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Shuibuya rockfill dam

BOMAG compaction technology

in use on world’s highest rockfill dam

Job report by H.-J. Kloubert

Shuibuya rockfill dam
Using the latest compaction
technology on the world’s highest
rockfill dam
The Shuibuya concrete face rockfill dam
(CFRD) which presently is under construction,
is the highest of its kind in the world. The pro-
ject construction started in 2002. The total
dam height of 233 m will be reached in 2006.
The Shuibuya dam is located near Yichang
City on the Quing Jiang river, a Yangtse tri-
butary river downstream from the famous
Three Gorges dam in Hubei province, China.
The dam will serve as a multi-purpose hydro-
development project producing benefits
mainly in power generation and flood control.
The whole project includes construction of
rockfill dam, concrete face, underground
powerhouse with the installation of 4 gene-
rator units of 400 MW each. The first gene-
ration unit will be put into operation in 2006
and all four units will be completed in 2008. Shuibuya rockfill dam and hydro power plant.

Rockfill dam design

The Shuibuya CFRD is designed with dam
height of 233 m, 610 m length of dam axis
and dam slopes ratio 1:1,4. On the upstream
slope a concrete face slab forms the imper-
meable membrane of the dam. The concrete
slab is 1,10 m thick at the bottom and 0,30 m
thick at the top. The huge scale of the dam
body needs more than 15 Mio m3 of rockfill

According to the working schedule and

workforce distribution proper zoning of dam
Crossview of Shuibuya dam.
filling materials is carried out for the best uti-
lisation of the material from excavation and to
reduce costs.

The main rockfill is blasted by deep hole

micro differential blasting methods from soft
and hard lime stone formations near the job
site. The material is then excavated and trans-
ported to the dam by trucks and placed and
levelled by bulldozers. Compaction is carried
out with 25 t BOMAG BW 225 VARIOCONTROL
rollers with 6 – 8 passes. Water tankers con-
tinuously spray water on the rockfill layers to
support the compaction process.
Compaction of 1000 mm rockfill layers of lower dam body.
Strict Compaction Requirements
Due to the enormous loads which the stored
water will exert on the dam, the rockfill material
has to meet high specifications with regard to
density, strength, compressibility and resistance
to deformation. Based on tests carried out
before construction process, theoretical cal-
culations and on the experience on similar
projects, the density specification is set up to
2,15 t/m3. The lift thickness is specified at
800 mm after compaction. The rockfill mate-
rial has to meet a limited grading envelope.
Oversized blocks are removed by excavators.
Grading specification of rockfill material.

and vertical direction. It provides compaction operator can select from a choice of 6 vibration
amplitudes of up to 2,5 mm and centrifugal directions between horizontal and vertical.
forces of up to 500 kN. VARIOCONTROL rol- VARIOCONTROL rollers are also equipped
lers offer exceptional performance in terms with a new method of roller-integrated mea-
of uniformity of compaction and depth effect. surement to provide an assessment of com-
When operating the rollers in automatic mode paction during the process by determining
the VARIOCONTROL system automatically the dynamic stiffness of the soil. The mea-
adjusts the energy required for compaction surement principle is based on the plate bea-
without the drum commencing the undesirable ring test in the German DIN 18134 standard,
bounce mode. during which a circular plate is loaded and
unloaded and the deformation modulus EV
In addition to automatic mode, where the [MN/m2] itself is obtained from the force-
Rockfill grading and density control. system controls itself, it is also possible to displacement cycles. The soil is considered
preselect the direction of vibration. Here the as linear, elastic and isotopic.

25 t VARIOCONTROL rollers for

main rockfill
Following the project schedule a daily output
of at least 15.000 m3 for laying and compac-
ting of the main rockfill material is necessary.
Due to the strict compaction requirements
and high performance demands Chingjiang
Construction is using 3 BOMAG BW 225 D-3
VARIOCONTROL rollers. The 25 t heavy single
drum rollers are equipped with variable com-
paction amplitudes which continuously adjust
the compaction energy to the actual operating
conditions and allow the maximum possible
energy to be transferred at all times.

