٖ ثِؼٌٍََّٙ ُوِٓ اٚ
And by Your might, O Allah, be kind to me in all states
فب﵁ُٛسِ َػؽُِٛأل
ُ غِ ا١َّٔ عٟٖٔ فٍَٟٖ َػٚ
And be gracious to me in all affairs!
ِّٞشفَ ظُش
ْ َشُنَ َأعِأٌُُٗ و١ِ َغٌِّٟ َِٓ َِّٟسَثٚ ٌَِِٟٙئ
!ِٞ َأ ِِشٟٔظشَ ف
َ ْٕ
َّ ٌَاٚ
My God and my Lord! Have I any but You from whom
to ask removal of my affliction and regard for my
ٔٗ١ٔؽىّْب﵁ ارَّجَؼِذُ ف
ُ ٍَِٖٟذَ َػ٠ع َش
ِ َ أِٞالَِٛ َٚ ٌَِِٟٙئ
،ٟٔ َٔفْغََٜٛ٘
My God and my Protector! You put into effect through
me a decree in which I followed the caprice of my own
ُ َٖ ِِٔٓ رٌَٔهَ ثَؼِطٍََٟ ػَٜعش
َ َصْدُ ثَِّبَٚفزَغَب
So, in what was put into effect through me in that
situation, I transgressed some of Your statutes
Now I have come to You, My God, after my
shortcoming and my immoderation toward myself,
ِ ِٗ ِٗ ْٕىَغٔشا﵁
Broken, apologizing,
،جب﵁١ِِٕٗ غزَغْفٔشا﵁
ِ ِٗ
Asking forgiveness, repenting,
ِّٞشذٖحَ ظُش
ٔ ََُِاسِؽٚ
Have mercy upon the severity of my affliction
ٔ رَ ْغَٚ ِّٞثِشَٚ ٟٔز١َ َِر ِشثَٚ ِٞرٔ ْوشَٚ ٟٔخٍْم
َ ََب َِِٓ َثذَأ٠
Sha’ban Amaal 121
َِّٟسَثٚ ٞٔذ١َ
ِّ عَٚ ٌََِِٟٙب ئ٠
O Allah, my Master and my Lord!
ِّ ِِٔٓ ؽِٞش١ََّٔا ِػزَ َمذَُٖ ظٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 122
ِ خشٖدْ ٌٔ َؼظَ َّ ٔزهَ عَب
َ ُُٕٖٛعٚ ٍََٝأرُغٍَِّػُ إٌَّبسَ َػ
Whether You wilt give the Fire dominion over faces
fallen down prostrate before Your Tremendousness,
ْشُ ِثٖٚ ذٔنَ صَبدٔلَخ﵁١ِٔؽٛغٍٓ َّٔؽَمَذْ ِث َز
ُ ٌَْ أٍَٖٝ َػٚ
And over tongues voicing sincerely the profession of
Your Unity and giving thanks to You in praise,
ٗ ًٌٍ ِِّٓ ثَالءِ ا١ٍٔ ػَٓ َلَٟٔأَٔذَ رَ ِؼٍَُُ ظَؼِفٚ
And You knowest my weakness before a little of this
world's tribulations and punishments,
ْش١َٔغ٠ ،ُُٗىض
ْ ِٖ ًٌ١ٍٔ َل،ُْٖٚىش
ْ َِٖٚ ٌ أَْٖ رٌَٔهَ ثَالءٍََٝػ
ٖ ِٗ ْش١ٔ لَص،ُُٖثَمَبؤ
Sha’ban Amaal 125
ِعُُٛلٚ ًِ١ٍٔع
َ َٚ ٔخشَح
ٔ ٢ ٌٔجَالءِ أٌٟؽزَّٔب
ِ فَ ا١ِ ى
َ َف
!َبٙ١ٔاٌْ َّىَبسِٖٔ ف
So how can I endure the tribulations of the next world
and the great ordeals that occur within it?
َّ ُخ٠ َالٚ ،َُُُِٗ َِمَبُٚذ٠ََٚ ،ُُٗذر
ٖ ُِ ُيَُٛ ثَالءٌ َرؽُٛ٘ َٚ
ٍِٔٗٔ٘ ََػِٓ أ
For it is a tribulation whose period is long, whose
station endures and whose sufferers are given no
ٔ َعَخَٚ ََأزٔمَب ِٔهٚ َع ِجه
َ َُْ ئِالَّ َػِٓ غُٛى٠َ ألََُّٔٗ ال
Since it only occurs as a result of Your wrath, Your
vengeance and Your anger,
ِ ٌّْٔشُ ا١ًُٔ اٌْؾَم١ٌَّٔفُ اٌز١ََٔأَٔب َػ ِجذُنَ اٌعَّؼٚ
ُٓ١ٔغ َزى
ِ ٌُّْا
For I am Your weak, lowly, base, wretched and
miserable slave.
ِٞالَِٛ َٚ ٞٔذ١َ
ِّ عَٚ َِّٟسَثٚ ٌََِِٟٙب ئ٠
My God! My Lord! My Master! My Protector!
ْ هَ َأ١ِ ٌَِسِ ئُِٛأل
ُ ِّ اَٞأل
For which things would I complain to You?
ٖشٔ َٚ ُِِ اٌْ َؼزَاة١ٌَٔأل
For the pain and severity of chastisement?
ٖ ُِ َٚ ِيِ اٌْجَالءَُٛأَِ ٌٔؽ
Or for the length and period of tribulation?
Sha’ban Amaal 127
ََبئٔه١ٌََِٔٚأٚ َؽجٖبٔئه
ٔ ََٓ أ١ِ َثَٚ ِٟٕ١ِ َ َفشٖلْذَ َثٚ
And separatest me from Your friends and saints,
ُص َجشِد
َ َِّٟسَثٚ ِٞالَِٛ َٚ ٞٔذ١َ
ِّ عَٚ ٌََِِٟٙب ئ٠ ِٟٕ ِجَٙ َف
،َ َػزَاثِهٍََٝػ
Then suppose, My God, my Master, my Protector and
my Lord that I am able to endure Your chastisement,
َ َوشَا َِ ٔزهٌَِٝظشِ ئ
َ ٌٕا
َّ ِٓصجِشُ َػ
ْ َفَ أ١ِ ََفى
How can I endure not gazing upon Your generosity?
