Texture and Entropic Processes in Electroacoustic Music
Texture and Entropic Processes in Electroacoustic Music
Texture and Entropic Processes in Electroacoustic Music
Erik Nyström
Department of Music
City University London
United Kingdom
In: Motje Wolf (Ed.) Proceedings of Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2009,
Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
This paper investigates the aesthetic possibilities of textural processes as the root of
organisation, causality and gesture in electroacoustic music. A general model for the
qualification of textural properties is outlined, providing a foundation for elaborations
concerning transformational and mutative, textural and gestural processes. In these
explorations, metaphorical thinking is applied, inspired by contemporary natural sci-
ence, rooted in thermodynamics, which has a wider relevance to the questions of or-
ganisation, causality and time in nature. The approach renders entropy (irregularities,
disorder, unpredictability) the central subject, held here as a key influence on the
emergence of temporal process and form out of textures. These processes are de-
scribed as dissipative structures - an aesthetic concept based on the scientist Ilya
Prigogine’s work on self-organisation in nature (1984), which metaphorically matches
well with the notion of texture as a self-propagating phenomenon (Smalley 1986).
The ideas presented here are a condensation of my MA dissertation, and are sup-
ported by excerpts from two compositions, Multiverse (2007-08) and Far-from-
equilibrium (2008), which were realised as part of the research, supervised by Pro-
fessor Denis Smalley at City University.
In: Motje Wolf (Ed.) Proceedings of Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2009 45
Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
Texture and Entropic Pro- avoided. Notwithstanding, the ideas pre-
sented in this paper also pertain to the
cesses in Electroacoustic notion of texture as a general description
Music of sound characteristics on several lev-
els within a piece, although a relativistic
1. Introduction attitude has to be assumed.
In electroacoustic music, the term tex- The qualitative and often spatial nature
ture can be associated with spectromor- of texture can create a sense of tempo-
phological phenomena that have the at- ral suspension or non-directionality in
tributes of self-weaving, immersive music, and a permeating principle
sound canvases, which are often quali- seems to be that the identity of a texture
fied by general characteristics and be- can rely upon and gravitate around con-
haviours rather than distinct sequential ditions that are independent of begin-
organisation. Smalley has described the nings and ends in the temporal flow2.
term in the following way: These allow a certain freedom in a tex-
‘Texture […] is concerned with internal be-
ture’s existence as a perpetual instance
haviour patterning, energy directed in- of itself. But there are also situations
wards or reinjected, self-propagating; once where textural activity opens potentials
instigated it is seemingly left to its own de- for change, and such situations, where
vices; instead of being provoked to act it textural properties are highly dynamic,
merely continues behaving.’ (1986, p. 82) can produce a distinctly directional, pro-
Texture is here described in contrast pulsive and gestural flow of time. The
significant aspect of the textural pro-
with gesture, which is thought of as a
more initiative force, providing direction, cesses is that the resulting directionality
causality and propulsion in music (ibid. has a kind of emergent causality, not
pp. 81-84). Wishart has also elaborated unlike self-organised phenomena in na-
on texture, drawing attention to the role ture.
of organisation and density in the tex-
tural listening percept:
2. Mutative relations between ges-
‘Textural perception […] only takes over ture and texture
when the succession of events is both
random and dense, so we have no percep- The hierarchical distinction between
tual bearings for assigning sequential gesture and texture is often relative to
properties to the sound stream.’ (1994, p.
temporal scale, density and mode of or-
ganisation of events, and they are there-
With this in mind texture can be re- fore often complementary aspects of the
garded a multi-scale phenomenon, same morphology, or structural devel-
where the macroscopic appreciation of opment. This collaborative relationship
sound is closely connected to, and de- between gesture and texture can have
pendent on, low-level activity. This is fundamental consequences regarding
relevant also for the attitude taken to time and form. If we imagine a con-
texture traditionally, in the context of in- tinuum between immersive, temporal
strumental music, where the term is of- suspension and directional process,
ten used to describe ‘the sound aspects within which the music is balancing, it is
of a musical structure’ (Sadie and Tyrell arguable that the formal and textural
2001)1, including timbral combinations character of a piece is highly dependent
and organisation of parts etc. Obviously, on the structural level or timescale within
this perspective would be less adequate which gesture is emphasised. Pieces
in electroacoustic music, where structure with a distinctly interactive gestural lan-
and sound are often synonymous, and guage on a local level can have a tex-
dependence on finite structural units and tural character on a more global level.
