Life Insurance: A Project Report On
Life Insurance: A Project Report On
Life Insurance: A Project Report On
PROF. ____________________
Signature of Student:
I would also like to take an opportunity to thank all friends for co-operating
with me and to all the people who are directly or indirectly connected to the
project above. Special thanks to our Principal Dr. Trishala Mehta and
President Dr. Vinod Tibrewala for their co-operation during the time of
completion of the project.
I would also like to thank our respected Self finance Chief Coordinator,
Dr.NandaIndulkar, and other Professors like, Prof Pooja Soni prof
ganashreekokkulo and teachers who teach u and helped u in the project,
and our Library Attendant KawadeSubhash, without whom the project
would have not come to an end.
Executive summary
Life insurance - What is it? Life insurance is used to protect the financial
security of the people you love most. A lifeinsurance policy pays
a cash benefit, tax free, to your beneficiaries when you die. The
amo unt o f mo ney fo r whic h yo u are insure d and t he ty pe
o f insuranc e y o u buy depends on your needs. People can get life
insurance through work (some employers offer it through group
benefits plans. This type usually ends when you leave the
employer.) or they buy it on their own (usually from an insurance advisor).
It's understandably difficult for any family to consider death
and making arrangements for it. When t hi s occu rs, deal i ng
wi t h t he emot ional t rauma i s hard enough. By havi ng
t hef i nancial preparat i ons pl anned and under cont rol wi t h
compr ehensi ve l i f e i nsurancecoverage, i t makes t he
si t uati on t hat much easi er f o r your l ov ed on es l ef t
behi nd. By having a life insurance policy in place, your loved
ones will be protected from financial hardships. The protective
qualities of your policy will provide money directly to
your beneficiaries. This settlement from the company that insures you
can be used by your beneficiaries in any way they see fit, such as:
Supplement lost income Funds for children's education Pay off the
family household debt Pay for the cost of the funeral and related
expenses I f you choose t o buy a permanent p ol i cy, you can
have t he opt i on of addi ng a cash val ue component. This cash
value component can be used during your lifetime if needed
Everyone is exposed to various risks. Futures are very uncertain, but there is way to
protectone’s family and make one’s children’s future safe. Life Insurance
companies help us to ensure that our family’s future is not just secure but
also prosperous Life Insurance is particularly important if you are the
sole breadwinner for your family. The loss of you and your income could devastate
your family. Life insurance will ensure that if anything happens to you, your loved
ones will be able to manage financially.This study titled “Study of Consumers
Perception about Life Insurance Policies” enablesthe Life Insurance Companies to
understand how consumer’s perception differs from person to person. How a
consumer selects, organizes and interprets the service qualityand the product
quality of different Life Insurance Policies, offered by various Life Insurance
Companies.Insurance is a tool by which fatalities of a small number are
compensated out of funds (premium payment) collected from plenteous.
Insurance companies pay back for financial losses arising out of occurrence of
insured events e.g. in personal accident policy death due to accident, in fire
policy the insured events are fire and other allied perils like riot and strike,
explosion etc. hence insurance safeguard against uncertainties It provides
financial recompense f or losses suffered due to incident of unanticipated events,
insured with in policy of insurance. Moreover, through a number of
acts of parliament, specific types of insurance are legally enforced in our country
e.g. third party insurance under motor vehicles Act, public liability insurance for
handlers of hazardous substances under environment protection Act. Etc
Insurance occupies an important place in the modern world because of the risk,
which can be insured, in number and extent owing to the growing complexity of
present day economic system. The different type of insurance have come about
by practice within insurance companies, and by the influence of legislation
controlling the transacting of insurance business, broadly, insurance may be
classified into the following categories:
a) Life insurance
b) General insurance
a) Life insurance
b)Fire insurance
c) Marine insurance
d) Social insurance,
e) Miscellaneous insurance
a) Personal insurance
e) Property insurance
f) Liability insurance
a) Personal insurance
b) Property insurance
c) Liability insurance
Since the 1970s, the insurance business has grown dramatically and under gone
tremendous changes. As a result of the deregulation of financial services
businesses— including insurance, banking, and securities trading—the roles,
products, and services of these formerly distinct businesses have become blurred.
