Phar 5 6-7
Phar 5 6-7
Phar 5 6-7
Classification based on where they exist within the medication Preventing medication errors
use system keep up with the medication literature for drug error
information and take action for prevention
Prescribing Wrong drug Correct drug, Wrong dose, verify the accuracy of new prescription, data, monitor for
wrong patient form or route
Transcribing Illegible Misinterpretation Omission errors and near misses, make corrections as needed,
and and report errors to external reporting programs
interpretation patient identifies should be verified using bar codes
Dispensing Wrong Error in Error in drug
patient or preparation or utilization
patient should be educated about ways to prevent
drug calculation review medication errors
Administration Wrong drug, Incorrect handling Failure to patient should be engaged in managing their own
and monitoring dose, route, or storage, missed review a medication regimens
administratio dose prescribed
n, time, regimen for electronic prescribing should be used
infusion rate appropriaten trivial warnings to prescribed and pharmacists should be
avoided in medication decision-support systems
prescription filling technology needs to be assessed and
Adverse drug reactions
DRPs that are unexpected, unintended, undesired, or
monitor patients for high risk side effects
excessive responses
review patient medication records especially when
may or may not be the result of medical error
transitioning between types of care
» allergic reactions: immunologic hypersensitivities to
» idiosyncratic reactions: abnormal responses drugs
that are peculiar to individuals)
» side effects: expected, well-known reactions that
require little or no change in patient management
drug withdrawal symptoms, drug-abuse syndromes,
accidental poisonings, and drug overdose complcations
Principles of quality improvement Medication reconciliation
the status quo is unacceptable process of resolving discrepancies with what a patient
safety can be enhanced by improving the core processes has been taking in the past with what the patient
of the medication use system should be taking at the moment
safety errors must be patient-centered correct problems such as omissions in therapy,
quality must be assured medication duplications, errors in dosing, and
solutions to safety problems should address, not potential drug interactions
individuals conducted each time a patient transitions across
departments or locations
PDSA Cycle of Safety Improvement
Plan – plan your small change
Do – implement this small change
Study – what impact did this small change have?
Act – make another small change
At risk of ADRs
1. pediatric patients – less predictable pharmacokinetics
2. elderly patients – poly pharmacy, multiple prescribers,
adherence problems, change in renal function and
metabolism, greater sensitivity to medications
3. oncology patients – exposed to highly toxic
therapeutic regimens and immunocompromised
Types of ADRs
Type A Augmented, Occurs consequent but in excess
Predictable of drug primary pharmacological
Type B Bizarre, Occurs different (idiosyncratic) to
Unpredictable known drug pharmacologic
effect. Usually due to patient’s
genetic defect or immunological
response. Of qualitative nature
Type C End-of-use Occurs by sudden stoppage of
chronic drug use due to existing
adaptive changes.
Type D Delayed Occurs after long period of time
even after drug stoppage
Chapter 7: medication distribution systems Pharmacy-coordinated method dispensing and
controlling medications in health care institutions
The role of the pharmacist has always been to ensure that Medications contain in unit dose packages,
patients receive the appropriate medication in an acceptable dispensed in ready-to-administer form and not
dosage forms that facilitates safe administration and improved more than 24-hour supply being delivered
outcomes Pharmacists dispenses patient-specific
medications to be administered, not prepared, by
Medication Distribution Methods the nurse
1. Floor stock system - Reduction in medication errors
consisted of individual storage area on each - Decrease in total cost of medication-
nursing unit where medications were kept prior to related activities
nurse preparing them to administer to patients - More efficient use of pharmacy and
medications were largely unsecured nursing personnel
pharmacist’s role - Improved drug control and drug use
- place bulk containers of medications in monitoring
the unit storage area -> Drug room - More accurate patient billing for
- there were multiple doses in each bottle medications
to supply all patients receiving the drug - Greater control by pharmacists over
on the nursing unit work patterns and scheduling
nurse’s role - Reduction of inventories maintained on
- prepare the patient-specific medications nursing units
for both oral and IV use Other characteristics
- would read the physician order, go into - Placed pharmacists front and center in
the drug room to select the drug and the medication use cycle
prepare it, and then administer it to the - Required pharmacists to review every
patient medication order prior to dispensing
- would request new medication (for new - Duplicate carbon copies were provided
orders) to be stocked in the nursing unit to pharmacists to prevent transcription
other characteristics errors
- pharmacist would never see the - Required the pharmacy to have and
physician order maintain a patient medication profile
- pharmacist would stock the medications - Carts are filled by technicians and
- it required minimal pharmacy resources checked by pharmacists
- it was assumed to be safe Process:
- patients were charged for the drugs 1. Medication orders written and sent to
administered to them or were billed a pharmacy
daily fee (per diem) for the drugs 2. Pharmacist receives and reviews order
2. Patient prescription system 3. Order is entered into the drug profile
Involved the pharmacist to a greater extent by 4. Order is filled by tech and checked by
requiring a review of the patient order pharmacist
Physician writes>nurse transcribes>pharmacist 5. Medication is set to floor by courier, by
prepares pneumatic tube, or with nurse
Pharmacist prepares a 2 to 5 day supply of 6. New order is recorded into the MAR
medications for the patient (medication administration record)
Patients are charged for the medications 7. On the unit, nurse checks the medication
dispensed against the patient’s MAR
Pharmacist’s role 8. Nurse administers the medication to the
- Review the patient order patient
- Place only limited judgement on whether 9. Nurse records when and how the drug was
it was correct or appropriate to the administered on the patient’s MAR
Nurse’s role
- Store the medication in the nursing unit
- Prepare the individual dose for the
- Contact pharmacist to send refills
Models of UDS
a. Centralized
Emanates from the pharmacy (centralized
All processes occurs in the main pharmacy –
order processing, drug packaging, cart fill, and
medication dispensing
All resources can be localized into one
Drug inventory can be minimized
Pharmacist is not able to directly
interact with the physician and nurse
Clinical service is limited
b. Decentralized
There are pharmacy satellites located throughout the
Order is routed to a designated satellite, processed by
the pharmacist and dispenses the first dose of
medication directly to the nursing station
Pharmacists are closely located to patient care areas
There is still a need for a centralized pharmacy
Faster order filling
Increased physician and nursing
Better professional relationships
between pharmacy and the departments
Separation of clinical services
Fewer dispensing errors
Decreased need for floor stock