Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular Septal Defect
What the Nurse Caring for a Patient with CHD Needs to Know
One of most common congenital heart defects (CHD)
Intraventricular septum divides right (RV) & left (LV) ventricles
o Consists of 3 separate septa
o Beginning in 5th week embryonic development
o Completely formed and closed by 7th-8th week embryonic development
Septum results from:
o Growth of muscular portion upward from ventricular floor towards endocardial
o Growth of subendocardial tissue from right side of endocardial cushion
Fuses with aorticopulmonary septum
Fuses with muscular portion
Causes of ventricular septal defect (VSD)
o Unclear
Genetic/chromosomal syndromes (trisomy 13, 18, 21/ Holt-Orem,
Cornelia de Lang)
o Majority not associated with other defects or syndromes
o More common in premature or low-birthweight infants
Results when interventricular septum fails to close (See illustration below for locations
and types of VSDs
o May occur in any part of the septum
o May occur in more than one location
Inlet Perimembranous
Apical Muscular
Specific considerations
Pre-operative considerations
o Age
Consider size and location of defect
Premature neonates
Consider size of defect relative to body size to determine timing of
surgical correction
Due to elevated PVR development of CHF rare in the first few
weeks of life (See resistance to flow section)
Do not administer supplemental oxygen unless oxygen saturations
persistently < 75%
Infants and children
May be managed medically
Require surgical correction
o CHF unresponsive to medical management,
o Growth failure
o Outlet and inlet defects
o Health status
Recent/frequent viral respiratory infections
Supportive management until cultures negative
Surgery delayed until patients are symptom free to minimize post-
bypass pulmonary complications
Failure to thrive
Consider nasogastric, high caloric feeding
Attempt to achieve positive caloric balance
Postoperative (See Peds/Neo Problem Guidelines for Postoperative Management)
o Most common open heart surgery for CHD
o Ventilation
Patients beyond infancy may be extubated in OR
Neonates and infants may require ventilator support and aggressive
diuresis before extubation
Patients with respiratory viral infections preoperatively may require
extended intubation
Patients with pre-operative respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
should have negative cultures and be asymptomatic prior to
surgery to minimize post-operative complications
Patients with pre-operative PAH will require pulmonary vasodilators
(iNO, IV pulmonary vasodilators) (See Peds/Neo Problem Guidelines for
Pulmonary Hypertension)
o Inotropic support
Majority with minimal inotropic support
Repair of VSD with complex lesions or PAH
May also consider pulmonary vasodilators
o Monitor for the following complications:
Arrhythmias (See Peds/Neo Problem Guidelines for Arrhythmia
Most patients who have cardiopulmonary bypass surgery have
temporary epicardial wires placed in OR
Complete Heart Block
o Typically transient 24-48 hours
o May be permanent and require placement of a permanent
pacemaker, usually after 7-10 days
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) or Junctional Ectopic
Tachycardia (JET)
Residual VSD
Common to have some residual leaks around patch which often
eventually close with endothelialization
o Operating room
Analysis of RA and PA saturations
Echocardiography [Transesophageal (TEE) or
Transthoracic (TTE)]
o Intensive care unit
Increased pulmonary pressures
Decreased systemic pressures
VSD patch dehiscence with low cardiac output
Pulmonary hypertensive crisis
Patients with elevated PVR preoperatively or long-standing
pulmonary over-circulation (See Ped/Neo Problem Guidelines for
Pulmonary Hypertension)
o Monitor PA pressures if PA line available
o Follow pulmonary hypertension precautions
Avoid noxious stimulation
Fastidious pulmonary toilet (pre-medicate prior to
Strict acid / base control
Inhaled nitric oxide - potent pulmonary vasodilator
Post-catheter device monitoring:
o Bleeding at puncture site
o Arrhythmias (Complete Heart Block)
Device may put pressure on the septum close to the left and right bundle
o Valvar regurgitation
Risk of “trapping” the aortic, tricuspid, or mitral valve leaflets in the
o Device embolization
Long-Term Problems/Complications
Structural Complications
o Residual VSD
o AI secondary to aortic cusp prolapse
o Supravalvar pulmonic stenosis after prior placement of PAB
o Subaortic membrane (rare)
o Right ventricle muscle bundle hypertrophy (rare)
Arrhythmias ( See Peds/Neo Problem Guidelines for Arrhythmia Management)
o Transient post-operative heart block
At risk of developing complete heart block
May require pacemaker placement
o Ventricular arrhythmias
Monitor with periodic electrocardiograms (ECG), Holter monitor
Increased with ventriculotomy
Heart Block requiring pacemaker placement (see Peds/Neo Problems Guidelines for
o Pacemaker interrogation every 3-6 months
o Generator changes ~ every 6-10 years
o Lead malfunction or fracture
o Cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) infection
Routine Cardiology Care for Surgical and Catheter Intervention
Routine follow-up interval
o Every 1-2 years by a cardiologist trained in Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) until
18 years of age
o Adults
No residual VSD, no associated lesions and normal pulmonary pressure
Does not require continued follow-up at a regional ACHD center
Small residual VSD
Follow up visit every 3 to 5 years at an Adult CHD (ACHD)
regional center
Device closure of a VSD
Follow up visit every 1 to 2 years at an ACHD center
Depends on the location of the VSD
Cardiac studies as indicated by assessment/symptoms
o Transient post-operative heart block, at least a yearly ECG
o Echocardiogram
Endocarditis prophylaxis recommendations (AHA, 2015)
o Six months post-surgical repair/device placement
o Longer if a residual defect is present
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