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Mini-CEX Feb 2012

Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) Paper Form

Case Details

Medical status of the


Overall complexity Low Moderate High

(circle) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To ensure safe, efficient and effective care on this aspect:

Assessment Significant input Some guidance Able to manage Unable

required from assessor provided from assessor independently assess

Demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding pertaining to the case

Clinical knowledge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Performs a complete and appropriate assessment of the patient and presents well documented
Patient assessment findings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Formulates an appropriate clinical plan demonstrating an understanding of relevant issues related
Planning to the patient, procedure, pathology, positioning and place etc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Prepares appropriately for any intervention, checks equipment, organizes theatre and monitoring,
Preparation prepares drugs and ensures appropriate personnel are present
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Creates a well organized workspace, uses time effectively and efficiently
efficiency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Demonstrates situational awareness through constant monitoring of the patient (clinically and
Vigilance electronically), the procedure and other personnel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Demonstrates sound judgment and clinical decision making
Problem solving /
decision making 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Recognises limits of their expertise and experience. Takes on responsibility appropriately
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Demonstrates proficiency (including appropriate informed consent and infection control)
Technical proficiency
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Comprehensively, concisely and legibly documents relevant matters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Develops rapport and trust; accurately elicits, synthesizes and conveys relevant information;
Patient interaction develops a common understanding of issues, problems and plans
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Participates effectively and appropriately in an inter professional healthcare team
Team interaction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA
Practices to reduce medical error; complies with hospital and college protocols and guidelines
Risk minimisation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTA

Please note the focus

of any discussion
during this
Mini-CEX Feb 2012

Feedback and Global Assessment

Examples of what was

done well

Areas that needed

supervisory input

Suggestions for gaining

greater independence

Trainee could manage this

What level of supervision Trainee needs assessor in Trainee needs assessor in case independently and
did the trainee require for the theatre suite the hospital does not require direct
THIS case overall? supervision

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Not comfortable leaving trainee unsupervised in theatre for any period of time
2. Comfortable to leave trainee to go on brief coffee break in theatre tearoom. Not happy for trainee to instigate changes in
management in your absence
3. As in 2, but comfortable staying out of theatre for a bit longer, e.g. while eating your lunch. Trainee may instigate some
new actions that you have previously discussed
4. Happy to leave the theatre block, but remain immediately available in the hospital. Feels the need to check in on the
trainee at regular intervals
5. Happy to leave the theatre block but remain immediately available in the hospital e.g. not take on another case
themselves. Expect trainee to notify supervisor of any significant problem or event, e.g. persistent abnormal physiological
parameter, major blood loss
6. As in 5 but expect trainee to manage most problems initially, and call you if their initial management doesn't work
7. Could potentially be off-site but would want to review the trainee's management plan before they started the case
8. Supervisor Off-site. Confident that trainee can make a good assessment and plan, but want to be notified that they are
doing the case
9. Trainee could manage this case as a consultant. Appropriate if they don't contact supervisor. May have collegial
discussion on case

At what level of training do

Early Late Early Late Early Late Early Late
you think this trainee is
currently performing?

Does another mini CEX

need to be completed for  Yes
this type of clinical case?  No If yes, why?

Trainee comments

Date of assessment

Trainee name Trainee email

Assessor name Assessor email

Assessment toward If yes,

 Yes  No
completion of SSU? SSU name
Mini-CEX Feb 2012

Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) Information



The Mini-CEX is designed to assess the clinical skills of trainees. It provides an assessor with a structured format
for directly observing and assessing the performance of a trainee, usually from the pre-operative assessment to
the patient’s discharge from recovery however an assessment can focus on aspects of a case such as
preoperative assessment and clinical encounters outside the operating theatre can be used. This assessment will
assist the trainee to learn and attain greater autonomy.

