To Study Social Relevance at Nanma Charitable Foundation: Master of Management Studies BATCH 2017-2019

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Social Relevance Project on



Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

BATCH 2017-2019

(Under University of Mumbai)

Submitted By:
Roll No: 171159
Under the guidance of


SECTOR-16, PANVEL: 410206

I, hereby declare that the General Management Project, prepared by me under the guidance
of Prof. Balashankar Ramdas is a bona fide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to
any other university or institution for the award of any degree/ diploma/ certificate or
published any time before. I also declare that the report is free of any plagiarism.


ROLL NO.: 171159 (Signature of Student)

This is to certify that the general management project titled “Direct Port Delivery at JNPT” is
successfully completed by Mr. Yash Mahesh Bhomia during semester IV, in partial fulfilment
of the Masters Degree in Management Studies recognized by the University Of Mumbai for
the academic year 2017-2019 and represents the work done at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust.
This project work is original and has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree/
diploma or associate ship of any other university/ institution.

Name: Prof. Balashankar Ramdas

(Signature of Guide)

I express my heart full gratitude and sincere thanks to Mr. Sunilraj. A , given a very kind
encouragement during the course of our study.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to Respected guide Prof. Balashankar Ramdas, Faculty, Pillai
Institute of Management Studies and Research , University of Mumbai for his guidance
and for the completion of the report.

NGOs exist for a variety of purposes, usually to further the political or social goals of
their members. Examples include improving the state of the natural environment,
encouraging the observance of human rights, improving the welfare of the disadvantaged, or
representing a corporate agenda. However, there are a huge number of such organizations and
their goals cover a broad range of political and philosophical positions. This can also easily
be applied to private schools and athletic organizations.
Nanma Charitable Foundation is formed by a group of socially responsible like-
minded individuals with the sole aim of reaching out to the needy, underprivileged and
destitute sections of the society.
The main purpose of this project is to learn about NGO, what are the different types
of NGO as well as to study about Nanma Charitable Foundation. In this project I have given
information about Nanma Charitable Foundation and its various activities.
NGO (Non- Governmental Organization)
A non-governmental organization (NGO) is an organization that is not part of a
government and was not founded by states. NGOs are therefore typically independent of
governments. Although the definition can technically include for-profit corporations, the term
is generally restricted to social, cultural, legal, and environmental advocacy groups having
goals that are primarily non-commercial. NGOs are usually non-profit organizations that gain
at least a portion of their funding from private sources. Current usage of the term is generally
associated with the United Nations and authentic NGOs are those that are so designated by
the UN. Because the label "NGO" is considered too broad by some, as it might cover
anything that is non-governmental, many NGOs now prefer the term private voluntary
organization (PVO). A 1995 UN report on global governance estimated that there are nearly
29,000 international NGOs. National numbers are even higher: The United States has an
estimated 2 million NGOs, most of them formed in the past 30 years. Russia has 65,000
NGOs. Dozens are created daily. In Kenya alone, some 240 NGOs come into existence every
year. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the world's largest group
of humanitarian NGO's. Though voluntary associations of citizens have existed throughout
history, NGOs along the lines seen today, especially on the international level, have
developed in the past two centuries. One of the first such organizations, the International
Committee of the Red Cross was founded in 1863.

Types of NGO’s
There are numerous possibilities to classify NGOs. The following is the typology the
World Bank uses

 Operational NGO’s
Their primary purpose is the design and implementation of development-
related projects. One categorization that is frequently used is the division into relief-
oriented or development-oriented organizations; they can also be classified according
to whether they stress service delivery or participation; or whether they are religious
and secular; and whether they are more public or private-oriented. Operational NGOs
can be community-based, national or international.
 Advocacy NGO’s
Their primary purpose is to defend or promote a specific cause. As opposed to
operational project management, these organizations typically try to raise awareness,
acceptance and knowledge by lobbying, press work and activist events.

