Automated Pneumatic Sheet Metal Cutting Machine

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Pneumatic Sheet Metal Cutting Machine

K.Krantikumar K.V.S.S.Saikiran Jakkoju Sathish, M.Tech

B.Tech, B.Tech, PG Scholar,
Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, JNTU-Kakinada,
Hyderabad Institute of Technology Hyderabad Institute of Technology A.P, India.
and Management, Hyderabad. and Management, Hyderabad.

Abstract: Most people conceive their ideas unconsciously, and

because they are unaware of the mental mechanics that
We are using scissors for simple sheet metal cutting. It caused the ‘idea’ to be produced, they cannot repeat
is a manual method so that sheet metals are to be the ideation process to produce further profitable ideas
wasted sometime because of mistakes happened such at will.Fortunately, there are available established
as wrong dimensions etc., and also even a simple creative techniques which, when used correctly, do
cutting may take long time.Hydraulic machines are enable a person to produce a large number of first-
also available for sheet metal cutting. But this method
class ideas at will. One such creative technique, and
is used for only heavy metal cutting and its cost is very
probably the most widely used in American industry,
high.We are using a pneumatic system for sheet metal
is ’brainstorming’.
cutting in a easy way. It is operated by a pneumatic
hand lever of two ways control valve.Control valve is
operated by a compressor. II.LITERATURE SURVEY:

I.INTRODUCTION: In shearing or cutting operation as or blade descends

upon the metal, the pressure exerted by the blade first
The formation of any business begins with someone cause the plastic deformation of the metal. Since the
producing the initial idea for the project. The clearance between the two blades is very small, the
continued success of an established business depends plastic deformation takes place in a localized area and
upon the number and quality of the ideas fed into it. the metal adjacent to the cutting edges of the blade
Without a continual flow of new ideas, a business edges becomes highly stressed, which causes the
cannot function profitably or expand successfully and fracture to start on both sides of the sheet as the
must, therefore eventually fade into total obscurity. deformation progresses and the sheet is sheared. In
dentistry applications, pneumatic drills are lighter,
faster and simpler than an electric drill of the same
power rating, because the prime mover, the
compressor, is separate from the drill and pumped air
is capable of rotating the drill bit at extremely high
rpm. Pneumatic transfer systems are employed in
many industries to move powders and pellets.

Figure 1: Concept Image for Project
Sheet metal is simply a metal formed into thin and flat
Ideas for a new business project, a new product, a pieces. It is one of the fundamental forms used in
means of reducing manufacturing costs or for solving metal working and can be cut and bent into a variety of
industrial labor problems, begin in the human mind. different shapes. Countless everyday objects are

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constructed of the material. Thicknesses can vary ultimate shear strength and the material will fail and
significantly, although extremely thin thicknesses are separate at the cut location.This shearing force is
considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker than 6 mm applied by two tools, one above and one below the
(0.25 in) are considered plate.Sheet metal is available sheet. Whether these tools are a punch and die or upper
in flat pieces or as a coiled strip. The coils are formed and lower blades, the tool above the sheet delivers a
by running a continuous sheet of metal through a roll quick downward blow to the sheet metal that rests over
slitter.The thickness of the sheet metal is called its the lower tool.A small clearance is present between the
gauge. Commonly used steel sheet metal ranges from edges of the upper and lower tools, which facilitates
30 gauges to about 8 gauge. The larger the gauge the fracture of the material. The size of this clearance
number, the thinner the metal. Gauge is measured in is typically 2-10% of the material thickness and
ferrous (iron based) metals while nonferrous metals depends upon several factors, such as the specific
such as aluminum or copper are designated differently; shearing process, material, and sheet thickness.The
i.e., Copper is measured in thickness by Ounce. effects of shearing on the material change as the cut
progresses and are visible on the edge of the sheared
There are many different metals that can be made into material. When the punch or blade impacts the sheet,
sheet metal, such as aluminum, brass, and copper, the clearance between the tools allows the sheet to
steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, plastically deform and “rollover” the edge. As the tool
important sheet metals include silver, gold and penetrates the sheet further, the shearing results in a
platinum (platinum sheet metal is also utilized as a vertical burnished zone of material, finally, the shear
catalyst.)Sheet metal also has applications in car stress is too great and the material fractures at an angle
bodies, airplane wings, medical tables, roofs for with a small burr formed at the edge. The height of
buildings (Architectural) and many other things. Sheet these portions of the cut depends on several factors,
metal of iron and other materials with high magnetic including the sharpness of the tools and the clearance
permeability, also known as laminated steel cores, has between the tools.
applications in transformers and electric machines. IV.CONSTRUCTION
Historically, an important use of sheet metal was in
plate armor worn by cavalry, and sheet metal continues Raw Material Used-
to have many decorative uses, including in horse tack. 1. Mild Steel bars for base frame.
Sheet metal workers are also known as "Tin 2. 35C8 material for shearing blades.
Bashers",("Tin Knockers") which is derived from the 3. Cylinder fittings like fork end, base plates, support
hammering of panel seams when installing tin roofs. links.
There are three primary procedures in Layout 4. Angle section for blade fitting.
1. Parallel 5. Connecting link.
2. Radial 6. Blade link.
3. Triangulation
Ready Items Used-
SHEET METAL CUTTING: 1. Pneumatic double acting cylinder.
2. Direction & flow control valves.
Cutting processes are those in which a piece of sheet 3. Pneumatic pipe & pipe fittings.
metal is separated by applying a great enough force to 4. Bolts & nuts.
cause the material to fail.The most common cutting
5. Antirust coat & paint.
processes are performed by applying a shear force, and
are therefore sometimes referred to as shearing
processes.When a great enough shearing force is Machines & Tools Used-
applied, the shear stress in the material will exceed the 1. Cutting Machine.

