Release 7.2 Features Guide: For Releases 7.2 Through 7.2.4
Release 7.2 Features Guide: For Releases 7.2 Through 7.2.4
Release 7.2 Features Guide: For Releases 7.2 Through 7.2.4
Document Revision 01.00.04
February 3, 2017
© 2017 Casa Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Casa Systems or its suppliers and are
protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
The information regarding the product in this manual is subject to change without notice. All
statements, information, and recommendations in this manual are believed to be accurate but are
presented without warranty of any kind, express of implied. Users must take full responsibility for
their application of the product.
In no event shall Casa or its suppliers be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental
damages, including, without limitation, lost profits or loss or damage to data arising out of the use or
inability to use this manual, even if Casa or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such
QAM 8x192 narrowcast support with two OFDM channels ...................... 1-12 .
UDP port offset value range for video mapping ........................................ 1-18 .
CPE count consistency between CLI and SNMP MIBs ............................ 1-22 .
IPv6 Provider Edge Routers (6PE) in BGP routes (RFC4698) ................. 1-28 .
Separate access control for video and data streams ................................ 1-60 .
Separate syslog servers for DOCSIS and video events ........................... 1-67 .
Importing and exporting route maps into VRF instances .......................... 1-68 .
show cable admission-control command for OFDM and OFDMA .......... 1-128 .
Delayed SNMP and TFTP processing to speed modem registration ...... 1-129 .
Release 7.2 Features Guide
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Contacting Casa
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100 Old River Road, Suite 100
Andover, MA 01810
Tel.: 978-688-6706
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Technical support
In the United States: Tel: 978-699-3045
Technical documentation
Casa Systems provides the following documentation set in PDF format, viewable
using Adobe Reader 5.0 or later. These PDF files are avail able from the Casa FTP site
Note: Casa Systems provides updates to the manuals on a regular basis. Log
on to the Casa Systems Web site at for the latest files
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password. If you do not have a Casa-assigned username and password, send
e-mail to
Revision history
• 01.00.00 — Initial draft; April 2016
• 01.00.01 — Added new features to draft (through B4429); April 2016
• 01.00.02 — Added new features to draft (through B4479; April 2016)
• 01.00.03 — Final features for Release 7.2.3 (through B49e9; October 2016)
• 01.00.04 — Added feature set for Release (through 5219; February 2017)
Note: If you are upgrading to Release 7.2 from Release 6.1.3 or earlier, and if
you would like to review of all product changes that have been implemented
since you last upgraded your CMTS software, contact Casa Technical Support
for specific versions of the Casa Systems – CMTS Release Notes.
Release 7.2 software is not supported on Casa C1G, C10200, C3200, and
C2200 systems.
The show module <slot> qam-mode [summary] command has been introduced in
the Casa CLI to display detailed QAM mode statistics for all ports. There can be up to
three QAM modes for a QAM 8x192 module, two for unicast and one for broadcast
(the one with the positive ref_cnt). The second broadcast mode (bc_mode 2) is used
only in per channel interleave mode where all the module channels have the same
annex, modulation, and symbol rates, and vary only between two interleave values.
Specify the summary option to display the same output in table format.
CASA# show module 1 qam-mode
Module 1:
uc_mode 1: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6952
ref_cnt 24
uc_mode 2: annex A modulation 64qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6952
ref_cnt 24
bc_mode 1: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6900
ref_cnt 8
bc_mode 2: annex B modulation 256qam interleave 128x1 symbol_rate 0
ref_cnt 0
Port 0:
admin status: UP
total channel up: 28
number uchan up: 24
number bchan up: 4
uchan in mode 1: 12
uchan in mode 2: 12
bchan in mode 1: 4
bchan in mode 2: 0
default mode: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12
symbol_rate 6952
other mode: annex B modulation 256qam interleave 128x1
symbol rate 0
The show downstream channel set command has also been modified to show the
narrowcast shared channels.
CASA(conf-if-mac 33)# show this
ip bundle 1
downstream 1 interface qam 1/0/32 secondary
downstream 2 interface qam 1/0/33 secondary
downstream 3 interface qam 1/0/34 secondary
downstream 4 interface qam 1/0/35 secondary
CASA(config)# show cable modem 6814.01f0.3ea1 remote-query ofdm 12/3/0
MAC Address IP Address
S/N US DS TX Time Micro(dB) Modem
Ratio Power Power Offset Reflection State
-- 34.3 7.4 2704 -- online(pt)
Changes are now reported in the show cable modem <mac-address> verbose
command output. IUCs (up to two) are reported in parentheses, with the leftmost
value reflecting the IUC presently in use. IUC 13 will always be present as the default.
