Articulated Bus-Wikip
Articulated Bus-Wikip
Articulated Bus-Wikip
1 History
Early examples of the articulated bus appeared in Eu-
rope in the 1920s. In Budapest, Hungary the first pro-
totype of this bus was in service in 1960 and could carry
200 passengers. It was manufactured without the use of
blueprints. Later Ikarus’s blueprints were drawn up on
the basis of this existing prototype. There is an ongoing
exhibition in Budapest at the Museum of Transportation
in 2010 with the title “The articulated bus is 50 years old”.
Busscar bi-articulated TransMilenio in Bogota, Colombia.
In the mid-1960s, AC Transit in California pioneered
An articulated bus (either a motor bus or trolleybus) is the American use of a modern articulated bus, operat-
ing the experimental commuter coach “XMC 77” (based
an articulated vehicle used in public transportation. It is
usually a single-deck design, and comprises two rigid sec-on Continental Trailways' Bus & Car Co. Silver Ea-
gle model) on some of its transbay lines.[2] Articulated
tions linked by a pivoting joint (articulation) enclosed by
protective folding bellows on the in- and outside of the buses have also been used in Australia and Europe (Aus-
tria (Gräf & Stift), Italy, Germany(Gaubschat, Emmel-
vehicle (usually of gray or black colour) and a cover plate
on the inside of the vehicle. This arrangement allows a mann, Göppel, Duewag, Vetter), Canada (LFS Articu-
lated), Hungary (Ikarus), Poland (Jelcz AP02)) The first
longer legal overall length than single-decker rigid-bodied
buses, and hence a higher passenger capacity, while still modern British “bendy buses” (as they are referred to in
allowing the bus to maneuver adequately on the roads of the UK and Canada) were built by Leyland-DAB and
its service route. used in the city of Sheffield in the 1980s. They were sub-
sequently withdrawn from service because they proved to
Around the English-speaking world, articulated buses
be expensive to maintain.
have acquired several different synonyms that allude to
their articulated design, such as bendy buses, bending
buses, tandem buses, stretch buses, double buses,
banana buses, slinky buses, wiggle buses, caterpillar 2 Advantages and disadvantages
buses, accordion buses or vestibule buses . Due to their
high passenger capacity, articulated buses are often used The main benefits of an articulated bus over the double-
as part of bus rapid transit schemes, and can include me- decker bus are rapid simultaneous boarding and disem-
chanical guidance. barkation through more and larger doors, much larger
2 3 USE
3 Use
vehicles would encounter severe problems in the course momentary peak power in excess of 600 kilowatts (816
of normal operation.) PS; 805 hp). The trailer section of a “puller” bus can be
In London, articulated buses were used on some routes subject to unusual centripetal forces, which many people
from 2001 until 2011, but they were not a success. Boris can find uncomfortable, although this is not an issue with
Johnson, the current Mayor of London, promised in the “pushers”. Nonetheless, the articulated bus is highly suc-
run-up to the mayoral election of 2008 to rid the city of cessful in Budapest, Hungary, where the BKV city transit
the controversial buses and replaced them with double company has been operating more than 1000 of them ev-
deckers. ery day since the early 1970s. The Hungarian company
Volán also runs hundreds of articulated buses on intercity
Elsewhere in the UK, they are generally operated on par- lines.
ticular routes in order to increase passenger numbers,
rather than across entire networks. With unsupervised
“open boarding” through three doors and the requirement
for pre-purchase of tickets, levels of fare-dodging on the
new vehicles were found to be at least three times higher
than on conventional buses where entry of passengers is
monitored by the driver or conductor. The only way of
checking for free riders was to use large teams of ticket
inspectors to swamp the bus and inspect all tickets while
keeping the doors closed, meanwhile delaying the fur-
ther progress of the bus. Since the articulated buses were
tending to serve areas of relative deprivation it is sus-
pected that this was a contributory factor in TfL turning
against the concept.
In Asia, many major Chinese cities had fleets of ar- powered by a rear-mounted internal combustion engine,
ticulated buses prior to the late 1990s. Some of and the longitudinal stability of the vehicle is maintained
these fleets have since been replaced by single-section by active hydraulics mounted under the turntable. This
units except in a few cities, namely Beijing, Shanghai, modern system makes it possible to build buses with-
and Hangzhou. While in the 2000s a surge in BRT out steps and having low floors along their entire length,
construction has reintroduced or re-purposed the ar- which simplifies access for passengers with limited mo-
ticulated bus fleets for rapid transit usage in cities bility.
like Changzhou, Dalian, Guangzhou, Jinan, Kunming,
Xiamen, Yancheng, Zaozhuang, and Zhengzhou. In
South America, they are used in São Paulo, Curitiba,
Santiago and Bogotá.
In Adelaide, Australia, articulated buses are used on the
O-Bahn guided busway, reaching speeds of 100 km/h.
The first articulated buses to use it were the Mercedes-
Benz O305G buses; however, three MAN SG280H buses
are also equipped for O-Bahn use. In recent years, it has
proven problematic to find suitable low-floor articulated
buses to replace the 1984-manufactured Mercedes buses, New Flyer DE60LF diesel-electric hybrid in Albuquerque, New
because the design of the O-Bahn track unfortunately pre- Mexico, USA.
cludes the use of most modern articulated buses.
