M16436 HE Brief Cases FNL
M16436 HE Brief Cases FNL
M16436 HE Brief Cases FNL
Brief Cases
challenging, data-driven, short
ÆÆContinued inside
Merrimack Tractors and Mowers: LIFO or FIFO? New! Hill Country Snack Food Co.
A manufacturing company expects to report lower earnings than The CEO of a snack food company believes in maximizing
it did the prior year, and the CFO proposes changing from LIFO shareholder value by maintaining large cash balances and funding
to FIFO to maintain earnings growth. However, the change would new initiatives internally using equity finance over debt finance.
result in higher income taxes. As he approaches retirement, analysts and investors want the
[3 pages plus exhibits.] #3217 L company to adopt a more aggressive capital structure.
[4 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.]
The Talbots, Inc., and Its Subsidiaries: Accounting for Goodwill
A women’s retailer purchases a competitor. The transaction
creates a large goodwill account along with accounts for other Jones Electrical Distribution
intangible assets. The case explores how goodwill originates, how Despite several years of rapid sales growth and higher-than-
it is measured, and how it is amortized or impaired. expected profits, an electrical supply company experiences
[5 pages plus exhibits.] #3254 L short-term cash shortages. The owner weighs the options for
managing sales growth against additional financing needs.
[3 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.]
#4179 L
Groupe Ariel S.A.: Parity Conditions and Cross-Border Valuation New! Heritage Doll
A global manufacturer considers investing in cost-saving A midsize, privately owned domestic firm evaluates two investment
equipment at a facility in Mexico. Corporate policy requires a alternatives. The case explores basic issues in capital budgeting and
discounted cash flow (DCF) and an estimate for the net present requires students to analyze financial information from competing
value (NPV) for capital expenditures in foreign markets. capital budgeting projects.
[4 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.] [7 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.] #4212
#4194 L
“This case is a good introduction to the financial analysis
supporting capital budgeting decisions. It’s all there, from
Hansson Private Label, Inc.: Evaluating an Investment in
working out the annual cash flows to calculating terminal
value to coming up with the projects’ NPVs and IRRs.”
A manufacturer of private-label personal care products must
decide whether to expand manufacturing capacity. Students –Review on the HBP for Educators web site*
–Review on the HBP for Educators web site* cardiovasc ed onto the
ular handlebar
condominium workout, while carry s of Alex Sander’s StairM
Alex was complex with ing on a conve aster. Sand
the a neigh rsation er was half
Products, Inc., newest, and youngest,bor who was climbing in the fitness cente an hour
a cosmetics product mana steadily on r of the downinto a
with Land products ger in his own StairM town
Landon had Alex had successfull company headquart the Toiletries Division aster. At 32,
been acqui y ered in Conn
red by Avan rebranded two natio ecticut. In of Landon Care
t-Garde, a multi nal skin care just
Alex: I’m gettin billion-dollar products. In over one year
have the time g my first 360° European beaut January 2007,
Products Divis this month, States. t-Garde
ion started
pushing for since the vice But everyone in Land sees
Neighbor: them. president of on’s
2 1 4I’ve heard of 360’s
review3syste Avant-Gar
m. How do , but the biote
REV. JANUARY 22, 2010 they actually chno logy firm wher
whether to request $2 million in project funding from the division have no excuser—360’s should be anon ly what Sam will tell
On my first es—Sam hired me
day, he said
he knew I’d
ymous, but
to shake up
I know who I’ll hear the jazz abou
Sam asked
t my style
SH Neighbor: make wave product team and launcfor input about me. I
RICHARD G. HAMERME s and that was
VP. Meanwhile, the VP must decide whether to shut down the unit.
So what IS
your style at OK with him. products quickly.
______ work?
n, Old Division
Professor Larry ____________
not as an endorseE. Greiner, Univer ____________
Calveta Dining Services, Inc.: A Recipe for Growth? Jim, I must register my grave concerns
with the way things are operating.
