Crimson Circle Product Guide
Crimson Circle Product Guide
Crimson Circle Product Guide
Crimson Circle Energy Company, PO Box 7394, Golden, Colorado, 80403 USA
Personal Study Courses
click each item for more information
DreamWalker Birth
This course from Adamus Saint-Germain is informative, captivating and inspirational, and offers insights and guid-
ance into what happens on both the Earth dimensions and angelic realms prior to physical birth. You will learn to
develop a deep, spiritual connection with your baby long before actual delivery, and the entire process of concep-
tion, pregnancy and birth can be much smoother and more fulfilling. You will be able to eliminate much of the pain
and trauma often associated with pregnancy and birth. The DreamWalker Birth materials will also help expand your
horizons and assist you in inspiring consciousness in others.
9 audio CDs, 1 data disk with Study Guide – $395 Digital Download – $350
Interdimensional Living
An interactive and experiential Study Course with in-depth information on what dimensions are, how to perceive and
experience them, and how they can serve you in your life. Adamus asks “What is your prison?” The answer to this
question and the choice to set yourself free then helps you traverse the dimensions and bring back potentials into
your everyday reality. Learn to reawaken the five angelic senses and expand your five physical senses to consciously
perceive and interact with energies and dimensions. Kuthumi also guides the listener through several intense inter-
dimensional experiences. Excellent for anyone seeking true freedom and interdimensional experiences.
10 audio CDs, 1 data disk with Study Guide – $295 Digital Download – $250
Journey of Angels
This is the story of creation that’s never been told before, shared with us now by a real angel. It explains how and
why we became separated from Spirit, helps us to understand what transpires in the angelic realms, and it paints
a new and refreshing picture of why earth was created and why we chose to come here. The Journey of the Angels
is a spiritual epic, offering the explanation and understanding of Creation from A – Z, and is an experience of awak-
ening and remembrance. This is the essential Tobias course for any Shaumbra – or anyone else – who wants to
understand their angelic history. It will challenge you, as well as offer great comfort and remembrance.
11 audio CDs, 1 data disk with Study Guide – $195 Digital Download – $150
Standard Technology
You already have the inherent ability to balance and rejuvenate yourself. But after many lifetimes in the density
of Earth, your human system has forgotten that ability is there, and forgotten how to use it. Standard Technol-
ogy reawakens and IS the ability to heal yourself with your own natural rejuvenation systems. Tobias and Adamus
Saint-Germain discuss principles of energy dynamics, and present new understandings of how you can literally heal
yourself. They introduce the spiritual science of New Energy physics and its significance in applying Standard Tech-
nology to the elegant and vast communications network of the human body. If you are truly ready to choose, trust
and breathe to become your own healer, Standard Technology may be for you.
9 audio CDs, 1 data disk with Study Guide – $295 Digital Download – $245
What’s Missing?
Join Kuthumi as he explores What’s Missing from your life, integration of the Self, creating a safe space for your
aspects to come home to, and bringing your You, your divine Essence fully into your life. Kuthumi gently guides you
into deep experiences of bringing in the You of you and going beyond the “unnatural limitations” that have kept you
separated from your Self. He states that the result of this integration will be the experience of living in a constant
state of Grace, or the natural flow and natural expression of Self. As Kuthumi says, you have been trying for so long to
understand God, when all this time God has been trying to understand YOU! These messages help bring it all together.
5 audio CDs, 1 data disk with Study Guide – $120 Digital Download – $95
Special Topics
10-10-10 Adamus in Berlin Addictions
Living in the New Energy The Cause of Addiction and the Joy of Freedom
A message from Adamus, given October 10, 2010, What causes addiction? In this ground-breaking ses-
about ancestral karma, conscious creation, mental bal- sion, Tobias offers amazing new information and in-
ance and going beyond the mind. He also talked about sights about the nature of addictions, and the potential
lights in the sky (and what they really are), imagining for moving past their seductive grip.
potentials, being in ahmyo – or absolute trust with self 2 CD set – $25 Digital Download – $20 PDF – $15
– the importance of energy management, regenerating
body parts, imagination, and much more.
Digital Download – MP3 & PDF – $30
2011: Intense and Personal Ancestral Karma
How your Bloodline, Lifeline & Starline Can Influence You
A Look into 2011 Potentials
Adamus Saint-Germain offers insights and advice for Tobias talks about our bloodline karma (family an-
2011 and beyond. He calls 2011 the Year of Self, while cestry), our lifetime karma (incarnational ancestry),
explaining that there are more potentials and energies our starline karma (angelic ancestry), and how these
available to us than ever before. He talks about lights various types of karma can influence our current
in the sky, weather patterns, our core fears, Ascended lives.