combinatorial thinking is frequently Conversely, music with a macro-gestural
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
kind of form can be textural on a local within and between gesture and texture
level. In either case, several levels of (see chapter 4).
gesture and texture may exist in-
between, allowing focal changes to keep
the music engaging, through altering be- 3. General Parameters of Texture
tween time-scales. Furthermore, struc-
tural levels often support each other – I suggest, here, a set of parameters,
for example, micro-level activity that is which could be applied to several attrib-
interesting in its own right, can also con- utes of texture in a variety of contexts
tribute to macro-level direction – this as- (see figure 1). They represent a flexible
pect is to be discussed further in regards framework and method for understand-
to dissipative structures, a concept ing textural motion, qualities, structures
which explores the possibilities of muta- and identities, applicable on any struc-
tive and transformational relationships tural levels.
The use of the term “parameter” does onomy of sound shapes and continua of
not imply the existence of a finite quanti- close relation (1997, pp. 107-126)4. The
tative architecture behind all possible non-mathematical application and de-
textures, but rather a reduced, qualita- velopment of Xenakian concepts, par-
tive vocabulary with multiple applica- ticularly entropy, is to a degree influ-
tions. This can be combined with a more enced by Pape’s approaches to compo-
referential descriptive language. The sition and form, which are largely based
terminology and concepts of the model on perceptive continua between ‘order
are indebted to already existing ap- and disorder’. Pape has applied this idea
proaches to composition and analysis, in, for example, Le Fleuve du Désir IV
the most conspicuous reference point (1994-2002), where he models a sonic
being that of Xenakis’ stochastic music, evolution out of transitions between
which can be seen as a framework of more or less turbulent states, inspired by
methods for organising texture statisti- motion in natural fluids. He also places
cally. The density, distribution and en- importance in change contours, associ-
tropy of events are indeed cornerstones ating continuity and discontinuity with
in this approach (1992, pp. 1-79, pp. degrees of disorder (2002, p. 20). In the
289-293)3. The general parameters of model presented here, however, con-
texture are not, however, mathematical tours do not imply such a relationship.
or algorithmic, and as such, they also There are also parallels to the two prin-
overlap with Smalley’s spectro- cipal properties that Wishart attributes to
morphology, which contains a rich tax- texture, field and density, where field
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
describes ‘a grouping of different values Temporal distribution concerns the ways
which persists through time’ – the kind of in which events are spread in time (in-
generalised salience that is a typical fea- cluding rhythmic organisation).
ture of texture and can be associated
Spectral distribution concerns the fre-
with distribution in the present model.
quency-domain spread and energy cen-
This is pertinent to both spectral and
tres of a textural property.
temporal features which permeate a tex-
ture. Wishart’s notion of textural density Dynamic distribution concerns the rela-
is restricted to the time-dimension (1994, tive loudness of activity in textural prop-
p. 68). erties.
The basic hypothesis here is that every Panoramic/circumspatial distribution has
texture has distributions, densities, con- an important influence on spatial form in
tours and entropies. Theoretically speak- textures. In combination with spectra,
ing, these qualifications could assess a simultaneous panoramic-spectral forms,
texture as if were an infinite instance of such as diagonals, are possible, which
abstract sound matter without context. A may be more or less regular depending
musical scenario, however, is transient, on entropy. Panoramic distributions of
and other factors come into play, which temporal densities can also affect width
seek to reveal hierarchies, relationships in the stereo image. Further, circum-
and causes. Among these parameters, spectral distributions and densities have
entropy is the one that puts time, evolu- an effect on volume and spatial interior
tion, organisation and causality into the (Smalley 2007, p. 51).
