Linkwitz Riley Crossovers Primer

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Linkwitz-Riley Crossovers: Introduction

A Primer In 1976, Siegfried Linkwitz published his famous paper
[1] on active crossovers for non-coincident drivers. In
it, he credited Russ Riley (a co-worker and friend) with
• Linkwitz-Riley Background
contributing the idea that cascaded Butterworth filters
met all Linkwitz’s crossover requirements. Their efforts
• 1st-Order Crossover Networks
became known as the Linkwitz-Riley (LR) crossover
alignment. In 1983, the first commercially available
• Butterworth Crossovers 2nd to 4th-Order
Linkwitz-Riley active crossovers appeared from Sund-
holm and Rane.
• Linkwitz-Riley Crossovers 2nd to 8th-Order
Today, the de facto standard for professional audio
active crossovers is the 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley (LR-4)
• Phase, Transient & Power Responses
design. Offering in-phase outputs and steep 24 dB/oc-
tave slopes, the LR-4 alignment gives users the neces-
sary tool to scale the next step toward the elusive goal
of perfect sound. And many DSP crossovers offer an
8th-order Linkwitz-Riley (LR-8) option.
Before exploring the math and electronics of LR
designs, it is instructional to review just what Link-
witz-Riley alignments are, and how they differ from
traditional Butterworth designs.

Dennis Bohn
Rane Corporation

RaneNote 160
© 2005 Rane Corporation

Linkwitz-Riley Crossovers: Background Linkwitz-Riley Crossover
Siegfried Linkwitz and Russ Riley, then two Hewlett- What distinguishes the Linkwitz-Riley crossover de-
Packard R&D engineers, wrote the aforementioned pa- sign from others is its perfect combined radiation pat-
per describing a better mousetrap in crossover design. tern of the two drivers at the crossover point. Stanley
Largely ignored (or unread) for several years, it eventu- P. Lipshitz [3] coined the term “lobing error” to de-
ally received the attention it deserved. Typical of truly scribe this crossover characteristic. It derives from the
useful technical papers, it is very straightforward and examination of the acoustic output plots (at crossover)
unassuming: a product of careful analytical attention of the combined radiation pattern of the two drivers
to details, with a wonderfully simple solution. (see Figures 1 & 2). If it is not perfect the pattern forms
It is seldom whether to cross over, but rather, how to a lobe that exhibits an off-axis frequency dependent tilt
cross over. Over the years active crossovers proliferated with amplitude peaking.
at a rate equal to the proverbial lucky charm. Interpretation of Figure 1 is not particularly obvi-
In 1983, a 4th-order state variable active filter [2] ous. Let’s back up a minute and add some more details.
was developed by Rane Corporation to implement the For simplicity, only a two way system is being modeled.
Linkwitz-Riley alignment for crossover coefficients and The two drivers are mounted along the vertical center
now forms the heart of many analog active crossover of the enclosure (there is no side-to-side displacement,
designs. i.e., one driver is mounted on top of the other.) All
front-to-back time delay between drivers is corrected.
A Perfect Crossover The figure shown is a polar plot of the sideview, i.e., the
Mother Nature gets the blame. Another universe, angles are vertical angles.
another system of physics, and the quest for a perfect It is only the vertical displacement sound field that is
crossover might not be so difficult. But we exist here at issue here. All of the popular crossover types (con-
and must make the best of what we have. And what we stant voltage [4], Butterworth all-pass [5], etc.) are well
have is the physics of sound, and of electromagnetic behaved along the horizontal on-axis plane. To illus-
transformation systems that obey these physics. trate the geometry involved here, imagine attaching
A perfect crossover, in essence, is no crossover at a string to the speaker at the mid-point between the
all. It would be one driver that could reproduce all drivers. Position the speaker such that the mid-point is
frequencies equally well. Since we cannot have that, exactly at ear level. Now pull the string taut and hold
second best would be multiple speakers, along the same it up to your nose (go on, no one’s looking). The string
axis, with sound being emitted from the same point, should be parallel to the floor. Holding the string tight,
i.e., a coaxial speaker that has no time shift between move to the left and right: this is the horizontal on-
drivers. This gets closer to being possible, but still is axis plane. Along this listening plane, all of the clas-
elusive. Third best, and this is where we really begin, sic crossover designs exhibit no problems. It is when
are multiple drivers mounted one above the other with you lower or raise your head below or above this plane
no time shift, i.e., non-coincident drivers adjusted that the problems arise. This is the crux of Siegfried
front-to-rear to compensate for their different points of Linkwitz’s contribution to crossover design. After all
sound propagation. Each driver would be fed only the these years and as hard as it is to believe, he was the
frequencies it is capable of reproducing. The frequency first person to publish an analysis of what happens off-
dividing network would be, in reality, a frequency gate. axis with non-coincident drivers (not-coaxial). (Others
It would have no phase shift or time delay. Its ampli- may have done it before, but it was never made public
tude response would be absolutely flat and its roll-off record.)
characteristics would be the proverbial brick wall. Figure 1a represents a side view of the combined
(Brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?) acoustic radiation pattern of the two drivers emitting
DSP digital technology makes such a crossover pos- the same single frequency. That is, a plot of what is
sible, but not at analog prices demanded by most work- going on at the single crossover frequency all along the
ing musicians. vertical plane. The pattern shown is for the popular 18
dB/octave Butterworth all-pass design with a crossover
frequency of 1700 Hz and drivers mounted 7 inches