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2. Hacksaw Cutting Machine. Length: 25mm
3. Sensitive Drilling Machine. Size: M10
4. Horizontal Milling Machine.
5. Electric Arc Welding Machine. V.PARTS OF MACHINE
6. Table Grinder. 1. Pneumatic Cylinder:-
7. Hand Grinder.
8. Surface Grinding Machine.
9. Tap & Tap Holder.

1. Pneumatic Cylinder-
Quantity: 1
Total Length: 375mm
Bore: 40mm
Stroke: 200mm
Piston Rod Diameter: 20mm
Fig: Schematic diagram of Pneumatic Cylinder
Max Working Pressure: 8 bar
Weight: 3kg Key points:-
• Pneumatic cylinders come in many basic versions.
2. DC Valve- • All cylinders can be tweaked to better fit an
Quantity: 1 application.
Operation: Manual • Custom designs can perform better and save money
Type: Hand Lever, Detent Type when standard cylinders don’t fit the job.
Number of Ports: 5 Resources:
Number of Positions: 3
Construction: Sliding spool type

3. Pneumatic Pipe-
Quantity: 3000mm
Diameter: 8mm
Thickness: 1mm

4. Fork End Nut-

Quantity: 2
Length: 16mm Fig: cross sectional view of Pneumatic Cylinder
Size: M16
Pneumatic cylinders are widely used to generate force
5. Cylinder Base Plate Bolts- and motion on a vast range of OEM equipment. They
can move products directly or indirectly by pushing,
Quantity: 4
pulling, lifting, lowering, or rotating, and can keep
Length: 32mm
them from moving by clamping them in place.Wide
Size: M6
acceptance comes in large part because cylinders are
6. Blade Fixing Bolts- simple, economical, durable, and easy to install. They
Quantity: 3 can produce thousands of pounds of force over a broad