ْ َغز
ِ ٌُّصشَاؿَ ا
ُ َه١ٌَِخٖٓ ئ
َ ُصش
ْ َألَٚ
I will cry to You with the cry of those crying for help;
ِ ٌَُّبسَ ا١َب ٔغ٠
O Aid of those who seek assistance,
ٔٗٔز١َ ص
ٔ َِب ثَِّؼِٙرَاقَ ؼَؼَُِ َػزَاثَٚ
Tasting the favour of its torment because of his
ٔٗٔ َشر٠ِعش
َ َٚ ِٔٗٔغ ِش
ُ َِب ثَٙٔٓ َأ ْؼجَبل١ِ ؽ ِجظَ َث
ُ َٚ
And confined within its levels because of his sin and
َ ٍََُُأَٔذَ رَ ِؼٚ شَُ٘ب١ِٔٗٔ َصف١ٍَ َشْزًَُّٔ َػ٠ َف١ِ َأَِ َو
Or how should its groaning encompass him, while You
knowest his weakness?
ٔ ٍََُُِأَٔذَ رَؼٚ َبَٙٔٓ َأ ْؼجَبل١ِ زَمٍَْمًَُ َث٠َ َف١ِ َأَِ َو
Or how should he be convulsed among its levels, while
You knowest his sincerity?
Sha’ban Amaal 132
َاٌظٓٗ ثِه
َّ ََبدَ َِب رٌَٔهٙ١َ٘
Far be it from You! That is not what is expected of You,
َع ٍٔه
ْ َفُ ِٔٓ فَُٚال اٌَّْ ِؼشٚ
Nor what is well-known of Your bounty,
ٔ عَب
So I declare with certainty that were it not for what You
hast decreed concerning the chastisement of Your
َه٠ٔالدٔ ُِؼَبِٔذ
َخ ْ ِِذَ ثِٗٔ ِِٔٓ ئ١ع
َ ََلٚ
And what You hast foreordained concerning the
everlasting home of those who stubbornly resist,
َ ٖٚ َب َثشِدا﵁ٌٍََُّٙغَ َؼٍْذَ إٌَّبسَ و
You wouldst make the Fire, all of it, coolness and
ِ ٌْٖذَ ثِبٛؽ
َ َرٖٚ ،َأَٔذَ عًََّ َصَٕبؤُنَ ُلٍْذَ ُِ ِج َزذَئب﵁ٚ
:ُِ َزىَشِِّب﵁
And You— majestic is Your eulogy— said at the
beginning and wernt gracious through kindness as a
َََُْٚٛغِز٠ أَفََّٓ وَبَْ ُِإِِٕٔ﵁ب وََّٓ وَبَْ فَبعٔم﵁ب ٌَّب
(What? Is he who has been believer like unto him who
has been ungodly? They are not equal)
َبَٙز٠ِع َش
ِ َِٗٔ أ١ٍَ َػ
And by the decision which You hast determined and
imposed and through which You hast overcome him
toward whom it has been put into effect,
ُُٗع َش ِِز
ِ َع ِشٍَ أ
ُ ًَُّو
Every offence I have committed,
ُُٗعشَ ِسر
ِ ؼٍ َأ١َِوًَُّ َلجٚ
And every ugly thing I have concealed
َٓ١ِىشَاََ اٌىَبٔرج
ٔ ٌَْب اٙٔئَخٕ َأ َِشِدَ ِث ِاْصجَبر١َ
ِّ َوًَُّ عٚ
And every evil act which You hast commanded the
Noble Writers to record,
َ َٖ َِغٍَٟدا﵁ َػُُُُِٛٙ شََٙعَ َؼ ٍْزٚ
And whom You hast made, along with my bodily
members, witness against me.
ٔ ِْ ئِؽِغَبْٕ رُفَٚأ
Or kindness You conferrest,
ٔ ِْٕ ثِشٍّ َرَٚأ
Or goodness You unfoldest,
ُ ِِ سِصْقٍ َرجَٚأ
Or provision You spreadest out,
ٟٔز١َ ص
ٔ ذٖٔٔ َٔب١َ َب َِِٓ ِث٠
O He in whose hand is my forelock!
َغِ ََِٚ ِّّٞب﵁ ثِعُش١ٍَٔب َػ٠
O He who knows my affliction and my misery!
ِ َ ُلٚ ََمه
ِّ َأعِأٌُهَ ثِؾ
I ask You by Your Truth and Your Holiness
َ َذ َِ ٔزه
ِخٔ ٟٔ فٌٟٖٔؽَبٚ
And my occupation with Your service everlasting.
ِ َِدُ أٛى
َشَ ِٔٗ١ٌََب َِِٓ ئ٠
O He to whom I complain about my states!
َ َخذِ َِ ٔزه
ٔ ٍَِّٝ َػَٛل
Strengthen my bodily members in Your service,
َ َّٔخ٠َِ اٌْ َؼضٍَٝذدِ ػ
ُشْ َاٚ
And fortify my ribs in determination
ََ ٔزه١ش
ْ َ خٟٔغذٖ ف
ِ ٌْ أٌٟ ََِ٘تٚ
And bestow upon me earnestness in my fear of You
َذ َِزٔه
ِخٔ ِ اإلرِّصَبٔي ثَٟٔاََ فٚذ
ٖ ٌَاٚ
And continuity in my being joined to Your service
ْ ٌُّْ أَٟ ُل ِشِثهَ فٌٝشزَبقَ ئ
ْ ََأٚ
And desire fervently Your proximity among the
fervently desirous
ٔ َفَِِٟٔٓ وَب َدَٚ
whoever deceives me-deceive him!
ْ ََٕبيُ رٌَٔهَ ئِالَّ ثِف٠ُ َفأَُِّٗ ال
For that cannot be attained except by Your bounty.
ِ َِّٖ ثٍَٟؽفِ َػ
ٔ َا ِػٚ
And incline toward me with Your splendour
َ ِثشَؽِ َّ ٔزهِٟٕظ
ْ َاؽِ َفٚ
And protect me with Your mercy!
ّٖب﵁١ُجهَ ُِ َز
ِّ ثِؾِٟٖ َل ٍْجٚ
And my heart enthralled by Your love!