 Service NGO’s
Service oriented NGO provide goods and services to clients to unmet needs.
NGO have long stepped in to serve as critical “safety needs” where politically
challenged, indebted or corrupt states are unable or unwilling to provide for societal
needs, and where global problems defy the conception of nation state responsibilities.
Example of such service activities include relief efforts provided by the Red
Cross/Red Crescent, natural resources monitoring by WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
and the distribution of medicinal drugs by Doctors Without Borders.

Important Features of NGO’s

 Purposes
NGOs exist for a variety of purposes, usually to further the political or social
goals of their members. Examples include improving the state of the natural
environment, encouraging the observance of human rights, improving the welfare of
the disadvantaged, or representing a corporate agenda. However, there are a huge
number of such organizations and their goals cover a broad range of political and
philosophical positions. This can also easily be applied to private schools and athletic

 Methods
NGOs vary in their methods. Some act primarily as lobbyists, while others
conduct programs and activities primarily. For instance, such an NGO as Oxfam,
concerned with poverty alleviation, might provide needy people with the equipment
and skills they need to find food and clean drinking water.
 Networking
The International Freedom of Expression exchanges (IFEX), founded in 1992,
is global network of more than 60 non-governmental organizations that promote and
defend the right to freedom of expression

 Consulting
Many international NGOs have a consultative status with United Nations
agencies relevant to their area of work. As an example, the Third World Network has
consultative status with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
and the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). In 1946, only 41 NGOs had
consultative status with the ECOSOC, but this number had risen to 2,350 in 2003.
 Management of non-governmental organizations:
Two management trends are particularly relevant to NGOs: diversity
management and participatory management. Diversity management deals with
different cultures in an organization. Intercultural problems are prevalent in Northern
NGOs that are engaged in developmental activities in the South. Personnel coming
from a rich country are faced with a completely different approach of doing things in
the target country. A participatory management style is said to be typical of NGOs. It
is intricately tied to the concept of a learning organization: all people within the
organization are perceived as sources for knowledge and skills. To develop the
organization, individuals must be able to contribute in the decision-making process
and they need to learn.

 Relations
The relationship among businesses, governments, and NGOs can be quite
complex and sometimes antagonistic. Some advocacy NGOs view opposition to the
interests of Western governments and large corporations as central to their purpose.
But NGOs, governments, and companies sometimes form cooperative, conciliatory
partnerships as well.

 Staffing
Not all people working for non-governmental organizations are volunteers.
Paid staff members typically receive lower pay than in the commercial private sector.
Employees are highly committed to the aims and principles of the organization. The
reasons why people volunteer is usually not purely altruistic, but self-serving: They
expect to gain skills, experience and contacts.

 Funding
Large NGOs may have annual budgets in the millions of dollars. For instance,
the budget of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) was over
$540million dollars in 1999. Human Rights Watch spent and received US$21, 7
million in2003. Funding such large budgets demands significant fundraising efforts
on the part of most NGOs. Major sources of NGO funding include membership dues,
the sale of goods and services, grants from international institutions or national
governments, and private donations. Several EU-grants provide funds accessible to
NGOs. Even though the term 'non-governmental organization' implies independence
of governments, some NGOs depend heavily on governments for their funding.

 Legal status
The legal form of NGOs is diverse and depends upon homegrown variations in
each country’s laws and practices. However, four main family groups of NGOs can be
found worldwide:
 Unincorporated and voluntary association
 Trusts, charities and foundations
 Companies not just for profit
 Entities formed or registered under special NGO or non-profit laws. NGOs are not
subjecting of law, as states are. An exception is the International Committee of the
Red Cross, which is subject to certain specific matters, mainly relating to the Geneva

 Age care (care for the aged/Older persons)

 Agriculture
 Animal Welfare
 Art & Craft
 Child Education
 Cities/Urban Development
 Community Development
 Culture & Heritage
 Disability
 Disaster Management
 Education
 Environmental issues
 Health & Hygiene
 Housing & Slums
 Population
 Poverty Removal
 Rural Development
 Science & Technology Development
 Tribal people
 Waste Management
 Drinking Water
 Women