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range of velocities; cycle at high speeds without they fail.CompactCylinders fit into smaller spaces
overheating; and stall without internal damage. And where only a short stroke is required. They are used in
they readily tolerate tough conditions such as high lighter-duty applications due to the small bearing
humidity, dusty environments, and repetitive high- surface on which the rod slides. They mainly come in
pressure wash downs.Pneumatic actuators come in single-acting versions, but double-acting styles also are
literally thousands of styles, sizes, and configurations. available.GuidedCylinders have guide rods and guide
This variety makes more innovative-equipment blocks mounted parallel to the piston rod, or dual
possible, but sorting out the best cylinder for an piston rods. They prevent the piston from rotating and
application can be a bit overwhelming. Here are some provide precise, controlled linear motion — especially
key considerations. when the unit is subject to high side loads. In such
cases, the guides reduce rod and piston bending and
Cylinder design:- uneven seal wear. They are recommended in
applications with sizeable offset loads or require that
The basic, rod-style industrial cylinder consists of a the load be guided, for example, down a conveyor.
tube sealed by end caps. A rod attached to an internal
piston extends through a sealed opening in one of the Rack-and-pinion:
ends. A port at one end of the cylinder supplies
compressed air to one side of the piston, causing it Units convert a cylinder’s linear motion to angular
(and the piston rod) to move. The port at the other end rotation that can exceed 360°. The rotary actuators —
lets air on the opposite side of the piston escape — with the rack mounted on the rod — are often used in
usually to atmosphere. Reversing the roles of the two process industries to operate quarter-turn valves.In
ports makes the piston and rod stroke in the opposite addition to rod-type cylinders, other designs included.
direction. Rod-style cylinders function in two ways: BellowsAre durable, single-acting actuators with
Double-acting cylinders use compressed air to power flexible, reinforced-elastomeric walls and metal end
both the extend andretract strokes, moving the rod plates, they extend when inflated and can generate
back and forth. This arrangement makes them ideal for high forces, thanks to their large diameters. A
pushing and pulling loads. Controlling the rate at cylindrical shape lets them bend in any direction,
which air exhausts determines rod speed.Single-acting making them useful where load direction might curve.
cylinders have compressed air supplied to only one Note that external restraints should be used to limit
side of thepiston; the other side vents to atmosphere. maximum extension and compression.
Depending on whether air is routed to the cap or rod
end determines whether the rod extends or retracts. Unrestrained extension can blow off the end plate, and
exhaust without restraint can let the load crush the
Rod-style cylinders come in various designs:- sidewalls.Rod-less cylinders, as the name implies,
have no rod extending through the end caps, instead,
Repairable cylinders can be disassembled to replace an external carriage slides back and forth on the tube.
seals and other internal components. This extends a The load mounts on this carriage. In many designs, an
cylinder’s life. These durable cylinders are generally internal piston is mechanically connected to the
used in rugged, heavy-duty applications.Sealed-for-life carriage through a sealed longitudinal slot in the
or “disposable” cylinders have end caps mechanically cylinder wall. Long sealing strips inside and outside
crimped to the tube. Internal components are preluded the cylinder tube prevents air leaks and dust and dirt
prior to assembly. Although they are less expensive to ingression. Other variations include cable-and-pulley
manufacture than comparable repairable cylinders, arrangements and magnetically coupled pistons and
they cannot be taken apart to repair without destroying carriages.
the housing. These cylinders are usually used in
lighter-duty applications and must be replaced when

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Compressor: by oil (that is then in turn air- or water-cooled)[3] and
the atmospheric changes also considered during
cooling of compressors.


• To supply high-pressure clean air to fill gas cylinders

• To supply moderate-pressure clean air to a
submerged surface supplied diver
• To supply moderate-pressure clean air for driving
some office and school building pneumatic HVAC
control system valves
• To supply a large amount of moderate-pressure air
Fig: compressor
to power pneumatic tools, such as jackhammers
According to the design and principle of operation:- • For filling tires
1. Rotary screw compressor • To produce large volumes of moderate-pressure air
2. Turbo compressor for large-scale industrial processes (such as oxidation
3. for petroleum coking or cement plant bag house purge
Positive displacement:- systems).
Positive-displacement compressors work by forcing air •
into a chamber whose volume is decreased to 3. Direction Control Valve:-
compress the air. Common types of positive
displacement compressors arePiston-type air
compressors use this principle by pumping air into an
air chamber through the use of the constant motion of
pistons. They use one-way valves to guide air into a
cylinder chamber, where the air is compressed.

Rotary screw compressors use positive-displacement

compression by matching two helical screws that, Fig: control valve
when turned, guide air into a chamber, whose volume
is decreased as the screws turn. Vane compressors use Directional control valve:-
a slotted rotor with varied blade placement to guide air
into a chamber and compress the volume. Negative- Directional control valvesare one of the most
displacement air compressors include centrifugal fundamental parts inhydraulicmachinery as well and
compressors. These use centrifugal force generated by pneumatic machinery. They allow fluid flow into
a spinning impeller to accelerate and then decelerate different paths from one or more sources.
captured air, which pressurizes it.
They usually consist of a spool inside a cylinder which
Cooling: is mechanically or electrically controlled. The
movement of the spool restricts or permits the flow,
Due to adiabatic heating, air compressors require some thus it controls the fluid flow.
method of disposing of waste heat. Generally this is
some form of air- or water-cooling, although some
(particularly rotary type) compressors may be cooled

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Nomenclature: Whenever possible, gauges should be located to
minimize the effects of vibration, extreme eambient
The spool (sliding type) consists of lands and temperatures and moisture. Dry locations way from
grooves.The lands block oil flow through the valve very high thermal sources (ovens, boilers etc.) are
body. The grooves allow oil or gas to flow around the preferred.If the mechanical vibration level is
spool and through the valve body. There are two extreme,the gauge should beremotely located (usuall
fundamental positions of directional control valve yonawall) and connected to the pressure source via
namely normal positionwhere valve returns on flexible tubing.
removal of actuating force and other is working
position which is position of a valve when actuating Air Supply Pipe:-
force is applied. There is another class of valves with 3
or more position that can be spring centered with 2
working position and a normalposition.


