The Batman Effect PDF
The Batman Effect PDF
The Batman Effect PDF
Stephanie M. Carlson
University of Minnesota
This study investigated the benefits of self-distancing (i.e., taking an outsider’s view of one’s own situation)
on young children’s perseverance. Four- and 6-year-old children (N = 180) were asked to complete a repetitive
task for 10 min while having the option to take breaks by playing an extremely attractive video game. Six-
year-olds persevered longer than 4-year-olds. Nonetheless, across both ages, children who impersonated an
exemplar other—in this case a character, such as Batman—spent the most time working, followed by children
who took a third-person perspective on the self, or finally, a first-person perspective. Alternative explanations,
implications, and future research directions are discussed.
Perseverance is necessary throughout our lives, from with the onset of formal schooling (Duckworth &
children struggling to sound out each letter on the Carlson, 2013). Learning and mastery require perse-
page as they learn to read, to college students study- verance toward one’s goals (e.g., Duckworth et al.,
ing organic chemistry late into the night. Whether 2010; Ericsson, 2006; James, 1892/2001), but young
due to the tedium of the task at hand or the pull of children’s relatively immature self-regulatory skills
the many more immediate gratifications that abound leave them especially susceptible to distraction
in our environments, success often requires persist- (Carlson, 2005; Patterson & Mischel, 1975).
ing through some “unpleasure” (Duckworth, Kirby, Surprisingly little research has focused on the
Tsukayama, Berstein, & Ericsson, 2010; Ericsson, early development of perseverance, including the
2006; Freud, 1916–1917). The ability to push through psychological processes that facilitate it. In the most
when confronted with these obstacles has been notable exception, Patterson and Mischel (1975,
linked to intelligence, school achievement, and work 1976) demonstrated the value of providing children
success (Meier & Albrecht, 2003). Thus, understand- with strategies to cope with a tempting distraction,
ing how perseverance manifests in the face of envi- such as averting their attention away from it. Often-
ronmental temptations is important. times children must work in the presence of temp-
Early childhood presents an opportune period to tations (e.g., TV in the background), highlighting
address this question. Demands on children’s bur- the need for research to identify additional means
geoning self-regulatory skills increase dramatically of self-regulation in such contexts. This study exam-
ined the benefits of a specific self-control strategy
Rachel E. White and Emily O. Prager contributed equally to known as self-distancing (i.e., taking an outsider’s
this article. view on one’s own situation) on perseverance in
This research was funded by the John F. Templeton Founda-
tion [21564] to Angela L. Duckworth, Ethan Kross, and Stephanie young children.
M. Carlson, by the National Institutes of Health under Ruth L. Taking a mental step back from one’s own situa-
Kirschstein National Research Service Award [5T32HD007151] tion could help children persevere in the face of dis-
from the NICHD to Rachel E. White and Emily O. Prager, and
by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship [00039202] to Emily O. traction. Dozens of studies performed with young
Prager. We thank Sanjana Bahkta, Hannah Saunders, Megan
VanDenEng, and Maia Gumnit for assistance in data collection.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to © 2016 The Authors
Rachel E. White, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Road, Clin- Child Development © 2016 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
ton, NY, 13323. Clinton, NY, 13323 Electronic mail may be sent All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2016/xxxx-xxxx
to DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12695
2 White et al.
adults indicate that shifting from a self-immersed a reward they would like to give away (rather than
perspective to an outsider’s point of view allows one they would like to keep), increasing perceptual
people to mentally step away from the pull of separation between food rewards and the symbols
immediate distractions and reflect on their situa- used to represent them—from concrete symbols
tions from a more objective perspective that facili- (e.g., photographs) to relatively abstract ones (e.g.,
tates goal attainment (Kross & Ayduk, 2011; large and small stuffed animals)—helped children
Mischel, 2014; Sigel, 1970; Trope & Liberman, 2010). to curb impulsive responses and maximize rewards
This transition from stimulus control to volitional (Carlson, Davis, & Leach, 2005; see also Addessi,
control of one’s thoughts and behaviors is precisely Bellagamba, Delfino, De Petrillo, & Focaroli, 2014;
what is needed for successful self-regulation Apperly & Carroll, 2009). Carlson et al. (2005) pos-
(Vygotsky, 1978; Zelazo et al., 2003). A growing ited that symbols afforded children with the oppor-
body of research with adults and adolescents links tunity to reflect on the task at hand and thus act in
self-distancing to benefits on a range of self-regula- a way that was consistent with their longer-term
tory processes (Kross & Ayduk, 2011; Kross, goal.
