Safari - 10-Nov-2018 at 1:34 PM
Safari - 10-Nov-2018 at 1:34 PM
Safari - 10-Nov-2018 at 1:34 PM
India, being a cosmopolitan country, allows each citizen to
be governed under personal laws relevant to religious
views. This extends to personal laws inter alia in the
matter of marriage and divorce.
As part of the Hindu Code Bill, the Hindu Marriage Act was
enacted by Parliament in 1955 to amend and to codify
marriage law between Hindus. As well as regulating the
institution of marriage (including validity of marriage and
conditions for invalidity), it also regulates other aspects of
personal life among Hindusand the applicabilityof such
lives in wider Indian society.
The Hindu Marriage Act provides guidance for Hindus to
be in a systematic marriage bond. It gives meaning to
marriage, cohabiting rights for both the bride and groom,
and a safety for their family and children so that they do
not suffer from their parental issues.
The Act applies to all forms of Hinduism (for example, to a
person who is a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or a follower of the
Brahmo, Prarthana or AryaSamam) and also recognises
offshoots of the Hindu religion as specified in Article 44 of
the Indian Constitution. Notably, these include Jains and
Buddhists. The Act also applies to anyone who is a
permanent resident in the India who is not Muslim, Jew,
Christian, or Parsi by religion.
Although the Act originally applied to Sikhs as well, the
AnandKarj Marriage Act gives Sikhs their own personal law
related to marriage.
Although the Act originally did not apply to citizens in the
State of Jammu and Kashmir, the effect of the J&K Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955 made it applicable.
Section 7 of the Hindu Marriage Act recognises that there
may be different, but equally valid ceremonies and
customs of marriage. As such, Hindu marriage may be
solemnized in accordance with the customary rites and
ceremonies of either the bride or the groom. These rites
and ceremonies include the Saptapadi and Kreva.
Registering a marriage
A marriage cannot be registered unless the following
conditions are fulfilled:
1. a ceremony of marriage has been performed; and
2. the parties have been living together as husband and
Additionally,the parties must have been residing within
the district of the Marriage Officer for a period of not less
than thirty days immediately preceding the date on which
the application is made to him for registration.
Section 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act allowsastate
government to make rules for the registration of Hindu
marriages particular to that state, particularly with respect
to recording the particulars of marriage as may be
prescribed in the Hindu Marriage Register.
Registration provides written evidenceof marriage. As
such, the Hindu Marriage Register should be open for
inspection at all reasonable times (allowing anyone to
obtain proof of marriage) and should be admissible as
evidence in a court of law.
Although marriage is held to be divine, the Hindu
Marriage Act does permit either party to divorce on the
grounds of unhappiness, or if he or she can prove that the
marriage is no longer tenable.
A petition for divorce usually can only be filed one year
after registration. However, in certain cases of suffering by
the petitioner or mental instability of the respondent, a
court may allow a petition to be presented beforeone
Grounds for divorce
A marriage may be dissolved by a court order on the
following grounds:
1. Adultery - the respondent has had voluntary sexual
intercourse with a man or a woman other than the
spouse after the marriage.
2. Cruelty - the respondent has physically or mentally
abused the petitioner.
3. Desertion - the respondent has deserted the
petitioner for a continuous period of not less than two
4. Conversion to another religion - the respondent
has ceased to be a Hindu and has taken another
5. Unsound mind - the respondent has been diagnosed
since the marriage ceremony as being unsound of
mind to such an extent that normal married life is not
6. Disease - the respondent been diagnosed with an
incurable form of leprosy or has venereal disease in
acommunicable form.
7. Presumption of death - the respondent has not been
seen alive for seven years or more.
8. No resumption of cohabitation after a decree of
judicial separation for a period of at least one year.
In addition, a wife may also seek a divorce on the grounds
1. In case of marriagesthat took place before the Hindu
Marriage Act 1955 was enacted, the husband was
already married and that any other wife of
thehusband was alive at the time of the marriage
2. The husband, after marriage, has been found guilty of
rape, sodomy or bestiality
3. Co-habitation has not been resumed within a
yearafter an order for maintenance under Section 125
of the Criminal Procedure Code or alternatively, under
the Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act 1956.
4. The wife was under-age when she married and
she repudiates the marriage before attaining the age of
18 years.
Remarriage is possible once a marriage has been
dissolved by a decree of divorce and no longer able to be
appealed (whether there was no right of appeal in the first
place, or whether the time for appealing has expired, or
whether an appeal has been presented but dismissed).
Full text of "Hindu Marriage Act 1955" available here