Sales Analysis and Forecasting in Shopping Mart: Amit Kumar, Kartik Sharma, Anup Singh, Dravid Kumar
Sales Analysis and Forecasting in Shopping Mart: Amit Kumar, Kartik Sharma, Anup Singh, Dravid Kumar
Sales Analysis and Forecasting in Shopping Mart: Amit Kumar, Kartik Sharma, Anup Singh, Dravid Kumar
Abstract- The enormous number of Shopping Marts in the problems. Because through data visualization only the final
market today has lead to the need of having analysis tools report of data analytics will be visualized.
which helps to determine whether the organization is
meeting its desired sales goals. The goal is to analyze the II. RELATED KNOWLEDGE ABOUT SALES
database transactions of Shopping Marts using various data FORECAST
mining techniques and algorithms such as affinity analysis,
logistic regression and linear regression. Idea is to develop Sales Forecast [1] is a technology which using the
a system which takes input, the database transactions of sold mathematical way to predict the sales of one or several varieties
products, segments the data obtained, analyzes the graphs of products of a company in a specific period of time in the
and extracts the market trends and product sales patterns. future. Based on various factors and combined with the
The system optimizes this data on the basis of market company's sales performance, it presents us a feasible sales
requirements thereby improving sales and merchandise target through certain analyzing method. With the help of sales
planning in a way that to increase the overall productivity forecast, salesman can be greatly motivated to promote product
and profits of the organization. sales as soon as possible to realize the products' value.
Enterprise manager can also benefit a lot from it. They can
Keywords- Transactions, Regression, Affinity analysis rearrange the producing process accordingly so as to reduce
operational risk and improve the company's competitiveness.
With the help of various information technology,
With the growing economy, the shopping trends enterprises have accumulated hundreds even thousands of
have also been increased; therefore, the challenges for shop gigabytes sales history data. Prediction usually involves
owners to perform better in market have also been increased. massive data processing. However, in face of these massive
Therefore, shop owners and businessmen need to analyze data, traditional forecasting system cannot meet the new
their sales data and forecast future sales & ideas in order to forecast requirements anymore, such as operating efficiency,
raise their sales graph and profit percentages. In this way computing performance, accuracy and storage space, large
they can avoid going out of stock on most selling products, amounts of historical data is now in an offline state, turned
provide discounts on product at right time, avoid losses in into a kind of "data grave". Further more, the traditional
investments. The regular and new customers can be handled database technology, which used to be used alot for
much easily and profitably. With the increase in universal forecasting, is weak in knowledge expressing and reasoning.
data volume, the technology of big data and its analytical For the two reasons mentioned above, a model that both
processes are generally used to provide the description about have the capability of massive data processing and
massive datasets. Compared with other traditional datasets knowledge discovery can fix these sticky problems.
and its processes, big data includes semi structured and Compared to traditional data processing tech, Data Ming is
unstructured data that need more real time analysis. Big data more specialized in massive data based knowledge
also gets details about new prospects for determining new discovery, which makes it a better solution than traditional
values, supports us to improve an in-depth understanding of database tech to be used in prediction model.
the hidden values, and also incurs new challenges, for
instance, how to exceptionally organize and manipulate such III. FORECASTING METHOD
big datasets. The volume of information from various
sources is growing large, it also provides about some A. Double Moving Average Model
challenging issues demanding rapid resolutions. Big data
visualization process is another vital process which takes an Double Moving Average [3] is a average computing
important place in big data analytics
method based on Single Moving Average model. Firstly, it This step is based on the result of GM(1,1)
uses the single moving average twice to get the one moving model.According to the difference range between actual
average value and one moving average based moving value and predicted value by GM(1,1), the series is divided
average value, here we call it twice moving average value. into different groups. Each group is called a state. Here we
Then the algorithm uses the two kinds of value to calculate assume the states are E1,E2….En.
the target data, according to its compute model.
B. Exponential Smoothing Model
Existing systems helps in classifying the various
Exponential Smoothing [4] is a kind of moving systems which are already in the market. The classification
average method developed on the basis of time series of existing systems is given as follows:
analysis and forecast, it is a most often used method in
production prediction, especially in short-term forecast. It Mindtree:
was built on the theory that the trend of time series has the
characteristics ofstability and regularity. It has a reporting capability which provides a
complete view of customers.
Common practice for the use of Exponential It consists of a manager module which is used for
Smoothing is use it to get predicted value of the historical planning, preparing and tracking customer
data,then use it again to predict recently from maximum interactions.
recent demand and the predicted value mentioned above.
The final step is using the recent trend factors to adjust the Micro Strategy:
result. The model is listed down below:
To create superior data visualizations it uses a
Exponential smoothing is a very effective marketing powerfull visual data exploration interface.
budget, statistical methods. You can use Excel to predict
The data from multiple sources is combined.
which is time saving and effective. But there are some
Feasible advanced analytics are used for trend
limitations. First, a more complete historical data is required
before using this model; Second, if season factors influences analysis and financial analysis.
business sales a lot, time series decomposition is more
applicable than exponential smoothing. It would be wise to
choose between exponential smoothing and qualitative
forecasting according to the specific circumstance before It has an excellent user interface: It has highest
making a final conclusion. number of customers as it provides
convenient,straightforward and manageable user
C. Grey-Markov Model interface.
Integration: It integrates well with big data
To begin with, x(0) {x(0) (1), x(0) (2), , x(0) (n)} is platforms;including Hadoop it also offers support
assumed as the original time sequence, Grey-Markov for Google Big Query API– a boon for
prediction model can be divided into two parts. organizations that want highly detailed analytics.
2. Markov model
V. OUR APPROACH Database: The database contains all details of the
products sold, product selling patterns, stocks of
As shown in (Fig.1) The Sales Analytics tool is one products, prices of products, account details.
which takes input the sales transactions data by using data Product Sold: Here we analyze the products which
mining techniques [4]. The raw data is then segmented as are sold and those which are not sold.
products that are sold, the combination of products sold Product Rating and Reviews: The reviews from
together, product ratings and product review [3]. These are customers who have made a purchase from the
then profiled into graphs to obtain the market trends and organization helps to understand which products are
patterns from which we obtain the fast selling and slow liked by them.
selling products. Then the tool decides which product’s price Market Trends: Sales patterns of the product sold
needs to be increased and which products should be indicate market trends, here we do the changes in
discounted or discarded. Merchandize planning is updated customer demands e.g. increasing or decreasing
accordingly to balance the stocks so that there is no shortage product price also add new product or any service
of products. The prices of products are revised according to launch for growing sales.
their demand to increase the profit of organizations. Product Selling Patterns: According to the sales of
products, generate a pattern of sales which shows
fast-selling and less-selling products.
Sales Strategies: It will perform various sales
strategies to optimize online sales like Recommend
Products and Up sells, special offers on
products,Increase Urgency, Add reviews and ratings.
Current Stock: It will Check the product stock if
product is out of stock then balance the stock and
also make offer discount on less-selling products.
Current Prices: It will Evaluate and change the
product prices (increase/decrease) according to sales.
Increased Sales: The overall aim of this system is
Fig 1. Overview of the system.
to increase productivity of products and increase
theoverall sales profits.
The block diagram (Fig.2) shows the working of every unit
of the Sales Analytics Tool.