Change of Land Use (Clu) Application and Scrutiny Form: (Use Capital Letters Only)
Change of Land Use (Clu) Application and Scrutiny Form: (Use Capital Letters Only)
Change of Land Use (Clu) Application and Scrutiny Form: (Use Capital Letters Only)
Sir /Madam,
I here by submit an application for Change of Land Use as per the details given below for approval of the
Government under HMDA Act 2008/ APUA (D) Act 1975/ APTP Act 1920.
1 Name
2 Door No/Flat No.
3 Road/Street
4 Village & Mandal
5 City/ Town PIN
6 District
7 Phone / Mobile No.
8 e-mail
1 Plot Nos.
Sanctioned Layout No. /
3 Survey No. Village
4 Premises / Door No.
5 Road/ Street
6 Ward No. Block No.
7 Locality
8 Circle Division
9 City/ Town District
Name Address License No. Validity
1 Architect/ Engineer/
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Whether the above Remarks:
physical features
are tallying with the
schedule of the
(vide rule (3) of A.P. Building Rules-2012)
Whether the site YES NO
falls in the area If yes, give the details and specify the action to be taken:
where there are
restrictions of
building activity as
per the A.P.
Building Rules-
I/ We certify that the above particulars submitted are correct.
I/We shall pay the necessary fees and charges leviable by MDA/UDA/LB under the HMDA
Act,2008/ APUA(D) Act,1975/ APTP Act,1920.
I/We understand I/We are aware that certain conditions may be imposed while considering the
Change of Land Use under the above said statutory provisions and I/We assure that I/We comply
with the same.
I/We affirm / declare that I/We would undertake development / construction activity only after
Change of Land Use orders are issued by the Government and after approval of building plan from
the Competent Authority and shall not violate the same.
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Not Not
Sl. Requir Submit
Document details Requir Submit
No. ed ted
ed ted
1 CLU Application signed by the Owner & Licenced Technical Personnel.
2 Site Plans 5 Ammonia Prints [with CD soft copy] drawn to a suitable scale
preferably 1:200 duly showing
a North Point
b Site Boundary Measurments
c Schedule of Boundaries (Indicate Sy.Nos and Names)
d Indicate type of road giving access to the site
(i.e. National Highway/ State Highway/ M.D.R/ Z.P/ G.P/ Village etc.)
e Existing width of access road / roads.
f Proposed width of the access roads as per Master Plan.
g Affected portion with dimensions and area.
h Area Statement like Total Area, Road Affected Area & Net Area.
i HT/ LT/ Electric Lines if passing through the site.
j Existing Drainage and Sewarage etc.,
k Signed by Owner & Licenced Technical Personnel.
3 Topo Plan 5 Ammonia Prints [with CD soft copy] to be drawn to a suitable
scale preferably 1:800 duly showing,
a Existing physical features with in the raidus of 500m from the centre of
site duly showing the Land Use in colours as given below:
Site Boundary-Red Existing roads-Yellow Proposed-Red
Residential use-Orange Commercial-Blue Industrial-Violet
Parks & Playgrounds- Water Bodies-Sky Drains-Brown
Green Blue
Affected Portion-Hatched with Red
e Distance from FTL of the Water Body/ Revenue boundary to the site
f Boundary and Extent of such Water Bodies shall also be indicated
g Distance from Railway Boundary/ Property shall be clearly indicated
h Distance from Heritage/ Religious premises shall be clearly indicated
i Distance from Reserve Forest Boundary shall be clearly indicated
j Distance from Defence area, if any
k Distance from Oil/ Gas Pipeline
l Distance from Wet lands
4 Ownership Documents (a or b) (Attested by Gazetted Officer)
a Copy of Registered Sale Deed
b Pattadar Pass Book / Title deed issued by Revenue Authorities
c Pahanies issued by Tahasildar
d Development Agreement of Sale cum General Power of Attorney
e Clearance from Competent Authority in case surplus land.
5 Link documents (Attested by Gazetted Officer)
6 Latest Encumbrance Certificate issued by Registration Department
7 Latest Photographs (4) showing four sides of the site (compulsory)
8 F.M.B.Sketch / Tounch map duly showing the site U/r duly signed by the
Town Surveyor / Tahasildar
9 Extract of Master Plan / Village map duly showing the site under reference
10 Previous Sanctioned Plan Copy (if the existing building was sanctioned)
11 Approved Layout copy if the site falls in Approved Layout.
12 Whether any CLU was approved by the Govt. in the above survey numbers
or adjoining survey numbers. If so copy of G.O., issued to be enclosed.
13 a NOC from Irrigation Department, if there are water bodies within /
adjacent to the site duly certifiying skech plan showing the respective
destance from the FTL Boundrary.
b NOC from Revenue Department, if there are water bodies within /
adjacent to the site duly certifiying skech plan showing the respective
destance from the FTL Boundrary.
15 NOC from Railway Aurthorities if the site is falling within 30m from the
Railway Boundary / Property.
16 NOC from Oil/ Gas Pipeline company, in case of the site is located in the
vicinity of Oil/ Gas Pipeline.
17 NOC from the Defence institutions, in case the site is located within 500 mts
of Military /Defence institutions.
18 Extract of Google Map duly showing the site under reference.
19 Licence copy of the Technical Personnel issued by Concerned Authority.
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