Elaboration and Structural Investigation of Iron (III) Phosphate Glasses

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Elaboration and Structural Investigation of Iron (III) Phosphate Glasses

Article  in  Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry · January 2013

DOI: 10.4236/ampc.2013.38046


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2 authors, including:

Said Aqdim
Université Hassan II de Casablanca


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Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 2013, 3, 332-339
Published Online December 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ampc)

Elaboration and Structural Investigation of Iron (III)

Phosphate Glasses
Said Aqdim1,2*, Malika Ouchetto3
Laboratoire de Physique de Haute Energie et de l’Etat Condensé University Hassan II Ain Chock, Casablanca, Morocco
Laboratoire de Chimie Minérale, Département de Chimie, Faculty of
Sciences, Université Hassan II Ain Chock, Casablanca, Marocco
Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Appliquée, Faculty of Science Rabat, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
Email: *said_aq@yahoo.fr, mouchtto@fsr.ac.ma

Received November 14, 2013; revised December 8, 2013; accepted December 21, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Said Aqdim, Malika Ouchetto. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In accordance of the Creative Commons Attribution License all Copyrights © 2013 are reserved for SCIRP and the owner of the
intellectual property Said Aqdim, Malika Ouchetto. All Copyright © 2013 are guarded by law and by SCIRP as a guardian.

The regular melting-quenching method allowed isolating very large vitreous domains within the ternary system Li2O-
P2O5-Fe2O3 at 1100˚C. The vitrification and crystallization effects are discussed in terms of phosphorus pentaoxide
concentration (mol%). In the course of the present study, we analyzed chemical durability along the glass domain and
many sample glasses were isolated. We noticed that our compounds demonstrated very high chemical resistance to at-
tack, even with very highly concentrated mineral acid solutions. This behavior can be assigned to the presence of poorly
crystalline phases in these glasses, which tended to increase as the Fe2O3 content increased. This property is a prerequi-
site for many interesting industrial applications. XRD, IR spectroscopy and SEM micrographs allowed an efficient in-
vestigation of the structural changes versus composition within ternary diagrams. The results were found to be consis-
tent with the regular structural changes of phosphate glasses.

Keywords: Phosphate Glasses; Glass Formation; Chemical Resistance; IR Spectroscopy; XRD; SEM

1. Introduction wastes than borosilicate glasses [7,8]. The aim of the

present work firstly is to define the glass area in a ternary
The practical application of phosphate glasses is often
diagram and especially in the Li2O-Fe2O3-P2O5. So we
limited by their poor chemical resistance. Recently, sev-
have explored that the introduction of iron oxide in the
eral phosphate glasses with high aqueous corrosion re-
glass network can be up to 30 mol% according to the
sistance have been reported [1]. Compared with conven-
conditions in which we worked, either at atmospheric
tional oxide glasses such as SiO2, phosphate glasses
pressure or at 1080˚C - 1100˚C. Secondly it is to invest-
based on P2O5 are technologically important materials,
tigate the chemical resistance and structural properties of
primarily due to their superior physical properties such as
lithium-iron phosphate glasses and to relate the improve
low glass transition temperatures, chemical durability,
of chemical resistance to the structural change using IR
low optical dispersions and relatively high thermal ex-
spectroscopies, XR diffraction and SEM. Hence with
pansion coefficients. These properties make these glasses
increasing Fe2O3 content in the phosphate glass network,
as potential candidates for many technological applica-
the P-O-P bands are replaced by more resistant Fe-O-P
tions such as sealing materials, bioglasses, and electronic
and optical devices, as laser hosts, nuclear waste glasses,
glass-to-metal seals and as solid state electrolytes, etc., 2. Experimental
[1-6]. With their unusually high chemical durability and
low processing temperature, iron phosphate glasses have The composition of the glasses was xLi2O-yFe2O3-χP2O5,
been considered better for the vitrifying of nuclear with (χ = (100 − (x + y); mol%), obtained by the melt-
ing-quenching method at 1100˚C. An appropriate mix-
Corresponding author. ture of mixing compounds, i.e. Li2CO3, ferric oxides and