3.2 Density
Taking a closer look at figure 1, the tem-
poral, spectral, dynamic and pano- The compactness of sound mass can be
ramic/circumspatial categories on the assessed within the peripheries of the
left side of the diagram interlink so that distributions above. Density concerns
any can be influenced by another. The both high-level form considerations, and
word dynamic in this context is synony- the perception of density in the consis-
mous with loudness or intensity and the tency of sound due to micro structural
panoramic/circumspatial parameter puts, relationships.
in a technical sense, any of the other Temporal density concerns the average
parameters into a stereo or multichannel quantity of events, or activity, over time
array of loudspeakers, enabling textures and can be associated with the attack –
that are spread panoramically or circum- effluvium continuum. (Smalley 1986, p.
spatially. The parameters on the left are 72)
always put into the context of distribu-
tions, densities, spatiotemporal contours Spectral density refers to the average
and entropies on the right, and thus we quantity and loudness of spectral activity
find multiple ways of describing spectra, within given (spectral) peripheries. The
dynamics, temporal fluctuations and distribution and density in this domain
evolutions, as well as the emergence of can have effects on considerations re-
spatial forms. garding proximate and distal, spatial
depth and spectral space (Smalley
3.1 Distribution [Centres and Periph- 1997, p. 121, 2007, pp. 44-48).
Dynamic density is the average quantity
Distribution describes the areas and of activity at a certain loudness. I find
centres of temporal, spectral, dynamic or that a constant loudness of events, re-
panoramic/circumspatial sound activity inforces the experience of compactness
within a texture. The periphery is the fur- and opacity in texture. Conversely,
thest that a textural property spreads in events distributed across a wide dy-
any dimension.
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
namic range can give us a sensation of unpredictability within textural properties
fragility, lightness or mobility. collectively. Conceptually, the use is
similar to that of Xenakis, who defined
Panoramic/circumspatial density has a
entropy as a parameter for ‘the degree
strong influence on prospective and
of order or disorder in a group of ele-
panoramic peripheries as great densities
ments’, in his Markovian stochastic
of energy in this domain can give us a
music, as applied in, for example, An-
sense of spatial confinement as op-
alogique A+B (1959) and Syrmos
posed to scale.
(1959), (1992, p. 61, p. 79-109).
3.3 Spatiotemporal Contours [Angu-
The concept of entropy is found in vari-
larity and Curvature]
ous scientific disciplines, most notably
The continuum between angularity and thermodynamics and information theory,
curvature can describe the temporal and can be thought of as a measure-
evolution of any other parameter, but ment of possibility. Coveny and Highfield
also spatial shapes which do not require offer the following description:
trajectories through time in order to be ‘Entropy was so named by Clausius from
established, such as previously men- the Greek words en (in), and trope (turn-
tioned panoramic/spectral diagonals, ing), with the intention of representing the
which could have, for example, bowed ‘transformation content’ or ‘capacity for
or linear contours. A simple example of change’. It is undoubtedly the most im-
such a contour could be a harmonic portant concept in thermodynamics, and
furnishes an explicit arrow of time: increas-
spectrum where partials are linearly dis-
ing entropy coincides with time’s forward
tributed spectrally and panoramically, so movement.’ (1991, p. 151)
that a spectral line emerges from low left
to high right. In temporal evolution, cur- Entropy is related to complexity, as high
vature denotes a gradual interpolation, entropies imply low information redun-
whereas angular contours are abruptly dancy. As a degree of information and
switching between states. change potential, entropy can be viewed
as an important factor in the perception
3.4 Entropy of sound, where in high degrees of en-
The question of textural organisation can tropy, we are no longer able to compute
seem paradoxical since, as Wishart the causal relationships between sound
notes, the textural percept may be de- events, within their own structural scale.
pendent precisely on randomness, or A sensory overload that may follow with
the lack of perceived organisation at degrees of entropy in micro-structural
some degree (1994, p. 68). Textural or- properties of textures, or low-level gestu-
ganisation is a listening process that in- ral activity, can contribute to higher-level
terpolates between levels of structure, textural form. Entropy can also be de-
and our sense of order can be related to scriptive of deliberate states of ‘incoher-
consistencies in densities, distributions ence’, e.g. chaotic situations, where
and contours, which statistically describe hierarchies are obscure and the music
the collective behaviour of apparently seems to take several disparate, or no,
disorganised micro-events. Thus, the directions at a given point in time.
