Web Programming Unit Wise Questions Unit-1

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Web Programming Unit wise Questions

1. Define Internet, WWW, URL, Web browser, MIME, Domain and Sub
domain, HTML,IP address,web servers,protocol with example.
2. Explain core attributes of XHTML Tag
3. What are different kinds of hyperlink
4. What are different doc type of html
5. Give the syntax of anchor tag
6. What is the use of Meta tag? Give different attributes.
7. Define DNS.Explain domain and sub domain with suitable example
8. What re different levels of headings in HTML
9. Explain Table tag with example
10. Explain the following wrt table creation in XHTML Documents
i.Align and valign attributes
ii. tr,th,td attributes
iii.rowspan and colspan attributes
iv cell padding and cell spacing attributes
11. Write an XHTML document to describe an order list of your favorite movies
.Each element of the list must have a nested list of at least 2 actors in your
favorite movies
12. What are different types of list supported in XHTML.Explain
13. Explain most common security issues and web programmer’s tool box.
14. Explain advantages of XHTML over HTML.
15. What are the tags used in basic syntax of XHTML?
16. Explain XHTML Document structure
17. Explain the following
i.Basic XHTML elements ii.Basic text markup iii.Image iv.Hypertext links
Unit – 2

1. What is CSS? Explain advantages and disadvantages with basic css syntax?
2. Define forms. Explain form attributes and form controls.
3. What is grouping in CSS
4. What is an ID Selector in CSS
5. What are the attributes of frameset
6. Define class selectors
7. Explain how to create a radio button, password field, submit button,
8. What are attributes of <text area> tag
9. What is padding in Box Model
10. Write any 2 border properties
11. Explain the attributes of <input> with an example
12. What is universal selector
13. Explain <frame> and <frameset> with example.
14. Explain selector forms in detail
15. What are two important attributes of form tag
16. Explain different levels of CSS.Explain all the 3 with example
17. Explain text properties in detail
18. Explain background images with types in details
19. Explain font and color properties in detail
20. Explain CSS box model in detail
21. Explain <span> and <div> tags and write difference
22. Diff. between HTML and XHTML.
Unit – 3
1. What is JavaScript? Explain features of java script
2. What are primitive data types supported in JS
3. Write JavaScript code to find factorial of a given numbers.
4. Write advantages and disadvantages of JavaScript
5. What is confirm ( ) and explain object construction in JavaScript with an
6. What is use of eval()
7. What is the use of window.status()
8. What is global and local variable in JS
9. What is push() method
10. What is slice method
11. Name the tag used to include JS in XHTML and name its attribute
12. Explain looping statement in JavaScript with example
13. What is a function? How to create and call a function? Explain with an
14. What is global variable in java script?
15. Write any 2 methods of string object
16. Where can we place JavaScript?
17. What do you mean by an object in JavaScript
18. What are composite data types in JS
19. Define instance of operator in JS
20. Explain Airthematic operators in detail
21. Define window.alert()
22. Explain document.write and document.writeln method
23. Explain Object constructor with example
24. Explain
i) Operations in JavaScript
ii) Screen output and keyboard input
iii) Date object in java script
iv)Array methods
v) Conditional statements and iterative statements
vi) string properties and methods scripting.
25. What is pattern matching? Explain its various categories with examples.
26. What are the common errors in scripting languages? How it can be
27. What are the difference ways of element access in JavaScript with example?
28. How to create date object in JavaScript? Explain 4 methods of JavaScript
date objects.
29. Explain JavaScript syntax and primitive data types used in JavaScript.
30. What is an array object? How to create an array object? Explain any six
array methods.

Unit – 4
1. What is event propagation? What are the different methods?
2. What are XHML events?
3. How to register event handler in DOM 2?
4. Define event and event handler with example
5. What are the different ways of registering an event handler?
6. Explain the navigator object. List any three properties.
7. Write a short note on DOM.
8. Which is the top level object in JS Hierarchy
9. Explain the use of getElementbyid()
10. What is an XHTML Event and explain
11. Define DOM. Explain the DOM Tree traversal in detail with example
12. Define mouse event, key events
13. What is the use of focus and blur events
14. Explain different ways of accessing elements in JavaScript with example.
15. Explain the navigator object. List any three properties
16. What are events .Explain different categories of events in XHTML
Unit – 5
1. Write a note on element visibility and standing elements.
2. Define XML
3. What is DHTML .Explain
4. Define Empty tag
5. How do you declare XML
6. What is the use of setInterval()?
7. What is DTD? Explain external DTD
8. What are the different positioning techniques? Explain briefly
9. What do you mean by XML name spaces? Explain in detail
10. Explain XML name spaces.
11. Define positioning technique. List them and explain each with example
12. Explain XML processor and its parsing techniques.
13. Write the basic syntax of declaring DTD attributes. Explain its default values
with example
14. How animation can be achieved in JS
15. What are the different schema elements in XML
16. What do you mean by XML name spaces? Explain in detail
17. Explain XML processor and its parsing techniques
18. What are the different schema elements in XML
19. Compare XML schema and DTD.

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