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(NH4)2HPO4, was initially tempered at various tempera- [13]. In the binary system Fe2O3-P2O5, the substitution of
tures between 100˚C - 600˚C to achieve a preparation P2O5with Fe2O3 led to black glasses that were not hygro-
before glass preparation. The melts were achieved in scopic for ironoxide contents between 0 and 30 mol%
alumina crucibles for about 15 min at 1080˚C ± 10˚C. (Figure 1). Ternary glasses rich in Fe2O3 content had a
The isolated glasses had regular shapes and an approxi- dark brown color which became more and more brown
mate size of 10 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness. clear as the lithium oxide content increased and the
The vitreous state was first evidenced from the shiny Fe2O3 content decreased. The demarcation of the glassy
aspect and then confirmed from XRD patterns. Anneal- zone within the ternary diagram Li2O-Fe2O3-P2O5 is
ing of these glasses was performed at increasing tem- given by the following limits: 0 ≤ x ≤ 62; 0 ≤ y ≤ 30; 36
peratures in intervals of 100˚C. The first structural ap- ≤ χ ≤ 1; (mol%) (Figure 1).
proach was made using X-ray diffraction which allowed
us to follow the crystallization of the vitreous domain of 3.1. Annealing Temperature
Li2O-Fe2O3-P2O5. The microstructure of sample glasses
was characterized by scanning electron microy (SEM), The annealing of the ternary glasses was performed by
equipped with a microanalyzer full system (EDX- increasing the temperature in intervals of 100˚C. An in-
EDAX). The chemical durability of the glasses with the crease in the lithium oxide modifier led to a slight in-
composition x Li2O-y Fe2O3-χP2O5; (χ- = (100 − (x + y)) crease in the crystallization temperature. For the glasses
were subjected to acid solutions using weak and strong with the composition xLi2O-5Fe2O3-χP2O5, the crystal-
concentrations of HCl and H2SO4 (0.1 N, 1 N and 10 N). lization temperature increased from 390˚C to 480˚C for x
The duration of attack for some glasses and solution = 30 to x = 50, respectively (Figure 2 [14]. On the other
concentration continued for up to 30 days. The infrared hand, Figure 3 shows that an increase in the Fe2O3 con-
(IR) spectra for each glass were measured between 400 tent in the glasses xLi2O-yFe2O3-χP2O5(with x/χ = 0.54)
and 1400 cm−1 using mX-1 and NIC-3600 FTIR spec- caused a quick increase in the value of the crystallization
trometers. Samples were prepared by pressing a mixture temperature from 120˚C for a binary glass Li2O-P2O5 (y
of about 2 mg of glass powder with 100 mg of anhydrous = 0) to 540˚C for y = 18 [6,15]. Figure 4 shows for the
KBr powder. binary glasses Fe2O3-P2O5 that the variation in the an-
nealing temperature (Tc) according to the Fe2O3 conten-
3. Results thad a maximum at 700˚C for the glass composition 16
Fe2O3-84P2O5 and was constant when the Fe2O3 content
In the system Li2O-P2O5, transparent glasses were pre- was more than y = 25 [16,17].
pared for 0 ≤ x ≤ 62 (Figure 1). These values are in
agreement with published results [9,10], but they are
3.2. X-Ray Diffraction
superior to those given by other authors [11,12]. This
was probably caused by the different experimental con- The X-ray diffraction spectra show that the crystallized
ditions (temperature of melting, speed of tempering, etc.) glasses seemed to be similar to the closest crystalline

Figure 1. Extended from the vitreous field within the ternary diagram of Li2O-P2O5-Fe2O3 to 1080˚C - 1100˚C.

