The Use of Posse Strategy To Improve Students' Reading Comprehension of Eighth Graders at Mts N 8 Sleman in The Academic Year 2017/2018
The Use of Posse Strategy To Improve Students' Reading Comprehension of Eighth Graders at Mts N 8 Sleman in The Academic Year 2017/2018
The Use of Posse Strategy To Improve Students' Reading Comprehension of Eighth Graders at Mts N 8 Sleman in The Academic Year 2017/2018
The objective of this research was to improve the students’ reading
comprehension of Grade VIII F of MTs N 8 Sleman through the use of POSSE strategy.
The type of this research was classroom-based Action Research. The subjects of this
research were 32 students of Grade VIII F. The data of this research were in the form of
qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data were collected through classroom
observation and interviews. The results of the qualitative data were in the form of field
notes and interview transcript. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were obtained from pre-
test and post-test and they were in the form of students’ scores. With regard to the
implementation of the two cycles, the use of POSSE strategy improves the students’
reading comprehension ability, students’ attitude towards reading, and the teaching and
learning process of reading. The improvement of the students reading comprehension is
also reflected in the students’ scores which increase from 46. 4 in the pre-test to 72. 5 in
the first post-test and 82. 4 in the second post-test.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa kelas
VIII F di MTs N 8 Sleman melalui penggunaan strategi POSSE. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah 32 siswa kelas VIII F. Data penelitian
berupa kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari observasi kelas dan
wawancara. Hasil dari data kualitatif berupa catatan lapangan dan transkrip
wawancara. Sementara itu, data kuantitatif diperoleh dari pre-test dan post-test berupa
nilai. Berdasarkan implementasi strategi POSSE dalam dua siklus yang telah dilakukan,
strategi ini meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa, perilaku siswa terhadap
pembelajaran membaca, dan juga proses belajar mengajar di kelas.Peningkatan
kemampuan membaca siswa juga dapat dilihat dari nilai siswa yang meningkat dari 46.4
di pre-test ke 72.5 di post-test 1 dan 82.4 di post-test 2.
comprehension is the main goal of content of the text. They still found it
reading. The students’ skills in difficult to determine the topic of the
comprehending a text lead them to text, the main idea, stated and
understand what they read. The unstated information, and references.
students are always asked to Moreover, their motivation in
comprehend a text by their teacher. learning reading was low that made
The reason is because reading them lacked reading practice. Third,
comprehension is used to measure the teaching and learning process
students’ achievement in English. was monotonous. The teacher did not
For example, reading comprehension use any appropriate strategy to help
takes the biggest part in every the students comprehend the text
English examination so that the properly. Besides, the learning
students are expected to have a good materials and learning media that
ability in reading comprehension. were used in the teaching and
As a matter of fact, the learning of reading were insufficient.
researcher observed that students’ Since reading becomes one of
reading comprehension ability of the important skills in learning
junior high school was still low. English, teaching reading in the
Based on the preliminary observation classroom should be conducive and
that had been conducted in MTs N 8 supportive to improve students’
Sleman, the researcher found out that reading skills. A teaching strategy
the students of grade VIII F still had needs to be implemented to
some difficulties in reading overcome those problems. There are
comprehension. Those problems some ways that can be used by
came from several factors. First, the teachers in order to improve
students lacked the vocabulary students’ reading comprehension.
mastery. Since they did not know the One of them is by employing POSSE
meaning of many words in the texts, (Predict - Organize - Search -
they were not able to understand Summarize - Evaluate) strategy
what they read. Second, the students developed by Englert and Mariage
had problems in comprehending the (1991).
First, to gain the real situation and ability although it had not been
the condition of teaching and maximal yet. Besides, the students’
learning, some observations were enthusiasm also improved. Some of
carried out. During the observation the students were interested and
process, observation checklists were actively engaged in the teaching and
needed to record the observation learning activity.
data. Second, to get deeper Meanwhile, in Cycle 2, most
information related to the research, of the students could implement each
some interviews were conducted. step of the POSSE strategy well.
The researcher interviewed some of Their vocabulary mastery and
the students and the English teacher reading comprehension ability
using interview guideline. Next, improved better than in the previous
reading tests were used to get cycle. Furthermore, students’
information about students’ reading motivation towards the teaching and
skills. The pre-test was conducted learning process of reading also
before the implementation. It gave increased.
some information about the students’ This finding is in line with
writing ability before the actions. Englert and Mariage’s. First, POSSE
Then, the post-test was utilized to strategy helped the students to
measure the students’ reading skills activate their background knowledge
after the actions. so that they could find the topic of
the text by doing prediction activity.
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND Second, the strategy helped the
DISCUSSIONS students to comprehend the text
The findings of this research effectively by using graphic
were drawn from the students’ organizer.
scores, the interview transcripts, Regarding the improvement
observation checklists and field in the teaching and learning process,
notes. In Cycle 1, there were some the implementation of the POSSE
improvements in their vocabulary strategy that was accompanied by
mastery and reading comprehension various activities increased the
cycles, the first of which consisted of the steps of the strategy which were
four meetings and the second predicting, organizing, searching,
consisted of two meetings. The summarizing, and, evaluating.
strategy consisted of the major The interactions in the
activities of POSSE strategy which classroom also improved. Previously,
were predicting, organizing, the classroom interactions between
searching, summarizing, and the teacher and the students and
evaluating. among the students themselves were
After the implementations of not optimal. The strategy provided a
the POSSE strategy in the teaching group discussion that allowed the
and learning of reading, there were students to interact and share ideas
some improvements in the students’ with their friends. Moreover, the
reading comprehension as well as in interaction between the teacher and
the teaching and learning process. the students also improved through
The findings of this research are question answer activity during the
presented as follows. teaching and learning process. The
The use of POSSE strategy students also became more
helps students to enrich their enthusiastic in the teaching and
vocabulary mastery. In the first step learning of reading due to the
of the strategy which is predicting, appropriate choice of materials, the
the students predict as many ideas as fun activities, and the attractive
possible related to the topic. Then, in media. They participated and were
the evaluating step they write the actively engaged in the activities.
new vocabulary they found during The research findings also
the implementation of the strategy. indicated that the students’ mean
The implementation of the POSSE scores in writing increased cycle by
strategy also improved students’ cycle. In conclusion, the research in
reading comprehension. The students using POSSE strategy to improve the
could find the topic, the main idea of students’ reading comprehension
each paragraph, and stated unstated could be considered successful.
information of the text by following