Time Corrected Sound Time Corrected Sound
Propagation Plane Propagation Plane is
n Ax

cell ation
3 . Can

1. On-Axis 0 dB On-Axis

2. Pe
+3 dB No Peaking


Combined Acoustic

Combined Acoustic

Radiation Pattern Radiation Pattern


Figure 1a. Figure 2. Linkwitz-Riley radiation response at crossover.

What is seen is a series of peaking and cancellation

nodes. Back to the string: holding it taut again and
+3 2. P parallel to the floor puts you on-axis. Figure 1a tells us
eaking Axis that the magnitude of the emitted 1700 Hz tone will
0 1. On-Axis
is be 0 dB (a nominal reference point). As you lower your

head, the tone increases in loudness until a 3 dB peak is

io n
Amplitude (dB)

reached at 15 degrees below parallel. Raising your head


above the on-axis line causes a reduction in magnitude

3. Can

until 15 degrees is reached where there is a complete

cancellation of the tone. There is another cancellation
axis located 49 degrees below the on-axis. Figure 1b
depicts the frequency response of the three axes for
For a constant voltage design, the response looks
1700 Hz
worse, having a 6 dB peaking axis located at -20 de-
Frequency (Hz) grees and the cancellation axes at +10 and -56 degrees,
respectively. The peaking axis tilts toward the lagging
Figure 1b. Butterworth all-pass design radiation pattern at
driver in both cases, due to phase shift between the
crossover. two crossover outputs.
The cancellation nodes are not due to the crossover
design, they are due to the vertically displaced driv-
ers. (The crossover design controls where cancellation
nodes occur, not that they occur.) The fact that the

Two of the cancellation nodes are still present, but
are well defined and always symmetrical about the
n Axis
ellatio on-axis plane. Their location changes with crossover
frequency and driver mounting geometry (distance
On Axis
ing A
between drivers). With the other designs, the peaking

and cancellation axes change with frequency and driver



Let’s drop the string and move out into the audience

to see how these cancellation and peaking nodes affect

Figure 3. Butterworth all-pass crossover stage-audience relationship. things. Figure 3 shows a terribly simplified, but not too
inaccurate stage-audience relationship with the charac-
teristics of Figure 1 added.
The band is cooking and then comes to a musical
break. All eyes are on the flautist, who immediately goes
into her world-famous 1700 Hz solo. So what happens?
The people in the middle hear it sweet, while those up
front are blown out of their seats, and those in the back
are wondering what the hell all the fuss is!
Figure 4 shows the identical situation but with the
Linkwitz-Riley characteristics of Figure 2 added. Now
the people in the middle still hear everything sweet,
but those up front are not blown away, and those in the
Ax back understand the fuss!
at ion
ell I think you get the point.
On Axis Now let’s get real. I mean really real. The system isn’t
ell two way, it is four way. There isn’t one enclosure, there
are sixteen. No way are the drivers 7 inches apart — try
27 inches. And time corrected? Fuhgeddaboudit.
Can you even begin to imagine what the vertical
off-axis response will look like with classic crossover
Figure 4. Linkwitz-Riley crossover stage-audience relationship.
designs? The further apart the drivers are, the greater
the number of peaks and cancellations, resulting in a
multi-lobe radiation pattern. Each crossover frequency
has its own set of patterns, complicated by each enclo-
sure contributing even more patterns. And so on.
drivers are not coaxial means that any vertical devia- (For large driver spacing the Linkwitz-Riley design
tion from the on-axis line results in a slight, but very has as many lobes as other designs, except that the
significant difference in path lengths to the listener. peaks are always 0 dB, and the main lobe is always
This difference in distance traveled is effectively a on-axis.)
phase shift between the drivers. And this causes can- Note that all this is dealing with the direct sound
cellation nodes — the greater the distance between field, no multiple secondary arrivals or room interfer-
drivers, the more nodes. ence or reverberation times are being considered. Is it
In distinct contrast to these examples is Figure any wonder that when you move your real-time ana-
2, where the combined response of a Linkwitz-Riley lyzer microphone three feet you get a totally different
crossover design is shown. There is no tilt and no peak- response?
ing — just a perfect response whose only limitation is Now let me state clearly that using a Linkwitz-Riley
the dispersion characteristics of the drivers. The main crossover will not solve all these problems. But it will
contributor to this ideal response is the in-phase rela- go a long way toward that goal.
tionship between the crossover outputs.