َغِٓ ئِعَبَثزٔه
ِ ُٖ ثِؾٍَٟ ُِٖٓ َػٖٚ
And be gracious to me by answering me favourably,
َِِٟٙعٚ ُصجِذ
َ َٔ َِّب سَة٠ َه١ِ ٌََِفا
So toward You, my Lord, I have turned my face
Sha’ban Amaal 144
ٞ َُِٕبِٟٕثٍَِّ ْغَٚ
And make me attain my desires!
غَ اٌشِّظَب٠ِعش
َ َب٠
O He, whose pleasure is quickly achieved!
ُعالَؽُُٗ اٌْجُىَبء
ٔ َٚ
And whose weapon is tears!
ِّ ََب دَافٔغ٠
O Repeller of adversities!
ُّ َٟٔٓ ف١ِٔؽٔشٛغ َز
ِ ٌُّْسَ اُٛٔ َب٠
Sha’ban Amaal 146
شا﵁١ّٔب﵁ َوض١ٍٔغ
ِ َعٍَََُّ رَٚ
And give them abundant peace!
Sha’ban Amaal 147
ُٱٌْخَبٌٔكُ ٱٌشٖاصِق
the Creator, the Sustainer,
ُذ١ٌُّّْٔ ٱِٟ١ؾ
ِ ٌُّْٱ
the Giver of live, the Causer of death,
Sha’ban Amaal 148
َ ٌٌَْهَ ٱ
To You is the Majesty
ًٌََُْهَ ٱٌْفَعٚ
to You is the favor,
ٌٌَََّْٗٓهَ ٱٚ
to You is thanks,
ُدٌََُٛهَ ٱٌْغٚ
to You is magnanimity,
َ ٌٌََْهَ ٱٚ
to You is generosity,
ِ ٌٌَََّْهَ ٱٚ
to You is glory,
ٌََُهَ ٱٌشُّىْشٚ
and to You is gratitude.
َهَ ٌَه٠ِشش
َ َن ال
َ َؽذ
ِ َٚ
You are alone without having any partner with You.
َ ﵁ا اُٛىِٓ ٌَُٗ وُف
ُ ٠َ ٌََُِٚ
and there is none like to Him!
ِٟٕ٠َِٱلْطِ َدٚ
help me settle my debt,
ٍُُ رَ ْفشُق١ٔؽى
َ ٍٍَخٔ وًَُّ ا ِِش١ِ ٌٍَّ ٰ٘زٖٔٔ ٱَٟٔفأَِّهَ ف
for You, at this night, make distinct all affairs of
ْ َٱ ٱٌٍََّٗ ِِٔٓ فٌَُٛٱعِبٚ﴿
“Ask Allah of His bounty.”
َ َٖبنَ ل٠َِئٚ
to You do I turn my face,
َ ٌَََهَ سٚ
and for You do I hope.
َزٔه١َ ش
ْ َُ ٌََٕب ِِٔٓ خ
ِ ُُٖٔ ٱلْغٌٍََّٙا
O Allah, (please do) grant us an amount of fearfulness of
َزٔه١َ ص
ٔ َِٓ َِؼ١ِ َثَٚ ََٕٕب١ِ يُ َثَُٛؾ٠ َِب
that prevents us from committing acts of disobedience to
ْ ِ ِِٔٓ ؼَب َػزٔهَ َِب ُرجٍَِّ ُغَٕب ثِ ٔٗ سَٚ
an amount of obedience to You that makes us attain Your
َب١ْٔٗجَبدُ ٱٌذ١َٕٔب ثِٗٔ ُِص١ِ ٍَ ُْ َػَُٛٙ٠ ِٓ َِب١َٔم١ٌْ َِٔٓ ٱَٚ
and an amount of conviction that help us tolerate the
vicissitudes of this worldly life.
Sha’ban Amaal 153
ٔ صذَنَ ٱٌْمَب
َ ََلٚ
the determined aspirers have You in mind,
َ َٚ د
ٌ ًِِ َٔفَؾَب١ٌٍَّ ٰ٘زَا ٱٌََٟٔهَ فٚ
You, at this night, give gifts, bounties beyond measure,
َخٍْ ٔمه
َ ِِٓٔ ٕؽذ
َ اٝ
ٰ ٍََػ
Sha’ban Amaal 157
َٓ َػؽْفٔه
ِ ِٔ ِٕٗٔ ثِؼَبٔئذَح١ٍَ َ ُػذِدَ َػٚ
and multiply profits and gains for him out of Your love
and affection,
ٔ َٓ ٱٌْفَب٠ِِّش١َٱٌْخ
the virtuous, and the righteous,
ِ َعٍَََُّ رَٚ
and may He exalt them very much.
َ َٚ َٞٔادٛع
َ ه
َ ٌَ َغذ
َ َع
Prostrating before You are my body and my shadow.
ُُ١َُٔ ئِالَّ ٱٌشٖةٗ ٱٌْ َؼظ١َٔغْ ٔفشُ ٱٌزَّْٔتَ ٱٌْ َؼظ٠ ََفأَِّ ُٗ ال
because none can forgive the serious sin except the All-
great Lord.
The Holy Prophet (s) then raised his head and then
prostrated himself again, saying:
Sha’ban Amaal 161
ََُْٛٱالسَظٚ د
ُ َاٚ اظَبءَدْ ٌَُٗ ٱٌغَّٖبٞٔٱٌَّز
that has lit the heavens and the earth,
ٔ ٢َٱٚ َٓ١ٌِٖٔٚٗٔ ا ِِشُ ٱال١ٍَ صٍَؼَ َػ
َ َٚ
and made active all the affairs of the past and the
coming generations
ٓب﵁١ال شَ ٔم
َ َٚ ال وَبفٔش﵁ا
and neither atheist nor unhappy.
َغذَ ٌَه
ُ ِْ اع
ِ أٌٟ َٖؽُكٚ
and it is my duty to prostrate myself before You.
Dua Nudba
ِ َعٍَََُّ رَٚ ٗٔ ٌَٔآٚ
and upon his Household and may He salute them with
thorough salutation.