‘sonorities of the second, third or higher 3.5 A Verification of the General Pa-
order’ (Xenakis 1992, p. 47), may ap- rameters
pear – a kind of emergent meta-
organisation, which can seem disorga- In the attempt to validate the general
nised internally, although this does not parameters as descriptive of textural
necessarily imply disorder (Di Scipio interactions, we can look at the opening
2001, p. 72). In order to avoid confusion, section of my piece Far-from-equilibrium
I use the term entropy, for discussing the (2008) (sound example 1). Here, form
degrees of randomness, irregularity and and gesture are moulded out of a tex-
In: Motje Wolf (Ed.) Proceedings of Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2009 49
Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
tural process, which develops from tours, while the internal micro-dynamics
spectral peripheries, gradually filling the have distinctly angular impulse charac-
spectrum. In the upper part of the spec- teristics. The emerging gestures at 2’04”
trum a granular noise-texture is present, also have mostly curved, spectral con-
whereas simultaneously, a scratching, tours, although some angularity is also
rumbling texture develops from the low present due to momentary increases in
midrange towards the bass-end, gradu- temporal density.
ally exhibiting more gestural character-
The entropic aspects of this musical
istics. Initially, we can say that the over-
passage can be assessed in various
all spectral distribution is gradually ex-
ways. On a local scale, there are en-
panding from the peripheries of the
tropic fluctuations in temporal distribu-
spectrum, while a gyrating mulch of
tions of grains (interpolations between
more bass- and midrange-oriented
stochastic and metric iterations), and,
granular textures emerge, and around
since there is a dominance of noise,
1’40”, the macro-spectral distribution
there is a high spectral entropy. On the
stabilises with the appearance of a
macro scale, the very first 15 seconds
steady sub-bass drone. This allows for
could perhaps be heard as a process of
new, more gestural, material to emerge
leaving a state of equilibrium, with high
in the spectral centre (figure 2). All along
entropy and unclear sense of direction.
this opening, we hear that the global
However, as the texture gradually be-
spectrum is getting denser, but there is
gins to move towards greater densities,
also an increase in density of textural
a direction emerges and thus, we can
layers within the macro-texture. One can
say that the entropy decreases. How-
also note that there are some fluctu-
ever, there is also a simultaneous pro-
ations in spectral density (between lower
duction of entropy, taking place on an-
density resonance and higher density
other level, as there are more and more
noise) present in the chaotic, gestural
textures appearing, resulting in a greater
squelches that emerge inside the granu-
complexity of interactions and increased
lar textures at around 2’04”, creating a
turbulence. This provides a logical pre-
sense of internal, spatial depth. At this
cedence for the stability that follows in
stage there is an increase in temporal
the bass drone, but it also creates an
density of change.
excess of energy, which in turn is dissi-
The opening has panoramic fluctuations pated through the coming gestures (also
in temporal densities, which cause dila- turbulent). Ultimately, this results in the
tions and contractions in the stereo transformation at 2’39, leading to a new
image. There are also panoramic- section which has a more sporadic, “ca-
spectral diagonals, whose angles are cophonous” landscape dominated by
gradually shifting as the filtering of noise gestural morphologies that have dis-
alters between left and right. The spec- tinctly fluctuating properties in terms of
tral density fluctuations of the gestural internal spectral and temporal densities
squelches, mentioned above, (from and distributions, and generally, unpre-
2’04”) also have panoramic altering dis- dictable contours. The entropic spectral
tributions, which add a sense of body to and temporal distributions of these ges-
the texture. tures cause a dense macro-texture.
Generally, we can see how the decrease
The fluctuations of macro-spectral and
in entropy on one level often coincides
dynamic distributions, and the temporal
with a production of entropy on another.
densities of grains in the higher (spec-
trally) noise-texture have curved con-
In: Motje Wolf (Ed.) Proceedings of Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2009 50
Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
Figure 2. Spectrogram of the first three minutes of Far-from-equilibrium. The white smudges show spec-
tral distributions and densities.