Conducting a Mini-CEX

Either the trainee or a supervising anaesthetist can initiate a Mini-CEX. While supervising anaesthetists are
encouraged to initiate assessments, ensuring the completion of the required number of assessments is ultimately
the responsibility of the trainee.
A typical Mini-CEX may start with the trainee and the supervising anaesthetist agreeing on a suitable case or
aspect of a case during a list. This would be something that the trainee should reasonably be expected to manage
fairly independently and be working towards independent practice. There should be a clear understanding that the
trainee is in the “driver’s seat” and that the assessor will only intervene for reasons of safety or efficiency. The
trainee should be encouraged to articulate their relevant thoughts as much as possible such as the issues
identified from the assessment of the patient, their perioperative plan and rationale, potential hazards that they
envisage and how they would manage these etc. The assessor should take notes, particularly on why they (the
assessor) did or did not need to intervene at various points in the case. This will form the basis of the feedback.
The most import aspect of this assessment is the constructive feedback provided. It should be given immediately
after the completion of the case in as private a setting as possible. The trainee may be asked to self assess before
the assessor provides their feedback and assessment.

Rating Case Complexity

nd rd
Low (1-3) Peripheral minor surgery, age 16-70 ASA 1-2 not 2 or 3 trimester of pregnancy

Moderate (4-6) The case has some elements of surgical or patient complexity but not both

High (7-9) Major intra-cavity surgery or craniotomy with significant physiological insult requiring
intensive monitoring and support. The patient has significant co-morbidities and/or
pre-surgical physiological derangement. The anaesthetist may need to lead a
number of team members (including other anaesthetists) in order to attain an
optimal outcome

Additional Descriptions of Items on the Mini-CEX form

Patient assessment Adapts history taking, examination and orders further investigations where clinically
indicated e.g. to determine severity, to clarify diagnosis etc. taking into account the
context (i.e. urgency) of the situation
Gathers information from all available sources including from patient's notes,
investigations and other professionals where required.
Presents findings concisely and in a logical order
Arranges pre-operative treatment when required
Correctly interprets and discusses the implications of results of investigations
Identifies the significant issues and problems to be addressed including the patient’s
preferences and cultural beliefs and incorporates these into the perioperative plan
(see Planning)

Organisation/efficiency Arrives early enough to prepare equipment and drugs

Organizes things so the most important are done first
Performs tasks and coordinates staff to ensure an efficient use of time resources
Mini-CEX Feb 2012

Planning Formulates an appropriate clinical plan in collaboration with the patient, their family
and other team members
Outlines potential problems and alternatives
Articulates a comprehensive plan for the case that relates to the above and makes

Vigilance Maintains focus on patient care and avoids distraction

Anticipates and prepares for predictable clinical changes
Responds in a timely manner to changes in the patients status

Problem solving / Adequately justifies clinical decisions and demonstrates understanding of risks and
decision making benefits
Interprets available data; integrates information to generate differential diagnoses
and management plans
Manages emerging clinical problems and complications

Insight Consults with colleagues and other health professionals to optimise patient care
Aware of issues that may effect own performance such as fatigue and illness

Technical proficiency Includes vascular access, airway management, invasive monitoring procedures
neuraxial block and other regional procedures

Documentation Includes patient assessment, consent, risks, complications, difficulties, procedures,

observations and care plans etc.

Patient interaction Demonstrates effective communication skills including;

• active listening
• encouraging discussion
• reinforcing key points
• attending to verbal and nonverbal cues
• adapting to individual patient context including language (uses interpreter
appropriately), and education (avoids jargon and complex language)
• recognising and addressing miscommunication
Adapts communication to a variety of clinical contexts including emergency or life
threatening situations where time is limited
Communicates in a way that encourages confidence, allays anxiety and facilitates
Comforts and re-assures patients during stressful situations, procedures and/or
during conscious sedation
Demonstrates respect, compassion and empathy
Respects autonomy, dignity, confidentiality, privacy and diversity

Team interaction Functions as an effective team member by;

• participating in team decision making
• recognising and respecting others roles, expertise and responsibilities
Consults, negotiates and enlists the cooperation of others to;
• develop and provide a shared plan of care that optimises patient care and
• select an anaesthetic technique that is appropriate to the patient’s needs,
anaesthesia and/or surgical priorities
• identify and use resources effectively and efficiently
Synthesises and conveys relevant information concerning patients and plans to
team members
Provides clear and concise instructions to assisting staff for clinical task such as the
requirements for the case in terms of equipment and drugs
If required, introduces themselves, explains their role and elicits the same
information from other staff to ensure effective team communication
Maintains an approach that is calm, methodical and flexible
Demonstrates effective handover of responsibility of patient care

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