َ ِٕه٠ٔدَٚ ه
َ غ
ٔ ُُِْ ٌَٕٔفَٙصز
ْ ٍَخ
ْ َعز
ِ َٓ ٱ٠َٔبٔئهَ ٱٌَّز١ٌِٔٚ أٟف
to Your vicegerents whom You have purely selected for
Yourself and Your religion;
Sha’ban Amaal 165
ِ ّْٔالَ ٱظَٚ ُٗ ٌَ ََايٚ الَ َصٞٔٱٌَّز
that neither vanishes nor diminishes,
ٖ ٌَب ٱ١ْٔذ
ٗ ٌ دَسَعَبدٔ ٰ٘زٖٔٔ ٱٟٔف
all the ranks of this lowly world
ََُُِٙ َل ٖشِثزٚ ُ
ِ َُٙفَ َم ِج ٍْز
You accepted and drew them near to You.
َ ٌٌْضَٕبءَ ٱ
َّ َٱٚ
and obvious approval,
َالٔئىَ َزه
َ َِ ُِِِٙ١ٍَ َا ِ٘ َجؽْذَ َػٚ
made Your angels descend to them,
َه١ِ ؽ
ِ َُُِٛ ِثََٙ َو ٖش ِِزٚ
honored them with Your revelations,
ْ ِٰ سٌٍََِٝخَ ئ١ٔعَٛ ٌَْٱٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 167
َّ ى ْٕزَُٗ ع
َعِ َفجَؼِطٌ ا
Therefore, You made some of them dwell in Your
َبِْٕٙٔ َُٗعز
ِ َْ ا خْش
ِ ٰ اٌَِٝئ
until You decided to take him out of there.
ٔ ٍْ ُفٟٔثَؼِطٌ ؽَ َّ ٍْزَُٗ فَٚ
You bore another one on in Your Ark
َ َغه
ٔ ْزرَُٗ ٌَٕٔف
ْخَ َّثَؼِطٌ ٱرَٚ
You took another one as Your intimate friend
َُٗع ِجز
َ َٓ فَب٠ِخش
ٔ ٢ ٱٟٔصذِقٍ ف
ٔ َْعَبٌَهَ ٌٔغَبَٚ
and when he asked You to leave behind him a truthful
mention, You responded to him
Sha’ban Amaal 168
ْ غشَحٕ َر
َ َٓ ش
ِ ِٔ َُٗثَؼِطٌ وٍََّ ِّزَٚ
You spoke to another one from a tree directly
ُ ػِ ٱٌْ ُمُٚذرَُٗ ِثش
ِ ٠ٖ َاٚ
and aided him with the Sacred Spirit.
َ ُٗ ٌَ َششَػِذ
َ ًُ
ٌّ َوٚ
For each of them, You gave a code of law,
ٔ ِٚ شِدَ ٌَ ُٗ ا١ٖ خ
َ َرَٚ
and finely chose successors;
ِ ُِ َغزَؾِفٔظب﵁ ثَ ِؼذ
ِ ُِ
well-trustworthy successors one after another,
َ ِٕه٠ٔئِلَبَِخ﵁ ٌٔذ
in purpose of establishing Your religion
َ ٔػجَبدٔنٝ
ٰ ٍََؽُغٖخ﵁ َػٚ
and acting as arguments against Your servants,
ٍِٔٗٔ٘ اٝ
ٰ ٍََ ْغٍٔتَ ٱٌْجَبؼًُٔ َػ٠َٚ
and the wrong should never overcome the people of the
Sha’ban Amaal 170
َ يَ اَُٛم٠ َالَٚ
and so that none should claim, saying,
ْ ََٔٚ ٔي
َّ ً ا ِْ َٔز
ِ َِبٔرهَ ِِٔٓ َلج٠َزجِغَ آ
َّ َٕف
we should have followed Your signs before that we met
humiliation and disgrace!”
َ ِجه١َِٔغَٚ َجِه١ِؽج
َ ٌَِِٰٝذَ ثِٱال ِِشِ ئ١ََٰٙ ا ْٔ ٱْٔزٌَِٝئ
ُِٕؾَ ّٖذ
You then ended the matter with Your most-beloved and
well-select one, Muhammad,
َُٗغ ِجز
َ ََفىَبَْ وََّب ٱْٔز
Sha’ban Amaal 171
َُٗخٍَ ْمز
َ َِِٓ َذ١َ
ِّ ع
the master of all those whom You created,
َُٗز١ِ ع َز َج
ِ َا فْعًََ َِِٓ ٱٚ
the most favorite of all those whom You pointed out,
ِ َّ ََا ْو َشََ َِِٓ ٱ ِػزٚ
and the noblest of all those on whom You decided.
َ عََّبٔئهٝ
ٰ ٌَِِؽٔٗٔ ئَٚ َػشَعِذَ ِث ُشٚ
raised his soul to Your heavens,
َخٍْ ٔمه
َ ِٰ ٱْٔمٔعَبءٌَُِْٝ ئُٛى٠َ َِبَٚ
and whatever shall come to pass up to the extinction of
Your creatures.
ًَ١ٔىَبئ١َِٔٚ ً
َ ١ٔغ ِج َشئ
َ َِؽَفَ ْفزَُٗ ثٚ
ordered (Archangels) Gabriel and Michael
َالئٔىَ ٔزه
َ َِ ِِٓٔ َٓ١َِٔٛ
ِّ َٱٌُّْغٚ
as well as the marked angels to surround him,
Sha’ban Amaal 173
ْ ٌُِّْ َوشَِٖ ٱٌََٛٚ
however much the polytheists may be averse.
ِّ َبدٌ ث٠ٗٔ آ١ٔف
In it, there are clear-cut proofs.
Sha’ban Amaal 174
َُ١َِٔ٘مَبَُ ئِِثشَا
It is the standing-place of Abraham,
ِ ُِّزْ٘ٔتَ َػ ْٕىُُُ ٱٌش١ٌٔ ٌٍَُّٗذُ ٱ٠ِش٠ُ َ ُلٍْذَ «ئََِِّّٔبٚ
You also said, “Allah only desires to keep away the
uncleanness from you,
».شا﵁١ِْٙشَوُُِ رَؽَٙ
ِّ ؽ٠َُٚ
and to purify you a thorough purifying.”
ِ ِٗٔ ِِٔٓ ا١ٍَ َ ُلٍْذَ «َِب ا عِبٌُىُُِ َػٚ
You also said, “I do not ask you aught in return
َ ٗٔ ِّٰ سَثٌَِٝخزَ ئ
ٔ ََّز٠ ِْ ئِالَّ َِِٓ شَبءَ ا
except that he who wills, may take the way to his Lord.”