For instance, citizens in the U.S .state of California voted in 1988 to allow banks to
sell insurance in that state. In Canada, banks may also soon be allowed to sell
insurance Advances in communications technology have also allowed traditionally
distinct financial businesses to keep instantaneous track of developments in
other businesses and compete for some of the same customers. Some insurance
companies now offer deposit accounts and mortgages. In the United States, life
insurance companies now sell more pension plans and other asset management
services than they do conventional life insurance. Developments in computer
technology that have given insurance providers the ability to quickly access
and process information have allowed them to custom-design policies to fit the
needs of individual customers. But the increasing complexity of policies has also
made some aspects of buying and selling insurance more difficult. In addition,
improvements in geological and meteorological technology have the potential to
change the way property insurers calculate risks of damage. For example, as
scientists improve their abilities to predict severe weather patterns, such as
hurricanes, and geological disturbances, such as earthquakes, insurers may change
how they provide protection against losses from such events
The marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance. If we trace Indian history
there are evidence that marine insurance was practiced here about three thousand
years ago. The code of Manu indicates that there was the practice of marine
insurance carried out by the traders in India with those of Srilanka, Egypt and
Greece .it is wonderful to see that Indians had even anticipated the doctrine of
average and contribution. Fright was fixed according to season and was then very
much at the mercy of the wind and other elements. Travelers by sea and land were
very much exposed to the risk of losing their vessels and merchandise because of
piracy on open seas and highway robbery of caravans was very common. The
practice of insurance was very common during the rule of Akbar to Aurangzeb, but
the nature and coverage of the insurance in this period is not well known. It was
the British insurer who introduced general insurance in India in the modern form.
The Britishers opened general insurance in India around the year 1700 .the first
company known as the sun insurance office was set up in Calcutta in the year
1710.This was followed by several insurance companies like London assurance and
royal exchange assurance (1720), Phoenix Assurance Company (1782). Etc. General
insurance business in the country was nationalized with effect from 1st January
1973 by the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972. More than 100
non-lifeinsurance companies including branches of foreign companies operating
within the country were amalgamated and grouped into four companies, viz., the
National Insurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the
Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., and the United India Insurance Company Ltd.
with head offices at Calcutta, Bombay, New Delhi and Madras, respectively. Life
insurance in the current form came in India from united kingdom with the
establishment of a British firm, oriental life assurance company in 1818 followed by
Bombay life assurance company in 1823, the madras equitable life insurance
society in 1829 and oriental life assurance company in 1874.prior to 1871, Indian
lives were treated as sub standard and charged an extra premium of 15% to 20%.
Bombay mutual life assurance society, an Indian insurer that came in to existence
in 1871, was the first to cover Indian lives at normal rates. The Indian insurance
company Act 1923 was enacted inter alia, to enable the government to collect
statistical information about life and non lifeinsurance business transacted in India
by Indian and foreign insurer, including the provident insurance societies. The first
half of the 20th century marked by two world wars, the adverse affects of the
World War I and World War II on the economy of India, and in between them
the period of worldwide economic crises triggered by the Great depression. The
first half of the 20th century was also marked by struggles for India’s independence.
The aggregate effect of these events led to a high rate of bankruptcies and
liquidation of life insurance companies in India. This had adversely affected the
faith of the general public in the utility of obtaining life cover .In this background,
the Parliament of India passed the Life Insurance of India Act on19th June 1956,
and the Life Insurance Corporation of India was created on 1stSeptember, 1956, by
consolidating the life insurance business of 245 private life insurer sand other
entities offering life insurance services. Since 1972, the insurance sector has been
totally under the control of government of India through LIC and GIC and its
subsidiaries. As a result, revenue of both of them increased in the last years .the
amount of savings pooled by LIC increased from Rs.2704crores in 1974 to Rs .57670
in 1994 with an annual growth rate of 16.53%.similarly premium underwritten by
GIC rose from 280 crores in 193 to 7647 cores in1998 showing an annual growth
rate of 25.18%.Despite increase in premium collected by both LIC and GIC there
were inefficiency and red tape I sum creeped in to the insurance sector. Apart from
that a major policy shift by the Narasimha Rau government during 1990’s.the
Indian economy opened for foreign competition .In this background The
government of India in 1993 had set-up a high powered committee by R.N
Malhothra ,former governor reserve bank of India, to examine the structure of
Indian insurance sector and recommended changes to make it more efficient and
competitive keeping in view structural changes in other part of the financial system
of the country.