 To provide education and health assistance to the tribal children of Munjyachimet

village, Palghar.
 To provide volunteering support and offering services towards flood relief to the
victims of Kerala.
 To find out what are the ways youths like us can contribute in enriching lives


 Our visit was only limited till LTT Terminus, we were not able to visit flood affected
areas in Kerala.
 Due to the time constraint, we couldn’t interact more with the children of neighbouring

On defining NGOs, Lewis and Kanji (2009:2) state that owing to the staggeringly

diverse range of organizations, arriving at a meaningful generalization is difficult as NGOs

play different roles and take very different shapes and forms within and across different country

contexts. They state further that in the available literature, NGOs are generally understood to

be autonomous organizations that are neither government run nor have profit making motives
like private businesses.

According to the United Nation (UN) estimates, there are roughly 35000
established NGO’s (Lewis and Kanji, 2009). They have been recognized for their
decentralized and grassroots engagement with the world’s poorest and marginalized
representing their voice and empowering them to break free from the shackles of poverty and
alleviating social ills such as illiteracy and poor health (Desai, 2002). NGOs where loaded for
their participatory approach to development and enhancement of livelihood, rights and
democratization process of the poorest segments of society through various social
development projects and programs

NGOs have also been criticized for example they were under scrutiny for failing to
live up to the expectations in the area of providing assistance during emergencies and
humanitarian crises for reasons such as institutional self-interest by some individual NGOs,
duplication efforts arising from lack of coordination inadequate understanding of local
cultures, traditions and mores among the international based NGOs and a simplistic approach
concerning the root cause of the problem or conflict (Lewis and Kanji, 2009:19). Hence, not
all NGOs have been perceived as effective; questions regarding their accountability
and legitimacy have arisen countless times.


Love is a powerful word that connects us human beings and Nanma meaning
'goodwill' in Malayalam is an emotion that we at the Nanma Charitable Foundation
strongly believe in.

Nanma Chartiable Foundation is formed by a group of socially responsible like-

minded individuals with the sole aim of reaching out to the needy, underprivileged and
destitute sections of the society.

We have already reached out to various sections like adivasis, tribals, poor children,
senior citizen and distributed study materials,nutrition foods and clothes among them. Apart
from this we have provided financial & psychological support to the patients suffering from
diseases like HIV-Aids, Cancer, TB, Leprosy etc.

Nanma Charitable Foundation was founded in 14th April 2013 and today we have
successfully completed our journey of three years and there are plenty of more years to
follow in our social cause of reaching out to the poor section of our society. The organization
has been actively involved in the cause of social upliftment and empowerment. In the last
three years we have reached out to more than 5000 children, women and senior citizens in
Kerala & Maharashtra.

In the year 2014, we adopted Dandwalgaon, an Adivasi village in Mokhada -taluka,

Palghar -dist, Maharashtra and started a yearlong nutrition programme providing them with
milk, egg, fruits, wafers and chocolates. This year would be our third year of operation in the
said village and we would like to empower the villagers also so that from next year they
would be self-reliant.

In the year 2016 , we have decided to support "VEHLOLI" an another Adivasi village
having 8 Zilla Parishad Schools in Shahapur -taluka, Thane district Maharashtra.

The Nanma Charitable Foundation was formed in 2013 with the sole aim of reaching
out to the poor, underprivileged and destitute sections of our society.

Our mission is to reach out to and help as many deserving people irrespective of caste,
religion, language and gender and make a small difference in their lives.


Mr. Sunilraj. A

I would like to thank all my mentors for encouraging me and giving timely
suggestions to start a purely charitable foundation -- "NANMA" meaning "goodwill".

During the two decades of my engagement with various cultural and charitable
associations. I had come across several incidences that gave me sleepless nights.

In our day to day lives, we come across parents who are homeless, kids starving for
education and lively hoods, people who are mentally/physically challenged and need medical
assistance and those who struggle for one-time meal.

You may term it as the cruelty of god or pass it off as their fate.