CASA# show cable modem 6814.01f0.3e47 verbose
MAC Address :6814.01f0.3e47
IP Address :
MAC Status :online
CM-ID :1
Prim Sid :11
MAC Domain :2
Service-Group :G1
Upstream Channel Set :12/0.0/0, 12/0.1/0, 12/0.2/0,
12/0.3/0, 12/0.0w(10,13)
Downstream Channel Set :1/0/29, 1/0/1, 1/0/2, 1/0/3,
1/0/4, 1/0/5, 1/0/6, 1/0/7,
1/0/8, 1/0/9, 1/0/10, 1/0/11,
1/0/12, 1/0/13, 1/0/14,
1/0/15, 1/0/16, 1/0/17,
1/0/18, 1/0/19, 1/0/20,
1/0/21, 1/0/22, 1/0/23,
1/0/24, 1/0/25, 1/0/26,
1/0/27, 1/0/28, 1/0/0, 1/0/30,
Unusable channel list :
Upstream Channel :12/0.0/0 12/0.1/0
12/0.2/0 12/0.3/0 12/0.0w
CASA(conf-ofdm-profile 1)# profile-modulation 256qam rxmer threshold
190 percentage 90
CASA# show upstream fec ofdma 12/0.0
US chan frequency status cFEC uFEC
12/0.0w - UP 2226783 1565
CASA(config)# service group SVGP
CASA(conf-svc-grp SVGP)# ofdma 11/1.0
CASA(conf-svc-grp SVGP)# upstream rfog-scheduler
CASA(conf-svc-grp SVGP)# show this
CASA# show cable modem verbose | include "Upstream Channel Set"
Upstream Channel Set :12/2.0w(5,13), 12/0.0w(13)
CASA# ping docsis 0895.2a9b.2a99 ofdma 12/2.0 3 verbose
PING DOCSIS 0895.2a9b.2a99 on ofdma 12/2.0w
RNG-REQ from 0895.2a9b.2a99 on ofdma 12/2.0w 12 ms, p-offset=1,
f-offset=0, t-offset=0
CASA> show run verbose | inc cable.arp
no cable arp fast-timeout
cable arp filter 8 2
CASA# show cable modem verbose
Reported Max Total Power Output (dBmV) :65.0
Timing Offset :2478
Initial Timing Offset :2478
Received Power :0 dBmV
CASA(config)# show interface video
interface video 1
ip address
ip igmp
input-port-id 1
bandwidth 10000000
gige 6/0
interface video 16
ip address
ip igmp
input-port-id 1
bandwidth 10000000
gige 6/0
CASA(config)# video table custom prog-per-chan 64 chan-per-port 24
start-udp-offset 65 skip-chan 12
CASA(conf-video-edis 1)# output-port-base ?
<0-1> 0 or 1 base. Default is 0
CASA(conf-video-edis 1)# output-port-base 1
To revert to the default setting:
occurs when no CA data is present with the Encrypted Flag set to 1. The second stage
handles the video session creation request.
The on-failover option has been added to the reset-indication parameter in the
video edis configuration context to enable the CCAP to send a reset indication to the
EC at the time of an SMM switchover. The reset indication informs the EC to
reestablish the TCP connection with the CCAP so that video session establishment is
CASA(conf-video-edis 6)# reset-indication on-failure
CASA(config)# show video simulcrypt ecmg
Encryption Period : 30
ECMG yli1:
Stream Information:
Stream ID Stream ECM ID CP number Status
--------- ------------- --------- ------
1 0 N/A Active
Server Last Time Up : Fri Oct 21 13:34:09 2016
CASA# debug cable igmp
CASA# show debugging
mac-address: 0000.0000.0000
mask : ffff.ffff.ffff
CASA# debug cable mac-address 0895.2a9b.2a99
CASA# debug cable pre-equalization
CASA# show debugging
mac-address: 0895.2a9b.2a99
CASA# debug ddm mcast ?
• 0 – All off
• 1 – Debug
• 2 – BQAM
• 3 – QCC
• 4 – Mode
• 5 – Power
• 6 – DVB
• 7 – All on
CASA(diag)# debug config qam flag 7
CASA(diag)# show debug config qam flag
Qam config debug flag:
DOCSIS-IF31-MIB update
The DOCS-IF31-MIB has been updated to the latest version of the CableLabs
DOCS-IF31-MIB-2016-08-18. The docsIf31DocsisBaseCapability of 4 (DOCSIS 3.0)
is maintained for management system compatibility.
docsIf31DocsisBaseCapability OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ClabsDocsisVersion
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This attribute reports the DOCSIS capability of the device.
A CMTS reports its highest supported DOCSIS version while a CM
reports its supported DOCSIS version.
::= { docsIf31MibObjects 1 }
• docsIf31CmtsCmDsOfdmProfileTotalCodewords — Removed.
• docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanTxPower — Changed tenthBmv to Unsigned32.
• docsIf31CmUsOfdmaChanChannelId — Added.
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId — Changed Index to ID.
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId — Removed.