In considering
Power, O reen:
When the firm purchased
I’ve supported you in the past.
my perspective, bear in mind that , in 2000 and integrated it as a second
division, focused
your company, Goldfinch Technologies was appropriate and
on consulting “solutions,” I told
R. L. Stone that I thought the decision
ffice Polit
The company founder’s son has a directive from his father to that you looked like a talented, even inspiring leader. Then in 2004 you embraced the incubator
I gave my support with a strong
note of caution, fearing ics, and a Car
concept of “strategic subsidiaries.”
eer in Cri
My caution
unanswered questions for our organization. the funding Another
that the concept presented too many
discussions about long day
you and I have had numerous that usu
double revenue within five years—but he must also maintain was well founded. Since 2004,
and basic tenets of the strategic
represent an engine of innovation,
subsidiaries. I agree with you
and they do create a buzz in the
that these subsidiaries do
industry. But in the long
cow to feed a proliferating number
in Boston preceded a migoffice had drawn
at the
believe tha the brisk air ma raine. As he stepto a close. Thoma
been pro t in five short mo him catch his ped outside Dy s Green felt the
g division as a cash
term, using my manufacturin
Calveta’s distinctive pro-employee culture. subsidiaries is an unsustainable
strategy for Stone Finch.
#4199 L
s to actu
al compani real events, is fictio agement. a basis for ________
class discu ________
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narration nalized, and any ssion and ________
t not as an
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NEW! Raleigh & Rosse: Measures to Motivate Exceptional Service Atlantic Computer: A Bundle of Pricing Options
U.S. luxury goods retailer Raleigh & Rosse is sued by its employees A leading player in the high-end server market develops a software
for encouraging “off the clock” hours. At the center of the lawsuit tool that allows its new server to perform four times faster. How
is the famous Raleigh & Rosse performance measurement system should the firm price the new product bundle?
previously thought to be the core of the retailer’s success. [7 pages plus exhibits.] #2078 L
[8 pages plus exhibits.] #4353
Classic Knitwear and Guardian: A Perfect Fit?
The CMO of a private-label, non-fashion knitwear manufacturer
considers partnering with another company to produce a new
international business
line of high-margin, insect-repellent clothing.
NEW! Bella Healthcare India [6 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.]
Bella Healthcare India has evolved from a manufacturing facility #4217 L
of cardiology equipment into its own research and development
center. After a failed joint product development effort with its Clean Edge Razor: Splitting Hairs in Product Positioning
parent company in the U.S., is the Bella Bangalore team ready to A product manager struggles to position a new razor either as a
launch a new product specifically for the Indian market? “niche” high-end razor or as a razor for the average consumer.
[10 pages plus exhibits. Student spreadsheet available.] #4440 [7 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.] #4249
NEW! Kent Chemical: Organizing for International Growth NEW! Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India
With a global expansion strategy in place, the president of Kent The director for oral care products in India develops a marketing
Chemical International proposes a third reorganization effort after plan for 20% growth in India—but her boss wants 30% growth.
two failed attempts to better align his business with its U.S.-based The new plan must factor in differences between rural and
parent company. urban consumers and the acceptance of modern dental
[8 pages plus exhibits.] #4409 standards across India.
[9 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.]
NEW! Levendary Cafe: The China Challenge #4350
Levendary Cafe has grown from a small restaurant into a $10
billion business with international expansion plans. Its new CEO, Culinarian Cookware: Pondering Price Promotion
Mia Foster, must prove herself—and her first order of business is to Faced with ambiguous results from a price promotion, a cookware
address concerns about the Levendary China expansion plan. manufacturer must decide whether a new promotion will damage
[10 pages plus exhibits.] #4357 its premium brand or improve brand awareness and stimulate sales.
[6 pages plus exhibits.] #4057 L
NEW! Meli Marine
An inter-Asian container shipping company faces an important The Fashion Channel: Market Segmentation
strategic decision after an acquisition opportunity presents itself— The new senior vice president of marketing for The Fashion
if the board purchases larger ships, should the company enter the Channel is preparing to recommend a new market segmentation
global Asian-North American shipping business? program.
[7 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.] [7 pages plus exhibits. Student spreadsheet available.] #2075 L
#4426 L
A Day in the
Driving in Life of Alex Sander:
the Fast Lan
e at Landon
Care Pro ducts
Sweat dripp
5:25 A.M.