Insurance sector has been opened up for competition from Indian private
insurance companies with the enactment of Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority Act,1999 (IRDA Act). As per the provisions of IRDA
Act, 1999, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) was
established on 19th April 2000 to protect the interests of holder of insurance policy
and to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry.
IRDA Act 1999 paved the way for the entry of private players into the insurance
market, which was hitherto the exclusive privilege of public sector insurance
companies/ corporations.
Insurance sector has been opened up for competition from Indian private
insurance companies with the enactment of Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority Act, 1999 (IRDA Act). As per the provisions of IRDA
Act, 1999, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) was
established on 19th April 2000 to protect the interests of holder of insurance policy
and to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry.
IRDA Act 1999 paved the way for the entry of private players into the insurance
market, which was hitherto the exclusive privilege of public sector insurance
companies/ corporations.
With a view to serve the society, the insurance organizations have been
developed in different forms with innovation of insurance practice for
social welfare and development; some of these forms are outlined here.
a) Self-insurance
b) Partnership
A partnership firm may also carry on the insurance business for the sake of profit.
Since it is not an entity distinct from the persons comprising it, the personal liability
of partners in respect to the partnership debts is unlimited. In case of huge loss the
partners may have to pay from their own personal funds and it will not be
profitable to them to starts insurance business .in the early period before the
advent of joint stock companies many insurance undertakings were partnership
firms or unincorporated companies
The joint stock companies are those, which are organized by the shareholders who
subscribe the necessary capital to start the business. These are formed for earning
profits for the stockholders who are the real owners of the companies. The
management of a company is entrusted to a board of directors who is elected by
the shareholders from amongst themselves. The company can operate insurance
business and policy holders have nothing to do with the management of the
concern. But in life insurance it is the practice to share certain portion of profit
among the certain policyholders.
The mutual fund companies are co- operative association formed for the purpose
of effecting insurance on the property of its members. The policyholders are
themselves the shareholders of the companies each member is insured as well as
insured. They have power to participate in management and in the profit sharing
to the full extent. Whenever the income is more than the expenses and claims, it is
accumulated I the form of saving and is entitled in reducing the rate of premium.
Since the insured are insurers also, they always try to reduce the management
expenses and to keep the business at sound level.
e) Co-operative insurance organizations
F) Lloyd’s Association
G) State Insurance
Having looked at the insurance sector, the efforts made by the government to make
the industry more dynamic and customer friendly. To begin with, the Malhotra
committee was set up with the objective of suggesting changes that would
achieve the much required dynamism.
Private Companies with a minimum paid up capital of Rs.1bn should be allowed to
enter the industry No Company should deal in both Life and General Insurance
through a single entity foreign companies may be allowed to enter the industry in
collaboration with the domestic companies. Postal Life Insurance should be
allowed to operate in the rural market. Only one State Level Life Insurance
Company should be allowed to operate in each state.
Regulatory Body
The Insurance Act should be changed. An Insurance Regulatory body should be set
up. Controller of Insurance (Currently a part from the Finance Ministry)
Investment.Mandatory Investments of LIC Life Fund in government securities to be
reduced from75% to 50%.GIC and its subsidiaries are not to hold more than 5% in
any company (There current holdings to be brought down to this level over a period
of time).
Customer Service
This Study will help us to understand the consumer’s perception about life
insurance companies. This study will help the companies to understand, how a
consumer selects, organizes and interprets the Quality of service and product
offered by life insurance companies.
This study is limited to the consumers within the limit of Bangalore city. The study
will be able to reveal the preferences, needs, perception of the customers
regarding the life insurance products, It also help the insurance companies to know
whether the existing products are really satisfying the Customers’ needs.
3) This study will help companies to customize the service and product, according
to the consumer’s need.
4) This study will also help the companies to understand the experience and
expectations of the existing customers.
To find out the differences among perceived service and expected service.
To access the degree of satisfaction of the consumers with their current brand of
Insurance products.
A research design is a basic plan, which guides the researcher in the collection and
analysis of data required for practicing the research. Infect the research design is
Conceptual structure where the research is conducted. It constitutes the ‘Blue
Print’ for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data. The study is carried
out to understand the Consumer Perception about life insurance companies in
Bangalore city .For this study the researcher used exploratory research design.
These research covers50 consumers in Bangalore city, belonging to various age
The sample unit of this survey was the customers having life insurance policies in
Mumbai city.
