History of Competition Law

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Faculty of Law


‘History And Evolution of Competition Law’


COURSE ON Competition Law

CLASS: B.Com., LL.B (Hons.) 6th Semester

Submitted by


B Com LL.B/2016-17/06

Roll NO-164140064

Under the Supervision of

Monisha Thapar MA’AM

Asst. Prof. in Law
Faculty of Law
Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University
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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Monisha Thapar MA’AM
who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful topic “History And Evolution of Co
mpetition Law” which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so m
any new things I am really thankful to them.

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1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 04

2. Monoply a Disease, MRTP Act The Medicine ............................................................... 06

3. Amendments in MRTP Act & Competition act, 2002 .............................................. 08

4. Competition Commission of India ..................................................................................... 13

5. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 16

6. Bibliography................................................................................................................................. 17
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India has had a history of competitive markets. However, the license raj regime, which
continued until the early 1990’s (it might have been justified when conceived but had long
outlived its utility), severely stunted economic development. The economic crisis that confronted
the country led to a slew of economic reforms beginning with the introduction of the New
Economic Policy (NEP) 1991 and the New Industrial Policy (NIP) 1991. The liberalization and
competition that followed has been reflected in higher GDP growth, expansion of employment
opportunities, and a dramatic rise in the availability and choice of goods and services for the
consumer; the benefits of which have been more visible in certain sectors such as airlines,
telecom, automobiles, consumer electronics and durables. Competition law became even more
important than before in this new era better known as the Liberalisation-Privatisation-
Globalisation (LPG) era. In this new era, competition has been helping the Indian consumer and
industry in ways that could not even have been conceived or visualized before. However, a
market economy has its own drawbacks; and governments have legitimate social concerns,
especially for the poor and the deprived. Market failures do take place, and unscrupulous players
can often undermine the benefits through anti-competitive practices. Keeping in mind the
propensity of businesses to exploit the market for individual gain and the immense potential for
market failure or abuse has led almost a hundred countries all over the globe to enact modern
competition laws and to set up competition authorities to watch the market practices in this area1.

1 Dhall, Vinod. , ‘Competition Law and Policy’, available at www.cci.gov.in, last accessed on
24. 09. 2016.
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Origin and Growth of competition law in India

In India, regulatory measures were provided for the first time in the term by virtue of the
enactment of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act (MPTP Act), 1959 which
generally drew its inspiration from the mandate enshrined in the Directive Principles of State
Policy in the Constitution. Originally intended to prevent concentration of economic power in a
few hands, to control monopolies and to prohibit monopolistic and restrictive trade practices, the
MRTP Act had its genesis, specifically in clauses (b) and (c) of Article 39 of the Constitution of
India. One of the basic tenets of our State Policy is, therefore, to ensure that while promoting
economic and industrial growth for the welfare of the citizens, progressive reduction in the
concentration of wealth and economic power is also brought about, in order to secure social and
economic justice. 2 However, not all are of the same view with regards to the enactment of the
MRTP Act as M. V. Kamath has observed that the trend towards a decentralized economy has
been halted by the appointment of the MRTP Commission3.

2 Verma, D.P.S., ‘MRTP Law-principle, provisions and cases’, Published by Manas Publication,
New Delhi,1992.
3 Kamath, M.V. , ‘The Privy Purse Case’ Pg. 146, 2007, Hay House India.
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Monopoly ;a disease , MRTP act ; The medicine

Monopolies Inquiry Commission

In order to make a comprehensive inquiry in pursuance of the recommendations of the
Mahalanobis Committee, the Government of India, on April 16, 1964, appointed the Monopolies
Inquiry Commission (MIC) under the chairmanship of Mr. Justice K. C. Das Gupta.4

Doctrine guiding the MRTP Act

Behavioural and reformist doctrines govern the MPTP Act. In terms of the behavioural doctrine,
the conduct of the entities, undertakings and bodies which indulge in such a manner as to be
detrimental to public interest, is examined with reference to whether the said practices constitute
any monopolistic, restrictive or unfair trade practice. In terms of the reformist doctrine, the
provisions of the Act provide that if the MRTP Commission (established as a regulatory
authority under the MRTP Act), upon enquiry comes to a conclusion that an errant undertaking
has indulged either in a restrictive or an unfair trade practice, it can direct such undertakings to
discontinue or not to repeat the undesirable trade practice in future.5

The Act also provides for the acceptance of an assurance from an undertaking that it has taken
steps to ensure that the prejudicial effect of such trade practices no more exist. The veneer of the
Act is essentially based on an advisory or reformist approach as a mere ‘deterrence by
punishment’ approach has not been regarded by the lawmakers as a desirable way to make an
errant undertaking to behave itself.