Coveny and Highfield (1991, p. 168) de- such as gesture-textures. The transfor-
scribe the terms dissipative structures mational nature of dissipative structures,
and self-organisation, as introduced by producing novel events and forms in the
Prigogine: listening experience, can result in a
‘The new states which arise far from equi-
highly directional sense of time, despite
librium can possess an extraordinary de- the often immersive and temporally sus-
gree of order where trillions of molecules pended character of textural processes.
coordinate their actions in time and space. A dissipative texture can be one that
Prigogine coined the term dissipative
turns into, or simultaneously is, a ges-
structures to describe them, since they re-
sult from the exchange of matter and en- ture, or vice versa, but it can also be an
ergy between system and environment, entire architecture of interactions. The
together with the production of entropy key aspects are the ambiguities of iden-
(dissipation) by the system. The complex tity, textural segregation, and syntheses,
and mutually dependent processes leading which arise with increasing entropy. We
to the formation of these structures are col- can then view textures as systems,
lectively called self-organisation.’ which may be isolated, closed or open,
One can see an analogy between dissi- as illustrated in figure 4. In an idealised
pative structures and interactions among view, an isolated texture remains inde-
musical morphologies, structures and pendent of its context. If its internal ac-
processes, which coincide with, or tivity fluctuates, this is not due to being
cause, the production of entropy. These provoked by other structural forces, and
not only cause change and transforma- accordingly, it does not affect other
tions over time, but also fluctuating events either. These textures can exist
sound structures with multiple functions, as autonomous backdrops in a musical
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
scenario or, as strangely conspicuous a highly dissipative structure, which can
“out-of-place” streams in the foreground. exchange both contours and identity
A closed texture, in contrast, is dissipa- with surrounding structures, but also
tive in terms of spatiotemporal contours, spontaneously produce transformations,
meaning that it can have causal rela- as if new systems where growing from
tionships with other structural forces, its inside. The exchange of identity
e.g. its contours could be temporally means either that there is a merging of
synchronised with other textures or ges- several structural elements, e.g. where a
tures. Also significant, is that a closed texture mutates with another, into a new
texture can undergo conversions be- texture, whose identity overrides that of
tween gestural and textural functions in the initial parts, or that internal entropic
structural interaction, but it does not processes cause bifurcations into new
transform significantly, or synthesise streams, which may generate further
with other elements. An open texture is mutations.
Figure 4. Isolated, closed and open textures. The angle of the grey lines of the bottom row of textures
illustrates the interactive capacities of each type.
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
Isolated, closed and open textures are On the macro-scale, this section can be
important structural features in my piece regarded as having an open, dissipative
Multiverse (2007-08), where their simul- texture, which moves from gesture,
taneities are intended to add a sense of through texture, and then back to ges-
scale, both in space and time. The layer- ture. On a level below, isolated, closed
ing of textures, as if they were parallel and open textures co-exist, creating spa-
systems, can result in situations where tio-temporal contrasts and internal ges-
time may stand still on one level, but tures. At a given instant, each texture
move ahead on another, and spaces may have its own system with its internal
emerge due to contrasts of material. fluctuations in entropy, density, distribu-
tion and contours, before dissipating into
An example of this is the section begin-
a different mode of organisation.
ning at 4’ 55’’ (illustrated in figure 5),
which starts with a percussive, string- The dissipation concept is also applic-
like, harmonic gesture (sound example able to gestures. When highly causal,
2). This opens an initially stationary gesturally dominated, structures in-
scene, whose backdrop is an isolated crease in complexity and density, a tex-
texture, characterised by a limited noise tural percept takes over, as we are no
band, distributed in the high-mid part of longer able to determine where or why a
the spectrum, and iterative, insect-like, chain of events started or is likely to end;
scratches of varying grain densities. This the entropy increases and the gestures
texture remains unchanged when the dissipate, causing a higher order texture
next percussive event occurs at 5’09” – to emerge. We can also find dissipations
a gestural strike, which dissipates into a in the opposite direction, when gestures
slowly convolving, granular texture with acquire textured surfaces or interiors.
fluctuating temporal densities and spec- Returning to the aforementioned open-
tral distributions, consisting of several ing passage of Far-from-equilibrium,
new, interacting, internal textures. The where textures amalgamate and form
bubbling, fluid and the siren-like textures gestures, which in turn breed new tex-
in the background I consider as closed, tures internally, we can perhaps hear the
since they move dynamically with the evolution and growth of a dissipative
rest of the music, but remain segre- system. Thus, the entropic processes
gated. The grain-streams and waves of allow for multiple organisational possi-
noise in the forefront, however, are open bilities through irregular or unpredictable
since we are not always sure how many processes, where energy is balanced in-
streams we are really confronted with, between spectromorphologies, causing
and they tend to merge into a single tex- new events emerge.