Mountain Man Brewing Company: Bringing the Brand to Light
ed onto the
NS a 360°. Feedb super visor
email because I am
se, as I’ve said
meting becau our markets. Our brand,
for the
resign ations of three of my
staring at the past two years, the Water
built over three decad
Products divisi
es of delivering
should I tell
“Natureview Farms is a well written, compact case. It is
Morale is plum of ing with their feet. What
a leader in any is speak
is no longer
superior produ n?
those who remai
cts, lies in tatter
s. The sales force
my session, like trade margins, channel choice, channel
fast-tracked for ____________ ______ not as an on and
conflict etc. Students who have worked with this case have
____________ class discussi
____________ as a basis for
____________ d this case solely
____________ h Collins prepare ve management.
____________ and writer Elizabet There are occasion
____________ Hamermesh of effective or
r Richard G. an illustration or entities is
HBS Professo source of primary data, or to actual persons
a resemblance
lized, and any write
Harvard Busines
s Publishing is
an affiliate of
Harvard Busines
s School.
–Review on the HBP for Educators web site*
MedNet.com Confronts “Clickthrough” Competition Reliance Baking Soda: Optimizing Promotional Spending
A web site that provides free health information relies on The new domestic brand director for an old and established
advertising sales. The company creates a strong case for achieving product must create a marketing budget that delivers a profit
better results by advertising on “niche” web sites instead. increase of 10%. Students weigh the value of advertising and the
[8 pages plus exhibits.] #2066 L benefits of a price increase for a mature brand.
[6 pages plus exhibits.] #4127 L
Metabical: Positioning and Communications Strategy “Reliance Baking Soda is a very teachable case for both
for a New Weight-Loss Drug
undergraduate and graduate students. It is a classic problem
The marketing director at a pharmaceutical company must
in product marketing—how to boost sales of a mature, rather
consider the strategy for launching a new weight-loss drug. Poor
positioning in the competitive market could spell disaster. boring product that doesn’t generate a lot of excitement. It’s a
[7 pages plus exhibits.] #4240 L great exercise for students—MBA students get it because they
usually have had the experience, and it’s a learning tool for
undergraduates—not every product they are going to work on
Metabical: Pricing, Packaging, and Demand Forecasting
Recommendations for a New Weight-Loss Drug will be exciting.”
The marketing manager prepares to launch a new weight-loss drug –Review on the HBP for Educators web site*
and must select the optimal packaging size for a typical course of
treatment, determine pricing, and develop demand forecasts. Rosewood Hotels and Resorts: Branding to Increase
[7 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.] Customer Profitability and Lifetime Value
#4183 L A small firm runs 12 individually branded luxury properties.
New leadership considers whether the firm should emphasize
the corporate identity and make Rosewood a corporate brand.
[6 pages plus exhibits. Student spreadsheet available.] #2087 L
Soren Chemical: Why Is the New Pool Product Sinking? Scientific Glass Incorporated: Inventory Management
A chemical firm launches a water clarifier for residential swimming Excess inventory at a glass manufacturer is tying up capital needed
pools and is surprised by poor sales. The marketing manager to fund the company’s expansion. The inventory manager must
suspects the go-to-market strategy may have been flawed. develop a more effective strategy.
[7 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.] [8 pages plus exhibits. Student and instructor spreadsheets available.]
#4188 L #4208 L
Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics, and a Career in Crisis NEW! WrapItUp: Developing a New Compensation Plan
A promising young marketing manager must resolve a deepening A restaurant chain based in California offers sandwiches made
conflict with his boss. The employee was promoted rapidly but fails with fresh, healthy ingredients. Management pilots a profit-sharing
to understand the demands and boundaries of the job. program at two restaurants in order to address high employee
[6 pages plus exhibits.] #2095 L turnover, decreasing customer satisfaction, and flat revenue growth.
“My undergrads in a Leadership course get involved with this [7 pages plus exhibits. Student spreadsheet available.] #4362
case discussion. The case seems to generate strong opinions
about the principal characters, who should do what, and who
should have done what … and why. Power, influence, career
progression, managing up, political behaviors, leadership …
all of these topics surface in this discussion. Recommended!”
–Review on the HBP for Educators web site*
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