Ayduk, & Mischel, 2005; Kross, Duckworth, Ayduk, Despite these important insights, we still do not
Tsukayama, & Mischel, 2011; Mischel, 2014; White, know if distancing affects children’s ability to vol-
Kross, & Duckworth, 2015). untarily work toward a goal when faced with a
Recent studies have also shown that transcend- more desirable alternative. Psychological distance
ing one’s self-immersed point of view can facilitate promotes more objective, big picture evaluations
self-regulation in preschoolers. Making decisions for (Sigel, 1970; Trope & Liberman, 2010). From a cog-
another person rather than themselves (Prencipe & nitive standpoint, this could allow children to eval-
Zelazo, 2005) or impersonating a character (Karniol uate their choices more clearly and, in turn, react
et al., 2011) helped preschoolers’ to delay gratifica- flexibly and deliberately (Carlson & Zelazo, 2008;
tion. In another recent study, White and Carlson Sigel, 1970). As such, distancing could enhance chil-
(2015) assessed the effects of varied levels of self- dren’s ability to selectively attend to relevant, ver-
distancing on children’s executive function (EF) per- sus irrelevant, aspects of the situation. Importantly,
formance using the Minnesota Executive Function perseverance can also be an emotionally charged
Scale (Carlson & Zelazo, 2014). Five-year-olds’ per- process, working toward a goal could elicit nega-
formance improved as distance from the self tive emotions such as boredom or frustration. By
increased. They performed best when making deci- taking the focus off of the self, children might begin
sions as if they were another person—in this case, to regulate their emotional responses to these “hot”
taking on the persona of a character such as Bat- aspects of the situation and respond in a more con-
man or Rapunzel. They also demonstrated greater trolled manner.
self-control when taking a moderately distanced
outsider’s perspective on the self through third-per-
Present Study
son speech.
This evidence is consistent with research on psy- This research therefore investigated the effects of
chological distance more generally, which indicates self-distancing on perseverance in 4- and 6-year-old
that it aids self-control by decreasing the salience of children. To test work perseverance, we created a
momentary distractions and increasing attention laboratory analog of a common modern self-control
toward distal considerations, like goals (Carlson & dilemma: The option to do work that is beneficial
Zelazo, 2008; Fujita, Trope, Liberman, & Levin-Sagi, in the long run but tedious in the moment, or to
2006; Mischel & Rodriguez, 1993; Sigel, 1970; Trope indulge in a pleasurable distraction. Children were
& Liberman, 2010). Indeed, the positive effects of asked to be a “good helper” by completing a boring
increased psychological distance are well supported activity: an extended, and therefore particularly
by research showing that children can use their pre- tedious, version of a computerized go/no-go task.
cocious representational skills to symbolically trans- At the same time, they were given the option to
form a tempting stimulus. For example, in the take a break if and when they wanted by playing
preschool delay-of-gratification task, young children games on a nearby iPad.
waited longer for a larger reward when they imag- Following previous research by White and Carl-
ined marshmallows to be puffy clouds, than when son (2015), children were assigned to one of three
they focused on how sweet the marshmallows taste conditions. In the self-immersed condition, children
(Mischel & Baker, 1975). Similarly, when 3-year-old reflected on the task from a first-person point of
children were given the difficult task of pointing to view. In previous research, the effects of first-
Improving Perseverance 3
person manipulations have not differed from no earning $50,000–$100,000, 37% earning $100,000–
treatment (Mischkowski, Kross, & Bushman, 2012; $150,000, and 16% earning over $150,000; 5% of
White & Carlson, 2015); therefore, this condition families did not respond to this question.
served as our control group. In the third-person
condition, children were encouraged to reflect on
Power Analyses
the task while referring to themselves by name.