Directional control valves can be classified according

• number of ports
• number of positions Fig: Air pipe
• actuating methods
• Type of spool. A pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually
Example: A 5/2 directional control valve would have but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used
five ports and two spoolpositions. mainly to convey substances which can flow liquids
and gases (fluids), slurries, powders, masses of small
Number of Ports:- solids. It can also be used for structural applications;
According to total number of entries or exits connected hollow pipe is far stiffer per unit weight than solid
to the valve through which fluid can enter the valve or members.In common usage the words pipe and tube
leave the valve there are types like two way, three- are usually interchangeable, but in industry and
way,and four way valves. engineering, the terms are uniquely defined.
Depending on the applicable standard to which it is
Number of Positions:- manufactured, pipe is generally specified by a nominal
Including the normal and working positions which a diameter with a constant outside diameter (OD) and a
valve spool can take there are types like two position, schedule that defines the thickness.
three position and proportional valves.
Tube is most often specified by the OD and wall
Pressure Gauge:- thickness,but may be specified by any two of OD,
inside diameter (ID), and wall thickness. Pipe is
generally manufactured to one of several international
and national industrial standards. While similar
standards exist for specific industry application tubing,
tube is often made to custom sizes and a broader range
of diameters and tolerances. Many industrial and
government standards exist for the production of pipe
and tubing. The term "tube" is also commonly applied
Fig: Pressure Gauge. to non-cylindrical sections, i.e., square or rectangular

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tubing. In general, "pipe" is the more common term in At position ‘B’, the DC valve is at left hand position as
most of the world, whereas "tube" is more widely used shown in figure. The cap end port & pressure port get
in the United States. connected to each other and the rod end port gets
connected to the exhaust port. The compressed air
VI.PNEUMATIC CYLINDER WORKING: comes in the cap end of the cylinder and pushes the
pistons outwards. The air already present in the rod
The following figure shows general layout for the end side is pushed out of the cylinder. When the piston
machine. moves outwards, the force is transmitted through the
connecting link and the upper blade moves
downwards. Before the actuating DC valve the sheet is
inserted in between the upper & lower blades. As
upper blade moves downwards, the stress is generated
in the sheet metal and goes beyond ultimate shear
stress of sheet metal. And thus the shearing action
takes place.Now the DC valve is operated to come at
position ‘C’, as shown in figure. The rod end port &
pressure port get connected to each other and the cap
` end port gets connected to the exhaust port. The
Figure: General Layout compressed air comes in the rod end of the cylinder
and pushes the pistons inwards. The air already present
From the manifold a separate supply for the machine is in the cap end side is pushed out of the cylinder. The
taken out and given to initially the air-compressor is sheet metal is either again inserted for further cutting
started and allowed the receiver tank air pressure to in case of large pieces; the small cut pieces are
reach up to 8 bar. The supply air is then passed to the removed and the next sheet is inserted to cut
manifold ON-OFF switch; so as to operate the
machine at will without interrupting the running of
compressor. Then the pipe carries compressed air first
to machine’s Direction Control Valve. At position ‘A’
shows the non-actuated circuits diagram. At this
position the piston is steady and locked. All ports are
in closed condition.

Fig: Position ‘B’

Fig :Position ‘A’ Fig: Position ‘C’