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanId — Changed CHID to Integer32
• docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgExitBitrateThrshld — Changed
• docsIf31CmEmDlsCfgEntryBitrateThrshld — Changed
The casaQamPortMacAddress object in the CASA-QAM-MIB has been modified
to be read-only. Previously, the setting was read-write, where an SNMP query was
returning modifiable values. Zero values are now returned.
casaQamPortMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MacAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Qam Port MacAddress."
::= { casaQamPortEntry 4 }
The value range of the casaIpTrunkGroupId object of the CASA-IP-TRUNK-MIB
has been increased to a maximum of 2147483647 group IDs.
casaIpTrunkGroupId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This attribute uniquely identifies a Group."
::= { casaIpTrunkEntry 1 }
CASA(config)# dsg tunnel-group 21
CASA(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp 21)# channel 1 qam 1/0/0
maximum channel limit in all dsg tunnel-groups has been reached: 5120 !
CASA(config)# show multicast client stat
|Forwarded Reports |Filtered Reports
module|total |rate/min |acl |submgt
3 |67 |10 |4 |0
|Dropped Reports
|group mismatch |invalid
|3 |13
|Rate Limit Drops
|per cm |per module
|16 |13
CASA(config)# show multicast client summary
MD Static/Dynamic Last Reporter Multicast Session
1 0 /2 <,>
1 0 /2 <,>
MD Total Joins (v4/v6) Active Groups (v4/v6) Total Reports (v4/v6)
Rate/Min (v4/v6)
1 2/0 2/0
3 1/1 1/1
CASA(config)# show system detail
Product: C10G, System Uptime:0 d, 8 h, 28 m, 15 s
System Time: Thu Jan 26 11:35:11 UTC 2017
128MHz, 5 PPM Crystal Clock
CASA# show spectrum upstream 13/0 chan-width ?
<200000|400000|800000|1600000|3200000|6400000> channel width value
The Monitoring > Interface > NIC, Monitoring > QAM > Statistics, and
Monitoring >QAM > Video Statistics screens in the Casa Video Web UI have been
enhanced with the capability to toggle between charts and data tables. The charts can
be grouped or stacked and can be filtered by criteria, such as in or out packets and
detected/available bit rate.
Similar changes were made to the Monitoring > Alarm, Monitoring > Log, and
Monitoring > QAM > Power screens.
The multiple table row selection and deletion feature was introduced in many of the
configuration and monitoring screens of the Casa Video Web UI.
Deselected table rows presented in Casa Video Web UI screen displays are now
properly identified as deselected. Refreshing a table with a selected table row now
properly refreshes the table without clearing the selected row.
Network Management System (NMS) requests are now “green-lighted” in the Casa
Video Web UI without the need for Video Web UI credentials. Up to eight NMS
servers can be configured at the CMTS.
The NMS requests are honored if they are set up through the system nms
<ip_address> command. Requests appear in the show system nms command output.
CASA# show system nms
server-ip port scheme heartbeat notifyUrl 8080 http 60 /nms-web-ui/api/notification
IPv6 address validation has been added to the loopback, NIC, trunk, and VLAN
interface configuration screens of the Casa Video Web UI. Symbol rate ranges were
also validated for Annex A and C channel widths for the QAM configuration screen.
General enhancements
The Casa Video Web UI has been enhanced to include the CPU rate, RAM rate, and
space-used statistics in graphic pie chart format on the System > General screen.
The Monitoring > QAM > Statistics screen also now shows color variations for the
Available Bytes and Used Bytes areas of the chart.
The Casa Video Web UI has been enhanced to include the Output Port Base column
and parameter for the EDIS SRM video configuration. Output port base 0 is used by
Casa or Cisco SRM by default, while output port base 1 is used by BigBand SRM.
CASA# show interface qam 1/0 block
uc_mode 1: mid 1 annex A mod 256qam intlv 12 symb 6952 ref_cnt 128
uc_mode 2: mid 2 annex B mod 256qam intlv 128x1 symb 0 ref_cnt 64
bc_mode 1: mid 3 annex A mod 256qam intlv 12 symb 6952 ref_cnt 20
block 3 freq 866000000 mask 00001fef mode_id 3 in_used 1
shared-channel 0 freq 906000000 blk 3 off 5 mid 1 annex A mod
256qam intlv 12 sym 6952 dvb 0 act 2 sta_m 0x21 ch 76 sch 0 (10,0)
CASA(diag)# show mirror
Mirroring CM to host IP 0xc0a8059a
notifications in the /tmp/snmptraplog.gui file. The NMS server reports event levels
Up to eight NMS servers can be configured for the CMTS. The no form of the
command removes an NMS server connection.
The port number (default 8080), heartbeat (default 60 seconds), and notifyURL
(default /nms-web-ui/api/notification) parameters are optional.