Our team realized that for several reasons, most of us are unable to contribute to these
people or attend to their needs. And the hands that are serving are just not enough to reach
out to the millions living in despair.

Thus, began our journey with small initiatives of kindness and love.

My humble request to all our well-wishers continue sharing your love and support so
that we can help make this a better place to live in.

 Mr. Sudheer K Nair

 Mr. Santhosh Balachandran

 Mr. Sreejesh Nair

 Mr. Sukumaran

 Mr. Unnikrishnan E U

 Mr. Vijayan M Nair

 Dr. Abhay Gaikwad


 Mr. Mrudul Prabhakar

 Mr. Narayan.E.R

 Mr. Rajendra Tamboli

 Mr. Dattatray Hamare

 Mr. Vinod K Bhaskaran

Some of their activities are:


| Posted On: 23/01/2015 04:59:35 |

On January 11, 2015, Nanma Charitable Foundation inspired the cause of humanity
and selfless love.

To commemorate the success, the Foundation organised and produced 'Kurooramma',

an intense drama portraying the life and times of Kurooramma, a chidless widow and ardent
devotee of Lord Guruvayoorappan (Lord Krishna) who believed in selfless service and
unconditional love for mankind. The event was inaugurated by award winning Malayalam
actor KPAC Lalitha at Savithribai Phule Auditorium, Dombivli. More than 900 members
from Mumbai and Pune attended the event.

The Nanma team would like to thank all well-wishers and friends for supporting the
noble initiative.
 Motivational & Moral Boost Up Workshop

| Posted On: 09/03/2015 09:00:09 |

On February 13, 2015, Nanma Charitable Foundation conducted a Motivational &

Moral Boost Up Workshop for 10th & 12th Students of Central Railway School & Junior
College, Kalyan West by Dr. Sundeep. D. Jadhav. M.D., D.P.M., F.I.P.S. Consultant Neuro
Psychiatrist at School Auditorium.


| Posted On: 06/04/2015 12:13:40 |

On March 12, 14 and 15, 2015, Nanma Charitable Foundation facilitated the cataract
operation of adivasis from Dandwalgaon, Mokhada thaluk, palghar district of Maharashtra.
The surgery was held free of cost at Supriya Hospital in Kalyan.

The team also distributed spectacles to the adivasis after the surgery.
The adivasis thanked the team and doctors for stepping up to their cause and attending their
medical needs.

| Posted On: 07/06/2015 04:40:21 |

NANMA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION celebrated its second anniversary by

organizing a variety entertainment programme titled “Meriawaaz hi pehachanhai” by
Disabled artists from the National Organisation of Disabled Artists.

The artistes performed popular Marathi and hindi songs and entertained the poor
adivasis of Dandwalgaon, Mokhada, Maharashtra along with Tribal Dances performed by the
adivasi villagers. It was followed by Annadanam which they relished to their heart's content.
I would like to thank everyone who joined us in the initiative and helped make it a success.

| Posted On: 07/06/2015 04:46:45 |

On April 18’, 2015 NANMA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION raised and donated Rs

125000/- to Sunrise Happy Children Home in Badlapur, Maharashtra.

The amount will be used to provide Education and improve the building to
accommodate more kids who don't have a family to call their own.

The NANMA team thanks all its well-wishers who supported the initiative and
donated for the noble cause.


| Posted On: 09/07/2015 03:16:29 |

On July 03’, 2015 Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Zilla Parishat School, Jambhul,
Khoni, Kalyan Taluk, Thane Dist. of Maharashtra.

As a part of our Charitable Activity, Nanma Charitable Foundation distributed free

Note Books and Slates to 126 Tribal Students from Std ‘I’ to Std ‘VII’. This school is in an
Adivasi Area and most of students are from economically lower income group

| Posted On: 13/08/2015 17:07:59 |

On July 13,2015 Monday Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Dandwalgaon in

Mokhada Taluka of Maharashtra to continue our Educational & Health support towards
empowering the tribals of rural Maharashtra.