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Stainless steel: pneumatic hand lever to the mid position (i.e., normal
position) and then the compressor is switched OFF.
The three most common stainless steel grades
available in sheet metal are 304, 316, and 410.Grade VII.MERITS & DEMERITS
304 is the most common of the three grades. It offers Merits-
good corrosion resistance while maintaining
formability and weld ability. Available finishes are 1. Hydraulics present certain advantages over
#2B, #3, and #4. Note that grade 303 is not available in pneumatics, but in a given application, pneumatic
sheet form.Grade 316 offers more corrosion resistance powered equipment is more suitable, particularly in
and strength at elevated temperatures than 304. It is industries where the factory units are plumbed for
commonly used for pumps, valves, chemical
compressed air.
equipment, and marine applications. Available finishes
2. Moreover, to avoid corrosive actions, oil or
are #2B, #3, and #4.Grade 410 is a heat treatable
lubricants are added so that friction effects can be
stainless steel, but does not offer as good corrosion
resistance. It is commonly used in cutlery. The only reduced.
available finish is dull. 3. Compressed air is used in most of the machines and
in some cases compressed carbon dioxide, whereas
Working: cutting process is become easy.
4. Fast cutting action is carried out.
The pneumatic machine includes a table with support 5. Cutting without bending is achieved.
arms to hold the sheet, stops or guides to secure the
sheet, upper and lower straight - edge blades, a Demerits-
gauging device to precisely position the sheet. The 1. Sheet more than 2 mm thickness cannot cut easily.
table also includes the two way directional valve. The 2. Compressed air is must.
two way directional valve is connected to the 3. Foundation is required also safety major must be
compressor. The compressor has a piston for a taken
movable member. The piston isconnected to a
crankshaft, which is in turn connected to a prime
mover (electricmotor, internal combustion engine). At
Sheet metals are used in
inlet and outlet ports, valves allow air toenter and exit
 Car bodies
the chamber. When the compressor is switched ON,
 Airplane wings
the compressed air is flow to inlet of the pneumatic
cylinder.The sheet is placed between the upper and the  Medical tables
lower blade. The lower blade remains stationary while  Roofs for buildings (Architectural) and many other
the upper blade is forced downward. The upper blade things
is slightly offset from the lower blade, approximately 5  Sheet metal of iron and other materials with high
– 10% of the sheet thickness. magnetic permeability, also known as laminated steel
cores, has applications in transformers and electric
Also the upper blade is usually angled so that the cut machines.
progresses from one end to the other, thus reducing the  Historically, an important use of sheet metal was
required force.When the pneumatic hand operated in plate armor worn by cavalry, and sheet metal
lever is moved forward, the piston starts moving in the continues to have many decorative uses, including in
forward direction. When the pneumatic hand operated horse tack.
lever is moved backward, the upper blade will come to
the original position (i.e., the upper blade will move
upwards).After the material is cut, adjust the
Low cost

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Less consumption of time IX.REFERENCES:
Easy to handle
Skilled labor is not required 1. Machine Design by R.S. Khurmi.
Less maintainance 2. Manufacturing Process by O. P. Khanna and Lal.
 High accuracy 3. Workshop Technology by R.K. Jain.
 Good surface finish 4. Pneumatic System: Principle & Maintenance by
 Less floor space S.R. Mujumdar.
5. Machine Tool Design Handbook.
Future Scope: 6. P.S.G. Design Data Book
7.We made this project with our own idea with the
Since old age man is always trying to gain more and help of
more luxurious. Man is always trying to develop more  “HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEM”
and more modified technique with increasing the written by Srinivasan,
aesthetic look and economic consideration. Hence  “TOTAL AUTOMATIVE TECHNOLOGY”
there is always more and more scope. But being the written by Anthony E Schwaller,
Diploma Engineers and having the ability to think and  “INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND THE
plan. But due to some time constraints, and also due to ENGINEERING DIGEST” written by Robert
lack of funds, we only have thought and put in the Thurston Kent, Charles MaccaugheySomes
report the following future modifications- 8. Internet sites-
1. It can be made hydraulically power operated by A)
installing the gear oil pump at the place of air B)
compressor and pneumatic cylinder arrangement. C)
2. It can be made rack and pinion operated or spring D)
and lever operated, by replacing the pneumatic circuit E)
by rack and the pinion arrangement by the square F)
threaded screw and nut arrangement. G) www.howstuffworks,com
3. The place where there is scarcity of the electricity
the electric motor operate compressor is replaced by an
I.C. Engine installed compressor.
Thus in future there are so many modifications, which
we can make to survive the huge global world of K.Krantikumar
competition. B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering,
VIII.CONCLUSION: Hyderabad Institute of Technology and
Management, Hyderabad.
Now we know that Pneumatic Shearing machine is
very cheap as compared to hydraulic shearing
machine. The range of the cutting thickness can be
increased by arranging a high pressure compressor and
installing more hardened blades. This machine is K.V.S.S.Saikiran
advantageous to small sheet metal cutting industries as B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering,
they cannot afford the expensive hydraulic shearing Hyderabad Institute of Technology and
machine. Management, Hyderabad.

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