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T ˚C 3.3. Chemical Stability

Binary glasses of the composition yFe2O3-(100-y) P2O5
had excellent chemical resistance toward chemical ag-
gressors when the iron oxide content was increased in the
glassy network. These glasses were immersed in weak
and strong acid solutions of HCl (0.1 N, 1 N and 10 N)
and H2SO4 (0.1 N, 1 N and 10 N) for 30 days. Their
400 weights before and after attack were practically the same.
Figure 1 shows that the iron ternary glasses had rela-
tively weak chemical resistance to chemical aggressors
when the Li2O content was increased in the glass net-
work. However, when this value decreased, the iron ter-
nary glasses became resistant, even with a low Fe2O3
200 content [1,5,20-22].
20 40 60
Li2O (mol%) 3.4. Infrared Spectra and SEM Analysis
Figure 2. Crystallization temperature of iron phosphate The IR spectra of the binary yFe2O3-(1-y) P2O5 are
glasses with the composition xLi2O-5Fe2O3-χP2O5. shown in Figure 8. With an increase in the Fe2O3 content,
both the bands observed at 1290 and 785 cm−1 and the
T ˚C band at 940 cm−1 shifted to lower frequencies and the
intensities decreased by changing the Fe2O3 content from
600 10 to 28 mol%. The bands at 1290 cm−1 assigned to υas
x/χ = 0.54
PO2 disappeared from the spectrum, while the band at
725 cm−1 assigned to υs POP became a simple shoulder.
The intensity of the IR band at 1070 cm−1 assigned to υs
PO2 increased broadly [1,23-25]. The IR spectra ob-
served with the composition xLi2O-5Fe2O3-χP2O5 are
shown in Figure 9. When lithium oxide was added to the
glass network, this last one is depolymerized to the
shorter group units, in agreement with results published
100 by Ouchetto and al. [1,11,20-24]. The IR spectra show
that the band at 1280 cm−1 assigned to υas PO3 decreased
and shifted to lower frequencies when we shift away
5 10 15 from the P2O5 point. On the other hand, the intensity of
Fe2O3 (mol%) the band at 1100 - 1120 cm−1 was assigned to increased
υs PO2 when
Figure 3. Crystallization temperature of iron phosphate
glasses for the ratio Li2O/P2O5 = 0.54. T ˚C

phases within the ternary diagram of Li2O-Fe2O3-P2O5. yFe2O3-(100-y) P2O5

The X-ray diffraction spectra of crystallized glasses with
the composition x Li2O-5Fe2O3-χP2O5 were similar to
those of the LiPO3 glasses in the neighborhood of χ = 50 700
(Figure 5(a)) and those of Li4P2O7 for χ ≤ 45 (Figure
5(b)). Figure 6 shows the structural evolution for the 600
ternary glasses x.Li2O-y.Fe2O3-χP2O5 localized along the
line attributed to the ratio Li2O/P2O5 = 0.54. We noted a 500
mixture of metaphosphate phases for an Fe2O3 content ≤
5, and pyrophosphate phases with an Fe2O3 content ≥ 15 400
[1,18,19]. The x-ray diffraction spectra for crystallized
glasses of the binary system y Fe2O3-(100-y) P2O5 (Fig- 5 10 15 20 25
ure 7) seemed to favor the form of phases similar to Fe2O3 (mol%)
Fe(PO3)3 which become more obvious when the Fe2O3 Figure 4. Crystallization temperatures of iron phosphate
content increased to y = 25. glasses with the composition yFe2O3-(100-y) P2O5.

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x/χ = 0.54 LiFeP2O7

y = 18 mol%

y = 15 mol%

Intensity (arbry)
y = 10 mol%

y = 5 mol%

y = 2.5 mol%

y = 0 mol%

10 20 30
xLi2O-5 Fe2O3-χP2O5 2 (Degree)

Figure 6. X-ray diffraction after heat treatment at crystal-

lization temperatures for lithium-iron phosphate glasses
Intensity (arbry)

Li4P2O7 with the composition xLi2O-yFe2O3-χP2O5 with x/χ = 0.54.