A Linkwitz-Riley crossover alignment is not linear
phase: meaning that the amount of phase shift is a
-3 function of frequency. Or, put into time domain terms,
12 d
the amount of time delay through the filter is not
B / oc constant for all frequencies, which means that some
Amplitude (dB)

dB frequencies are delayed more than others. (In technical
-20 / oc
t terms, the network has a frequency-dependent group
delay, but with a gradually changing characteristic.)


Is this a problem? Specifically, is this an audible

-40 “problem?” In a word, no.
Much research has been done on this question [6-
fo/2 fo 2fo 9] with approximately the same conclusions: given a
Frequency (Hz)
slowly changing non-linear phase system, the audible
Figure 5. Frequency response of 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover. results are so minimal as to be nonexistent; especially
in the face of all of the other system nonlinearities.
The other outstanding characteristic of the Link- And with real-world music sources (remember music?),
witz-Riley alignment is the rolloff rate of 24 dB/octave it is not audible at all.
(Figure 5). With such a sharp drop-off, drivers can
operate closer to their theoretical crossover points State-Variable Solution
without the induced distortion normally caused by One of the many attractions of the Linkwitz-Riley de-
frequencies lying outside their capabilities. Frequen- sign is its utter simplicity, requiring only two standard
cies just one octave away from the crossover point are 2nd-order Butterworth filters in series. The complexi-
already attenuated by 24 dB (a factor or about 1/16). ties occur when adjustable crossover frequencies are
The importance of sharp cutoff rate and in-phase fre- required.
quency response of the crossover circuitry cannot be After examining and rejecting all of the standard
over-stressed in contributing to smooth overall system approaches to accomplish this task, Rane developed
response. a 4th-order state-variable filter specifically for imple-
menting the Linkwitz-Riley crossover. The state-vari-
Linkwitz-Riley crossover characteristics summary: able topology was chosen over other designs for the
1. Absolutely flat amplitude response throughout the following reasons:
passband with a steep 24 dB/octave rolloff rate after 1. It provides simultaneous high-pass and low-pass out-
the crossover point. puts that are always at exactly the same frequency.
2. The acoustic sum of the two driver responses is unity 2. Changing frequencies can be done simultaneously
at crossover. (Amplitude response of each is -6 dB on the high-pass and low-pass outputs without any
at crossover, i.e., there is no peaking in the summed changes in amplitude or Q (quality factor).
acoustic output.) 3. The sensitivities of the filter are very low. (Sensitivity
3. Zero phase difference between drivers at crossover. is a measure of the effects of non-ideal components
(Lobing error equals zero, i.e., no tilt to the polar ra- on an otherwise, ideal response.)
diation pattern.) In addition, the phase difference of 4. It offers the most cost-effective way to implement
zero degrees through crossover places the lobe of the two 4th-order responses with continuously variable
summed acoustic output on axis at all frequencies. crossover frequencies.
4. The low pass and high pass outputs are everywhere
in phase. (This guarantees symmetry of the polar
response about the crossover point.)
5. All drivers are always wired the same (in phase).

A casual reading of the above list may suggest that

this is, indeed, the perfect crossover. But such is not so.
The wrinkle involves what is known as “linear phase.”

Time or Phase Correction
Implicit in the development of the theory of a Link-
witz-Riley crossover design is the key assumption that
the sound from each driver radiates from the some
exact vertical plane, i.e., that the drivers have no time
delay with respect to each other. The crossover then
prohibits any lobing errors as the sound advances
forward simultaneously from the two drivers. Figure
6 illustrates such a front-to-back displacement, which
causes the lobing error shown in Figure 7a.
A Linkwitz-Riley crossover applied to drivers that
are not time-corrected loses most of its magic. The
lobing error is no longer zero; it exhibits a frequency
dependent tilt with magnitude errors as shown in Fig-
ure 7a.