In most puller articulated buses, the engine is mounted
In Singapore, articulated buses were first introduced in
under the floor between the front and middle A- and
1996 by Trans-Island Bus Services (now SMRT Buses)
B-axles, and only the B-axle is powered. Some con-
with the Mercedes-Benz O405G buses (bodied in His-
sider this an outdated design, as it prohibits floor levels
pano Carrcera (MK1/MK2), Hispano Habit and Volgren
lower than approximately 750 millimetres (30 in), and
CR221L). They were given the moniker “bendy buses”, a
can produce passenger discomfort due to high noise and
name which is still in use today. In April of that year,
vibration levels. On the other hand, the puller bus is
SBS Transit introduced a demonstrator Volvo B10MA
cheaper to manufacture, and can be used in very narrow
bus (registration SBS998Y) fitted with a three-door ver-
or severely potholed streets. This type of bus also per-
sion of the Duple Metsec bodywork similar to that of
forms better in snowy or icy conditions, as the thrust from
Volvo’s B10M buses. With a length of 19 metres (62
the driving wheels does not cause the vehicle to jack-
ft), this bus earned the title of “Asia’s Longest Bus”.
nife. Newer models such as the Van Hool AG300 fea-
In 1997, SBS Transit purchased another bendy bus, the
ture low floor while maintaining the puller design placing
Mercedes-Benz O405GN (registration SBS999U), again
the engine block off-center opposite to the second door.
as a demonstrator. This bus had Volgren CR221L body-
Also, the unpowered C-axle is much simpler and carries
work. In March 2006, SBS Transit sold all its bendy
no engine weight, facilitating the installation of counter-
buses to New Zealand after encountering drivability is-
steering mechanisms to further decrease the turning ra-
sues with the Volvo B10MA bus and air-conditioning
problems with the Mercedes-Benz bus, and also decid-
ing that double-decker buses could carry more passengers Modern low-floor pusher articulated buses also tend to
while taking up less road space, as opposed to SMRT’s suffer from suspension problems because their wheels
stance that “articulated buses offer greater accessibility lack the ampleness of travel that would enable them to
and efficiency”.[7] absorb surface unevennesses. This also leads to passen-
ger discomfort and relatively rapid disintegration of the
From 3 July 2011 to 28 August 2013, articulated Mer-
vehicle’s superstructure.
cedes Citaro buses purchased from London have been
used in Malta by the company Arriva on a number of Although the majority of articulated buses utilise diesel
routes across the country. A number of serious engine engines for their motive power, a number of operators
fires resulted in their withdrawal from service, and they (primarily outside of North America and by LACMTA)
have also been responsible for causing an increase in traf- are adopting compressed natural gas (CNG) power in or-
fic congestion and accidents involving pedestrians and der to reduce pollution. Many other transit authorities
cyclists.[8] in the United States and Canada are adopting articulated
buses that are diesel-electric hybrids, such as the New
Flyer DE60LF. There are also articulated trolleybuses
4 Types A typical puller model is the Hungarian-made Ikarus 280,
the articulated version of the Ikarus 260, of which 60.993
Articulated buses can be of “pusher” or “puller” buses were manufactured between 1973 and 2002, mostly
configuration.[1] In pusher buses, only the rear C-axle is for Soviet bloc customers. (In the '70-s this type gave
6 Popular Culture
In a campaign associated with the Transformers: Revenge
of the Fallen film, a Transformers character was created
using parts from an articulated bus with the actual vehicle
as it’s intended alternate form and dubbed “Bendy-Bus
Prime.” [11]
7 See also
• Articulated buses in the United Kingdom
• List of buses
• Trailer bus
8 References
[1] “Articulated Transit Bus Steering Considerations”. North
American Bus Industries. Archived from the original on
13 November 2006. Retrieved 7 January 2007.
[8] Bendy buses given boot over fire fears, Times of Malta,
28 August 2013. Retrieved 2015-12-06.
9 External links
• Steering Considerations & Engine Placements
10.2 Images
• File:2009_60'_New_Flyer_DE60LFR_Hybrid.JPG Source:
New_Flyer_DE60LFR_Hybrid.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Surf100ify
• File:Arnhem-Trolleybus-4-wheel-steering.jpg Source:
Arnhem-Trolleybus-4-wheel-steering.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work
assumed (based on copyright claims). Original artist: No machine-readable author provided. Spsmiler assumed (based on copyright
• File:Arriva_London_MA90.JPG Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arriva436
• File:Articulado_de_Transmilenio_en_el_Eje_Ambiental.JPG Source:
Articulado_de_Transmilenio_en_el_Eje_Ambiental.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Pedro Felipe
• File:ArticulationJointOnAMuniNewFlyerBus.jpg Source:
ArticulationJointOnAMuniNewFlyerBus.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Goodshoped35110s
• File:BSicon_BUS.svg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Jake the Editor Man
• File:CityLAZ-20LF_in_Lviv,_Ukraine_-_002.jpg Source:
in_Lviv%2C_Ukraine_-_002.jpg License: CC BY 2.5 Contributors: Transferred from uk.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by Kobac
using CommonsHelper. Original artist: Johnny. Original uploader was Johnny at uk.wikipedia
• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contribu-
tors: ? Original artist: ?
• File:Cropped_jumbo.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: Jumbocruiser at English Wikipedia
• File:Crown-Ikarus_bus_of_Tri-Met,_Portland.jpg Source:
bus_of_Tri-Met%2C_Portland.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Steve Morgan
• File:First_London_EA11010_LK53_FBD.JPG Source:
EA11010_LK53_FBD.JPG License: CC BY 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Arriva436
• File:Ik-201.JPG Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Mardetanha using CommonsHelper. Original artist: Pavleski001 at English Wikipedia
• File:MTA_New_York_City_Bus_New_Flyer_Xcelsior_artic_XD60_(2012-13).jpg Source:
commons/1/1a/MTA_New_York_City_Bus_New_Flyer_Xcelsior_artic_XD60_%282012-13%29.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contribu-
tors: Own work Original artist: AEMoreira042281
• File:Man_Castrosua_Bendy_Bus.jpg Source:
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Braniff747SP
10.3 Content license 9