َِه١ًٌََِ ئ١ِغج
ٖ ٌٱ ُُُ٘ ٱَُٛٔفىَب
They (i.e. the Prophet‟s Household) have therefore
been the way to You
ْ ِٰ سٌَِٝغ ٍَهَ ئ
ِ ٌََّْٱٚ
and the course to Your pleasure.
Sha’ban Amaal 176
ُُِٖٗب٠ ذ ا
ْ ََفٍَّٖب ٱْٔمَع
When his (i.e. the Prophet) days passed,
ََُٖاالٚ ٓ
ِ َِ َِايٚ ُ
ٖ ٌٍََُّٙا
O Allah, guard any one who is loyal to `Ali,
َ َٔ َِِٓ ِصش
ُ َْٔٱٚ
support any one who supports him,
َ َِِٓ ْخزُي
ْ َٱٚ
and disappoint any one who disappoints him.”
“.ُُٖش١ِٔ أٟ
ٌّ ٍٖ ُٗ فَ َؼ١ ” َِِٓ ُوْٕذُ أَب َٔ ِج:ََلَبيٚ
He also said, “As for any one who has considered me as
his Prophet, `Ali is now his commander.”
ٔ َاٚ ٕغشَح
َ َٓ ش
ِ ِٔ ٌٍّٟٔ َػَٚ ”أَب:ََلَبيٚ
He also said, “`Ali and I are of the same tree,
َُٗؽىْ َّز
ٔ َٚ ُٗ ٍَّْٔدَػَُٗ ػِٚ صُُٖ ا
He then entrusted with him his knowledge and his
ٍّْٟٔٔعٍْ ُّهَ ع
ٔ َٚ
your peace is my peace,
َ َؽ ِشُثه
َ َٚ
your war is my war,
َ َدَِهَٚ ه
َ َِّـَّبُْ ُِخَبٌٔػٌ ٌَؾ٠َِٱإلٚ
and faith is mixed with your flesh and blood
ٟٔ َفز١ٍٔخ
َ ِضِٛ ؾ
َ ٌْٰ اٍََٝأْذَ غَذا﵁ َػٚ
On the morrow, you shall be my vicegerent on the
(Divine) Pond.
ٟٔغضُ ٔػذَار
ِ ُْٕرَٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 181
ٔ ٱٌْغََّٕخٟٔ فٌِٟٔٛؽ
َ ُُُُُِٙ٘ٛعٚ َعَّ ﵁خ١ُِ ِج
white-faced, around me in Paradise.
ِٟٔشَا١َُُِِ٘ عٚ
They are my neighbors (therein).
َّ ٰ َِٔٓ ٱَٜوَبَْ ثَ ِؼذَُٖ ُ٘ذٚ
Hence, he (i.e. `Ali), after the Prophet, was true
guidance against straying off,
ِ ٌُّْصشَاؼَُٗ ٱ
ٔ َٚ
and His straight path.
ِيَُٛ ٱٌ ٖشعٚز
ْؽَ ُٚؾز
ِ َ٠
He patterned after the Messenger,
َ َُِخِٛ ٌَ ٌٍَّٔٗ ٱٟٔخزُُٖ ف
ُ الَ رَبَٚ
The blame of any blamer would never stop him from
doing anything for the sake of Allah.
ٔٗٔرَٚ ٰ َػذَاٍََٝظجٖذْ ػ
َ فَب
Therefore, they clang inseparably to opposing him
َ ٰ َُِٕبَثٍََٝا َوجٖذْ َػٚ
and attached upon dissenting him
َٓ١َٔٱٌَّْبسِلٚ َٓ١ٔعؽ
ٔ َٱٌْمَبٚ ٓ
َ ١ٰٔ َلزًََ ٱٌَّٕب ٔوضَّٝؽَز
until he had to kill the preachers, the unjust, and the
ِ َٔ ٌَََّٰٖٝب لَعٚ
When he passed away
ُ َِِٓ َِٟعج
ُ َٚ
many others were taken as captives,
Sha’ban Amaal 186
عجِؾَبَْ سَثَِّٕب
ُ َٚ
All glory be to our Lord.
Sha’ban Amaal 187
َ ٌْضُ ٱ٠َِ ٱٌْ َؼضُٛ٘ َٚ
He is the Almighty, the All-wise.
ٍٍَّٟٔ َػٚ ِذٔ ُِؾَّٖذ١ٰ ٱال ؼَبئٔتِ ِِٔٓ ا ًِِ٘ َثٍَٝفَ َؼ
For the immaculate ones from the household of
Muhammad and `Ali,
ٗ ٌُِِ َفٍْ َززْسِفٔ ٱٌٍَٙٔٔ ّٔ ْضٚ
For the like of them, let tears be shed,
ََْٛٗعٔظٖ ٱٌعَّبع٠َٚ
yellers yell,
َََْٛٗؼٔظٖ ٱٌْؼَبع٠َٚ
and wailers wail.
ُٓ١ِ غ
َ َُٓ ٱٌْؾ٠ِ ٓ ا
ُ غ
َ ََٓ ٱٌْؾ٠ِ ا
Where is al-Hasan? Where is al-Husayn?
َ َُٓ اِثَٕبءُ ٱٌْؾ٠ِ ا
Where are the sons of al-Husayn;
ٖ ًٌُ ثَ ِؼذَ ٱ١ِغج
ٖ ٌَٓ ٱ٠ِ ا
Where is the course (to Allah) after a course?
ٔشَح١َ خ
ٔ ٌْشَحُ ثَ ِؼذَ ٱ١َ خ
ٔ ٌَْٓ ٱ٠ِ ا
Where is the best after the best?
ِٓ٠ِّالَُ ٱٌذ
َ َٓ ا ِػ٠ِ ا
Where are the authorities of the religion
َّ َٓ ٱٌُّْ َؼذٗ ٌٔ َمؽْغِ دَاِثشِ ٱ٠ ا
Where is the one prepared for cutting off the roots of
the wrongdoers?