Masters, and much more. 2 CD set – $25 Digital Download – $20 PDF – $15
Digital Download – MP3 & PDF – $30
A Time To Inspire The Role & Return of Our Aspect Selves
A Timely Message From Tobias
In this intriguing discussion Tobias talks about how
Tobias talks about the changes and challenges facing and why we create Aspects, how the many layers and
the world right now, and how these are part of the levels of Aspects can create chaos and confusion, and
natural evolution of human consciousness. He says, how to bring all of our Aspect energy back into the
“It’s not the end of the world, but rather the beginning present moment to better serve us.
of a new earth. It’s not a time to fear, but a time to
inspire consciousness for humanity.” 2 CD set – $25 Digital Download – $20 PDF – $15
2 CD set – $20 Digital Download – $15 PDF – $0 4
Special Topics
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Special Topics
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Special Topics
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Multi-Day Intensives
Multi-Day Intensives
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Books, Music & Video
click each item for more information
Ahmyo-Makyo I Am That I Am
Yoham & Adamus Yoham
“The words to these songs were inspired by the Music is a bridge between heaven and earth, and
teachings of Adamus Saint-Germain. In the name Yoham is performing a celebration of that timeless
of Yoham I wish all of you precious moments with cosmic dance. The music of Gerhard Fankhauser
and Amir Ya’acoby is the expression of awakening
them. They are made for you, to listen, feel into joy and true inspiration.
the message, sing and dance along.” 1 CD set – $20 Digital Download – $15
~ Gerhard Fankhauser
Digital Download - $10
Books, Music & Video
click each item for more information
Oh-Be-Ahn Returning
Anders Holte Anders Holte
“Standing on the shore, listening to the echo of a This CD has four original songs by Anders Holte,
time yet to come, we made a covenant with the inspired by Adamus, Tobias and others. Includes
Earth to safely hold our love, our knowledge, our the beautiful song that was sung just before To-
dreams and visions of a new world. Today we lis- bias’ farewell channel in Breckenridge, Colo-
ten again and hear the call, the echo from an an- rado on July 2009.
cient stellar lullaby, as we awaken to the dawn of 1 CD set – $10 Digital Download – $6
a new day.”
Digital Download - $15
Opening Into Consciousness The Seven Seals
Geoffrey Hoppe & Yoham
Tobias offers a new interpretation of the mysteri-
From the gentle opening notes to the final wel-
ous Seven Seals mentioned in the Bible. Now, ac-
coming breath, Opening takes you on a journey
companied by the music of Yoham, Tobias takes
into your Self. It is a guided invitation to breathe,
the listener through the process of gently opening
to be fully present, to truly feel on all levels, and to
each of their own seven seals.
expand into all that you are. Accompanied by the
inspired music of Yoham, Geoffrey Hoppe narrates 1 CD set – $20 Digital Download – $15
this soothing meditation that will help you open
into your full consciousness.
1 CD set – $20 Digital Download – $15
Tune in to dozens of new shows every week on many different topics, all designed to assist
awakening humans around the world.
Free Materials
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Adamus On Blog Talk Radio Connecting With the Energies Around You
A two hour discussion and channel with Geof- Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe
frey and Linda Hoppe and Adamus Saint Ger- A special presentation on how to feel and con-
main. Hosted by Joe Rumbolo on Blog Talk Ra- nect with the many different energies that fill
dio on August 5, 2010 your life. Includes guided experiences, practical
applications, tips and pointers on how to per-
ceive energy.
Digital Download - $0
A Time To Inspire
A Timely Message From Tobias
Tobias talks about the changes and challenges facing
the world right now, and how these are part of the
Do You Remember?
natural evolution of human consciousness. He says, In this deeply touching channel, Tobias revisits the
“It’s not the end of the world, but rather the beginning conversations he had with us before we came to
of a new earth. It’s not a time to fear, but a time to Earth in this lifetime.
inspire consciousness for humanity.” Digital Download - $0, PDF - $0
2 CD set – $20 Digital Download – $15 PDF – $0
Free Materials
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International Translations
currently available in Shaumbra Shoppe
10-10-10 Adamus in Berlin X
2011 - Intense and Personal X X X X
Addictions X X X X X X X X
The Alchemy of Light & Dark X X X X
Ancestral Karma X X X X X X
Aspectology X X X X X X X
Atlantis & the Wound of Isis X X X
The Beauty of Life X X X X
Biological Rejuvenation X X X X X X X X X
Chaos X X X X X
Conspiracies X X X X X
Dei Un Gnost X X X X
Depression X X X X X X X
Discovering Your Passion X X
Dreams X X X X X X X X
DreamWalker Birth X
Energy In Motion X X X X X X X
The Energy of Food X X X X X X
The Energy of Music X X X X
The Evolution of Gaia X X X
Expanding Your Intuition X X X X
Fields of Potentials X X X
The High Definition Life X X X
Interdimensional Living X X
Journey of the Angels X X X X X
Kuthumi & Adamus in Rome X X X
Mental Imbalance X X X X X X X
Midsummer Conference 2010 - Munich X X X
Mormons & Other Spiritual Families X X X
Moving Stuck Energy X X X
New Consciousness X
The New Earth X X X X
New Earth Update X X
New Energy Business X X X X X
New Energy Education X X X X X X X X
New Energy Synchrotize X X
On Death & Dying X X X X X X X X X X
The Oslo Sessions X X X X X
Out of the Box X
Pets X X X X X X X X
The Quantum Leap X X X X X
Relationships X X X X X X X X X X X X
Reunion X
Rising to Freedom X X X X
Sacred Geometry X X X X X
Sounds of the Soul X X X
Sovereign One X X X
The 13th Strand X X X X X
Time, Space & Measurement Systems X X X X
Time Travels X X X
Tobias Returns to Israel X
What Lies Ahead X X X X X X X
What on Earth X X
Wound of Isis X X X
Chemia –FREE X X X X X
Drama - FREE X X X X X X X X X X X X
Do You Remember? –FREE X X X X X
Letter to Awakening Humans - FREE X X X X X X X X X X
SES Intro X X
Silent Prayer –FREE X X X
Twelve Awakening Signs - FREE X X X X
Tobias & Kryon in Madrid - FREE X X
To the Messengers X
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