Sample Size:
The sample size was 50 customers of different life insurance companies, from the
various parts of the Mumbai city.
Secondary Data:
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer to the data
which have been collected and analyzed by someone and can save both money and
time of the researcher. Secondary data may be available in the form of company
records, trade publications, libraries etc. Secondary data sources are as follows:
Company Reports.
Daily Newspaper.
Standard Textbook.
Various Websites.
Primary Data:
Primary data are those, which are collected for the first time. Primary data is
collected by framing questionnaires. The questionnaire contained questions, which
are both open-ended and closed-ended. Open-ended questions are questions
requiring answers in the responder’s own words. Closed-ended questions are those
wherein the respondent has to merely check the appropriate answer from a list of
options available. Any doubts raised by the respondents were clarified to get the
perfect answers from the distributors. Openendedquestions yielded more
insightful information, whereas closed-Ended questions were relatively simple to
tabulate and analyze.
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and group obtain
what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of
value with others.
Marketing Management:
Marketing Research:
Marketing research is the systematic and objective search for, and analysis of
information relevant to the identification and solution of any problems in the field
of marketing.
Consumer Research:
Market Segmentation:
Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offering and image so that they
occupy meaningful and distinct competitive position in the target consumer’s
Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets
information input to create a meaningful picture of the world. For a marketer to
influence motivated buyer to buy their products rather than competitors they must
be careful to take the perception process into account while designing their
marketing campaigns. Perception therefore influence what product consumer
An attitude is a person enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluation, emotional
feeling, and action tendencies towards some object or idea.
Attributes are the strengths and weaknesses of a brand that create attitudes and
are used by consumers to choose between brands that are relatively similar or
functionally equivalent.
A value is a concept of the desirable. An internalized standard of evaluation a
person possession. This standard determines or guide an individual evaluation of
the many objects encountered in everyday life.
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of them, used to
identify the goods or services of one seller or group of seller and the differentiate
them from those of competitors.
Although the study was carried out with extreme enthusiasm and careful planning
there are several limitations, which handicapped the research viz.
Time Constraints:
The time stipulated for the project to be completed is less and thus there
are chances that some information might have been left out, however due care is
taken to include all the relevant information needed.
Sample size:
Due to time constraints the sample size was relatively small and would definitely
have been more representative if I had collected information from more
The literature review section critically examine the recent or historically significant
studies, company data or industry reports that acts as a basis for proposed studies
to begin with the research discussion of the related literature and
relevant secondary data from a comprehensive prospective, moving to more
specific studies, that are associate with research problem. Basically the literature
should be applied to the study, than the researcher proposes. The literature may
also explain the needs for the proposed work to appraise the short comings and
informational gaps in secondary data sources. To carry the research work the
researcher has gone through a few reports, books, journals and websites. The
details regarding Life Insurance Industry, history ,origin and growth of the industry
is also taken from some books, magazines etc. The sources of this information are
as follows:
Insurance is considered as one of the important segment of the economy for its
growth and development. This industry provides long term funds which are
essential for the growth and development of the nation .so the growth of
insurance industry largely depends up on the environment in which they exists.
Here I would like to mention about Indian business environment and their impact
on insurance sector. There are two type of environment which affect the business
one is environment which is internal to the organization (internal environment) and
the other one which is external to the organization (external environment). Internal
environment includes management, technology, competitors, employees,
shareholders, policyholders, marketing intermediaries. The external environment
of insurance business has been classified in four parts, namely legal, economic,
financial, and commercial. let us discus them in detail by takingone by one.
Many companies allow their employees to buy group life insurance through
the company.Usually, you can get very good rates for this insurance but you have
to give the insurance up when you stop working there. For that reason, group
insurance can be a good way to buy a little extra life insurance, but it does not make
sense to make it your main policy.There are a number of policies for specific
insurance needs. Some of these include:
1.Family income life insurance.
This is a decreasing term policy that provides a stated income for a fixed period
of time, if the insured person dies during the term of coverage. These
paymentscontinue until the end of a time period specified when the policy is
2. Family insurance.
A whole life policy that insures all the members of an immediate family --husband,
wife and children. Usually the coverage is sold in units per person, with the primary
wage-earner insured for the greatest amount.
