Signals&System Lab7
Signals&System Lab7
Signals&System Lab7
The French mathematician Fourier found that any periodic waveform, that is a waveform that
repeats itself after sometime, can be expressed as a series of harmonically related sinusoids. i:e
sinusoids whose frequencies are multiples of a fundamentals frequency (or first harmonic). For example
a series of sinusoids with frequencies MHZ, 2MHZ, 3MHZ and so on, contains the fundamental
frequency of 1MHZ, a 2nd harmonic of 2MHZ, a third harmonic of 3MHZ, and so on. In general any
periodic waveform can be expressed as.
Therefore the general equation of a Fourier series expansion of a signal x(t) can be written as
x(t ) ao (an cos(nwot ) bn sin(nwot ))
n 1
t1 To
ao 1/ To
x(t )dt
t1 To
an 2 / To
x(t ) cos(nwot )dt
n = 1,2,3….
t1 To
bn 2 / To
x(t )sin(nwot )dt
This if we have any periodic signal “x(t)” we can find the values of a0, an and bn and put these values in
equation A to get the fourier series expansion of a signal.
Example # 1
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X (t)
The fourier series representation of the signal x(t) shown above can be written as
and bn= 0;
x(t) =1/2 + 2/Π [ cos (w0t) – 1/3 cos(3w0t) +1/5 cos(5w0t) -1/7 cos (7w0t) +
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Example # 2: Square Wave from Sine Waves
t = 0:.1:10;
y = sin(t);
Task # 1 : Draw the Fourier series of square wave with the help of (Eq. F)
t = 0:.1:10;
y = 0.5 + sin(t)/pi;
Hint :
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