ِ َٱٌْ ُؼٚ ِ ِسٛغ
َ ٌْ إلِصَاٌَخٔ ٱٝ
ٰ َٓ ٱٌْ ُّ ِشرَغ٠ِ ا
Where is the one hoped for removing oppression and
َِٕٓ غ
ٗ ٌَٱٚ ط
ِ ٔذٔ ٱٌْ َفشَائ٠ٔغذ
ِ َخشُ ٌٔز
َ َٖٓ ٱٌْ ُّذ٠ِ ا
Where is the one spared for refreshing the duties and
َّ َٱٚ ُش إلِػَبدَحٔ ٱٌٍَّّْٔ ٔخ١ٖ خ
َ ََٓ ٱٌْ ُّز٠ِ ا
Where is the one chosen for restoring the faith and the
code of law?
Sha’ban Amaal 191
ُ َٚ ة
ِ ىزَب
ٔ ٌَْبءِ ٱ١ؽ
ِ ًِ إل
ُ َِٖٓ ٱٌْ ُّ َإ٠ِ ا
Where is the one expected to restore to life the Book
and its provisions?
ٍِٔٗٔ٘ َاٚ ٓ
ِ ٠ِّ َِؼَبٌُِٔ ٱٌذِٟ١ؾ
ِ ُِ َٓ٠ِ ا
Where is the reviver of the elements of the religion and
its people?
َِٱٌِّٕفَبقٚ ن
ٔ ٌِشش
ِّ َخٔ ٱ١ِٕ َٓ َ٘ب ٔدَُ اِث٠ِ ا
Where is the one demolishing the edifices of
polytheism and hypocrisy?
َْٔب١َٱٌؽُّ ْغٚ ْ
ٔ َب١ص
ْ َٔٱٌْؼٚ
disobedience, and tyranny?
َِٱٌشِّمَبقٚ َٟ
ِّ عِ ٱٌْغُٚذ ُفش
ُصٔ َٓ ؽَب٠ِ ا
Sha’ban Amaal 192
َٔٱإلٌِْؾَبدٚ ًِ١ٍٔع
ْ ََّٱٌزٚ غزَبصًُٔ ا ًِِ٘ ٱٌْ ٔؼَٕب ٔد
ِ ُِ َٓ٠ِ ا
Where is the one tearing up the people of obstinacy,
misleading, and atheism?
َِٱٌغَّٖبءٚ ض
ِ َِٓ ٱال ِس١غجَتُ ٱٌُّْزَّصًُٔ َث
ٖ ٌَٓ ٱ٠ِ ا
Where is the means of access that is connectedly
extended between the earth and the heavens.
َٱٌشِّظَبٚ ػ
ِ ال
َ ٌص
َّ َٓ ُِإٌَِّفُ شًَِِّ ٱ٠ِ ا
Where is the one reunifying the dispersed parts of
uprightness and contentment?
Sha’ban Amaal 194
َِبء١َاِثَٕبءِ ٱالْٔ ِجٚ َب ِء١يِ ٱالْٔ ِجَُٛٓ ٱٌؽَّبٌٔتُ ِثزُؽ٠ِ ا
Where is the one demanding with the vengeance of the
Prophets and their sons?
َى ِشَثالَء
َ يِ ِثُٛذَِ ٱٌَّْ ْمز
َ َٓ ٱٌؽَّبٌٔتُ ِث٠ِ ا
Where is the one demanding with the blood of the one
slain in Karbala'?
ََٰٜٱ ْف َزشٚ ِٔٗ١ٍَ ٰ َػَٰٜ َِِٓ ٱ ِػ َزذٍَٝسُ َػَُٛٓ ٱٌْ َّْٕص٠ِ ا
Where is the one granted aid against whomever
transgresses and forges lies against him?
ْ ٌُِّّْ ٱَِٟٓ ٱِثُٓ ٱٌَّٕج٠ِ ا
Where is the son of the well-chosen Prophet,
Sha’ban Amaal 195
َٰٜى ِجش
ُ ٌَْٱِثُٓ فَبؼَّٔخَ ٱٚ
and the son of Fatimah the grand lady?
َِِّٟاٚ ذ
َ ْٔ اِٟثِبث
May my father and mother be ransoms for you.
َّ ٌُّْٙشَحٔ ٱ١َ خ
ٔ ٌَْب ِثَٓ ٱ٠
O son of the ever-best refined ones!
َ َْٔب ِثَٓ ٱٌْ َغؽَبسِفَخٔ ٱال٠
O son of the all-liberal and all-select ones!
َ ََب ِثَٓ ٱٌْخَعَب ِسَِخٔ ٱٌْ ُّ ْٕز٠
O son of the ample-giving, finely elected ones!
ٔئَخ١ٔغشُطِ ٱٌُّْع
ٗ ٌَب ِثَٓ ٱ٠
O son of beaming lanterns!
َٔاظٔؾَخٌْٛغجًُِ ٱ
ٗ ٌَب ِثَٓ ٱ٠
O son of patent ways!
ٔالَِ ٱٌالَّئٔؾَخ
َ َِب ِثَٓ ٱال ػ٠
O son of obvious signs!
ٔسَحُْٛٙغَِٕٓ ٱٌَّْش
ٗ ٌَب ِثَٓ ٱ٠
O son of renowned traditions!
ٔدَحُِٛعَّٛ ٌْغضَادٔ ٱ
ِ َب ِثَٓ ٱٌُّْ ِؼ٠
O son of well-known miracles!
ٔدَحُْٛٙذالَئًِٔ ٱٌَّْش
ٖ ٌَب ِثَٓ ٱ٠
O son of widely witnessed demonstrations!
Sha’ban Amaal 198
ِ ٌَُّْب ِثَٓ ٱٌصِّشَاغٔ ٱ٠
O son of the straight path!
َ ٌٍّٰٟٔ ٱٌٍَّ ٔٗ َػَٜىزَبةِ ٌَذ
ٔ ٌْ اَِّ ٱَٟٔ فُٛ٘ َِِٓ ََٓب ِث٠
O son of him who is elevated and full of wisdom in the
original of the Book with Allah.
ِّ َٱٌْجٚ د
ٔ َب٠٢َب ِثَٓ ٱ٠
O son of signs and manifestations!
ٔؾغَظِ ٱٌْجَبٌٔغَبد
ُ ٌَْب ثَِٓ ٱ٠
O son of conclusive arguments!
ِ ٌَُّْٱٚ َٰٰٗب ِثَٓ ؼـ٠
O son of Taha and the decisive (verses)!
