6/14/02 Chapter 14: Use of Electrical Test Equipment 1/20
6/14/02 Chapter 14: Use of Electrical Test Equipment 1/20
6/14/02 Chapter 14: Use of Electrical Test Equipment 1/20
Test equipment is necessary for determining proper set-up, adjustment, operation, and
maintenance of electrical systems and control panels.
For measuring differences of potential (voltage) between two points in an electrical circuit. The
instrument is connected in parallel with the circuit being measured. Ranges vary from a few
tenths volt to a few thousand volts. Instruments are capable of measuring both A.C. and D.C.
For measuring the electrical D.C. ohm resistance of a circuit, circuit part, or component.
Calibrated from zero ohms to infinite. Measures either series or parallel resistance.
Measure magnitude of electrical current flow in an electrical circuit. When measuring D.C.
currents, some types must be inserted in series with the circuit. A.C. ammeters are of two types.
One requires that it be connected in series with the circuit; the other needs only to be clamped
around the current carrying conductor. Ranges are from less than .0005 to over 100 Amperes,
depending upon the instrument.
Capable of generating calibrated voltages from zero to several thousand for purpose of testing the
integrity of insulation on wiring ( usually buried in the earth).
For testing the effectiveness of, and determining the value of resistance of the grounding
electrode (rod) circuit in an electrical system. Usually operate by a balanced bridge circuit and
has a direct readout of resistance.
Electrically driven and operated roll chart indicator. Gives a graphic readout of parameters versus
time. Units are available for recording voltages, currents, pressures, temperatures, light levels,
etc. Some instruments are single channel; others can measure multiple inputs. Useful for
monitoring a parameter over a period of time.
Some instruments combine functions and are capable of measuring different quantities. One is the
common VOM, or the volt-ohm- Ammeter.
A convenient and versatile instrument is a late model VOM of great sensitivity and range and has
a liquid crystal readout, is portable and capable of operating for long periods of time powered by
an internal replaceable battery.
Care must be taken when using test instruments not only for the protection of the instrument and
the circuitry under test, but for the protection of the user.
Always start by starting the range switch at a value higher than that which you reasonably expect
to measure. If not, you could damage the instrument.
Make sure your multi-tester is set in the right mode. Trying to measure voltage with the mode set
on “AMPS” could destroy the meter and possibly cause harm to the operator. Also, some meters
are destroyed by trying to measure voltage if meter is set to measure resistance.
If you have a choice of finding a fault in a circuit with dangerous voltages on it by either testing
voltages or measuring resistance, turn off the power and use the latter.
Keep test leads in good condition—No cracked insulation, keep probes sharp, connectors tight.
Do not place the instrument in a place where it may be pulled off and onto the floor or onto other
If using an ammeter that requires that it be inserted in series with the measured circuit, turn off
the power, make your connections, turn on the power and measure. Repeat procedure when
disconnecting the meter.
Clamp-on type ammeters do not require the circuit to be opened for insertion of the meter; safer
and faster to use.
When using a HI-POT tester, keep the area clear of those who are not part of the testing.
Always start tests with output control at zero, and the switch in the “OFF” condition. Make sure
all equipment grounds are tight, and that the device is connected and used according to
manufacturer’s instructions. This device can fry you.
Make sure that the power cannot be turned on to the circuits you are testing unless or until you
want it turned on. Stand on a rubber mat; concrete is a good electrical conductor.
Connections are made in the same manner as show for voltmeters, ohmmeters, or ammeters. If
the instrument is capable of monitoring more than one parameter, a mode switch must be set prior
to hookup.
This test normally done by licensed electricians or test specialists after continuity and insulation
tests have been performed on the wires or cables.
Criteria for testing depends upon the type of wire insulation, and the conductor size. Test voltages
and method are described in job specifications.
Purpose of this test is to detect breakdown of wiring insulation through holes or cracks in
insulation due to damage or manufacturing defects.
A graph leakage current versus D.C. test voltage is included here to represent a typical curve
obtained by this test.
Basically, a high D.C. voltage is applied between the conductor and ground; the voltage gradually
increased at a definite rate of time and held at a maximum for a specified length of time.
Make measurements with digital type ohmmeter with a 10,000 megohm minimum scale range,
Fluke 8020A or equivalent. Limit test voltage to 10 volts D.C. (Fluke meets this requirement).
(b) This cable has two shields which should be tied together and treated as one shield for
testing purposes. Scrape off plastic coating when connecting shields together.
3. Set a voltmeter to the 200 D.C. millivolt range (on Fluke meter press the bottom gray
button in, all others out). Place test leads in the center and right hand test jacks. (SEE
4. Measure the voltage between the shield and ground rod, and record. ( Fig. 1) The voltage
should be less than .01 volts, (ten millivolts). If the voltage is more than .01 volts, this
indicates cracks or cuts in the outer cable insulation, which must be repaired before the
remaining tests are performed. If the measured voltage is less than .01, proceed to the
next step.
5. Set meter on the 200 nanoseimen range ( on Fluke meter press the upper two gray buttons
and the lower white button in, all others out). Place test leads in the center and right hand
test jacks. (SEE METER SETUP “B”)
Make measurements which digital type ohmmeter with a 10,000 megohm minimum scale range,
Fluke 8020A or equivalent. Limit test voltage to 10 volts D.C. (Fluke Meets this requirement).
Procedure: (Figure 6)
The resistance of any pair should not exceed 38 ohms for each 1000 feet of #22 AWG. CU.
Control cable tested.
Cable length = 1,255 feet
Measured resistance = 45 ohms.
Actual measured resistance = 45 ohms and is acceptable because this is less than maximum
specified resistance allowable.
For control cable protection, cable should be surrounded by at least 6 inches of fine sand. Care
must be taken to prevent damage to the cable or insulation by falling rocks, sharp shovels or other
The insulation thickness is only “.045” and a small puncture of the insulation will allow moisture
and contaminates to contact the shied material, causing electrolysis which will eventually destroy
the shield of the cable. More and more moisture enters over a period of time and finally the cable
has to be replaced.
Specifications require that an insulation cut or puncture fault without damage to the shield or
conductors be encased in a poured resin type splice container (without splicing).