In the fourth of a six-phase initiative the Nanma team continued our weekly
nutritional programme of eggs, banana, Milk and chips for 188 students. The team also
distributed slates, pencil box kits, and 1000 notebooks to the kids up to class 4.

The sarpanch of the village and the teachers appreciated the goodwill and expressed
their heartfelt gratitude to the team.

We look forward to your kind co-operation in our next phases where we plan to
distribute uniforms, toys, utensils, benches and desks among other resources. Also planned to
conduct a day-long Medical camp covering all villagers of Dandwalgaon.

| Posted On: 23/10/2015 14:57:17 |

Mumbai-based Nanma Charitable Foundation has started a nutrition programme from

July 2015 to April 2016 which involves providing additional nutrition alongside rice and dal
to the Tribal children of Anganwadi and Primary school of Dandwalgaon, Mokhada, Palghar
Dist of Maharashtra.

The following foods have been included as part of the weekly nutrition programme:
On every Monday - one banana.
On every Wednesday - one boiled egg.
On every Friday - protein biscuit or wafers.
On every Saturday - one cup of milk.
One staff member has been appointed by Nanma for providing the above in the village.

| Posted On: 19/12/2015 10:09:02 |

On November 11, 2015 Nanma Charitable Foundation, as a part of its charitable activity
distributed new dresses to 69 orphan and destitute girl children of Sunrise Happy Children
Home, Badlapur.

The Nanma team would like to thank all our well-wishers and friends for supporting
the noble initiative. We appreciate your kind co-operation.


| Posted On: 19/12/2015 10:10:52 |

On December 6, 2015, Nanma Charitable Foundation successfully completed the fifth

phase of 'Empowering Dandwalgaon' with a day-long medical camp comprising full body
check-up of children affected due to malnutrition in the villages of Dandwalgaon, Nilmathi,
Chinchthara and Morchandi.

A team of expert doctors diagnosed the Children for common illness symptoms and
distributed medicines and offered expert medical advice. About 247 childrens were benefitted
from the camp. The team also distributed tooth brushes, oranges and milk to each of these
kids as part of the camp.

Nanma General Secretary Sunilraj, Dr.Abhay Gaikwad ,Dr.Santosh Birla, Dr.Sachin

Bachare. E.Preman, Santhosh Balachandran, Divya Nair, Prasanth nair, Unnikrishnan
E.U,Dattatray Hamare, Muralidas Peralasseri, Renjan Chendamangalam and others
supervised the camp activities.

In the first four phases, the team had distributed books, school uniforms, school bags
and kitchen necessities to the primary school & anganwadi and initiated a weekly nutrition
programme comprising milk, bananas, eggs and wafers. This benefitted more than 189
students and kids in the village.
Overall, the programme was a raging success. The village sarpanch, teachers and students
appreciated Nanma's goodwill initiatives and applauded the team for its consistent efforts to
empower the village.
The Nanma team congratulates everyone who has helped us achieve this dream.


| Posted On: 05/01/2016 13:51:37 |

On January 3,2016 Mumbai based Nanma Charitable Foundation reached out to flood
affected victims in Chennai. The team distributed gas stove, grinder, rice basin, spatula, water
drum, water jugs, weighing machine, old clothes and food grains to 55 persons including the
mentally challenged and those affected by autism, epilepsy and mongolism at Children of
Love Care Centre, Parthasarathy memorial trust, pallikkaranai, Chennai.

Nanma Joint Secretary Shaji Kayarattuthodi, Mannivannan, E.N.Jayachandran,

E.C.Mohanakrishnan, Ashwinkumar, Neelavathy and Reshmi successfully organised the

The children and trust members appreciated Nanma’s goodwill gesture and applauded
the team for its humble effort to help the flood affected children.
The Nanma team congratulates and thanks everyone who has helped us for the activity.

| Posted On: 17/05/2016 07:14:12 |

On April 24, 2016, NANMA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION donated a wheelchair

to Mr. Dhiraj Ghaaru in Ulhasnagar, a suburb in Mumbai. Mr. Ghaaru had been suffering
from Muscular Dystrophy for 15 yrs. and had sought our help.

