Physics Calculations For A Mangonel
Physics Calculations For A Mangonel
Physics Calculations For A Mangonel
(1) 𝐹 = −𝑘𝑥
Where x is how far the spring is stretched, and k is a “spring constant” which is unique to each type of
spring – we must determine this experimentally. Thus, we can rearrange our equation to:
(2) 𝑘 = −
From this equation we can find out the spring constant k buy stretching our rubber band to x and
measuring the force F it generates. Once we have our k value, we can turn our attention to the
potential energy 𝑃𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 stored in the stretched rubber band – energy that can be converted to work
by our catapult. This quantity of energy (measured in Joules) can be calculated by the equation:
(3) 𝑃𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 2
𝑘𝑥 2
The resulting potential energy 𝑃𝐸𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 is the total amount of energy our catapult assembly has
available to launch its projectile. Next, we need to consider how the launch actually occurs.
This, of course, assumes no energy is lost in the conversion; in reality some energy will always be lost –
converted to heat by friction, or absorbed by our joint materials. But this amount is small enough that
we can ignore it for the purposes of our calculation. The kinetic energy of rotation can be expressed by
the equation:
(5) 𝐾𝐸𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 2 𝐼𝜔2
In this equation, 𝜔 is the angular velocity – it measures how quickly our catapult arm spins around its
axle. 𝐼 is the moment of inertia. For our launch arm, this is the same as a rod rotating on its end, or:
(6) 𝐼 = 3
𝑚𝑟 2
In this equation, r is the length (radius) of our launch arm, and m is the mass of the projectile. We can
substitute the moment of inertia (equation 6) into our kinetic energy of rotation equation (equation 5),
and obtain:
11 1
(7) 𝐾𝐸𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 2 3 𝑚𝑟 2 𝜔2 = 6 𝑚𝑟 2 𝜔2
Therefore we need to calculate 𝜔, which can bet done by substituting equations (7) and (3) into
equation (4):
1 1
(8) 𝑘𝑥 2 = 𝑚𝑟 2 𝜔2
2 6
Finally, we can convert the angular velocity to linear velocity 𝑣 with the equation:
(12) 𝑣 = 𝜔𝑟
3𝑘𝑥 2 𝑥 3𝑘 3𝑘
(13) 𝑣 = √ 𝑚𝑟 2
𝑟 =𝑟 𝑟
= 𝑥√ 𝑚
Notice that the radius of the launch arm 𝑟 disappears from our equation as we simplify it. This suggests
that the launch velocity of the projectile is not affected by the length of the arm, only by the mass of the
projectile, the extent to which the spring is pulled back 𝑥, and the spring constant 𝑘. Why does this
happen? How does varying the length of the throw arm change the path and velocity of the projectile
while it is cupped within the launch arm’s basket? Do we need to consider the launch arm’s length in
designing our catapult? Why or why not?
(14) 𝑥 = 𝑣0 𝑡 cos(𝜃)
(15) 𝑦 = 𝑣0 𝑡 sin(𝜃) − 2
𝑔𝑡 2
Notice we split the initial velocity into a vertical (y) and horizontal (x) component. The sine and cosine
functions allow us to determine how much of our initial velocity contributes to each of these directions,
given the angle between the direction our projectile was launched and the horizontal is 𝜃. The angle 𝜃
is our angle of release, determined by where in our launch arm’s rotation it slams into the stop brace.
Also, we have an extra term in our equation for vertical motion: − 2 𝑔𝑡 2 . This is the downward drag
exerted by gravity, g (which we typically approximate with 9.8 m/s2). As the value of time is squared
(t2), we know the effect of gravity on our projectile will increase over time, pulling it downward.
Interestingly, we have no such term in our x-position, which means our projectile will continue to fly
forward at the speed we launch it, until it strikes something (like a castle wall, or the ground).
Now we need to change the ball’s position over time, according to our equations of motion. The
block offers one possible way of accomplishing this – we simply need to supply it with an
x and y position. We can use equations (14) and (15) to calculate these values, creating variables to
represent 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑣0 , 𝑡, and 𝜃:
Note that in Scratch, order of operations is implicit in the nesting of blocks – i.e. in our first equation,
cos(𝜃) is calculated first, then multiplied by t, and then by v0. Also notice Scratch does not have a
“squared” block, so we use the mathematically equivalent . We could have also pre-calculated
9.8/2 and used that value rather than the operator block .
Now we need to calculate the value of v0, which can be done with equation (13). This equation adds
several more variables to our program: 𝑥, 𝑘, and 𝑚. But we already have a variable 𝑥, which is the
horizontal position of our projectile! So let’s rename our variable 𝑥 from equation (13) to 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑐ℎ, as it
is the “stretch” of the rubber band. Then we can add our new variables like we did before, and then
calculate the value of v0:
Now we need to provide values for the other variables: m, k, stretch and 𝜃. You should obtain m by
measuring the mass of your projectile (I’ll use 2.7g, or 0.0027kg, the weight of a ping-pong ball). You
should have obtained your k value experimentally from stretching rubber bands (I’ll use 3.16 in my
example). The values of stretch and 𝜃 depend on your design. For now, let’s use 10cm (0.01m) for
stretch and 45° for 𝜃.