4 Karan Singh, Ravi, ‘Restrictive Trade Practice and Public Interest’ by

Mittal publication,(Edn.)1989.
5Chakravathi, S. , ‘ Extent Competition Law and Effort to Evolve New to Meet
Emergent Needs’, (2001) 42 CLA(mag.) 39.
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Applicability of the MRTP Act

During the year 1991, a notification was issued by the Government that the MRTP Act shall
apply to public sector undertakings whether owned by the government or by Government
companies, statutory corporations, undertakings under the management to various controllers
appointed under any law. Thus, after this amendment to the Act, there is no longer any
distinction between the public sector undertakings and private sector companies in the matter of
monopolistic, restrictive and unfair trade practices.

MRTP Commission

Under the Act, an MRTP Commission has been established, the Chairman of which, is a person
who is, or has been, or is qualified to be, a judge of the Supreme Court or any High court. The
Members of the Commission are persons of ability, integrity and standing who have adequate
knowledge or experience of, or have shown capacity in dealing with problems relating to
economics, law, commerce, accountancy, industry, public affairs or administration.
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Major Amendments in the MRTP Act

On the basis of the recommendations of the Sachar Committee and the need for amending certain
provisions of the MRTP and in the light of some judicial pronouncements as also the
recommendations of the Prakash Tandon Committee, set up by the Government of India in 1980
for suggesting a long-term strategy for exports, it was felt that few amendments of an urgent
nature should be brought about in the structure of the MRTP Act. Though the Act was thereafter
amended in the years 1980, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988 and 1991, some of the major amendments
are summed up hereinbelow in order to trace the evolution of the MRTP Act in India.

Raghwan Committee

In the wake of economic liberalization and wide spread economic reforms introduced by India
since 1991 and in conformity with the commitments made at the WTO, in October 1999, the
Government of India appointed a High Level Committee (Raghavan Committee) on Competition
Policy and Competition Law to advise a modern competition law for the country in line with
international developments and to suggest a legislative framework, which may entail a new law
or appropriate amendments to the MRTP Act. The Committee submitted its report to the Central
government. The Central Government consulted all concerned including the trade and industry
associations and the general public. The Central Government after considering the suggestions of
the trade and industry and the general public decided to enact a law on Competition to replace
the then existing competition law namely, the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Act (1969)
(the MRTP Act) which was primarily designed to restrict growth of monopolies in the market
with a modern competition law in sync with the established competition law principles. As the
first step towards this transformation, a new Competition Act, 2002 was enacted which received
Presidential assent on January 13, 2003.

The Competition Act, 2002

This Act was introduced as a replacement to the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act,
1969. Section 55 of the Competition Act provides for the repeal of the MRTP Act and for the
transfer of connected matters to the Competition Commission set up under the Competition Act
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2002. The repeal is on the ground that the MRTP Act is no longer suited to deal with issues of
competition that may be expected to arise with the advent of the new liberal business
environment prevalent in the country today. The antitrust issues that are specifically covered by
this Act are as enunciated below:
1. a) Anti-competitive agreements 6;
2. b) Abuse of a dominant position7;and
3. c) Any combination, whether by way of an acquisition of an enterprise or merger of
enterprises, above the prescribed threshold level of the assets or turnover of the enterprises
involved in the combination8.

Extra Territoriality
The Act has extra-territorial jurisdiction9 and provides that the Commission shall have the
power to inquire into an agreement or abuse of dominant position or combination even if the act
in question has taken place in a territory outside of India or by an enterprise that is located
outside of India provided that, it has an appreciable adverse effect on competition in the relevant
market in lndia. Thus, the governing factor is the effect in the domestic market – this is also
referred to as the “effects doctrine”. Further, the Commission is allowed under this proviso to
enter into Memorandum of Agreements (MoU’s) or arrangements with any agency of any
foreign country, with the prior approval of the Central Government10. This provision is in
support of the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the Commission. The jurisdiction of the
Competition Act extends to all sectors of the economy. Sectors regulated by sector specific laws
such as telecommunications or electricity are not excluded from the purview of this Act.


The Act covers enterprises irrespective of their ownership. Thus, private enterprises, as well as
government enterprises, and also government departments are covered under the purview of the
Act. However, the Act excludes activities of the Government related to its sovereign functions

6 Section 3 of the competition act 2002.

7 Section 4 of the competition act 2002.
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and specifically excludes all activities carried on by the departments of the Central Government
dealing with atomic energy, currency, defence, and space.