CASA(conf)# system nms port 8080 heartbeat 60 notifyUrl
CASA(conf)# show system nms
server-ip port scheme heartbeat notifyUrl 8080 http 60 /nms-web-ui/api/notification
CASA(conf)# no system nms
CASA(conf)# show system nms
The implementation allows for a single 6PE Autonomous System (AS) and supports
prefix delegation for IPv6 address assignment. The following commands and
functions support 6PE:
CASA(config-router-bgp)# address-family ipv6 labeled-unicast
CASA(config-router-af)# neighbor 114_by_243_244 ?
activate Enable the Address Family for this
allowas-in Accept as-path with my AS present in
attribute-unchanged BGP attribute is propagated unchanged
to this neighbor
distribute-list Filter updates to/from this neighbor
filter-list Establish BGP filters
maximum-prefix Maximum number of prefix accept from
this peer
next-hop-self Disable the next hop calculation for
this neighbor
prefix-list Filter updates to/from this neighbor
remove-private-AS Remove private AS number from
outbound updates
route-map Apply route map to neighbor
send-community Send Community attribute to this
weight Set default weight for routes from
this neighbor
CASA(config-router-bgp)# address-family ipv4 ?
mdt Subsequent Address family 66 for
Multicast VPN
CASA# show ipv6 bgp labeled-unicast neighbors
BGP table version is 2, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
internal Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
NetFlow V9 support
Support has been added for NetFlow V9 network traffic flow monitoring. NetFlow
provides the ability to collect IP network traffic as it enters or exits an interface. By
analyzing the data, a network administrator can determine such things as the source
and destination of traffic, class of service, and the causes of congestion. A network
flow is a unidirectional stream of packets identified as the combination of factors. Any
one of the following factors being different defines the flow as unique:
One sampler MAP and one exporter map are supported per CMTS, with one data
template each for IPv4 and IPv6. Each line card is both an observation domain and an
export device. Only UDP transport is supported. NetFlow depends on a sampling rate.
The Casa minimum sampling rate is defined as one packet out of one thousand
CASA# show cable modem 6814.01f0.3e47 qos
Sfid Dir Curr Sid Sched Prio MaxSusRate MaxBrst
State Type (kbps)
MinRsvRate PeakTrafRate Throughput ServiceClassName
(kbps) (kbps) (kbps)
Mac Addr : 6814.01f0.3e47
16385 US act 1 BE 0 0 30000
0 0 0
24578 DS act N/A UNDEF 0 0 3044
0 0 0
24585 DS act N/A UNDEF 0 0 3044
0 0 0
CASA(config)# packetcable gate maxcount ?
<1-196607> gate count,default is cm_num*3/10,
Warning: This command may free all current gates
The QAM 8x192 also supports migration to the DOCSIS 3.1 Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM) channel modulation over 10 Gbps downstream and
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) 1 Gbps upstream service
flows. See the next section, “Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
(OFDMA)” for information on the initial OFDMA support in Release 7.2.
The following capabilities have been implemented on the QAM 8x192 downstream
• Up to two downstream OFDM channels using channel 0 and channel 1, and one
upstream OFDMA channel.
See the following sections for more information:
• “Support for two OFDM downstream channels in R7.2.3.0”
• “Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)”
Implementation notes
• To use the maximum number of narrowcast channels per port (>64), use the video
channel-id-offset command introduced in Release 7.1 so that the number of
narrowcast video channels per port is less than or equal to 64.
The command excludes DOCSIS channels from the video channel numbering
space. The specified offset indicates the number of reserved DOCSIS channels;
video channel numbering begins following the offset, with the first video channel
number beginning at 0.
• Multi-port shared channels are for broadcast video purposes and can only be
configured with the Casa CLI. Therefore, table mode VOD or EDIS/GQI-based
session creation should not be used over the multi-port shared channels.
• On the QAM 8x192 module, when enabling DVB Simulcrypt on any QAM
channel within an 8-channel block, all remaining channels within that block are
unavailable as DOCSIS channels. All channels within the block must be DVB
Simulcrypt video channels.
• The QAM 8x192 module is NOT supported on the Casa C10G platform.
• QAM 8x192 shared channels and DVB Simulcrypt are not presently supported
with the two-channel OFDM frequency scheme.
Release 7.2 supports broadcast video (MPTS pass-through processing) over QAM
8x192 ports 0 to 7 where one input MPTS can be output to one QAM multi-port
shared channel. Note that PID replacement (drop and add) is supported with broadcast
Perform the follow steps to configure the QAM 8x192 for video broadcast.
Once a shared channel on one of the QAM 8x192 ports is created, this channel can
then be shared across one or more ports (up to seven additional) on the same module.
The following CLI session configures the shared channels on port 0 and shares them
with port 1 using the following steps.
1. Configure the number of narrowcast channels on the QAM 8x192 in system
slot 4.
2. Configure the shared channel identifier on the first module and number of
channels to be shared.
3. Configure no shared-channel shutdown for each port interface.
4. Execute the show module <slot> shared-channel mapping command to verify
the configuration.