َّ عزَ َمشٖدْ ِثهَ ٱ
ِ َٓ ٱ٠ِ اِٞذ شٔ ِؼش
َ ِ١ٌَ
Sha’ban Amaal 200
ِ َٔ َالَٚ غ ﵁ب١ٔالَ ا عَِّغُ ٌَهَ ؽَغَٚ
nor can I hear any whisper or confidential talk from
ْشَ ال
َ َٚ ْظ١ِ ظَغِِّٟٕٔ ََٕبٌُه٠َ َالَٚ
and neither cry nor complaint from me can rally round
Sha’ban Amaal 201
َٰٰٝ َِزٌََِٝئٚ ٞ
َ َالِٛ َِ َب٠ َه١ٰٔ ا ؽَبسُ فَٰٝ َِزٌَِٝئ
Until when will I be bewildered about you, O my
master, and until when?
ِ َٔ ٖٞ َاٚ ه
َ ١ٔصفُ ف
ٔ خؽَبةٍ ا
ٔ ٖٞ َاٚ
In what kind of statement and in what kind of talk can
I describe you?
ََٰٝأَبغٚ ه
َ َُٖٔٚ ا ِْ اعَبةَ دٍَٟضٌ َػ٠َِػض
It is hard for me that I can receive answers and words,
but you cannot.
ََٰٜسٌْٛخزٌَُهَ ٱ
ْ َ٠َٚ ه
َ ١َ ى
ٔ ٖ ا ِْ اِثٍَٟضٌ َػ٠َِػض
It is hard for me that I weep for you but the others
disappoint you.
Sha’ban Amaal 203
َ ُُِ َِبَُٙٔٚهَ د١ِ ٍَ ََ ػِٞغش
ِ َ٠ ِْ ٖ اٍَٟضٌ َػ٠َِػض
It is hard for me that what has happened afflict you
other than all the others.
ََٱٌْ ُجىَبءٚ ً
َ ٠ًَِٛ َِؼَُٗ ٱٌْ َؼ١ٍٔٓ فَبؼ١ًَْٔ٘ ِِٔٓ ُِؼ
Is there any helper with whom I may lament and bewail
as much as I wish?
ًٌَٰٝ َف ُزٍْم١ِعج
َ ذ
َ َّ َِب ِثَٓ ا ؽ٠ َه١ِ ًٌََِْ٘ ئ
Is there any way to meet you, O son of Ahmad (the
ِ َٕ َُِٕب ِٔ ْٕهَ ثِ ٔؼذَحٕ َفِٛ ٠َ ًَُٔزَّص٠ ًَْ٘
Will our day be promised to catch your day and we will
thus achieve our hope?
Sha’ban Amaal 204
َّ فَ َمذِ ؼَبيَ ٱ
because thirst has been too long?
َٰٜصشِ ُرش
ْ ٌََّٕاءَ ٱٌٛٔ َششِد
َ َٔ َِ َلذٚ ن
َ َٔشَاَٚ ٰ َرشَأَبََِٝز
When will you see us and we see you spreading the
pennon of victory?
ِّؾذَحَ ٱٌْؾَك
َ ََعٚ َاَثشِدَ ٱٌْ ُؼزَب َحٚ
annihilated the insolent defiant and the deniers of the
ِّ َ َلؽَؼِذَ دَاِثشَ ٱٌْ ُّ َزىٚ
cut off the roots of the arrogant,
ِ فَ ٔؼ ْٕذَنَ ٱٌْ َؼٞٔعزَ ِؼذ
ِ هَ ا١ِ ٌََِئٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 206
ٗ ٌَٱٚ خشَ ٔح
ٔ ٢َأْذَ سَةٗ ٱٚ
and You are alone the Lord of the Hereafter and this
َُٰٜٛذَ ٱٌْم٠ٔشذ
َ َب٠ َُٖذ١َ
ِّ َا سِ ٖٔ عٚ
grant him (i.e. Your servant) chance to see his master,
O Lord of mighty prowess,
َ ٌَْٱٚ ٝ
ٰ ََا صِيْ َػُْٕٗ ثِٗٔ ٱال عٚ
remove from him misfortune and anguish, in the name
of his master,
ِ ٰ ٱٌْ َؼ ِشػِ ٱٍََٝب َِِٓ َػ٠ ٍَُٗ١ٍَٔشدِ َغ
ِّ ثَٚ
and satisfy his thirst, O He Who is established on the
َََٰٝٙٱٌْ ُّ ْٕزٚ ٝ
ٰ َِٗٔ ٱٌشٗعِؼ١ٌَِ َِِٓ ئَٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 207
ِّ ٌَٚ ٝ
ٰ ٌََِْ ئُٛذُنَ ٱٌزَّبئٔم١ِؾُٓ َػج
ِ ََٔٚ ُ
ٖ ٌٍََُّٙا
O Allah, we are Your servants who are fervently willing
to meet Your vicegerent,
َ َٚ ٖ ﵁خ١ؾ
ٔ َفجٍَِّغُْٗ َِّٕٔب َر
So, (please) convey to him greetings and salutations
from us,
Sha’ban Amaal 208
ٖبُٖ ا َِب ََِٕب٠ِـ ّٔهَ ئ٠َٔا رُِّْٔ ِٔؼِ َّ َزهَ ِثزَ ْمذٚ
and perfect Your bounty by making him occupy the
leading position before us
ِ ِس َدَٔبُٰٛ رَّٝؽَز
so that You shall allow us to enter the gardens of Your
ُ ِِٓٔ ِذَاءَٙ ُّ ُِشَافَمَخَ ٱٌشَٚ
and to accompany the martyrs from among Your elite
ُ ٌْمَخٔ ٱ٠ِّذرٔٗٔ ٱٌصِّذ
ٖعَ َٚ
upon his grandmother the grand veracious lady
ََََٚا ِدٚ ُ
ٖ ََا رٚ
most thorough, most permanent,
َخٍْ ٔمه
َ ِِٓٔ َ َشٔره١َ خ
ٔ َٚ
and well-chosen ones among Your creatures.