Wide Coverage of the Competition Act

According to Section 2 (h) of the Competition Act, 2002, an ‘enterprise’ means a person or a
department of the Government, who or which is, or has been, engaged in any activity, relating to
the production, storage, supply, distribution, acquisition or control of articles or goods, or the
provision of services, of any kind, or in investment, or in the business of acquiring, holding,
underwriting or dealing with shares, debentures or other securities of any other body corporate,
either directly or through one or more of its units or divisions or subsidiaries, whether such unit
or division or subsidiary is located at the same place where the enterprise is located or at a
different place or at different places, but does not include any activity of the Government
relatable to the sovereign functions of the Government including all activities carried on by the
departments of the Central Government dealing with atomic energy, currency, defence and

Further Explanation on who is covered and who is not under the Act:

For the purposes of this clause,

(a) “Activity”, includes profession or occupation;

(b) “Article”, includes a new article and service includes a new service;

(c) “Unit or division”, in relation to an enterprise, includes:

1. i) A plant or factory established for the production, storage, supply, distribution, acquisition
or control of any article or goods;
2. ii) Any branch or office established for the provision of any service; Thus it includes all,
1) Persons
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2) Departments of Government

However, it does not include:

1) Sovereign functions of the Government

2) Activities carried on by the Departments of the Central Government dealing with

1. i) Atomic energy
2. ii) Currency
iii) Defence

1. iv) Space
Under Section 2(l) of the Act, “person”, includes.

1. i) An individual;
2. ii) A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF);
iii) A Company;

1. iv) A Firm;
2. v) An association of persons or a body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, in India or
outside India;
3. vi) Any corporation established by or under any Central, State or Provincial Act or a
Government Company 8
vii) Anybody corporate incorporated by or under the laws of a country outside India;

viii) A co-operative society registered under any law relating to co-operative societies;

1. ix) A local authority;

8 Section 617 of the Companies Act 1956.

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2. x) Every artificial juridical person, not falling within any of the preceding

Therefore, a reading of Section 2(h) along with Section 2(l) of the Act implies that every person,
organization, institution, society, scientific society (e.g. Ministry of Information Technology,
Department of Science and Technology and Centre for Scientific Research) and the like which
can legally be conceived shall fall within the ambit of definition of “enterprise” except of
course, the exceptions listed out in Section 2(h).

Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Act are the substantive sections defining and dealing with anti
competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position and regulation of combinations. All these
sections talk about “enterprise” (sections 3 and 4) and “persons or enterprises” (Sections 5 and

Sections 60 and 61 of the Act give further teeth to the Commission. Under Section 60 the Act, it
is provided that the provisions of this Act shall have effect notwithstanding anything
inconsistent therewith, contained in any other law for the time being in force. Section 61 says
that no civil court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceeding in respect of any
matter which the Commission is empowered by or under this Act to determine and no injunction
shall be granted by any court or other authority in respect of any action taken or to be taken in
pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act.

Non-obstante clause9 and the principle laid down by the Supreme Court in this regard are given
hereinafter. The enacting part of the statute must, where it is clear, be taken to control the non
obstante clause where both cannot be read harmoniously; for, even apart from such clause a later
law abrogates earlier laws clearly inconsistent with it10.

9 Section 60 of the competition act

10 Aswini Kumar Ghose v. Arabinda Bose, AIR 1952 SC 369 at p. 377.
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Competition Commission of India

The Authority entrusted to achieve the objects of the Act is the Competition Commission of
India. Section 7 provides for the establishment of the Commission, while Section 8 states what
the composition of the Commission shall be:

Sec 8 (1) The Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and not less than two and not more
than ten other Members to be appointed by the Central Government:

 Provided that the Central Government shall appoint the Chairperson and a Member during
the first year of the establishment of the Commission.

 The Chairperson and every other Member shall be a person of ability, integrity and standing
and who, has been, or is qualified to be, a judge of a High Court; or, has special knowledge
of, and professional experience of not less than fifteen years in international trade,
economics, business, commerce, law, finance, accountancy, management, industry, public
affairs, administration or in any other matter which, in the opinion of the Central
Government, may be useful to the Commission.

 The Chairperson and other Members shall be whole—time Members. Section 9 provides that
the chairperson and other members shall be selected in the manner as may be prescribed.