CASA(config)# module 4 narrowcast-channels 64
CASA(config)# show narrowcast-channels
module 4 narrowcast-channels 64
no shared-channel 3 shutdown
shared-channel 4 frequency 79000000
no shared-channel 4 shutdown
shared-channel 5 frequency 87000000
no shared-channel 5 shutdown
shared-channel 6 frequency 95000000
no shared-channel 6 shutdown
shared-channel 7 frequency 103000000
no shared-channel 7 shutdown
shared-channel 8 frequency 111000000
no shared-channel 8 shutdown
shared-channel 9 frequency 119000000
no shared-channel 9 shutdown
shared-channel 10 frequency 127000000
no shared-channel 10 shutdown
shared-channel 11 frequency 135000000
no shared-channel 11 shutdown
shared-channel 12 frequency 143000000
no shared-channel 12 shutdown
shared-channel 13 frequency 151000000
no shared-channel 13 shutdown
shared-channel 14 frequency 159000000
no shared-channel 14 shutdown
shared-channel 15 frequency 167000000
no shared-channel 15 shutdown
5. Add multi-port shared channels to the video QAM domain and QAM group. The
qam-group command in the video qam-domain configuration supports the range
of narrowcast and multi-port shared channels.
CASA(config)# video qam-domain 1
CASA(conf-qam-domain 1)# qam-group <id> shared-channel <first>
where id is the QAM group ID in the range 1–8, and first and last are the first and
last QAM channels in the block of multi-port shared channels.
CASA(config)# video qam-domain 1
CASA(conf-qam-domain 1)# qam-group 2 shared-channel 0/0 0/15
edis 1
video service group 1
interface video 6
qam-group 1 0/0/16 0/0/31
qam-group 2 shared-channel 0/0 0/15 <<<<==== 16 multi-port
shared channels added to
video qam-domain
Create a video pass-through session on one QAM 8x192 module, then repeat the
command for additional QAM 8x192 modules. In the example below, the MPTS
broadcast video stream is being configured on slot/channel 4/0 (system slot 4, channel
In the example below, the MPTS is destined for the multicast group address at IP on the system QAM module in slot 4, where 4/0 is the slot/channel for
module slot 4.
CASA(config)# video session 1 pass-through ip-address
qam-channels shared-channel 4/0 src-ip
• One OFDM channel (0); 64 SC-QAM channels per port, and 128 broadcast/
shared channels per module, or
• Two OFDM channels (0 and 1); 32 SC-QAM channels per port
Note: When configuring two OFDM channels per QAM 8x192 port, the shared
channel and DVB Simulcrypt features are NOT presently supported.
QAM 8x192 line cards operating in the OFDM two-channel mode will not be
redundancy protected if the QAM 8x192 standby is configured for one OFDM
channel and 64 SC-QAM channels. This also applies in the opposite scenario.
For QAM 8x192 redundancy protection, the standby QAM 8x192 module in
redundant system slot 5 or 8 must be configured as a matching one-channel OFDM or
two-channel OFDM channel scheme.
To redundancy-protect the active QAM card with a non-matching standby QAM card,
interactively configure the standby QAM card to match the active QAM so that both
modules are a matching single-channel OFDM or two-channel OFDM before
performing a switchover.
See the next section for information on configuring two OFDM channels, as well as
reverting back to one OFDM channel.
Configuration steps
Perform the following steps to enable two OFDM channels (and 32 SC-QAM
channels) in Release 7.2.3:
CASA(config)# module 4 ofdm-channels 2
Need to reboot module 4 to apply the change.
Note: The command is NOT required for one OFDM channel and 64 SC-QAM
channels (by default).
CASA(config)# reboot module 4
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the redundant module to ensure a matching OFDM
configuration between the active and standby QAM8x192 modules.
To undo the 2-channel OFDM configuration and revert to one OFDM channel and 64
SC-QAM channels, perform the following steps:
CASA(config)# module 4 ofdm-channels 1
Need to reboot module 4 to apply the change.
CASA(config)# reboot module 4
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the redundant module to ensure a matching OFDM
configuration between the active and standby QAM8x192 modules.
1. Enable DOCSIS 3.1 using the cable docsis version 31 command in the CLI
configuration mode.
2. Configure the OFDM channels. See the Casa Systems – RF Cable Configuration
Guide and Command Reference for Release 7.1 for complete information on
3. Save the configuration using the copy running-config startup-config command.
4. Perform a system reboot to load the OFDM channel and SC-QAM configuration
to the active the standby QAM 8x192 modules.
During modem registration, the CMTS will select the appropriate OFDM channels
and the highest-rate profile according to the modem’s capability. Once the modem
returns a registration acknowledgment, the CMTS will then request the Rx MER from
the modem to determine if the error rate is too high to support the current modulation
profile. The software will maintain the highest-rate profile and only move to a
lower-rate modulation profile if necessary.