yFe2O3-(100-y) P2O5
y = 28 mol%

Χ = 40 mol%
Fe(PO3)3 y = 25 mol%

y = 20 mol%
10 20 30
Intensity (arbry)

2θ (Degree) y = 16 mol%

Figure 5. X-ray diffraction of crystallized lithium-iron

phosphate glasses with the composition xLi2O-5Fe2O3-χP2O5 y = 10 mol%
compared with compounds LiPO3 (a) and Li4P2O7 (b).

the lithium oxide content increased. This increase in the

Li2O content breaks P-O-P bonds and increases the num- y = 8 mol%
ber of non-oxygen bridges. The IR spectra observed with
these glasses were similar to the spectra of the xLi2O-
χP2O5 family, which can be explained by a similar struc- 10 20 30
tural evolution [1,10,12]. Figures 10 and 11 show the IR 2θ (Degree)
spectra of glasses with the compositionsx Li2O-yFe2O3- Figure 7. X-ray diffraction of crystallized iron phosphate
χP2O5 with x/χ = 0.54 and xLi2O-yFe2O3-60P2O5, re- glasses of the binary system yFe2O3-(100-y)P2O5.
spectively. The analysis of these spectra showed that the
band at 1290 cm−1 assigned to υas PO2 shifted toward formed, in general, by unit groups of pyrophosphate
lower frequencies and decreased when the iron oxides when the Fe2O3 content increased. Figure 12 shows
content increased. It disappeared completely when the SEM micrographs of sample S1 with the composition
Fe2O3 content was >25. On the other hand, the band at 30Li2O·10Fe2O3·60P2O5 as well as micrographs of S2
1070 - 1100 cm−1 assigned to υsPO2 with an iron oxide and S3 with the composition 20Li2O·20Fe2O3·60P2O5
content of 10 ≤ y ≤ 30 seemed to form an envelope of the and 10Li2O·30Fe2O3·60P2O5, respectively. The SEM
spectra of the compound LiFeP2O7 (Figure 10), [1,19,23, micrograph of S1 (Figure 12(a)) shows an approxima-
25-27]. These results suggest that these glasses were tely homogenous glassy phase. However, SEM analysis

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yFe2O3-(100-y)P2O5 1075-1100 460-540




Absorbance relative
5 mol%
y = 10 mol%



10 mol%
Absorbance relative



y = 16 mol%




490 y = 20 mol%


18 mol%

y = 25 mol%

y = 28 mol% 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200

Wavenumber (cm−1)

Figure 10. IR spectra of lithium-iron phosphate glasses with

1600 1200 800 400 the composition xLi2O-yFe2O3-χP2O5 with x/χ = 0.54.
Wavenumber (cm−1)
1250-1265 910-930 480-500
Figure 8. IR spectra of iron phosphate glasses with the
composition yFe2O3-(100-y)P2O5. 1060-1100

y = 10 mol%


X = 40 mol%
Absorbance relative

y = 15 mol%

X = 45 mol%
y = 20 mol%
Absorbance relative

X = 50 mol%
y = 25 mol%

X = 55 mol%
y = 30 mol%

X = 60 mol% 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 250


Wavenumber (cm−1)

Figure 11. IR spectra of lithium-iron phosphate glasses with

X = 65 mol%
the composition (40-y)Li2O-yFe2O3-60P2O5.

shown in Figures 12(b) and (c), respectively. Hence, it

seems that with an increasing Fe2O3 content, the crystal-
lization tendency is enhanced; the LiFeP2O7 and Fe(PO3)3
1200 800 400 phases almost certainly crystallized in these glasses.
Wavenumber (cm−1)
4. Discussion
Figure 9. IR spectra of iron phosphate glasses with the
composition xLi2O-5Fe2O3-χP2O5. The regular melting-quenching method allowed for iso-
lating a very large vitreous domain within the ternary
indicated the presence of crystalline phases in samples system Li2O-P2O5-Fe2O3. An increase in the lithium ox-
S2 and S3 which had an Fe2O3 content ≥20 (mol%), ide content in phosphate glasses caused a small increase