Also known as graded death benefit plans, they provide for a graded amount to
be paid to the beneficiary. For example, in each of the first three to five years
after the insured dies, the death benefit slowly increases. After that period, the
entire death benefit is paid to the beneficiary. This might be appropriate if
the beneficiary is not able to handle a large amount of money soon after the death,
but would be in a better position to handle it a few years later.
4. Juvenile insurance.
This is life insurance on a child. Coverage is paid for by an adult, usually the parents
or guardians. Such policies are not considered traditional life insurance
This insurance is designed to pay off the balance of a loan if you die before youhave
repaid it. Credit life insurance is available for many kinds of loans includingstudent
loans, auto loans, farm equipment loans, furniture and other personalloans
including credit cards. Credit life insurance can be purchased by anindividual.
Usually it is sold by financial institutions making loans, like banks, to borrowers at
the time they take out the loan. If a borrower dies, the proceeds of the policy repay
the loan directly to the lender or creditor.
6. Mortgage insurance
This decreasing term coverage is designed to pay off the unpaid balance of
amortgage if you die before the mortgage is paid off. Premiums are generally
levelthroughout the term of the policy. The policy is usually independent of
themortgage, meaning that the financial institution granting the mortgage is
separatefrom the insurance company issuing the policy. The proceeds of the policy
are paid to the beneficiaries of the policy, not the mortgage company. The
beneficiaryis not required to use the proceeds to pay off the mortgage
7. Annuity
An annuity is a form of insurance that enables you to save for your retirement.
Basically, you give the insurance company money for a certain period of time,and
then after you retire they will pay you a certain amount of money every year until
you die. There are many different forms of annuities. . Most people who
buyannuities are 55 or older
1. Individual Plan
•Kotak Endowment Plan
2. Group Plan
•Kotak Term Group plan
•Exclusions Under Riders
1. Savings Plan
•Smart kid
•Life Time
•Cash Back
2. Protection plan
•Life Guard
3. Retirement Plans
•Forever Life
4. Investment Plans
•Assure Invest
•Life Link
5. Group plans
•Group Superannuation
•Group Gratuity
•The male consumers capture the Market share with 68%, followed byte female
consumers with 32%
•The majority of the consumers of life insurance companies are private employees
with 48% and Government employees with 40%
•The dominant income group having life insurance group belong to thegroup of
10001 to 15,000 followed by 5,001 to 10,000.
•The factors which influenced to select a life insurance company is the personal
factor, followed by family, friends, agents and advertisements.
•The value of respondents life insurance policy costs more than1, 00,000 followed
by 50,000 to 1,00,000.
•Majority of the people (52%) prefer to invest in bank others (48%) prefer to invest
in insurance company.
•Majority of consumers are satisfied with the service and quality of products of
their life insurance companies.
.a) Due to the intense competition in the life insurance market, the life
insurance companies have to adopt better strategies to attract more customers.
b) Keeping the cost, quality and return on investment in tact is necessary in order
to tackle the competition.
c) Life insurance products are taken mainly by middle and higher income group
.Hence they should be regarded as maim targeted income groups. Life
insurance products which are suitable for lower income group should also be
released so that the market share increases.
f) Life insurance companies should ask for their consumer feedback to know
whether the consumers are really satisfied or dissatisfied with the service
and product of the companies. If they are dissatisfied , then the reasons
for dissatisfaction should be found out and should be corrected in future.
g) The LIC brand name has earned a lot of goodwill and enjoys a high brand equity.
As there is intense competition in life insurance market, LIC should work hard to
maintain its top position and offer better service and product. whether the
consumers are really satisfied or dissatisfied with the service and product of the
companies. If they are dissatisfied , then the reasons for dissatisfaction should be
found out and should be corrected in future. g) The LIC brand name has earned a
lot of goodwill and enjoys a high brand equity. As there is intense competition in
life insurance market, LIC should work hard to maintain its top position and offer
better service and product.
1) Dr. Singh, Avatar, Principles of Insurance Law, S Chand & Sons, Delhi, 2003.
Avdhani V.A.(2004) marketing of financial services, Himalya publication. Goel B.S. (2002)
Research Methodology, Pragati publication.
IRDA Publication.
IRDA Journal.
LIC Act.
Publication. Wellis Joseph G Parker David (1998) Essence of Business Economic Prentice
• Economic Times
• Business Line
• / glossary / insurance
www.iciciprudential .com
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