Crossover Primer
Figure 6. Driver Displacement
1st-Order Network
Analog crossovers begin with a resistor and a capacitor.
It never gets more complicated than that—just resistors
and capacitors: lots and lots of resistors and capacitors.
Resistors are the great emancipators of electronics;
they are free of frequency dependence. They dissipate
energy without frequency prejudice. All frequencies
treated equally. Capacitors, on the other hand, selec-
tively absorb energy; they store it, to be released at a
later time. While resistors react instantly to any voltage
changes within a circuit, capacitors take time to charge
and discharge.
Capacitors are so frequency dependent they only
pass signals with frequency associated with them. Di-
Figure 7a. Without time alignment rect-current (think of it as zero frequency) will not pass
at all, while at the other end of the spectrum very high
frequencies will not absorb. Capacitors act like a piece
of wire to high frequencies; hardly there at all.



Figure 7b. With time alignment C

Figure 7. Adding delay to the forward driver time-aligns the Figure 8. 1st-order crossover network
phase of both drivers, reducing lobing error.

We use these facts to create a crossover network. the -3 dB points represent the half-power point — a
Figure 8 shows such a circuit. By interchanging the po- useful reference.
sitions of the resistor and capacitor, low-pass (low fre- Lastly, Figure 9 shows the flat amplitude response
quencies = LF) and high-pass (high frequencies = HF) resulting from summing the LF and HF outputs to-
filters result. For the low-pass case (LF), the capacitor gether. This is called constant voltage, since the result
ignores low frequencies and shunts all high frequencies of adding the two output voltages together equals
to ground. For the high-pass case (HF), the opposite a constant. The 1st-order case is ideal in that con-
occurs. All low frequencies are blocked and only high stant power also results. Constant-power refers to the
frequencies are passed. summed power response for each loudspeaker driver
operating at the crossover frequency. This, too, results
1st-Order Amplitude Response in a constant. Since each driver operates at half-power
Using 1 kHz as an example and plotting the amplitude at the crossover frequency, their sum equals one—or
versus frequency response (Figure 9) reveals the ex- unity, a constant.
pected low-pass and high-pass shapes. Figure 9 shows
that the 1st-order circuit exhibits 6 dB/octave slopes. 1st-Order Phase Response
Also, that 6 dB/octave equals 20 dB/decade. Both Much is learned by examining the phase shift behavior
ways of expressing steepness are useful and should be (Figure 10) of the 1st-order circuit. The upper curve is
memorized. The rule is: each order, or degree, of a the HF output and the lower curve is the LF output.
filter increases the slopes by 6 dB/octave or 20 dB/ The HF curve starts at +90° phase shift at DC, reduces
decade. So, for example, a 4th-order (or 4th-degree— to +45° at the crossover frequency and then levels out
interchangeable terms) circuit has 24 dB/octave (4 x 6 at 0° for high frequencies. The LF curve starts with 0o
dB/octave) or 80 dB/decade (4 x 20 dB/decade) slopes. phase shift at DC, has -45° at the crossover frequency
Using equal valued resistors and capacitors in each and levels out at -90° for high frequencies.
of the circuits causes the amplitude responses to ‘cross Because of its reactive (energy storing) nature each
over’ at one particular frequency where their respec- capacitor in a circuit contributes 90° of phase shift,
tive -3 dB points intersect. This point represents the either positive or negative depending upon its applica-
attenuation effect resulting when the impedance of the tion. Since the HF section places the capacitor directly
capacitor equals the resistance of the resistor. in the signal path, this circuit starts out with +90°
The equivalent multiplying factor for -3 dB is .707, phase shift. This is called phase lead. The LF section,
i.e., a signal attenuated by 3 dB will be .707 times the which starts out with 0° and eventually becomes -90° is
original in level. Ohms law tells us that if the voltage is called phase lag.
multiplied by .707, then the current will also be multi- Examination of Figure 10 allows us to formulate a
plied by .707. Power is calculated by multiplying voltage new rule: each order, or degree, of a crossover net-
times current. Therefore, a voltage multiplied by .707, work contributes ±45° of phase shift at the crossover
and a current multiplied by .707, equals 0.5 power. So frequency (positive for the HF output and negative for
the LF output).

Figure 9. 1st-order amplitude response. Figure 10. 1st-order phase response.