This condition was intended to elicit a moderately Sample size was determined based on the effect
distanced, outsider’s perspective on the self and has size of g2p ¼ :10 for self-distancing in White and Carl-
been successfully used toward this end in prior son (2015), which used similar protocols. An a priori
research (Grossmann & Kross, 2014; Kross et al., power analysis using G*Power (v. 3.1; Faul, Erd-
2014). Finally, inspired by children’s precocious felder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007) indicated that a sam-
role-playing skills (Harris, 2000; Taylor, 1999; Singer ple of 166 children should provide sufficient power
& Singer, 1990), children in the exemplar condition (> .9) to detect a main effect of condition tested at a
were encouraged to reflect on the task as if they conservative a = .01; we rounded up to 180.
were a specific character (e.g., Batman, Dora the
Explorer). Together these three conditions were
designed to represent increasingly distant perspec-
tives from the self (self-immersed < third per- Children were tested individually in a 60-min
son < exemplar). laboratory session. To examine potential covariates
We predicted that taking an outside view on of perseverance, we first administered baseline tests
their situation would allow children to persevere of theory of mind and EF. Children then received
longer in working toward their goals, even when condition-specific instructions and completed the
faced with temptations. Given the well-established target perseverance task, followed by a test of
developmental increase in EF skills that likely receptive vocabulary.
underpin increases in perseverance, we further
expected that 6-year-olds would persist longer
Work Task
across conditions than 4-year-olds.
After completing baseline measures, children
were introduced to an age-appropriate media dis-
Method traction (an iPad game called “Where’s My
Water?”). If children had difficulty playing this
game, we provided a simpler Lego iPad game. The
Participants were 180 typically developing 4- experimenter demonstrated one trial and then let
and 6-year-old children from the Minneapolis area the child complete one trial successfully.
including ninety 4-year-olds (M = 47.77 months, Next, children were introduced to a work activity
SD = 0.61; 49% girls) and ninety 6-year-olds on a laptop (based on a commonly used go/no-go
(M = 71.70 months, SD = 0.64; 54% girls). Stratified task; Eigsti et al., 2006) that required them to pay
random assignment was used to place 60 children attention but was modified to be long and boring
in each of the three conditions. (relatively slow intertrial interval of 1,500 ms). The
Data were collected from May 2012 through Jan- experimenter first told children, “This is a very
uary 2013. Participants were recruited using a vol- important activity and it would be helpful if you
unteer participant database maintained by the worked hard on this for as long as you could.” She
university. Families received $10 for their participa- then administered a rule check to ensure children
tion and children received a T-shirt. Exclusion crite- understood they were to work hard and be a “good
ria included developmental delays (e.g., autism), helper.” Next, children were provided with task
premature birth (more than 3 weeks), non-English instructions to press the space bar if they saw cheese
speaking (although bilingual children were on the screen (“go” stimulus, 75% of trials) and to
included), or physical disabilities affecting vision or not press anything if they saw a cat (“no-go” stimu-
hearing. Most children were White, non-Hispanic lus). Four practice trials were administered with
(84.7%), although other ethnicities and races includ- feedback and continued in sets of four until the child
ing Hispanic (3.9%), Asian (2.8%), African Ameri- passed three of four trials. An initial trial run of the
can (1.1%), and biracial (6.7%) were represented. task began and lasted for 2 min without feedback.
The sample was primarily middle class with 14% of The experimenter then paused the task and told
the families earning under $50,000 per year, 28% children this activity could get boring sometimes
4 White et al.
so, if they wanted, when they wanted, they could both cases, the experimenter added one digit to the
take a break by playing with the iPad that was sequence after each correct answer until she was
placed next to them. The experimenter demon- able to ascertain the child’s highest level for for-
strated how to take a break by pressing the “break ward and backward digit spans.
button” on the keyboard (labeled with a sticker Dimensional change cart sort. Children were
illustrating the iPad game) and checked children’s asked to first sort cards based on one dimension
understanding of this rule. (e.g., color) and then switch, sorting the same cards
Self-distancing manipulations. Next, children according to another dimension (e.g., shape; Zelazo,
received instructions tailored to each condition (see Anderson, Richler, Wallner-Allen, & Beaumont,
Supporting Information for complete instructions). 2013). If children correctly sorted these cards, they
For the self-immersed condition, children were told advanced to the “switch” trials in which color and
to think about their own thoughts and feelings and then shape trials were presented in a variable fashion.
ask themselves the question, “Am I working hard?” Scores were computed by the computer program
For the third-person condition, children were based on accuracy and reaction times.
