Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers PDF
Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers PDF
Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers PDF
6. Isomerism :
(i) Functional isomerism
(ii) Chain isomerism
(iii) Positional isomerism
7. General Methods of Preparation :
(i) Acid catalysed hydration of alkenes :
15. Presence of EWGs increase the acid strength of phenols while ERGs decrease the
acid strength.
EWG : NO2, X, CN, COOH etc.
ERG : R, OR, OH, NH2 etc.
16. 3º alcohols are resistant to oxidation due to lack of -hydrogen.
17. Intermolecular H-bonds of p- and m-nitrophenol increases water solubility/acid
strength while intramolecular H-bonds in o-nitrophenol decreases these properties.
18. In the reaction of alkyl aryl ether (anisole) with HI, the products are always alkyl
halide and phenol because O – R bond is weak than O – Ar bond which has partial
double character due to resonance.
19. C – O – C bond in ether is bent and hence the ether is always polar molecule even
if both alkyl groups are identical.
Ans. (i)
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Q. 4. Write :
(i) Friedel-Crafts reaction
(ii) Coupling reaction
Ans. (i)
Q. 5. Give two reaction of alcohol involving cleavage of :
(i) C – O bond
(ii) O – H bond
Ans. (i) CH3CH2OH + PCl5 CH3CH2Cl + POCl3 + HCl
(ii) CH3CH2OH + Na CH3CH2ONa + H2
Q. 6. Etherial solution of an organic compound ‘X’ when heated with Mg gave
‘Y’. ‘Y’ on treatment with C2H5OH followed by acid hydrolysis gave
2-propanol. Identify the compound ‘X’. What is ‘Y’ known as ?
Q. 10. Write mechanism of reaction of HI with methoxymethane.
(i) (ii)
Ans. (ii)
Ans. (i)
Q. 6. Dehydration of alcohols to form an alkene is always carried out with conc.
H2SO4 and not with conc. HCl or HNO3. Explain.
Ans. In acidic medium alcohols protonated then loses H2O to form a carbo cation.
If HCl Cl strong nucleophile cause nucleophilic substitution, HNO 3 causes
Q. 7. How will you convert :
(i) Phenol to cyclohexanol
(ii) Benzene chloride to benzyl alcohol
(iii) Anisole to phenol
Ans. (i)
Ans. A : CH3CH2OCH
Q. 3. Which of the following compounds gives fastest reaction with HBr and why ?
(i) (CH3)3COH
(ii) CH3CH2CH2OH
Ans. (i)
Phenol is not reacted directly with conc. HNO3 because the yield of picric acid
is very poor.
Q. 5. Fill in the blanks :
(i) Glucose + Zymase
(ii) Co + H2
(iii) Sucrose
(iv) Starch + Malt extract
(v) Phenol + Zn (dust)
(vi) Phenol + Na
(vii) R2CHOH + HCl + ZnCl2 R2CHCl + ..........