Figure 11. 1st-order group delay response. Figure 12. 1st-order transient response.

Once again, Figure 10 shows the idealized nature shows no overshoot or associated damping time to a
of the 1st-order case. Here the result of summing the sudden change (step) in input level (Figure 12). The
outputs together produces 0° phase shift, which is to circuit reacts smoothly to the sudden change by rising
say that the summed amplitude and phase shift of a steadily to meet the new level. It does not go beyond
1st-order crossover is equivalent to a piece of wire. the new level and require time to settle back. We also
refer to the step response as the transient response of
1st-Order Group Delay Response the circuit. The transient response of the summed out-
We shall return to our rules shortly, but first the puts is perfect since their sum is perfectly equal to one.
concept of group delay needs to be introduced. Group For clarity purposes normally only the step response
delay is the term given to the ratio of an incremental of the LF network is shown. Nothing is learned by
change in phase shift divided by the associated incre- examining the step response of the HF network. A step
mental change in frequency (from calculus, this is the response represents a transition from one DC level to
first-derivative). The units for group delay are seconds. another DC level, in this case, from -1 volt to +1 volt.
If the phase shift is linear, i.e., a constant rate of change A HF network, by definition, does not pass DC (neither
per frequency step, then the incremental ratio (first-de- does a loudspeaker), so nothing particularly relevant
rivative) will be constant. We therefore refer to a circuit is learned by examining its step response. To illustrate
with linear phase shift as having constant group delay. this, Figure 12 shows the HF step response. It begins
Group delay is a useful figure of merit for identifying and ends with zero output since it cannot pass DC. The
linear phase circuits. Figure 11 shows the group delay sharp edge of the input step, however, contains much
response for the Figure 8 1st-order crossover circuit. high frequency material, which the HF network passes.
Constant group delay extends out to the crossover So, it begins at zero, passes the high frequencies as a
region where it gradually rolls off (both outputs are pulse, and returns to zero.
identical). The summed response is, again, that of a The HF and LF outputs are the exact complement of
piece of wire. each other. Their sum equals the input step exactly as
The importance of constant group delay is the ability seen in Figure 12. Still, we learn everything we need to
to predict the behavior of the LF output step response. know by examining only the LF step response; looking
A circuit with constant group delay (linear phase shift) for overshoot and ringing. From now on, just the LF
output is shown.

a) 1st-order b) 2nd-order c) 3rd-order d) 4th-order
(6 dB/oct) (12 dB/oct) (18 dB/oct) (24 dB/oct)

Figure 13. 1st-order vector and 2nd-, 3rd- and 4th-order Butterworth vector diagrams.

Vector Diagrams Comparing Butterworth &

A vector is a graphical thing (now we’re getting techni- Linkwitz-Riley Alignments
cal) with magnitude and direction. We can use vectors
to produce diagrams representing the instantaneous Butterworth Alignment
phase shift and amplitude behavior of electrical cir- There are many types of crossover alignments or filters
cuits. In essence, we freeze the circuit for a moment of (most named after mathematicians). Each displays a
time to examine complex relationships. unique amplitude characteristic throughout the pass-
We shall now apply our two rules to produce a band. Of these, only Butterworth filters have an abso-
vector diagram showing the relative phase shift and lutely flat amplitude response. For this reason, Butter-
amplitude performance for the 1st-order crossover worth filters are popular for crossover use. Butterworth
network at the single crossover frequency (Figure 13a). filters obey our two rules, so we can diagram them for
By convention, 0° points right, +90° points up, -90° the 2nd, 3rd and 4th-order cases (Figures 13b-13d).
points down, and ±180° points left. From Figures 9 & The 2nd-order case has ±90° phase shift as shown. This
10 we know the HF output amplitude is -3 dB with +45° results in the outputs being 180° out of phase. Vector
of phase shift at 1 kHz, and the LF output is -3 dB with addition for this case produces a zero length vector, or
-45° phase shift. Figure 13a represents the vectors as complete cancellation. The popular way around this is
being .707 long (relative to a normalized unity vector) to reverse the wiring on one of the drivers (or, if avail-
and rotated up and down 45°. This shows us the relative able, electronically inverting the phase at the cross-
phase difference between the two outputs equals 90°. over). This produces a resultant vector 90° out of phase
Next we do vector addition to show the summed with the input and 3 dB (1.414 equals +3 dB) longer.
results. Vector addition involves nothing more com- This means there will be a 3 dB amplitude bump at the
plex than mentally moving one of the vectors to the crossover region for the combined signals.
end of the other and connecting the center to this new The 3rd-order Butterworth case (Figure 13c) mim-
end point (constructing a parallelogram). Doing this, ics the 1st-order case at the crossover frequency, except
results in a new vector with a length equal to 1 and an rotated 180°. Hence, we see the HF vector rotated up
angle of 0°. This tells us the recombined outputs of the 135° (3 x 45°) and the LF vector rotated down the same
HF and LF networks produce constant voltage (i.e., a amount. The phase shift between outputs is still 90°.
vector equal to 1), and is in phase with the original in- The resultant is constant voltage (unity) but 180° out-
put of the circuit (i.e., a vector with 0° phase rotation). of-phase with the input.
The 1st-order case is ideal when summed. It yields a The 4th-order Butterworth diagram (Figure 13d)
piece of wire. Since the responses are the exact mir- shows the HF vector rotated up 180° and the LF vector
ror images of each other, they cancel when summed, rotated down the same amount. The phase difference
thus behaving as if neither was there in the first place. between outputs is now zero, but the resultant is +3 dB
Unfortunately, all optimized higher order versions yield and 180° out-of-phase with the input. So, the 4th-order
flat voltage/power response, group delay or phase shift, and the inverted phase 2nd-order produce 3 dB bumps
but not all at once. Hence, the existence of different at the crossover frequency.
alignments and resultant compromises.
a) 2nd-order LR-2 b) 4th-order LR-4 c) 8th-order LR-8
(12 dB/oct) (24 dB/oct) (48 dB/oct)