Once the modem comes online with the CMTS, the software will switch between
modulation profiles (if requested by the modem) to ensure that the highest-rate profile
is being applied to modems on the OFDM channel.
The OFDMA upstream channel capability is available for the UPS 16x8 line card on
the C100G and C40G platforms and is based on the DOCSIS 3.1 specifications from
CableLabs. One OFDMA upstream channel is supported on Release 7.2.
Backward compatibility and interoperability with legacy QAM and UPS channels
coexists with both OFDM (downstream) and OFDMA (upstream) implementations.
UPS 16x8 line cards operating in the TDMA/OFDMA mixed-mode will not be
redundancy protected if the UPS 16x8 standby is configured as a TDMA single-mode
version. This also applies in the opposite scenario.
To redundancy-protect the active UPS card with a non-matching standby UPS card,
interactively configure the standby UPS card to match the active UPS so that both
modules are a matching single-mode or mixed-mode before performing a switchover.
Use the following steps to configure the OFDMA interface at the CMTS. Refer to the
Casa Systems – RF Cable Configuration Guide and Command Reference for complete
information on the commands covered in this section.
1. Enable OFDMA for UPS 16x8 by using the module <number> ofdma enable
2. Define the modulation and pilot pattern for one or more consecutively numbered
OFDMA minislots.
3. Configure the Interval Usage Code profile to set the data grant and ranging
4. Define any frequency exclusion bands to be set in the next step at the port level for
the upstream OFDMA interface.
5. Configure the upstream interface ofdma channel parameters for OFDMA
bindings (be sure the channel is shut down first).
6. Configure the service group for the OFDMA upstream binding.
The following steps walk through a basic OFDMA upstream configuration using the
Casa CLI. Returned alerts and possible error conditions are also indicated.
qpsk qpsk
zero zero
ofdma exclusion-band 1
exclusion-sc-group 1 8000000 10000000
exclusion-sc-group 10 25000000 30000000
exclusion-sc-group 20 85000000 90000000
CASA(conf-ofdma-exclusion-band 1)# end
6. Configure the service group to create the upstream binding to the OFDMA
Once OFDMA is enabled for the DOCSIS MAC interface and service group, the
channel information is included in the MAC Domain Descriptor (MDD) message
to broadcast to the modem. The channel number is presently always 0.
CASA(config)# service group OFDMA
CASA(conf-svc-grp OFDMA)# ofdma 10/1.0
ofdma iuc-profile 1
data-iuc 5 modulation 8qam pilot-pattern 2
data-iuc 6 modulation 64qam pilot-pattern 3
exclusion-band 1
no preEqualizationEnable
symbols-per-frame 18
no up-down-trap-enabled
iuc-profile 1
no shutdown
ofdma exclusion-band 1
exclusion-sc-group 1 5000000 7000000
exclusion-sc-group 2 7000000 16000000
ofdma iuc-profile 1
fine-ranging-iuc 32 800000
initial-ranging-iuc 32 800000
data-iuc 13 modulation 1024qam pilot-pattern 2
ofdma minislot-cfg 1
subcarrier-group-minislot 1 5000000 9600000 modulation zero
pilot-pattern 1
Displays the OFDMA probe interval, if set by the ofdma probe interval command.
Probing is disabled by default.
Displays the CMs with OFDMA transactions based on various other options. See the
Casa Systems – CMTS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide, Chapter 2, for details.
Displays the upstream module or modules configured with the OFDMA interface.
Clears cable modems from the OFDM channel which are in the offline state, or forces
all cable modems on the specified slot/ to reset.
Please type YES to confirm reset all modems in the specified range:
With multi-access to shared spectrum resources using the TaFDM scheme, spectrum
resources are divided up into time and frequency dimensions which are then allocated
to one channel or another. The upstream scheduler determines which area will be used
for TDMA or OFDMA transmissions.
Guard band will be inserted on the boundary between TDMA and OFDMA channels
both in frequency and time dimensions.
TaFDM configuration
Presently, there are no new CLI commands for the TaFDM feature.
In order for the upstream scheduler to run in TaFDM mode, the overlapping channels
must be configured into the same OFDMA subcarrier Service Group.
TaFDM restrictions
There are no restrictions on how the frequency overlap can occur. For example, an
OFDMA channel can
Configuration example
CASA(config)# interface upstream 11/1.0
CASA(config-if-ups 11/1.0)# frequency 22000000
CASA(config-if-ups 11/1.0)# channel-width 6400000
When the CMTS assigns multiple OFDMA Upstream Data Profile (OUDP) IUCs to
the original OFDMA channel, the CMTS includes TCC Encoding TLV 46.11 with
action "change" for the OFDMA channel in the REG-RSP message to the cable
modem. After the modem registers with the TLV, the CMTS select the best IUC to
use on the channel based on codeword error rate and channel SNR.