NANMA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION initiated this campaign to bring back life

into the physically challenged and empower them to lead an independent life.
In the forthcoming months, our aim is to identify and help similar deserving with wheelchairs
and necessary aid.



| Posted On :31/07/2016 04:58:52 |

Nanma Charitable Foundation has successfully completed Phase 1 of Vehloli school

project. On July 14, Nanma distributed school bags along with relevant study material to 352
students of 8 Zilla Parishad schools in Brudrukpada,
Musaiwadi, Khandachiwadi, Krishnachiwadi, Katachiwadi, Ambachiwadi, Chinchwadi and
General Secretary Sunilraj, Mrudul Prabhakaran, Sakthidharan Nair, E.U.Unnikrishnan,
Arjun Bhoir, Varun Nair, Shaji and Pappu yadav supervised the above activity.

In the second phase we are planning to donate water purifiers and toys to students of 8
Villa Parishad schools and 14 Anganwadis.
A tree plantation drive has also been planned.
We appreciate your kind support, suggestions and love in making this new initiative

| Posted On :15/08/2016 06:13:37 |

On July 30,2016 Saturday Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Dandwalgaon in

MokhadaTaluka of Maharashtra to continue our Educational & Health support towards
empowering the tribals of rural Maharashtra.

In the eighth of a ten-phase initiative (third consecutive year) the Nanma team
continued our weekly nutritional programme of boiled eggs, banana, milk and wafers for 193
students. The team also distributed school bags, pencil box kits, and notebooks to the kids up
to class 4.

The sarpanch of the village and the teachers appreciated the goodwill and expressed
their heartfelt gratitude to the team. We look forward to your kind co-operation in our next
phases where we plan to distribute water purifiers, toys and uniforms among other resources.
Also planned to conduct a day-long Medical camp covering all villagers of Dandwalgaon.

| Posted On: 20/10/2016 18:21:49 |

On September 22, 2016, Nanma Charitable Foundation Team visited Anugrah

Balvikas Kendra, Ambernath and distributed food and sweets to 46 children from poor tribal
families. The team also spent time with them watching them make candles. We'd like to
thank our well-wishers for your co.operation and expect the same for our further activities.


| Posted On: 11/12/2016 15:55:47 |

On October 22,2016, Nanma Charitable Foundation visited 8 zilla parishad schools

(Musaiwadi, Khanduchiwadi, Krushnachiwadi, Katachiwadi, Ambachiwadi, Chinchwadi,
Brudrukpada & Vehloli) in Vehloli village, Shahpur district of Maharasthra. The team
distributed 8 water purifiers and a Diwali snack and sweets kit comprising bhakarvadi,
biscuits, wafers, and assorted chocolates to 352 adivasi students and teaching staff. The
students and staff thanked the team for the gesture with handmade flower bouquets.
Nanma team thanks everyone who participated in the cause and helped made it successful.
We look forward to your kind cooperation in future activities as well.
 VISMAYA.2016.

| Posted On :23/12/2016 10:35:34 |

On November 12, 2016, Nanma Charitable Foundation celebrated its third

anniversary at Savithribai Phule Auditorium, Dombivli, Mumbai. The cultural evening saw
magnificent performances from dancers,musicians,celebrity singers and dare devil stunts by
talented artistes from Kerala. Here are some glimpses from the star studded event.


| Posted On: 02/10/2017 19:25:34 |

On 29 June 2017, Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Plotpada village in Shahapur

Taluka. Thane Dist.of Maharashtra put efforts in Educational & Health support towards
Empowering the tribals of rural Maharashtra.In the first of a nine-phase initiative the Nanma
team distributed school bags, pencil box kits, slates and notebooks to the kids up to class 4.
The team also distributed nutrition food to the children of Primary school and Anganwadi.
The sarpanch of the village and the teachers appreciated the goodwill and expressed their
heartfelt gratitude to the team. We look forward to your kind co-operation in our next phases
where we plan to distribute water purifiers, toys, uniforms, computer, electrical fittings,
kitchen accessories and linen among other resources. Also planned to conduct a day-long
Medical camp covering all villagers of Plotpada.

| Posted On :02/10/2017 19:39:44 |

On 19 August 2017, Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Plotpada village in

Shahapur Taluka. Thane Dist.of Maharashtra put efforts in Educational & Health support
towards Empowering the tribals of rural Maharashtra.