Figure 14. Linkwitz-Riley vector diagrams for 2nd- to 8th-order cases.

Linkwitz-Riley Alignment
Two things characterize a Linkwitz-Riley alignment: 2nd-order Butterworth filters creates a LR-4 design;
1. In-phase outputs (0° between outputs) at all frequen- cascading two 3rd-order Butterworth filters gives a LR-
cies (not just at the crossover frequency as popularly 6, and so on. (Starting with LR-2, every other solution
believed by some). requires inverting one output. That is, LR-2 and LR-6
2. Constant voltage (the outputs sum to unity at all need inverting, while LR-4 and LR-8 do not.)
As discussed earlier Linkwitz-Riley in-phase outputs LR-2, Transient Perfect 2nd-Order Crossover
solve one troublesome aspect of crossover design. The As an example of this process, let’s examine a LR-2 de-
acoustic lobe resulting from both loudspeakers repro- sign. Referring to Figure 8 all that is required is to add
ducing the same frequency (the crossover frequency) a buffer amplifier (to avoid interaction between cascad-
is always on-axis (not tilted up or down) and has no ed filter components) to each of these two outputs and
peaking. This is called zero lobing error. In order for then add another resistor/capacitor network identical
this to be true, however, both drivers must be in cor- to the first. We now have a 2nd-order Linkwitz-Riley
rect time alignment, i.e., their acoustic centers must lie crossover.
in the same plane (or electrically put into equivalent The new vector diagram looks like Figure 14a. Each
alignment by adding time delay to one loudspeaker). vector is .5 long (from the fact that each 1st-order
Failure to time align the loudspeakers defeats this zero reduces by 0.707, and .707 x .707 = .5) with phase angles
lobing error aspect. (The lobe tilts toward the lagging of ±90°. Since the phase difference equals 180°, we in-
loudspeaker.) vert one before adding and wind up with a unity vector
Examination of Figure 13 shows that the 2nd-order 90° out of phase with the original.
(inverted) and 4th-order Butterworth examples satisfy Figure 15 shows the amplitude response. The cross-
condition 1, but fail condition 2 since they exhibit a 3 over point is located at -6 dB and the slopes are 12 dB/
dB peak. So, if a way can be found to make the am- octave (40 dB/decade). The summed response is per-
plitudes at the crossover point -6 dB instead of -3 dB, fectly flat. Figure 16 shows the phase response. At the
then the vector lengths would equal 0.5 (-6 dB) instead crossover frequency we see the HF output (upper trace)
of .707 (-3 dB) and sum to unity — and we would have a has +90° phase shift, while the LF output (lower trace)
Linkwitz-Riley crossover. has -90° phase shift, for a total phase difference of 180°.
Russ Riley suggested cascading (putting in series) Invert one before summing and the result is identical
two Butterworth filters to create the desired -6 dB to the LF output.
crossover points (since each contributes -3 dB). Voila! These results differ from the 1st-order case in that
Linkwitz-Riley alignments were born. the summed results do not yield unity (a piece of wire),
Taken to its most general extremes, cascading any but instead create an all-pass network. (An all-pass
order Butterworth filter produces 2x that order Link- network is characterized by having a flat amplitude
witz-Riley. Hence, cascading two 1st-order circuits pro- response combined with a smoothly changing phase
duces a 2nd-order Linkwitz-Riley (LR-2); cascading two response.) This illustrates Garde’s [10] famous work.

