Pipe Stress
Pipe Stress
Pipe Stress
Engineering design is a very stringent process and it involves various reach their strength, a sudden movement
takes place causing release of shock waves.
considerations including natural calamities, especially earthquakes. The
These waves are mainly classified as
use of this engineering design even in process plant piping is no exception. ‘Body waves’ and ‘Surface waves’. Body
waves comprise primary waves (P-waves)
This article that gives insight into analyzing the seismic effects on the and secondary waves (S-waves) whereas
surface waves comprise ‘Love waves’ and
design of pipes. Using an assortment of analysis techniques, the results are
‘Rayleigh waves’. P-waves produce tension
presented herein. or compression strain along the direction of
energy transmission whereas S-waves
oscillate at right angle to it (refer Figure 1).
Rocks, being elastic in nature, store Love waves are similar to S-waves but
elastic strain energy during the without a vertical component. A combined
gigantic tectonic plate action that occurs in effect of the S-wave and Love wave cause
Gaurav Bhende
the earth. However, the material content in maximum damage to a structure due to
Member of ASME and IEI
Deputy Chief Engineer rocks is small. Hence, when the rocks along their racking motion in both the vertical and
Mott MacDonald a weak region on the surface of the earth horizontal directions.
0.05 0.5845
0.075 0.7032
Extension Compression
0.1 0.8287
0.15 1.0213
S-Waves Up and down
0.2 1.1060
0.3 1.1886
0.5 1.1006
1 0.8071
Side to side Direction of
2 0.4506
Energy Transmission
4 0.1870
Effect of earthquake on pipes natural frequency of the support then it can ● Response spectrum method (RSM)
In a typical process plant, a pipe either produce higher amplitude movements and ● Time history analysis method
rests on a steel structure or on a concrete even cause resonance. Quasi-static or static equivalent
support. The pipe can be fixed to the method (SEM)
structure either through supports like Methods of seismic analysis SEM, which has been followed by most of
U-bolts or can slide freely. However, for this The earthquake characteristics are the codes, assumes that the mass
seismic analysis, an assumption that no described by ground acceleration, the time distribution throughout the height of the
relative movement occurs between the pipe of shaking and its response spectrum. The structure is uniform, with the centroid of
and the support has been made. ‘design earthquake’ is generally defined by mass and rigidity coinciding at each level. In
Consider a pipe attached to a support. either of the magnitude of the largest most of the cases, this assumption holds
Under the action of seismic event on the earthquake that probably could occur or the well except for the structures of highly
system (pipe + structure), the pipe magnitude corresponding to large return irregular shapes. In this method, a
experiences an excitation force due to period e.g. 500 years, 1000 years, etc. horizontal force in proportion to the ratio of
seismic acceleration which is based on the seismic acceleration to gravitational
properties of the support structure. Each The return period can be calculated acceleration is applied, as base shear, to get
structure has its own response to seismic as follows: horizontal forces acting on the system.
excitation based on material, mass, T = -t / ln (1 - p) Response spectrum method
geometry, stiffness etc. Accordingly, the Where, It is a plot of maximum steady state
response spectrum needs to be modified p is the probability of exceedance in response (displacement, velocity or
before applying to any system. t years, generally 10 per cent in 50 years acceleration) of a series of oscillators with
As per Newton’s first law, the inertia of and T is the return period, in years. different natural frequencies to a given
the pipe resists its movement due to Example 1: t = 100 years, p = 10, then shock. In this analysis the maximum
seismic acceleration and results into a force, T = -100 / ln (1 - 0.1). response developed by a system to the
called ‘inertia force’, which acts against the Therefore, T = 949 years ~ 1000 years transient load is analyzed. Response
direction of earth motion. This force changes spectrum can be modified based on
magnitude as well as direction based on Earthquake analyses damping. The acceleration is in inverse
seismic motion creating unbalanced forces The effect of an earthquake on a pipe can proportion to the damping. RSM is the
and vibrations in the pipe. If frequency of be analyzed by the following methods: most common method in dynamic analysis
pipe reaches in the close vicinity of the ● Quasi-static or static equivalent method of earthquake.