During June, in the first of a nine-phase initiative the Nanma team distributed school
bags, pencil box kits, slates and notebooks to the kids up to class 4.
The team also distributed nutrition food to the children of
Primary school and Anganwadi.

In our Phase. 2 we distributed Wheel Chairs, Lights, Fans, Water Purifiers, Kitchen
Utensils and nutrition foods. The sarpanch of the village and the teachers appreciated the
goodwill and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the team.

In third phase, planned to conduct a day-long Medical camp covering all villagers of

| Posted On: 09/01/2018 13:05:12 |

Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Plotpada village in Shahapur Taluka. Thane

Dist.of Maharashtra put efforts in Educational & Health support towards Empowering the
tribals of rural Maharashtra.

In the first of a nine-phase initiative the Nanma team distributed school bags, pencil
box kits, slates and notebooks to the kids up to class 4. The team also distributed nutrition
food to the children of Primary school and Anganwadi.

In our Second phase we distributed Wheel Chairs, Ceiling Fans, Tube Lights, Water
Purifiers, Steel Wash Basins, Fruits and Sweets.

In our third phase we had conducted a day- long medical camp comprising full body
check-up of children of anganwadi and primary school and distribution of medicines by
Dr.Abhay Gaikwad and team.

| Posted On: 14/02/2018 08:07:14 |

Nanma Charitable Foundation visited Plotpada village in Shahapur Taluka, Thane

Dist.of Maharashtra to provide educational & health support with a larger aim towards
empowering the tribals of rural Maharashtra.

The programme was inaugurated by Bindumol, President of the foundation and

supported by team members Sreedevi Surendran, Sakthidharan Nair, Subin,Sharath Panicker,
Aswin Pillai, Viraj, Vaishak, Sudev, Nandana, Manu Mathew, Shajimon. In the first phase
we had distributed school bags, pencil box kits, slates and notebooks to the kids up to class 4.
The team also distributed nutrition food to the children of primary school and anganwadi.

In our Second phase we distributed wheel chairs, ceiling fans, tube lights, water
purifiers, steel wash basins, fruits and sweets.

In our third phase we had conducted a day- long medical camp comprising full body
check-up of children of anganwadi and primary school and distributed medicines led by
Dr.Abhay Gaikwad and team.

In the fourth phase of a nine-phase initiative, the Nanma team distributed daily
necessities such as tooth brushes, tooth pastes, soaps, biscuits, fruits to the tribals. The team
also distributed clothes to the children of anganwadi and primary school in the village.
 VISMAYA.2017.

| Posted On :24/07/2018 01:28:18 |

Nanma Charitable Foundation based in Kalyan celebrated their fourth anniversary in

SavitribaiPhule Hall in Dombivli East. The event was inaugurated by the Senior Divisional
Manager of LIC of India, Thane Division, Puneetkumar. Foundation General Secretary
presided. Eminent social activists Adv Prema Menon, Balachandra Menon, E Preman, Paul
Parappilly, O Pradeep Nair, C P Babu, Prakash Padikkal, K Vijaykumar, Dr Oommen David,
Sunilkumar, Sudeesh Kumar, Dr Shalvi Gaikwad, Rajesh Shringarpure etal were present.

During the event, Nanma Foundation felicitated persons working to better the life of
those Adivasi Children of Vehloli Village suffering from lack of nutritious food.
Puneetkumar released a souvenir by presenting a copy to Pradeep Nair. It was followed by a
musical programme by blind singers and dance programmes of AJS Group of Mumbai. Dr
Abhay Gaikwad proposed a vote of thanks. Sapna Sreekumar was the presenter of the event.

| Posted On: 08/09/2018 08:21:49 |

'When you conspire to do something good, the universe conspires to help you

Over 7 lakh people have been affected by the floods that washed Kerala this year.