The VARIOCONTROL system uses the analysis

of the interaction between the drum and the
stiffness of the material to be compacted.
The BVC exciter system generates directed
vibrations at any angles between horizontal
VARIOCONTROL with integrated intelligent compaction system.
Intelligent Compaction System
The VARIOCONTROL system enables the
determination of a value directly related to the
deformation modulus EV of the soil during
each vibration movement and uses the inter-
relationship between force and the penetration
of the roller into the ground. The measuring
value is called vibration modulus EVIB [MN/m2].
For this purpose the contact force between
soil and roller drum is determined by inte-
gration of the acceleration measurements
taken at the roller drum. When analysing the
contact force over the vibration path of the
drum each rotation of the eccentric produces
a loading and unloading curve in which the
enveloped area defines the compaction work
done. As with the plate bearing test the vibra-
tion modulus EVIB [MN/m2] is calculated
using the load curve. The cylindrical shape of
the drum and the changing contact area of
EVIB measurement system.
drum and soil is thereby taken into account.
The system is able to measure EVIB values in
the range 20 MN/m2 to 250 MN/m2. The EVIB
values are displayed on the operator’s control
unit and can be printed for documentation
and evaluation purposes.

Compaction Trials using model

BW 225 D-3 BVC
Compaction trials were carried out with BW
225 D-3 VARIOCONTROL rollers at an early
stage of placing III zone main rockfill to esta-
blish the number of passes to achieve the
compaction specified. A 14 m x 35 m trial
area was integrated into the construction of
the lower dam body.

The following method used:

• Compaction and proof rolling of test area
using BW 225 to produce a stable and uni-
form subgrade
• Placing 900 – 1000 mm rockfill layer, 25 t VARIOCONTROL roller in automatic mode on a 1000 mm rockfill layer.

14 m x 35 m size, removing oversized

boulders > 600 mm
• Compaction of shoulders, 4 passes with • 3 compaction passes with BW 225, auto- • 7 compaction passes with BW 225, auto-
BW 225, automatic mode matic mode on second test track matic mode on fourth test track
• 1 compaction pass with BW 225, automatic • 5 compaction passes with BW 225, auto- • Density tests, water replacement method,
mode on first test track matic mode on third test track on second, third and fourth test track
Compaction trials with BW 225 D-3 VARIOCONTROL
After 3 passes 2,00 t/m3, after 5 passes the EVIB curve evaluation the required number the VARIOCONTROL rollers working in auto-
2,15 t/m3 and after 8 passes 2,18 t/m3 were of passes for the main rockfill was specified matic mode.
achieved. Using the density test results and at 6 and the operating speed 2,0 km/h with

Shoulder 2,50

1 1 pass 2,25
2 3 passes 2,25
+ 14 m
3 5 passes 2,25
4 7 passes 2,25

+ 10 m + 15 m + 10 m +
= density test
+ + trial section + +
35 m

Trial area to establish the optimum passes with BW 225 on rockfill layer ~ 800 mm after compaction.

1 passes 3 passes 5 passes 7 passes

EVIB measurement printouts showing increasing EVIB values with higher compaction.

The EVIB values show the increase in com- EVIB [MN/m2] represents dynamic stiffness capacity of the layer. EVIB also reveals weak-
paction, the uniformity of compaction and and is directly related to the compression nesses and faults caused by porosity or
indicate refusal density after 5 – 7 passes. modulus of the material and the bearing cracking in the rockfill material.
Project Data

Project: Shuibuya concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD), 233 m height

Location: Quingjiang river, 300 km west of Wuhan, Hubei province, China

Project developer: Quingjiang River Hydropower Development Co. Ltd.