told to use their own name to ask themselves the Flanker. Children were presented with a row of
question, “Is [child’s name] working hard?” five fish on a computer screen and asked to press
For the exemplar condition, children were told to an arrow key that matched the way the middle fish
think about someone else who is really good at was pointing (Zelazo et al., 2013). On congruent tri-
working hard. They were given the option of four als the middle fish was facing the same direction as
characters familiar to children of this age: Batman, the other fish, whereas on incongruent trials the
Bob the Builder, Rapunzel (from the movie Tan- middle fish was facing the opposite direction. Total
gled), and Dora the Explorer. After choosing a char- scores were created using a combination of accu-
acter, children were given a prop to dress up as racy and reaction time data.
that character (e.g., Batman’s cape). They were then Receptive vocabulary. In the Peabody Pic-
told to ask themselves the question, “Is [character’s ture Vocabulary Test, 4th ed. (Dunn & Dunn, 2006),
name] working hard?” children were asked to identify pictures that cor-
In all conditions, a sticker (the letter “I,” their rectly depicted words given by the experimenter.
name spelled out, or an image of their character) We followed standard testing procedures and raw
was placed on the computer and the iPad to scores were used in data analysis.
remind children of these instructions.
Testing phase. For 10 min, children could freely
move between the work task and the game. During
this time, children were reminded of their condition
instructions through a prerecorded message that Across conditions, the game was a tempting dis-
played from the computer speakers (e.g., “Is Dora traction from work: Children spent 37.01% of their
working hard?”) once every minute. Perseverance time on the work task, and conversely, 62.99%
was measured by time spent on work (calculated (SD = 32.37%) on the iPad, mean difference
by the computer). (25.98%) > 0, t(179) = 5.38, p < .001. As shown in
Table 1, time on task correlated positively with EF,
theory of mind, and verbal ability; however, these
Additional Measures
correlations did not hold when controlling for age.
Theory of mind. In five brief tasks, the Theory- To test the effects of self-distancing on persever-
of-Mind Scale (Wellman & Liu, 2004) measures ance, we conducted a 2 (age group) 9 3 (condition)
diverse desires, diverse beliefs, knowledge access, analysis of variance (ANOVA). As shown in
false belief, and real-apparent emotion. Scores were Figure 1, 6-year-olds (M = 45.87%, SD = 30.65%)
created by summing the number of tasks passed persevered longer on the work task than 4-year-
(0–5). olds (M = 28.15%, SD = 31.77%), F(1, 174) = 15.00,
Executive function. Scores on the following four p < .001, g2p ¼ :08, suggesting important age-related
EF measures were standardized and averaged to improvements in children’s ability to persevere
create an EF composite. across the preschool and kindergarten years. Criti-
Forward and backward digit span. Children were cally, the extent to which children were self-dis-
asked to repeat sequences of digits given by the tanced when reflecting on their goal affected
experimenter as demonstrated (forward) and then performance regardless of age, F(2, 174) = 4.38,
in reverse order (backward; Davis & Pratt, 1996). In p = .01, g2p ¼ :05. Post hoc tests revealed that
Improving Perseverance 5
.60** (.27**)
.54** (.33**)
.51** (.20**)
.53** (.33**)
.65** (.40**)
Note. Partial correlations controlling for age (in months) are shown in parentheses. PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; FDS = forward digit span; BDS = backward digit
.50** (.19*)
.20** (.04)
.10 (.09)
.71** (.33**)
.79** (.61**)
.78** (.69**)
.85** (.72**)
.73** (.63**)
.16* (.08)
.09 (.06)
.51** (.24**)
.49** (.25**)
.41** (.19*)
.07 (.08)
.39** (.11)
.12 (.11)
.06 (.03)
EF composite
Time on task
from children’s own experience, allowing them to dramatic increase in performance follows the devel-
disengage from immediate temptations or negative opmental course of self-regulatory skills across the
emotions and focus on their goals (e.g., Sigel, 1970; preschool years (Carlson, 2005; Zelazo et al., 2013).