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in the glass network induced the birth of small units,more

than in the binary system Li2O-P2O5 [1,9,11].Hence, the
introduction of a low Fe2O3 content (y < 10) in the glass
had no effect on the structural evolution. The IR spectra
in the region between 1060 and 1100 cm−1 for the glasses
with the composition x Li2O-yFe2O3-χP2O5 with x/χ =
0.54 and (40-y) Li2O-yFe2O3-60P2O5 confirmed the for-
mation hypothesis of more small groups of P2O74− [28,29]
when the Fe2O3 content increased in the glass-network.
IR spectra of the binary glasses Fe2O3-P2O5 show that the
band at 1290 cm−1 assigned to υa(PO3) [1,2,7,9] disap-
b peared when the Fe2O3 content increased from y = 10 to
y = 28, which assigns the band at 1070 cm−1 to υs (PO2)
[1,9]. These results agree with those obtained by X-ray
diffraction. Hence, these results indicate that iron phos-
phate glasses which have a high Fe2O3 content are domi-
nated by P2O74− and (PO3)33− dimer units and contain a
large number of Fe-O-P bonds which are responsible for
theirexcellent chemical durability [16, 30-31]. The X-ray
diffraction and IR spectra for the iron phosphate glasses
depend considerably on the composition and glass struc-
ture. The changes in the characteristic features of these
c spectra follow the changes in the glass network and glass
stability in addition to crystallization.
In the model of the samples glasses S1, S2 and S3 we
noted a clear evolution in chemical resistance, probably
caused by grain boundary resistance as a result of partial
glass crystallization [26,32]. It was found that the intro-
duction of a small amount of Fe2O3 (y < 10) in the glass
don’t changes the glass structure (Figure 9) and no sig-
nificant effect on the chemical resistance. Looks like, it
dissolves in the glass to give a homogeneous glass phase.
When the iron oxide content reach 10 mol%, there are
Figure 12. SEM micrographs of samples with the composi-
beginning of crystallites having a glassy phase dominant.
tion (40-y)Li2O-yFe2O3-60P2O5.
Beyond 10% mole Fe2O3 content in the glass, the number
in the crystallization temperature. However, an increase of crystallites becomes increasingly important, and size
becoming larger when approaching the boundary be-
in the Fe2O3 content in phosphate glasses initiated an
tween the glass and the crystal (border).
important increase in the crystallization temperature.
This was more significant for the binary glasses Fe2O3-
P2O5 where the crystallization temperature reached
5. Conclusion
700˚C for the sample with the composition The regular melting-quenching method allowed isolating
16Fe2O3·84P2O5. The X-ray diffraction spectra indicate a very large vitreous domain within the ternary system
the structural evolution of crystallized glasses inthe ter- Li2O-P2O5-Fe2O3. The structure and properties of lithium
nary diagram of Li2O-Fe2O3-P2O5. The resultsshow that iron phosphate glasses were investigated using various
when the composition of the vitreous zone was moved techniques. Both X-ray diffraction and IR spectra indi-
away from the P2O5 point, the structure evolved toward cate a structural evolution of glasses with composition in
one with a known crystallized composition neighborhood, the ternary diagram of Li2O-Fe2O3-P2O5. The results
LiPO3, Fe(PO3)3, Li4P2O7, LiFeP2O7. When the iron ox- show that when the composition of the vitreous zone was
ide content increased in the glass network, both binary moved away from the P2O5 point, the structure evolved
and ternary glasses showed excellent chemical resistance toward one with a known crystallized composition
toward chemical aggressors. However, an increase in the neighborhood, LiPO3, Fe(PO3)3, Li4P2O7, LiFeP2O7.
Li2O content led to poor chemical resistance. The IR These glasses showed good chemical resistance for com-
spectra for glasses with the composition xLi2O-5Fe2O3- positions with a high Fe2O3 content. The iron phosphor-
P2O5 show that an increase in the lithium oxide content rus-oxygen network became stronger with an increase in

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