Politics: The Action Guide For Advocacy and Citizen Participation
Politics: The Action Guide For Advocacy and Citizen Participation
Politics: The Action Guide For Advocacy and Citizen Participation
Draupadi in the epic Mahabharata and in Mahasweta Devi s story "Draupadi" translated by
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1). Disrobing of Draupadi in both the cases is taken as the point
of discussion. Draupadi of Vyasa s masterpiece, the Mahabharata (2), obviously, has
influenced the present day writer. By weaving different situations around her, she portrays
woman-power through her. Before analyzing the situations it is imperative to know the different
structures of power. None is powerless. All living organisms exercise power to enjoy a
meaningful and comfortable life; however, the degree of usage may be different.
The term "Power" is multidimensional since it masks itself with many faces according to the
context and interest. In general power, a personal process, empowers the individual to hasten or
halt or facilitate the course. To support this, the writer, Lisa VeneKlasen y Valerie Miller (3)
quotes Srilatha Batlliwala s definition of power in her work A New Weave of Power, People &
Politics: The Action Guide For Advocacy And Citizen Participation.
Power can be defined as the degree of control over material, human, intellectual and
financial resources exercised by different sections of society. The control of these
resources becomes a source of individual and social power. Power is dynamic and
relational rather than absolute - It is exercised in the social, economic and political
relations between individuals and groups. It is also unequally distributed-some
individuals and groups having greater control. The extent of power of an individual or
group is correlated to how many different kinds of resources they can access and control.
The author indicates that an individual / group has access to different modes of resources, that
certainly includes inner sources. She further discusses the different structures of power in her
work. The human being who has Power over -- a commonly recognized power -- dominates
others. On the other hand, the person having Power with co-operates with others. Power to
provides the individual with abilities to succeed in her / his endeavor. Power within makes
the woman / man recognize her / his self-worth.
Power Over: . . . [This type of] power involves [the person] taking it from
someone else and then using it to dominate. . . .
Power With: Based on mutual support, solidarity and collaboration power with
1. Devi, Mahasweta. Draupadi trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak "Draupadi" http://ebook
browse.com/gayatri- spivak-draupadi-by-mahasveta-devi-pdf-d138669848#.UQjc8x-A160.email
20 Jan 13.
2. Lal, P, transcreated. The Mahabharata of Vyasa. 18 vols. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 2005.
3. Miller, Lisa VeneKlasen y Valerie. A New Weave of Power, People & Politics: The Action
Guide For Advocacy And Citizen Participation. USA: Just Associates, 2007.
4. Rai, Indrani Singh. "Mahasweta Devi s Draupadi: A Discourse of
Dispossessed". (www.ssmrae.com/admin/ .../043757d8e99a0 9c8b53 4039890ceda03.pdf).
5. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. "Writing and Sexual Difference." Critical Inquiry Vol. 8, No.
2, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0093-
1896%28198124%298%3A2%3C381%3A%22BMD%3E2. 0.CO%3B2-U 20 Jan 13.
6. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Breast Stories. Kolkata: Seagull 2002.
Devi’s Draupadi is not a prototype of women in war against the traditional image of a woman
because than she would have created a space for another patriarchal or say logo centric
conception, where again what it is to be a woman would have confined again in a sort of
But in there case there predicament is extended on account of there marginalised status in the
society. Subaltern studies of 1980s has revealed the fact that the Indian national struggle has
not been only an elitist movement. BUT the narrative of nation often hesitates to deliver the
credit to innumerable subaltern voices who sacrificed their lives for the nation.
This custom persisted in independent India and the glimpse of what we can see in Devi’s works
The outspokenness of women in the sociopolitical aspects is not seldom seen Dopdi on hand
reminds us of THE militant struggle of Nandini and the contrast of the timidity of Sujata the
upper class bourgeois women in mother of 1084. Dopdi’ spirit of rebellion also brings to our
mind her contrast with in Amitav Ghosh’s the Hungry Tide.
This legalized version of socio- ethico terms has been projected in one of the recent
mainstream bollywood movie ‘Pink’ where we can discern that how social constructions which
is actually a subjective notion has been objectified and we as viewers has been made aware of
the slight differences between the socio- structural rule book different from the Indian
Indrani Singh Rai (4) in her article, "Mahasweta Devi s Draupadi: A Discourse of
Dispossessed" forwards an apt concluding critique:
Once Dopdi enters, in the final section of the story, the postscript area of lunar flux and
sexual difference, she is in a place where she will finally act for herself in not acting,
in challenging the man to (en) counter her as unrecorded or misrecorded objective
historical monument. The army officer is shown as unable to ask the authoritative
ontological question, "What is this?" (Breast Stories 36) (6) In fact, in the sentence
describing Dopdi s final summons to the sahib s tent, the agent is missing. An allegory
of the woman s struggle within the revolution in a shifting historical moment can be
Sexual violence also became a major concern of second wave feminism. The American feminist
and journalist Susan Brownmiller in her work Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (1975)
offers a ground breaking study of rape and argues that rape has always been defined from the
patriarchal perspective.
Devi through her works have explored the militant aggression of the subaltern women and
marked their contribution in the the process of nation building.The entire canonical idea of
feminism itself is quite full of contradiction the reason being that the mainstream culture of
feminism does not take into account the peripheral voices as that of Dopdi in the story
Drupadi.This tribal woman experience Triple marginalization.
My discussion of Devi’s works shall be with reference to Black Feminism which provides us with
a kind of context for assessment of the alternative narrative of feminism. Feminism today
cannot be understood as a linear narrative. Specifically in the postcolonial era it has undergone
many changes and it has proliferated in multiple directions. It is simply because the mainstream
feminism or for that matter if we talk about the American feminists like Showwalter or a more
radical approach to it like the French feminists then of corse they cannot address the concerns
and interests of the womwn of the Third world Countries. Similarly the narratives that Devi has
articulated are woman whose stories whose sufferings do not form a part of the mainstream
feminist culture . They cannot organize themselves in womens organizations and groupd
Devi hs captured this interesting Irony of democracy though it ensures equality among all its
citizens bot it is not ready to accept this peripheral classes within there theory of nation. In the
words of Bauman they are the wasted lives which are not to be taken into considerationand the
tribal women here faces the triple marginalization in terms of caste, class and gender. Devi’s
works are also impregnated with another interesting irony where thogh these tribal women are
being ostracized not to be touched but time and again the upper class bourgeous bhodrolok
come to them for satiating there lust as happens in the case with Dhouli . Dhouli the tribal
women whose virginity has been smudged by Mishrilal is ultimately thrown out of the society
by Mishrilal himself when begins to sell her body for her survival.
Appart from the court episode of disrobing of Draupadi , the epic is relevanyt in this context.
Mahabharata itself provides us with multiple evidences of the marginalization of the ribal
women in multiple forms. Bhim’s wife whom he has married in the forest during his exile has
never been mentioned after this episode whereas ths son produced from this wedlock
Ghatotkach has been called upon to lend his helping hand in the war between the pandavas
and Kauravs.
In case of Shanichari devi deals with Marxist feminism.Feminism has come a lonf way from
liberal feminism to the third world feminism
In fact, she has inverted the rape-shame upon her predators through her naked body.