Client: Quingjiang Shuibuya Project Engineering Company

Contractor: Quingjiang Construction Company of China Construction Group Corporation for

Water Resource and Hydropower

Construction time: 2002 – 2008

Hydropower: 1600 MW, underground power house with 4 installed generating units of
400 MW each

Dam parameter: Dam height 233 m, crest width 12 m, dam axis 608 m, upstream dam slope ratio
1:1.4, downstream slope ratio 1.4 partial 1:1.125

concrete slab area: 138.000 m2, concrete slab thickness: 1.10 m at the bottom, 0.30 m at the top

Dam rockfill material: 15.6 million m3, max. block size 600 mm

Compaction specification: 800 – 1000 mm layer thickness, 2.15 t/m3

Compaction equipment: 3 x BOMAG BW 225 VARIOCONTROL

Information: BOMAG GmbH

Application Engineering
Dipl. Ing. H.J. Kloubert
Tel.: +49 6742-100-350
Fax: +49 6742-3090
Email: Hans-Josef.Kloubert@bomag.com

Die machines
The abgebildeten Maschinen
illustrated besitzen
may show teilweise
optional Sonderausstattungen,
equipment die gegen
which can be supplied at Aufpreis lieferbar
additional sind. Änderungen
cost. Specifications may bei Konstruktion,
change Form und Lieferumfang sowie
without notice.
Abweichungen im Farbton bleiben vorbehalten.

• Head Office/Hauptsitz:
BOMAG, Hellerwald, 56154 Boppard, GERMANY, Tel.: +49 6742 100-0,
Fax: +49 6742 3090, e-mail: germany@bomag.com
• BOMAG Maschinenhandelsgesellschaft m.b.H., Postfach 73, Porschestraße 9, 1234 Wien-Siebenhirten,
AUSTRIA, Tel.: +43 1 69040-0, Fax: +43 1 69040-20, e-mail: austria@bomag.com
• BOMAG (CANADA), INC., 1300 Aerowood Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1B7, CANADA,
Tel.: +1 905 6256611, Fax: +1 905 6259570, e-mail: canada@bomag.com
• BOMAG (Shanghai) Compaction Machinery Co., Ltd., 1619 Huhang Road,
Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Zone (Fengxian), Shanghai 201401, P. R. CHINA
Tel.: +86 21 67104242, Fax: +86 21 67104141, e-mail: china@bomag.com
• BOMAG FRANCE S.A.S., BP 34, Z.A. des Cochets, 91223 Bretigny-sur-Orge cedex, FRANCE,
108 063

Tel.: +33 1 69883900, Fax: +33 1 60841866, e-mail: france@bomag.com

• BOMAG (GREAT BRITAIN), LTD., Sheldon Way, Larkfield, Aylesford, Kent ME20 6SE, GREAT BRITAIN,
Tel.: +44 1622 716611, Fax: +44 1622 718385, e-mail: gb@bomag.com
PRE 108

• BOMAG Italia Srl., Z.I. - Via Mella 6, 25015 Desenzano del Garda (Bs) , ITALY,
Tel.: +39 030 9127263, Fax: +39 030 9127278, e-mail: italy@bomag.com
• BOMAG Japan Co., LTD., EKK Bldg. 5F 3-2-2, Nihonbashi Kayaba-cho, Chuo-ku Tokyo,
03/04 PRF

103-0025 JAPAN, Tel.: +81 3 5645 1610, Fax: +81 3 3664 8570, e-mail: japan@bomag.com
• BOMAG, Representative Office Asia & Pacific, 300 Beach Road, The Concourse,

32-02, Singapore 199555, SINGAPORE, Tel.: +65 6 294 1277, Fax: +65 6 294 1377,
e-mail: singapore@bomag.com
• BOMAG Americas, Inc., 2000 Kentville Road, Kewanee, Illinois 61443, U.S.A., Tel.: +1 309 8533571,
Fax: +1 309 8520350, e-mail: usa@bomag.com
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