Figure 15. LR-2 amplitude response Figure 17. LR-2 group delay

Cascading two linear phase circuits results in linear tion returning to where it began. The resultant vector
phase, as shown by the constant group delay plots (all is back in phase with the original input signal. So, not
three identical) of Figure 17. And constant group delay only are the outputs in phase with each other (for all
gives the transient perfect LF step response shown in frequencies), they are also in phase with the input (at
Figure 18. the crossover frequency).

LR-4 and LR-8 Alignments 8th-Order Comparison

Looking back to Figure 14b. we see the vector diagrams A LR-8 design exhibits slopes of 48 dB/octave, or 160
for 4th and 8th-order Linkwitz-Riley designs. The LR-4 dB/decade. Figure 19 shows this performance char-
design shows the resultant vector is unity but 180° out acteristic compared with the LR-4, 4th-order case for
of phase with the input at the crossover frequency. reference. As expected, the LR-4 is 80 dB down one
Cascading two 4th-order Butterworth filters results decade away from the corner frequency, while the LR-8
in an 8th-order Linkwitz-Riley design. Figure 14c. is twice that, or 160 dB down. Of interest here, are the
shows the vector diagram for the LR-8 case. Here, we potential benefits of narrowing the crossover region by
see the phase shift for each output undergoes 360° rota- using a LR-8 alignment.

Figure 16. LR-2 phase response Figure 18. LR-2 transient response
Figure 19. LR-4 and LR-8 slopes Figure 20. LR-4 and LR-8 phase response

Figure 21 magnifies the responses shown in Figure The above is quite conservative. If other reference
19 to reveal a clearer picture of the narrower crossover points are used, say, the -3 dB points (895 Hz & 1117
region, as well as showing the flat summed responses. Hz), then the LR-8 crossover region is just ⅓-octave
(The slight difference in summed amplitudes at the wide, and drivers only have to stay linear for 1/6-oc-
crossover frequency is due to a slight gain difference tave. (1/6-octave away from the crossover frequency the
between the two circuits.) The critical crossover region drive signal is attenuated by 12 dB, so the output driver
for the LR-8 case is one-half of what it is for the LR-4 is operating at about 1/16 power.)
case. The exact definition of where the crossover region The extremely steep slopes offer greater driver pro-
begins and ends is ambiguous, but, by whatever defini- tection and linear operation. Beyond the driver’s linear
tion, the region has been halved. limits all frequencies attenuate so quickly that most
As an example of this, a very conservative defini- nonlinearities and interaction ceases being significant.
tion might be where the responses are 1 dB down from Because of this, the driver need not be as well behaved
their respective passbands. We would then refer to the outside the crossover frequency. It is not required to re-
crossover region as extending from the -1 dB point on produce frequencies it was not designed for. For similar
the low-pass response to the -1 dB point on the high- reasons, power handling capability can be improved for
pass response. For LR-8, these points are 769 Hz and HF drivers as well. And this narrower crossover region
1301 Hz respectively, yielding a crossover region only lessens the need for precise driver time alignment since
¾-octave wide. As a comparative reference, the LR-4 the affected spectrum is so small.
case yields -1 dB points at 591 Hz and 1691 Hz, for a The caveat, though, is an increased difficulty in
1.5-octave wide region. designing good systems with sharp slopes. The loud-
For the LR-8 case, it is interesting to note that the speakers involved have differing transient responses,
-1 dB point on the low-pass curve corresponds almost polar patterns and power responses. This means the
exactly to the -20 dB point on the high-pass curve system designer must know the driver characteristics
(the exact points occur at 760 Hz and 1316 Hz). So if thoroughly. Ironically, sometimes loudspeaker overlap
you want to define the region as where the response is helps the system blend better even when on-axis ampli-
down 20 dB, you get the same answer. The entire re- tude response is flat.
gion for the LR-8 case is ¾-octave wide, or it is one-half
this number for each driver. That is, the loudspeaker LR-8 Phase Response
driver (referred to as ‘driver’ from now on) has to be Figure 20 shows the respective phase response for LR-4
well behaved for only about 0.4-octave beyond the (upper trace) and LR-8 (lower trace) designs. As pre-
crossover point. This compares with the 4th-order case dicted by the vector diagram in Figure 14b, the LR-4
where the same driver must behave for 0.8-octave. case has 180° (4 x 45°) of phase shift at the crossover
Figure 21. LR-4 and LR-8 slopes magnified Figure 22. LR-4 and LR-8 transient response

frequency. Thus, the output signal is out-of-phase with Is It Audible?