Release 7.2 supports OFDMA in the DOCS-IF31-MIB. See the Casa Systems –
SNMP MIBs and Traps Reference for information.
CASA(config)# vrf definition ?
<string> vrf definition name (size 1 to 128)
CASA> ls
total 389056
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 78016000 Nov 23 15:03
drwxrwxrwx 5 croot root 32768 Feb 11 17:45 cert_manage
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 35864 Feb 11 17:45 config_error_log
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 64771 Feb 11 17:10 config_error_log.bak
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 18 Jan 22 2014 envm_temp_thresd
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 0 Mar 20 2015 evids
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 155328000 Feb 11 17:35 image_100g.jt7x
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 159808000 Feb 10 17:13 image_100g.jt80
drwxrwxrwx 2 croot root 32768 Dec 4 13:26 ipdr_record
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 48049 Jan 4 16:56 lc9_th412_info.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 48049 Jan 19 07:37 lc9_th414_info.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 48049 Jan 15 10:36 lc9_th416_info.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 4807 Feb 11 17:45 snmpd.cnf
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 78 Feb 11 17:45 snmpd.cnf~
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 78 Feb 11 17:45 snmpd_short.cnf
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 78 Feb 11 17:07 snmpd_short.cnf~
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 144400 Jan 11 20:54 startup-config
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 110997 Sep 25 2014 startup-config.9dec2013
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 101756 Feb 27 2014 startup-config.jason
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 83514 Sep 25 2014 startup-config.lisa
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 93326 Sep 25 2014 startup-config.old
drwxrwxrwx 2 croot root 32768 Feb 11 17:44 tftpboot
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 216987 Apr 21 2015 xlp2_020002_bootimg
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 216995 Mar 25 2015 xlp2_020100_bootimg
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 223753 Nov 17 21:18 xlp2_020201_bootimg
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 223747 Dec 16 14:38 xlp2_020202_bootimg
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 226604 Dec 18 20:30 xlp2_020203_bootimg
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 669621 Nov 20 19:29 xls_120411_bootimg
-rw-r--r-- 1 croot root 680017 Jan 16 12:07 xls_120412_bootimg
CASA(config)# ip route vrf VPN1 tag 40001
CASA(config)# ip route vrf VPN1 global tag
CASA(config)# show ip route vrf VPN1
Routing entry for
Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0, tag 40002, best inactive
tag 40001
*, via vlan53
tag 40002
CASA(config)# no ip route vrf VPN1 tag 40001
CASA(config)# no ip route vrf VPN1 global tag
CMTS(config)# ntp server prefer
Stopping NTP server: ntpd.
18 Feb 17:22:13 ntpdate[1752]: step time server offset
0.000194 sec
CMTS(config)# ntp server
18 Feb 17:20:50 ntpdate[1556]: step time server offset
34.627892 sec
CMTS(config)# show ntp-server
ntp server
ntp server prefer
no ntp scheck
CMTS(config)# logging system warning
CASA(config-if-lo 12)# interface video 3
CASA(conf-if-video 3)# show interface video stat
interface video 3 status: Down
L3 Mode Up
qam module -
video unicast count 849348584
CMTS# debug ip bgp updates
in BGP updates of incoming direction
out BGP updates of outcoming direction
CASA(config)# tcp mss ?
<num=68:9140> MSS (default: IPv4: (MTU - 40B) IPv6: (MTU-60B))
CASA(config)# tcp mss 100
CASA(config)# end
casaSfpTxPower OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
UNITS "uw(microwatt)"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The optical Tx power of the sfp(sfp+)."
::= { casaSfpEntry 7 }
casaSfpRxPower OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
UNITS "uw(microwatt)"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The optical Rx power of the sfp(sfp+)."
::= { casaSfpEntry 8 }
casaSfpOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
{ up(1),
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
CASA(diag)# show interface xgige transceiver
Optical Optical Optical
Temperature Voltage Current Tx Power Rx Power
Interface (Celsius) (Volts) (mA) (dBm) (dBm)
--------- ----------- ------- ------- -------- --------
xgige 6/0 33.0 3.29 7.6 -2.4 -4.9
xgige 7/0 - - - - -
xgige 7/1 32.0 3.31 5.7 -2.7 -3.6
CMTS(config)# ngod access-group aclfilename1 in
CMTS(config)# edis access-group aclfilename2 in
CMTS(config)# telnet access-group name1
CMTS(config)# ssh access-group name2
CMTS(config)# ipdr access-group name3
When the cable arp fast-timeout setting is enabled, and if there is no response to an
ARP polling request, the fast-timeout mode begins and the configured arp timeout
setting is applied to all CPE entries in the ARP table so that the aged entries are
The default value setting is disabled. Once set, use the no command to disable the
cable arp fast-timeout setting.