But what about time t? We want to see our ball move along its trajectory, which means we actually
want to be changing the value of t as our program is running, and move our ball each time. We can
accomplish this with a repeat loop which repeats any instructions contained within it
multiple times (the number specified after the word “repeat”). Thus, we can calculate our x and y, move
the ball to that position, and change our time t by a set value inside the repeat bock, and it will be
repeated over and over. The amount of time we change t by is known as our simulation time step. The
smaller the timestep, the more detailed our simulation will be (and the longer it will take to run). I’ll use
a time step of 0.01s (1/100 of a second) in my simulation:
Thus, in my example, we’ll run 1000 iterations of the simulation, with a timestep of 0.01 (each iteration
will calculate and position the ball 0.01s later than the last iteration).
Note: if your ball moves too fast, you can add a block within the repeat loop. This will
make each iteration pause for a fraction of a second, slowing down the simulation.
Your current Scratch program should look something like this, and you can run it by clicking the green
flag in the corner:
This is because the is moving to position (x,y) measured in pixels on the screen (which
are very small). Your calculations are calculating the position in meters – so a single meter of distance
corresponds to a single pixel on the screen! This is very small, and makes it hard to see the motion of
our ball. Second, your ball starts in the center of the screen. Likely we’ll want to actually have it start
somewhere near the bottom-right corner, so we can see the full path of motion.
We can accomplish both of these goals by transforming our coordinate system. We can shift the ball’s
position to the corner by translating it, or subtracting a constant value from x and y (I’ll use 200 and 150
pixels). Further, we can “zoom in” on our moving ball by scaling the calculated value of x and y. Instead
of 1 pixel = 1 meter, we can use a bigger ratio, like 100 pixels = 1 meter (or 1 pixel = 1 cm). Thus, we
take our calculated x & y and multiply them by 100. Combining these two transformations gives us:
We will also want to set our ball’s initial position to (0,0) – which in our new coordinate system, is (-200,-
150) pixels. We’ll do this at the top of our sprite’s script with:
Now if we run the simulation, we can see the ball much more clearly. But it would also be nice to plot
the movement of the ball in such a way that we can see the full range of movement. Scratch includes a
“pen” that we can use to draw the motion of the sprite onto the background – commands for using it
are in the “pen” menu. In particular, we’ll be interested in the and blocks, which tell
Scratch to start and stop drawing. If we place a before our repeat loop, and a after it,
we’ll graph the ball sprite’s motion as it moves across the screen (we need to pick up our pen after we
finish, or the next time we run the simulation it will draw a line back to the beginning.
Figure 4 - Plotting the projectile path in Scratch
Adding a Grid
Now we can see the path of the ball, but it would be even better if it was a proper graph, with lines
denoting units of measure. There are actually a couple of ways to do this in Scratch – we could create
an image of a graph grid, with axes and labels, and use it as a background, or we can tell Scratch to draw
them for us.
I’ll walk you through the latter – we’ll start by creating another sprite. What it looks like won’t matter;
we just need it to draw for us. In fact, we can make our first step hiding the sprite with the block.
We’ll also want to clear any pen drawings on the screen with , and change the pen’s color so it isn’t
the same as our projectile’s path with .
Now we’re ready to draw a grid. We’ll start with the vertical lines – let’s say we want a vertical line
every ten pixels from 0 to 400 pixels. Each of these lines will correspond to a 10 centimeters (remember
we scaled our pixels to 1pixel = 1cm). We can draw a single line by moving our pen to the start of the
line, putting it down, and then moving to the end, and then picking it up:
We want to repeat this for each vertical line. We could enter the same command 41 times, or... we
could use a repeat block to repeat the command that many times:
Note that we use the variable x to remember where the last line was placed – every time we repeat our
commands, we move the next line over by 10 pixels. The resulting screen will look like this:
We can further refine our grid by darkening every ten lines – corresponding to each meter. To do this,
we want to make our pen thicker (which makes the line darker). This can be done with the
block. A pen size of 2 will draw lines 2 pixels thick. We can then draw the centimeter
lines using the same strategy we did before, but 100 pixels apart:
Now, we would also like to have labels on our graph – but Scratch doesn’t have an easy feature for
writing text onto the screen (we could draw it with the pen, or use sprites for our letters, but both take
some serious work). An easier way would be to turn what we just drew into an image, and add our
labels to that image, and then use the edited image as a background on the stage. We can do this by
right-clicking the stage and choosing “save a picture of the stage”.
