Soil Testing For Farmers

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Soil Testing for the Farmer

High crop yields and efficient produc- crop and tillage practices. Generally, a
tion bring the highest farm incomes. 6-inch depth is recommended.
However, high-yielding crops require large • Sample pastures and lawns to a 4- to
amounts of plant nutrients that must be 6-inch depth.
supplied in proper balance from the soil. • Sample a row-crop field between the
Soils constantly undergo physical and rows, thus avoiding fertilizer band areas.
chemical changes. Some plant nutrients 3. Get a composite sample. Think of a
are removed in harvested crops or are lost “soil sample” as the mixture of several
by leaching and erosion; others become borings or spade slices from one distinct
available from the soil or are added from area. The word “area” here means the field
fertilizer. Soil tests measure available or part of a field that represents each dis-
nutrients in the soil and serve as the best tinct kind of land (upland as compared to
guide to profitable use of commercial lim- bottomland), soil texture (silt loam as com-
ing and fertilizing materials. pared to sandy), soil organic matter (light-
One of the most important steps in a colored as compared to dark-colored), fer-
soil testing program is to collect the soil tility level (as indicated by crop growth),
sample so it represents the area to be test- and management unit (field or portion of
ed. If the sample does not represent an field).
area, the test results and recommendations The biggest mistakes made in estimat-
can be misleading. Get a representative ing the fertility level of a soil area general-
sample so the soil test and recommenda- ly are from improper soil sampling.
tions are reliable for the area tested. The Laboratory data can be no better than the
following procedures help ensure that you soil sample.
collect representative soil samples. • To get a representative soil sample,
gather at least 15 to 20 cores. If the
How to Take Good Samples tilled soil has been limed or fertilized
1. Select the proper tools. A soil probe, by broadcasting in the last 2 years,
auger, spade, and clean buckets may be take 30 or more individual cores,
used in taking soil samples. A soil probe depending on soil variability or
or an auger is better than any other tool unknown locations of fertilizer bands.
because it gets equal amounts of soil from Take each core the same depth, and
a certain depth. take the same amount of soil at each site.
2. Use the correct soil sampling technique. • Gather cores at random in a zigzag
Sampling is best done when soil moisture pattern over the area involved. This
conditions are suitable for plowing. Do not procedure is good because it lessens
include cores from dead furrows, turn- the effect of any one boring. For exam-
rows, strips near trees, old fence rows, fer- ple, if you take 20 equal-sized borings
tilizer or lime spill areas, or any other in an area and one of them was, by
unusual spots. chance, taken in an old fertilizer spill
• Using a soil map, sample the soils in area, it would have little effect on the
a field; sample separately the light- results of the composite sample.
and dark-colored soils and recently However, if you take more soil at the
limed and unlimed areas (see map fertilizer spill area than at any one of
next page). Scrape off crop residue the other sites, the larger volume of
before sampling. soil influences the results of the
• Sample cropland to plow depth or composite sample.
another constant depth, depending on
• Label carefully to ensure identification (maximum
16 18 20 22 24 26 of five digits or characters). For example, SE-10,

15 17 19 21 23 25
WF1, EA8, 127, B. Prepare a map or sketch of your

Field No. 3
farm or field layout, showing areas sampled. This
helps keep an accurate record of your soil test report.
14 12 10 8 6 4 2
How Often and When to Test
13 11 9 7 5 3 1
Test each field once every 3 years or once per crop
rotation. If you avoid the rush times at the laboratory,
you get faster service and the results of the soil test in
time to serve as a guide for buying and applying fertil-
izer. For fall plantings, take samples in May, June, July,
and early August. For spring plantings, collect the
4. Divide fields into uniform areas. Judge for yourself
samples the latter part of October, November,
if an area is large enough for a different lime fertilizer
December, and January.
rate or treatment. Examples of field situations are illus-
trated. For example, Field No. 4-S has a low spot that
may be too small, while the sloping area in Field 2 is Available Tests and Their Costs
definitely large enough for special lime or fertilizer The soil testing laboratory offers the following tests for
treatment. Consult the soil map. $6 each sample:
5. Process the soil sample. • Standard tests for all samples: pH, lime require-
• Break up clods or lumps, spread them out, and ment, available phosphate and potash, calcium,
dry them at room temperature. Caution: Apply no magnesium, sodium, and zinc.
artificial heat by stove or furnace because this can • Organic matter and estimated reserve sulfur for all
change the sample for analysis. row and field crops.
• Thoroughly mix the soil sample after it has dried. • The total soluble salts test is performed on all
Mildly crush the soil (but do not pulverize it) to greenhouse and home horticulture samples.
reduce the coarser granules to about the size of
wheat grains or smaller (a rolling pin works nicely). Interpreting the Soil Test Report
• Keep 1 pint from the original sample. Place this An example of a completed soil test report is on the
pint in a soil sample box that is available from next page. Identical copies of your report are mailed to
your county Extension agent or the Extension Soil your county Extension agent; copies also are on file at
Testing Laboratory at Mississippi State University. the soil testing lab.


Sample Field No. 2 Field No. 3 N

Level Upland SAMPLE 3
Sample-2 E

Sloping Land
Field No. 4
Sample 1-NW
(Limed) Sample 1 NE Sample 4-N

Bottom Land
Field No. 1
Sample 1-S Sample 4-S
Recommendation for
lime in tons per acre.

Recommendations are
given for this specific
crop to be used for
The pH value indicates three consecutive
whether or not soil growing seasons.
needs lime.
Samples are listed by N—Nitrogen fertilizer
grower’s designation (use recommended as
five characters or less). pounds per acre is
based on research trials
Available amounts are at experiment stations.
given in pounds per acre
and fertility levels for
these elements.

Two examples are

given for fertilizer
materials that will
supply needed plant

Comments concerning
crops to be grown. P2O5 — Phosphate
K2O — Potash
General recommen- Pounds per acre of
dations on lime and fertilizer needed
fertilizer applications.
Dr. Keith Crouse, Extension Soil Testing Specialist
How to Submit Samples State, MS 39762. Keep the third copy for your files.
1. Completely fill out the upper half of the form (MSU When you mail the samples, enclose a small number
Extension Form 76). List fields by number; use the list of samples in a sturdy, corrugated mailing container
of crops on the front of the form to select the appropri- with the top two copies of the form. The package
ate code number for each sample. should weigh no more than 20 pounds.
2. Total the number of samples and calculate the 4. Forms, soil sample boxes, and mailing containers
charge in the upper-right-hand corner of the form are available at your county Extension office. See the
(________samples @ $6 each = _________). county agent for these supplies and for advice on tak-
3. Mail the top two copies of the form, your check or ing soil samples. You may also get these supplies from
money order, and the soil samples to: MSU Extension the Extension Soil Testing Laboratory, Bost Extension
Building, Mississippi State University.

Name and Number of samples × $6 charge

Service, Soil Testing Laboratory, Box 9610, Mississippi

address Field
number Send payment with top
two copies to this address

Mississippi State University Extension Service Soil Testing Laboratory


Crop code number—choose appropriate code

number for crop to be grown

Revised by Dr. Keith Crouse, Associate Extension Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences.

Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran’s status is a
violation of federal and state law and MSU policy and will not be tolerated. Discrimination based upon
sexual orientation or group affiliation is a violation of MSU policy and will not be tolerated.

Information Sheet 346

Extension Service of Mississippi State University, cooperating with U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Published in furtherance of Acts of Congress, May 8 and June 30, 1914. GARY B. JACKSON, Director

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