the input signal at the crossover frequency for the LR-4 The conservative answer says it is not audible to the
case. Both outputs are in-phase with each other, but overwhelming majority of audio professionals. Under
out-of-phase with the input. laboratory conditions, some people hear a difference on
The LR-8 design eliminates this out-of-phase con- non-musical tones (clicks and square waves).
dition by bringing the outputs back in sync with the The practical answer says it is not audible to anyone
input signal at the crossover frequency. The lower trace for real sound systems reproducing real audio signals.
shows the 360° phase shift for the LR-8 alignment.
Linkwitz-Riley Power Response
LR-8 Transient Response Linkwitz-Riley alignments produce constant voltage
Butterworth functions do not have linear phase shift response (voltage vectors sum to unity) at the crossover
and consequently do not exhibit constant group delay. frequency, but they may produce constant power. At
(First-order networks are not classified as Butterworth.) the crossover frequency, each voltage output is half of
Since Linkwitz-Riley designs (higher than LR-2) are normal. This produces half the normal current into
cascaded Butterworth, they also do not have constant the loudspeakers. Since power is the product of volt-
group delay. age times current, the power is one-quarter of normal.
Group delay is just a measure of the non-linearity Considering a simple two-way system, the combined
of phase shift. A direct function of non-linear phase total power at the crossover frequency will be half of
behavior is overshoot and damping time for a step normal (one-quarter from each driver), producing a dip
response. The transient behavior of all Linkwitz-Riley of 3 dB at the crossover frequency in the overall power
designs (greater than 2nd-order) is classic Butterworth response, provided there is no additional phase shift
in nature. That is, the filters exhibit slight overshoot contributed by the drivers themselves — such is never
when responding to a step response, and take time to the case.
damp down. The power response of loudspeakers with noncoinci-
Figure 22 compares LR-8 and LR-4 designs and dent drivers is a complex problem. See the Vanderkooy
shows the greater overshoot and damping time for the and Lipshitz [11] study for complete details.
8th-order case. The overshoot is 15% for the LR-4 case
and twice that, or about 30%, for the LR-8 case. As
expected, the LR-8 design takes about twice as long to
damp down. The initial rise-time differences are due to
the group delay value differences.

1. S. H. Linkwitz “Active Crossover Networks for Non-coincident Drivers,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 24, pp. 2-8 (Jan/
Feb 1976).
2. D. Bohn. “A Fourth Order State Variable Filter for Linkwitz-Riley Active Crossover Designs,” presented at the
74th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, Oct. 9-12, 1983, preprint no. 2011.
3. S. P. Lipshitz and J. Vanderkooy, “A Family of Linear-Phase Crossover Networks of High Slope Derived by Time
Delay,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 31, pp. 2-20 (Jan/Feb 1983).
4. R. H. Small, “Constant-Voltage Crossover Network Design,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 19, pp. 12-19 (Jan 1971).
5. J.R. Ashley and A. L. Kaminsky. “Active and Passive Filters as Loudspeaker Crossover Networks,” J. Audio Eng.
Soc., vol. 19. pp. 494-502 (June 1971).
6. B. B. Bauer, “Audibility of Phase Shift,” Wireless World, (Apr. 1974).
7. S. P. Lipshitz, M. Pocock, and J. Vanderkooy. “On the Audibility of Midrange Phase Distortion in Audio Sys-
tems,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 30, pp. 580-595 (Sep 1982).
8. R. Lee. “Is Linear Phase Worthwhile,” presented at the 68th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society,
Hamburg, Mar 17-20, 1981, preprint no. 1732.
9. H. Suzuke, S. Morita and T. Shindo, “On the Perception of Phase Distortion,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 28, no. 9,
pp. 570-574 (Sep 1980).
10. P. Garde, ‘All-Pass Crossover Systems,’ J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 28, pp. 575-584 (Sep. 1980).
11. J. Vanderkooy & S.P. Lipshitz, “Power Response of Loudspeakers with Noncoincident Drivers — The Influence
of Crossover Design,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 236-244 (Apr. 1986).

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