Lesson Plan Bar Graph

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Hessa Topic or Theme: Bar graph

Class: 2 - A Date & Duration: 20-3-2018

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: Planning for learning: I will prepare the questions and activities before the
lesson. And let MST to check the questions and activities if it’s correctly and if matching the
learners levels.

Lesson Focus: the lesson is focusing on tally and the bar graph.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to: 2MDD2 Term 2

Complete bar graphs accurately within the statistical inquiry cycle.

Links to Prior Learning

 In Grade 1, students contributed to whole-class bar graphs. The teacher asked a survey question
(e.g. ‘their faviourt fruits?’) and each student contributed their own response to the central class
of bar graph.

21st Century Skills

Digital and teaching fluency: students will come in affront to the smart board to solve the questions
about bar graph also teacher apply video.
Critical thinking: Students will have different activities about bar graph and they will think and
solve the graph using information’s that they will take it from tally marks.

Key vocabulary

- Tally marks

- Bar Graph
Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems
Students will didn’t know how to use a bar I will model for them using smart board and play
graph with the numbers in the tally marks. dough to color the graph. Then I ask them who is not
understand and if some students didn’t understand I
let them come and do for us in the smart board two

Resources/equipment needed

Smart board: to represents the lessons and let students write in.

Power point: to represents the lessons and groups activity.

Video: show them how to use bar graph.

Online timer: to managing the lesson time to finish on time.

square shapes, blocks, play-dough and conflux color loops : students will use it to put in the

A4 papers: each students have several questions and survey and bar graph.

Teacher small board and small color papers: teacher will stick in it A3 paper to recap the
lessons and let students game and read the instruction and take small color papers

& Time
Resources Teacher &Students will

Smart board (Hook)

Power point Tr: let students sit in carpet.
Video S: will sit in the carpet.
Online timer Tr: ask students who can tell me
what we learn yesterday?
S: probably answer we learn a
tally and picture graph.
& Time (15
Tr: yes excellent, we learned
minutes) about a tally marks and picture
Tr: so boys and girls, we will
learn today about bar graph.
Tr: ask students what is bar
S: take the information and put it
in the graph that have numbers.
Tr: we will use a tally marks and
bar graph.
Tr: a bar graph it mean you will
see the pictures of favorite things
like here about fruits and you will
ask your 4 from your friend what
they like for example 5 of them
like orange then you will make a
tally marks ‘5’ then you will find
in the graph where its show
orange and number 5 and color it.

Active Engagement (group

working with the teacher)
Tr: will open the power point
and I will choose 9 students
to stand up and make one
line to ask them questions
about their favourite winter
S: 9 students will come and
make one line.
Tr: ask first students ‘what is
your favourite winter
activity? Its Sledding or ice
skating or Skiing or
Snowboarding. For example
the first 4 students like
Sledding in the tally I will
draw 4 tally marks and write
in the total 4 then we will
move to the bar graph and
find where is word Sledding
and find number 4 and color
it until number 4.

Tr: lets now see a short video

about a bar graph.

S: will see the video.

Tr: stop in each part and explain for

the students. When the video is

Tr: tell students now we will start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v

our activities Tr: open the power =oYXmY5axC2I
point and call group by group to
show and model for them what
they suppose to do.

S: go to their groups.

Tr: put online timer (15minutes).

Main activities
& Time
Resources Teacher &Students will
board marker Tr: will give each student 4 papers
square shapes that have questions to make a tally
blocks marks and board marker to draw a
tally marks and graph with
& Time (15 numbers and square shapes.
Tr: explain for students the activity,
each students have 4 paper with
different questions about your
favourites. You will ask the
students in your group about their
favourites and then draw a tally
marks and write the total. When
you finish writing the total you
have a graph with numbers from 1
to 10. For example I will ask the
students in my group and three
students say their favourite is fish
so I will draw 3 tally marks and in
the total I will write number 3 then
I will go to the bar graph where its
say fish I will take 3 shapes of
square and I will pot it until
number 3.
S: will start asking their friends to
collect information.

(Developing 1)
Resources Tr: will give each student 4 papers
that have bar graph and board
A4 papers marker to color the bar graph it’s
board marker about a survey.
Tr: explain for students the activity,
& Time (15 each student have 4 paper with
minutes) different questions you should to
read a survey to collect the
information for example here we
have a favourite soup and 4
students voted chicken so you will
find in the bar graph the word
chicken and color it until number 4
because 4 students like chicken
soup. When you finish the first
survey go to the second, third and
fourth one.
S: will start read first and then they
will color the bar graph.

(Developing 2)
Resources Tr: will give each student 4 papers
that have bar graph and board
A4 papers
marker to write the total of tally
board marker marks and play-dough for the bar
graph it’s about students

& Time (15 Tr: explain for students the activity,

minutes) each students have 4 paper with
different questions you should to
count how many tally marks and
write the number in the total. For
example, her we have about color
of shirt so four students like 4 red
shirt, so in the total you will write
number 4, then you have her bar
graph with numbers you will find
where is red color and number 4
and you will take red play dough
and put it until number 4.

Resources Tr: will give each students 4 papers
that have bar graph and board
A4 papers marker to write the total of tally
board marker for the bar graph it’s about
students favourites and blocks.
conflux color
loops Tr: explain for students the activity,
& Time (15 each students have 4 paper with
minutes) different questions you should to
count how many tally marks and
write the number in the total. For
example, her we have about color
of cars so four students like 4 red
cars, so in the total you will write
number 4, then you have her bar
graph with numbers you will find
where is red car and number 4 and
you will take red blocks and put it
until number 4 using red blocks.
Differentiation activities (Support)

Tr: will give each students A4 papers that have favourite color and m&m. Students will ask
10 person for their favourite color ( red, orange, yellow, green, blue and brown) then they
will write the tally marks they will sort specific color and in the graph you will use m&m.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Resources Teacher &Students will red 2

Teacher small Orange 4
board Tr: will let students to sit in the Yellow 6
carpet to recap the lesson. Green 5
small color S: will sit in the carpet.
papers Tr: who can tell me what we learn
S: will say bar graph.
& Time (15
Tr: use small board students will
see a bar graph and colors and
instruction. And near the smart
board I will put several small
color papers and I will choose
different students. The first
students will read first instruction
‘ 2 red’ student will go to near the
smart board and take 2 red color
paper take it and stick it with blue
tag in the bar graph.
Students will have a worksheet that represent tally marks and bar graph with
numbers students will count how many animals we have in the pictures then
they will drawing using colors in the graph.

Assessment ( Four corner)

Strategies: Tr: will put in front of the class 4 chairs and in this 4 chair I will pot cards
that written agree – disagree- strongly agree - strongly disagree. And
explain for students.
Tr: I will ask you two question the first question ‘bar graph help me to
show information that I have collected?
So if you for example strongly agree you should to stand next chair that
written strongly agree and explain for your partner why you strongly

Tr: tell them second question ‘can we collect information from survey’?
S: will think and they will go to the chairs that have agree – disagree-
strongly agree - strongly disagree and explain
for the students.
Tr: ask students why you agree or disagree. To
check if the students understand.

☐Observation ☐Student self- ☑Oral questioning ☐Peer assessment


☐Quiz ☐Student presentation ☑Written work and ☐Verbal feedback


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