Trope & Liberman, 2010). A second possibility is Of course, given the cross-sectional nature of this
that perseverance increased because children identi- study, further research is needed to draw firm con-
fied with powerful features of the characters they clusions about developmental trends.
chose to impersonate; the options we provided Finally, this study presents a novel task through
were all competent. The addition of dress-up props which researchers can study perseverance. A core
could have further scaffolded children’s identifica- strength of this task is its ecological validity. From
tion with these characters and their positive charac- a very early age, children are asked to complete
teristics (Adam & Galinsky, 2012). Finally, this schoolwork and other tasks whose benefit might
condition could have been particularly accessible, not be immediately apparent. At the same time,
and perhaps more fun, for children given their they are also often bombarded with highly tempt-
familiarity with role play (Singer & Singer, 1990; ing distractions in the form of online apps, videos,
Taylor, 1999). Further research will be needed to and games. Children in the United States are
determine how each of these possibilities might exposed to an average of nearly 7 hr of entertain-
contribute to increases in perseverance. ment media per day (Kaiser Family Foundation,
Notably, however, across all conditions persever- 2010; Roberts & Foehr, 2008). Thus, our task repre-
ance increased as a function of hypothesized distance sents a very real dilemma: the choice to give in to
from the self. Children in the exemplar condition these momentary distractions or to exercise the self-
worked longest, followed by those in the third-per- control needed to benefit from work that is not as
son and self-immersed conditions. This finding is much fun. Moreover, this study demonstrates that
consistent with previous experiments, which demon- performance on this task is malleable.
strated incremental increases in self-control as a func-
tion of self-distancing (White & Carlson, 2015) and
Limitations and Future Directions
symbolic distancing (Apperly & Carroll, 2009; Carl-
son et al., 2005) in young children. As such, it lends These findings raise important questions for
support to the theory that greater mental separation future research. Perhaps the most pressing is why
from one’s situation can lead to corresponding did children persevere longest in the exemplar con-
increases in self-regulation (Sigel, 1970). dition? Follow-up studies are needed to isolate
The finding that several potential correlates of effects of self-distancing versus character compe-
perseverance (i.e., EF, theory of mind, receptive tence. As mentioned above, thinking about the pos-
vocabulary) did not moderate the effects seen here itive attributes of an exemplar could have led
suggests that role playing is a robust strategy, participants to take on positive characteristics such
accessible to children with wide-ranging abilities. as working hard (Adam & Galinsky, 2012; Karniol
This is in contrast to previous research (White & et al., 2011), in conjunction with self-distancing—or
Carlson, 2015) that found that the efficacy of role maybe even independent of it. What if characters
playing and third-person self-talk was greater for were not powerful exemplars but rather unfamiliar
children with relatively advanced theory of mind. children? Results of such a study could shed light
However, this previous study tested younger chil- on the impact of character competence versus self-
dren than we tested here and the substantial leaps distancing. Given that increasing positive affect can
in theory-of-mind abilities between ages 3 and 4 enhance self-control (Tice, Baumeister, Shmueli, &
could account for these different results. Muraven, 2007; Qu & Zelazo, 2007), it will also be
This research also provides insight into the important to investigate whether role play could
development of perseverance in early childhood. improve performance, at least in part, because it
Little work exists on this particular form of self-con- improves children’s mood.
trol, especially in terms of its early development, Furthermore, in this study, manipulations were
although there is evidence that persistence is corre- delivered via questions that could have prompted
lated with delay of gratification in preschool chil- children to engage in self-talk. Several studies have
dren, independent of age (Harrod, Carlson, underscored the value of private speech during
Duckworth, & Mischel, 2011). Here, we found that problem solving (e.g., Al-Namlah, Fernyhough, &
6-year-olds spent nearly half their time on task Meins, 2006; Fernyhough, 2009). Importantly, self-
across conditions, whereas 4-year-olds spent only talk from a self-distanced perspective could have
about a quarter of their time working. This promoted greater reflection on those longer-term
Improving Perseverance 7
goals (Vygotsky, 1934/1986; Zelazo, 2004). In fact, Al-Namlah, A. S., Fernyhough, C., & Meins, E. (2006).
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tial application of this strategy. Longitudinal studies Carlson, S. M., Davis, A. C., & Leach, J. G. (2005). Less is
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Carlson, S. M., & Zelazo, P. D. (2008). Symbolic thought.
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doi:10.1016/j.tics.2003.11.001 Appendix S1. Self-Distancing Scripts