ture, as the entropy of the noise fluctu-
ations allows for syntheses to take
place. The section ends with an implo-
sion at around 5’59”, but simultaneously 5. Causality
another texture emerges, quickly trans-
forming from a faint, high frequency While dissipative structures describe the
resonance, into a sporadic flock of ran- effect entropic processes have on dy-
domly pitched, metallic, percussive, namic evolution in texture, causality is a
strikes, which decrease in density and more profound issue, where entropy is
considered on a more contextual level.
magnify into gestures. This is an open,
textural dissipation; the texture is We consider here the source, from
pushed out of its resonant state into a which energy is, or was, injected, mak-
transformation, which produces new ing a distinction between external and
events, proceeding in new collabor- internal causality.
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
External causality implies that one event character. Being more associated with
is caused by another, which often is a texture, internal causality can describe
case of being triggered by gesture. In- the multitude of causal interactions of
stances of this could be sequential audible and inaudible events, waves and
cause and effect relationships or refer- particles in an acoustic scenario, or the
ential, source-bonded causality, in which non-sequential organisational principles
case, an obvious cause can be regarded behind a texture. Gestures can also
as external even if it is of textural char- have an internal cause, if they occur
acter (Smalley 1997, pp. 110-111). through dissipative processes.
Internal causality implies that a phe- The internal – external continuum can
nomenon is caused by itself, suggesting be obscure and is often dependent on
an intrinsically self-propagating, dissipa- scale and context. This can be a useful
tive system, of more environmental ambiguity in electroacoustic music.
Figure 5. Rough graphic texture-transcription of a passage from Multiverse, 4’55” – 6’14”. The differently
coloured trajectories correspond to textures described in the text.
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Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
6. Conclusion The concepts draw attention to pro-
cesses of growth and change in music,
The essential objective behind the dis- perhaps with a notion of “coherence”
cussion of these concepts, is to take ad- and form that emphasises possibilities
vantage of the aesthetic implications of rather than certitudes. I am interested in
the notion of far-from-equilibrium struc- the potentials of an approach which fo-
tures in music. The hypothesis outlined cuses on fluctuations, and what it can
here began as an assemblage of al- offer an aesthetic that associates musi-
ready existing ideas which I have found cal novelty and complexity with sonic
relevant to texture, but I think the project vitality, rather than superficiality. The
has also created a useful musical evolving forms that I link with entropic
framework, which connects time and processes often have an organic charac-
space in texture, and can be used both ter, which seems to carry unexpected
in a more technical composition context, events and directions through the listen-
and as an abstract listening strategy. As ing experience in a functional way.
such, I find that these ideas have pro- Complexity is therefore married with a
vided some creative analytical perspec- sort of simplicity, the kind of simplicity
tives. analogous to the idea of sound existing
for its own sake.
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De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009
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Sound Examples
In accordance with the referencing instructions of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians,
the editors have been credited, as no individual contributor is specified in the article.
This can be loosely paralleled to Kramer’s notion of non-linear musical time (1988, p. 20). Although he
refers to an instrumental music context, the idea of temporal non-linearity, as an emphasis on “princi-
ples or tendencies” in form, has some commonalities with this discussion.
Di Scipio has written extensively about the composition approaches in Xenakis’ electroacoustic music
(1998) and also made some interesting, critical assessments concerning the success of the stochastic
models as algorithmic devices for sound composition (2001).
For example, texture motion (ibid. p. 117), and spectral density (ibid. p. 121).
The notion of sound structures behaving as systems, is in part informed by Di Scipio’s approaches to
computer composition, where a “self-observing” audible eco-system with the capability of “continual
exchange with the surroundings and its own history”, is designed algorithmically (Di Scipio, 2002, p.
25). These systems interact with the acoustic performance environment and are able to self-organise
through feedback structures. Such technical strategies are obviously not implied in my approach,
which is more metaphorical and focuses on perceived morphological interactions.
Criton (2005, p. 372) has drawn some pertinent parallels between the music of Vaggione and the sci-
entific paradigm of complexity, also pointing out the analogies between dissipative structures and
sound in contemporary music aesthetics.
In: Motje Wolf (Ed.) Proceedings of Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2009 58
Postgraduate Symposium for the Creative Sonic Arts
De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom, 6-8 May 2009