Refined Sugar Dryers
Refined Sugar Dryers
Refined Sugar Dryers
The main products of Vietnamese sugar-cane mills are refined sugar (RS) and crude sugar
(yellow sugar-cane(YS). The rate between RS and YS depends on constituent syrup,
syrup floating equipment, syrup boil processing, additional bleach chemistries, crystalline
time and syrup separating centrifugal procedure. Nomally the YS rate is about 30 % and
RS rate is about 70%
A popular sugar- cane mill can produce the yellow crystalline product only for selling. In
fact, consumption capacity of the YS is very less so that most of popular mills get the
yellow crystalline back for the boil process again or accumulation to sell for poor farmers.
Normally, the moisture of crude sugar-cane is 3,5 %, so it is not neccessary for drying
while the moisture of refined sugar-cane (RS) which get out the A centrifugal is 0,5% -1,5
%. Basing on recent classification, if the moisture of sugar-cane is under 0,06 %, it will be
classified as the super class. Similarly, the moisture of first class is under 0,07% and the
second class is under 1,2%).
The final product should dry to meet the standard moisture before packing for storage,
transportation, and consumption.Because of this, it is necessary for the sugar-mills to
equip dryer for drying.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
The equilibrium moisture content is defined as the moisture content of crystalline after it
has been exposed for a long period of time on a particular environment with relative
humidity and temperature. At the period of time the vapor pressure of sugar-cane is equal
to the vapor of the hot air. The evapotranspiration process is nearly stop.
The drying process for refined sugar-cane is on the curved line of figure 1.
4. Research and development refined sugar-cane dryers in Vietnam
Some of the requirements for Vietnamese sugar-cane dryer are simple structure, easy
operation and maintenance, and low power consumption.Specially It is synchronous with
the production assembly line and using heat of drying from sugar-cane processing.
Hì nh 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
hot air
Khí thaû i 8
The figure 2- the rotary drum dryer
1: Cyclone 7: Breeding
2: Fan 8: Hotair
3: Screw 9: Drum
4: Chute 10: Fan
5: Drum 11: Conveyer
6: Lip 12: Motor
revolute about 3 to 5 rpm, sugar-cane is oppositely moved with hot air direction during
drying and the pressure in side is required from (-)25 to (- )50 mm Hg. The structure of
the rotary drum dryer is the figure 2.
The first advantage of the rotary drum dryer is controlled time to retain sugar cane in the
cylinder so that sugar-cane moisture obtains requirement easily.
During drying, sugar-cane is blended strongly, crystalline grain is broken or abraded much.
Grains is not beautiful, the colors is dark. There is so much pieces of sugar-cane is born
during dying, people should separate pieces by the screen and broke them to reproduction.
The rotary drum dryer has developed in sugar-cane mills such as Kien Giang, Thoi Binh-
Ca Mau, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Phan Rang, and Bien Hoa- Tay Ninh sugar-cane mills.
4.2 Vibrative dryer
The structure of Vibrative dryer is based on the vibrative conveyor. It consist of a frame
of vibrative conveyor is divided in to two chambres by separated plates. The top chamber
contains sugar-cane and the under chamber contains drying air. At the under chamber is
separated two parts, The first one contains hot air, the other one is received ambient to
cool sugar-cane after drying. There is a cone hat to cover on the conveyor and connect
with the exhaust tube and cyclone separator. Hot air is supplied by the U tube heat transfer
is attaches the frond of dryer. The principle of the Vibrative dryer is described figure 3.
Khí noùng
Hot air2
get in Ambient air
3 4 5 6
Figure 3 - The vibrative conveyor dryer
1: Hot air supplying door 6: Dischargement door
2: Frame 7: Cool chamber
3: Vibrate motor 8: Exhaust air chamber
4: Coolair door 4: Drying chamber
5: Leg of dryer 5: Hopper
4.3. The fluidized dryer
The fluidized dryer is also designed and reformed on the vibrative conveyor of the sugar
mill. The dryer consist of three chambers.
- The first one is received and distributed material sugar regularly on the wideness of
- The second one is fluidized dryer. It includes two chambers which is separated by a
screen with many holes that their size are super small. Material sugar is on the screen,
hot air is under screen. The hot air chamber has three curve separated walls to
distribute hot air regularly during drying.
- The last one is cool chamber. Its structure is alike the drying chamber. This chamber is
received ambient to cool dried sugar.
All other parts of the fluidized dryer is like the vibrative dryer such as heat mass transfer,
exhaust air chamber, sucked fan, and cyclone separator.
The principle described the figure 4.
exhaust air gets out
12 10 11 10 9
air 2
get in 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ambient air
Finished product
H ìn h 4 - M a ù y s a á y ñ ö ô ø n g k ie å u ta à n g s o â i
get out
1/ In le t d o o r 7 / V o b r a t iv e m o t o r
2/ Fram e 8 / D is c h r g e m e n t
3/ Leg 9/ Cool cham ber
4/ A ir d is t r ib u t o r 1 0 / E x h a u te c h a m b e r
5/ D is t r ib u tiv e V a lv e 1 1 / F lu id iz e d d r y in g c h a m b e r
6/ C o o l a ir in le t d o o r 12/ H opper
1 3 / D is t r ib u t iv e c h a m b e r
During drying, material sugar is moved little by little from the first chamber to the second
chamber. Hot air is adjusted by the air valves of the flow heading part with its pressure is
from 1100 Pa to 1120 Pa, pressure of exhaust air is (-) 1400Pa and gas velocity of fluidity
is from 0,2 to 3m per second. Hot air ( gas) goes through super small leaks of the screen.
The layer of sugar is fluidized state and the frame of dryer is vibrating countinuously. At
this time drying sugar layer is float on the screen and moved to the terminal chamber.The
surface evapotranspiration of sugar grain and humidity transfer to hot air is fast and
strongly to equilibrium state at the end of the drying chamber. Dried white sugar-cane
continues to move in a cool air flow of the cool chamber to cool to stored temperature.
Exception screen material and manufactured technique is specially and complexly, the rest
parts of the fluidized dryer is manufactured simply
Because of sugar-cane is moved and floated during drying, sugar-cane grain is get in
touch with screen seldom so that crystals is not broken, the colour of sugar-cane is white
and beautiful.
Comparison the other drying principle for sugar-cane, investment of the fluidized dryer is
higher, the structure and operation technique is more complicated so that the technician
should have good skill. The fluidized dryer is manufactured and transfed in the Binh Dinh
and Test & line- Nghe An sugar mills.
- The vibrative dryer is more advantage than the others. Its investment is lower.
Exception the heat transfer should be equipped newly, In Chinese sugar mills, people
can reform and supplement some auxiliary parts only.
- Do not pack finished product when its temperature is high.
- Do not store the crude sugar-cane and the dried white sugar in a storage
- Do not load over 25 bags of product on a column
The storage should be ventilated, the temperature is under 38OC and relative air humidity
is about 70 %
2. JOHN H.PERRY, Chemical Engineers’ Hand book, Mc Graw-hill book company new
york-San francisco- Toronto Lon don Sydney