َ َخَ ٌٔ َؼ٠صالَ ﵁ح الَ غَب
َ ِٔٗ١ٍَ َصًَِّ َػٚ
And (please) bless him with such blessings whose
number is infinite,
َ َّ ٌٔ ََخ٠َبِٙٔ َالَٚ
whose quantity is never-ending,
Sha’ban Amaal 211
َ ٰٔ ُِشَافَمَخٌَِٝ ئِّٞصٍَخ﵁ ُرإَد
ْ ُٚ
a connection that leads us to accompany his ancestors,
ُِِٙٔغ َضر
ِ ُخزُ ثِؾ
ُ َب٠ ِّٖٓ ِٔ َٱعِ َؼ ٍَْٕبٚ
include us with those who will take their vengeance
Sha’ban Amaal 212
ٔٗٔز١َ ص
ٔ ِع ٔزَٕبةِ َِؼ
ِ َٱٚ
and avoiding disobeying him,
َُٖش١ِ خ
َ َٚ ُٖ َدُػَبءَٚ
prayer (for us), and his goodness
ِ ُِ ِٔٗدُػَب َءَٔب ثَٚ
and our supplications responded.
ٔ ْغَٕب ثِٗٔ َِم
َ َٔائٛؽ
َ َٚ
and our needs granted.
Sha’ban Amaal 214
َّخ﵁١ٔظشَح﵁ سَؽ
ْ َٔ َٕب١ِ ٌَِظشِ ئ
ُ َْٔٱٚ
and have a merciful look at us
َىشَاَِخَ ػٔ ْٕذَن
َ ٌَْب ٱِٙغ َزىًُّْٔ ث
ِ َٔ
by which we will win perfect honor with You;
َٖٔٔذ١ِثَٚ ٗٔ ِٔثىَبع
Sha’ban Amaal 215
ئب﵁ عَبئٔغب﵁١َِٕ٘
pleasant, and wholesome drink
ِ ُِ ْ ِِٔٓ َػزَاثِهَ خَبٔئفَٚ
and I am fearful of You, seeking Your shelter against
Your chastisement.
ٔخَ َٓ ع
ِ ِٔ َرُ ِثشِظَبنَُٛاػٚ
I resort to Your pleasure against Your wrath,
َعًََّ َصَٕبؤُن
Enormous be the praise of You.
ٔ ْٰ َٔفٍَِٝذَ َػ١ََٕأْذَ وََّب اْص
You are as exactly as You have praised Yourself
Sha’ban Amaal 220
َْٔٱٌْ ُفشِلَبٚ ٜ
ٰ َذُٙ ٌَِّْٕبدٕ َِٔٓ ٱ١َثَٚ
and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of
right and wrong),
َ ََلذِ ؽ
Sha’ban Amaal 224
has commenced.
ٔٗ١ٔفَغٍَِّ َِّٕب ف
So, (please) keep us out of blemish during it,
عٍََُِّّٗ ٌََٕبَٚ
keep it sound for us,
َ ٌْىشَ ٱ
َشَ َٚ ً
َ ١ٍٔخزَ ٱٌْ َم
َ َب َِِٓ ا٠
O He Who has accepted the little (deed) and thanked
for the much,
َ اعِبٌُهُُِِّٟٖٔ ئٌٍََّٙا
O Allah, I beseech You
َ ٍش١ِ َٰ وًُِّ خٌَِٝ ئٌٟٔ ًََغؼ
ِ َاِْ ر
to make for me a path to every decency,
Sha’ban Amaal 225
ِّٔئَبد١ِٖدُ ثِٗٔ َِٔٓ ٱٌغٍَٛ ََػَّٖب خٚ ََِّٟٕب َِِٓ ػَفَب ػ٠
O He Who has pardoned me and overlooked the
misdeeds that I have committed secretly!
ُِ أْضَعِش
ِ ٍَ َػِٓ َِؾَب ِس ِٔهَ َفِٟٕع ِشَر
َ ََصٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 226
ِٞفََّب ُػزْس
Now, what is my excuse?
َ اعِبٌُهُُّٟٖٔ ِئٌٍََّٙا
O Allah, I beseech You
ٌَُُِٙذ اػَِّب
َ ِ١ص
َ ِاؽ
You have recorded all their (i.e. Your servants) deeds,
َُُِٙذ اسِصَال
َ ََِّلَغٚ
decided the sustenance of each one them,
َُُُِٙٔاٌَْٛاٚ ُ
ِ ُُٙغ َٕز
ٔ ٌْخ َزٍٔفَ ﵁خ ا
ْ ُِ ََُُِٙعَ َؼ ٍْزٚ
and made them of different languages and colors
َ ٔخٍْمب﵁ ِِٔٓ ثَ ِؼذ
in different stages of creation.
َخٍْ ٔمه
َ ٟٔ ِِٔٓ صَبٌٔؾٍِْٟٕ َٱعِ َؼٚ
and include me with the virtuous creatures of You
ًََِِٱالٚ ً
ِ ََّ ٱٌْؼٟٔف
in deeds, hopes,
َُِؼَبدَا ٔح ا ِػذَائٔهَٚ
incurring the enmity of Your enemies,
َُِ ٌَه١ٍٔغ
ِ ََّٱٌزٚ َِفَبءٌَْٛٱٚ ِعَُٛٱٌْخُشٚ
and submitting to You, being loyal to You, complying
with You,
ٔ كِ ِث٠ٔصذ
ْ ََّٱٌزٚ
believing in Your Book,
ٍِ َثؽَشٚزؿٍ ا
َ َِ ثٚػ ا
ٍ ِ َف َشٚا
(excessive) joy, lavish expenditure or recklessness,
ٍِ ِٔفَبقٚق ا
ٍ شٔمَبِٚ ا
discord, hypocrisy,
ْ ِٔ ػٚق ا
ٍ ُِٛ فُغِٚ وُ ْف ٍش اٚا
unbelief, licentiousness, disobedience,
ََسِظب﵁ ثِمَعَبٔئهٚ
satisfaction with what You decide for me,
ٔ ِْ اس
ُ ه عُىَّب
َ ص
ٔ َِؼ٠ ٌَُِ َِِٓ َٚ َأَبٚ
Sha’ban Amaal 233
Both those who have not disobeyed You and I are the
inhabitants of Your lands;
َ ًَِْٕب ثِٱٌْفَع١ِ ٍَ ىِٓ َػ
ُ َف
so, (please) confer magnanimously upon us with Your
ٗالَ رُ َؼذَٚ ٝ
ٰ َال رُؾِص
that are innumerable, uncountable,