Then switch back to Scratch, select the Stage, choose its “background” tab, and import the picture you
just saved:
But before we can find an optimal design, we need to first identify what we mean by “optimal.” Is an
optimal catapult one that throws our projectile the farthest, or one that does the most damage when it
hits? If we were doing pumpkin chuckin’, distance is the goal. But if we’re pounding on the walls of a
castle under siege, damage would be. Different goals often require very different design decisions.
Let’s say we are going for optimal distance – in that case we want to maximize the x values we can
achieve. We could just start plugging new numbers in for each of our values, run our simulation, and
then try another value. But as engineers, we want to be systematic about how we test. For example,
we might start with an angle of 0 degrees (launch is completely horizontal) and try every full degree
until we reach 90. Doing this by hand would be quite exhaustive. But we’ve already seen a block that
can help us repeat a task - . Let’s try using that block to solve this question. We’d want to:
What we just wrote is an algorithm – a step-by-step process for solving a problem. We can express this
using Scratch blocks:
For clarity, I omitted the actual simulation algorithm (the purple block is a stand-in for it). But if we
were to incorporate our new algorithm into our simulation code, it would look like:
Figure 11 - Running the projectile simulation to create a graph
First, to avoid drawing after we’ve hit the ground, we need to stop repeating our simulation once we’ve
reached the ground. This happens when our y = 0. However, y = 0 when we first launch, and unless our
timestep is sufficiently small, it might actually go from y = 0.1 to y = -0.4, and never actually equal 0! We
can get around both of these issues by checking if y < 0 – which will only happen after the projectile hits
the ground. In Scratch, this is the Boolean comparison . We can use this as the test of a
conditional statement, like a . This block repeats the instructions within it until the
test (the diamond-shaped block) is “true”. By combining it with our Boolean test, and substituting it for
our regular repeat we can run our simulation until the projectile hits the ground:
Also, note it was necessary to reset y to 0 before the simulation loop – otherwise our y is still negative
from the last simulation! The resulting graph is much neater, and it runs faster, as we aren’t bothering
to simulate any time after the projectile hits the ground:
Figure 13 - The graph produced by the simulation when considering impact with the ground
Second, to distinguish the graph lines, we can use a slightly different pen color each time with a
block. This can be added to the simulation where we put the pen down, and
then each simulation run will use a slightly different shade of color.
Third, what we are really asking for here is the value of theta when the distance traveled is maximized.
Remember, we end our block right after the projectile strikes the ground. This
means that at that point, our x is at the distance that projectile traveled. So before we do our next
simulation, we can test if this is the maximal distance. An algorithm for doing this might be:
1. Set the maximal distance to 0 (as we haven’t run any simulations yet
2. Set theta to 0
3. Run the simulation
4. If the simulation’s x is greater than the maximal distance, set the maximal distance to x and save
theta as our “ideal” theta
5. Increase theta by 1
6. Repeat steps 3-6 until theta is 90 degrees
Notice this algorithm incorporates our earlier algorithms – the one for changing theta, and the one for
running the simulation. To use it in scratch, we need two new variables: maximal distance and ideal
theta, and we need a conditional block. The block only runs the code inside of
itself if the test in the diamond-shaped socket is true (i.e. x > maximal distance). The Scratch version will
look like this:
Note – again for clarity I have omitted the full simulation algorithm and used the purple block as a
placeholder. Our final algorithm therefore looks something like this:
Figure 14 - The final sprite script for graphing the simulation and finding an optimal launch angle
And, as we run it we will see that our maximal distance and ideal theta values regularly change as our
projectile travels farther and farther, until it no longer travels farther than the previous simulation:
With the values I used for k and stretch, the optimal angle was 44 degrees, and it traveled a distance of
3.6 meters
Further Refinements
We can systematically vary more than one variable in our simulation to answer more complex questions,
like “What is the optimal launch angle and stretch and projectile mass to achieve the greatest distance?”
Remember too, the failure points of your materials (i.e. you won’t want to stretch a rubber band past its
tolerance – or it will snap and your catapult will be ruined. Similarly, too heavy a projectile mass may
snap your launch arm).
You can also calculate the forces your catapult’s structure needs to withstand – how much force the
rubber band will exert on the catapult frame, for example, and how much force the launch arm will
strike the stop brace with. Your choice of materials impose constraints on your design – even though a
rubber band stretched 2m will give you an impressive launch simulation, unless you have a very strong
rubber band it won’t happen in the real world.
Also, our simulation model ignores certain complicating factors like air resistance. Launching a ball of
crumpled paper and a ping-pong ball of the same mass in our simulation as it stands will produce the
same ballistic path, but in reality the creases of a crumpled paper ball make air resistance affect it far
more strongly than a smooth ping-pong ball; the ping-pong ball will travel farther. You can incorporate
the effects of air resistance and wind into the program as well to make it more true-to-life.