Powers of the Commission

The Commission has the power to regulate its own procedure and it is not bound by the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908, which contains the general procedure to be followed in the case of civil
courts. However, the Commission must be guided by the principles of natural justice11, that is to

11 Section 30 of the competition act 2002.

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say that a person against whom action is sought to be taken or whose right or interest is being
affected has a right to be heard and should be given a reasonable opportunity to defend himself,
and the authority deciding the matter should be free from bias. Further, the procedure shall also
be subject to the Rules made and amended by the Central Government from time to time, by
virtue of the powers conferred upon it, under the Act. The Director General may also undertake
search of premises (dawn raids) with the permission of a magistrate having competent
jurisdiction. 12

Other salutary features of the Competition Act

Every order passed by the Commission is appealable. Under the MRTP Act, orders arising out of
Compensation Applications could not be agitated before the Appellate Authority, but aggrieved
parties were per force compelled to find alternative remedies through Writ Petition before the
concerned High Courts. The Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts is still available since the
Competition Commission continues to be an instrumentality of a State under Article 12 of the
Constitution. Further, the new legislation has not been enacted under Article 323 B of the
Constitution but seeking relief against orders arising out of Compensation Applications in Writs
is cumbersome and adds to litigation cost and time. This difficulty has been fully taken care of
and removed. The Review of Orders and Rectification of Orders are two separate issues. Under
the MRTP Act, the power to rectify orders was available but, more often than not, this power
was also exercised for review of the orders passed by the Commission16. This anomaly has been
removed under the Competition Act and separate provisions for review and rectification have
been provided under sections 37 and 38 respectively of the Act. Anti-competitive practices
committed overseas but having effect in India, have been covered under section 32 of the Act. In
order to enable the Commission to implement this section, an enabling provision (section 18) has
been provided whereby the Commission, with the prior approval of the Central Government,

12 Section 42 of the Competition Commission Act 2002.

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may enter into arrangements and MoU’s with foreign agencies and enforce the law by way of
‘effect theory’ which is accepted worldwide. Under section 14 of the MRTP Act, a similar
provision was available but due to the non-availability of corresponding enabling provision to
enter into arrangement / MoU with foreign agencies, section 14 of the MRTP Act could not fulfil
the purpose for which it was enacted. Jurisdiction of civil courts (including sectoral regulators
when functioning as civil courts) to adjudicate issues relating to competition matters have been
expressly excluded under section 61 of the Act. Besides, passing “cease and desist” orders, the
Commission is also empowered to impose fine. It can further impose penalties for non
compliance of its orders.
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While the Indian Competition Act envisages a role for advocacy, it is a weak role. The
Commission will start its enforcement activity after the aforementioned amendments come
through but it can still offer opinion on several policy issues suo-moto. However, there are
instances where the Competition Commission has interacted with the Government and regulators
and given its views on laws and policies that are being formulated. For example, when the postal
department came with a new Bill with the object that all mail in India, weighing upto 300 grams
would be a sole monopoly of the Indian Postal department, to be transported only by it. Another
such Bill sought to set up a postal regulator (on the lines of TRAI for the telecom sector), but
sought to include only private courier companies in the purview of the proposed regulator, while
keeping the Indian postal department outside of the purview of the proposed regulator. The
Commission gave its views on both these issues that there was no justification for either of these
moves. The Bill will most likely be modified, and we have yet to see the outcome. The
Commission gave its views to the Planning Commission on the formulation of a Competition
Policy, including a report on the competition approaches in the Eleventh Plan document.

. The Commission is also preparing the ground work for the time when it will commence inquiry
work and is putting in place, processes in order to ensure setting of strict time limits for the
disposing of cases and passing the final order within twenty-one (21) days of the final hearing;
not more than three adjournments; internal guide lines; and so on. The Commission is also
providing for a Consent Order in order to minimize competition litigation. Strict standards of
transparency are being recommended with every order being posted on the website of NIC or
that of the Commission itself, on the lines of what is currently being done by NIC for the
Supreme Court and most of the High Courts across the country. This will also serve the purpose
of Competition Advocacy as envisaged under Section 49 of the Act. Since the MRTP
Commission has been repealed from September 2009 onwards, the Competition Commission of
India shall have a big role to play in Competition Advocacy.
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Primary Sources :
 
Competition Act,2002

Secondary Source :

  Dr.H.K.Saharay,Competition Law,Universal Law Publication, ed.2nd,2017.

 
 Verma, D.P.S., ‘MRTP Law-principle, provisions and cases’, Published by Manas

Publication, New Delhi,1992.


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