The waters have receded, but families have lost their loved ones, livelihoods and a lot more is
at stake as they struggle to go back to their lives.

On Sunday, August 26, 2018, a small team of good-willed people -- young and old --
set forth from Mumbai by Netravati Express to do their bit to help rebuild Kerala.

With over 5 tonnes of relief material collected from different parts of Mumbai including
groceries, clothing, essentials and sanitary napkins among others, the team had a huge task at
hand -- to safely distribute them all to the affected family’s door to door.

Over the next five days, the team of 13 -- Vinod Bhaskaran IRS, Rajan V Nair, Subin
Sethu, Athira Ashokan, Sharat Panikar, Subin Sunilraj, Kiran Das, Rohan, Shaji
Kayaratuthodi, Suresh Rameshwar, Shaktidharan Nair, Subin Bhaskaran, Manilal and Liju --
headed by Sunilraj, General Secretary, Nanma Charitable Foundation worked relentlessly and
reached out to over 600 families in Kerala.

The team travelled by foot and boat to flood-affected villages of Vallor, Anthikad,
Kanjani, Chirakkal, Manaloor, Chalakudi, Meloor, Poolani, Adichili, Pushpagiri,
Kunnampalli, Koratti, Atta Padam, Muringoor, Devine Nagar, Chunakkara Colony and

While the relief may last them only a few days, every helping hand, every kind word
gave them hope that they are not alone in this struggle.

Together, let's help Kerala, a small state of a bigger India bounces back to normalcy.
Any and every help is welcome.

A huge Thank You to all those who helped and supported Nanma in this successful journey.

In the words of Einstein, a big Thank You also to all those who said No to us. Because of
you, we did it ourselves.
 VISMAYA 2019:

| Posted On: 20/02/2019 11:53:26 |

Nanma Charitable Foundation based in Kalyan celebrated its fifth anniversary at Holy
Angels School &Jr. College. Dombivli East. The event was inaugurated by Malayalam Film
Actor and M.P. Innocent, Film Actor Sudhir Karamana and LIC of India Senior Manager
Pravin Gavai.Dr.Oommen David and Guru Nair were special guests. Foundation General
Secretary presided. Eminent social activists E. Preman, Dr. Oommen David, Prakash
Padikkal, Murali Mattummal, Balachandran Menon, Rajan Nair Thane,Adv.Padma Divakar
O Pradeep Nair, C P Babu, Rajan Nair Mulund, Jayanth Nair, Karunakaran Pillai, Sunilkumar
Goodwin, Sudeesh Kumar Goodwin, Rajesh Shringarpure were present. Individuals and
organizations who extended support for welfare of tribal communities and Kerala flood relief
operations were felicitated during the event. It was followed by a musical programme
presented by Amrutha Suresh, Abhirami Suresh, Afzal and Jassie Gift.

General Secretary Sunilraj welcomed the audience and Sriya Surendran done a vote of
Our Activities in Nanma Charitable Foundatation:

For Kerala Flood Relief:

We collected funds in the form of donations from nearby residents. We also searched
for sponsors. From this fund, we brought medicines, foods, diapers, soaps and other basic
necessary groceries and packed them in the cartons and segregated them to distribute among
the affected villages in Kerala. We stored the packed cartons in the warehouse in Kalyan and
then we loaded these packed cartons into the truck to reach LTT Terminus. As there was a
special train arranged by the government for such services from LTT Terminus to
Thiruvananthapuram. Then we unloaded the packed cartons from the truck and loaded it into
train (Netravati Express) and some of our colleagues carried it further.

Munjyachimet Village:

The Munjyachimet village is 148 kms away from Kalyan. The team distributed
nutritional food to the children of Primary school and Anganwadi of Munjyachimet and
Dandwalgaon. We also made arrangements to distribute milk, egg and banana every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday to the children.

Rahul Panday supervised the event.

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