CASA(config)# cable arp fast-timeout
CASA(config)# show cable arp fast-timeout
cable arp fast-timeout enabled
The CPU usage percentage is displayed in values ranging from 00 to 100 along the left
vertical column; CPU usage time (in minutes) displays along the bottom of the chart
in 10-minute increments up to 60 minutes.
CASA> show cpu-history mod 10
15| XX
10| XX X
05| X X XX
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (min)
CASA# traceroute6 "-t 0xff 4000::6"
traceroute to 4000::6 (4000::6) from 4040::42, 64 hops max, 16 byte
1 4040::1 1.248 ms
2 4001::1 0.759 ms
3 4000::6 0.932 ms
In the following configuration, community numbers 100:1 and 100:2 are removed
from BGP updates. For community value deletion, only the permit option is used; the
deny option is ignored.
The default number of paths is eight. Use the no form of the command to disable the
CASA(config-router-bgp)# maximum-paths ebgp ?
<1-8> Number of paths
CASA(config-router-bgp)# maximum-paths ebgp 2
CASA(config)# interface loopback 223
CASA(config-if-lo 223)#
casaIpMcastRoutePps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64
UNITS "Packet per second"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Packet per second forwarded by this
router using this multicast routing entry."
::= { casaPimRouteEntry 25 }
35: casaIpMcastRouteBps. (counter64) 0
36: casaIpMcastRouteBps.
37: casaIpMcastRoutePps. (counter64) 0
38: casaIpMcastRoutePps.
(counter64) 3885
Description: A notification will be sent to SNMP trap with the reason for partial
Description: A notification will be sent when the impacted cable modem comes out of
partial service.
Description: When a CM goes into partial service, the partial service trap that is
generated will now be listed as “partial-service”.
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The unusable DS Channel List for the current modem."
::= { casaCmtsCmPartialServiceEntry 6 }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The unusable US Channel List for the current modem."
::= { casaCmtsCmPartialServiceEntry 7 }
1: casaCmtsCmPSMacDomainIfIndex.2.1 (integer) 2000001 [2000001]
2: casaCmtsCmPSMacAddress.2.1 (octet string) 00:25:2E:D4:28:20
[00.25.2E.D4.28.20 (hex)]
3: casaCmtsCmPSDSChSetId.2.1 (gauge) 260
4: casaCmtsCmPSUSChSetId.2.1 (gauge) 256
5: casaCmtsCMPSDSChExclueList.2.1 (octet string) 3001156 3001157
6: casaCmtsCMPSUSChExclueList.2.1 (octet string) (zero-length)
CASA# show chassis status
Slot Type Sub Red State RM IO Uptime LastUptime Serial No HW Version CFE version
0 - - -
1 - - -
2 UPS_16x4 - Running X X 0w1d0h UB14BC7S0146 3.9 12.4.11
3 - - -
4 QAM_8x192 - Running X X 0w1d0h QB00DF8S0042 6.7 2.1.1
5 - - -
6 SMM 7 Active X X 0w1d0h SB15BC7S0010 1.8 12.4.11
7 SMM 6 Standby X - 0w1d0h SB15BC7S0099 1.8 12.4.11
8 - - -
9 QAM_8x96 - Running X X 0w1d0h QB10CCBS0008 5.9 12.9.13
10 QAM_8x96 - NotReady X X - - - -
11 UPS_16x8 - Running X X 0w1d0h US14CF4S0030 5.7 12.9.13
12 UPS_16x4 - Running X X 0w1d0h UB14BE1S0126 3.9 12.4.11
13 - - -
CMTS# md5 checksum ccsi.gz.rel7.2.0.0_build43b0
943d96f56361f10492fa3e899dac1e55 ccsi.gz.rel7.2.0.0_build43b1
To direct video event messages to a separate syslog server, execute the video logging
host <ip_address> [port <num=1:65535>] [vrf <string>] command now available
in Release 7.2. Up to four syslog server IPs may be specified for video events. Use the
no form of the command to remove any previously configured video syslog hosts.
CASA(config)# video logging host
video_logging_host_callback, port:514,vrf:0
edge_log_add_syslog_host, index:0
CASA(config)# ip prefix-list PROV-VOIP seq 10 permit
The show mpls vpws xconnect mpls-vc-map command has been expanded to
include Control-Word status (enabled or disabled). When LDP receives a VC label
Mapping message with this TLV present, and with the peer being a Casa CMTS, the
VPWS being created will always have the Control-Word bit disabled.
>CASA(config-vpws)#show mpls vpws xconnect mpls-vc-map
>Peer Address PSID VC-ID In-Label Out Label Tunnel-Label Network-Intf Control-Word
> 114 87042 25551 3 vlan471 enabled 199 87044 11424 0 vlan461 enabled 72 87043 87042 567 gige7/0 disabled
docsIfBurstNoiseTable —
docsIfBurstNoiseEntry —
docsIfBurstEventCorrecteds —
docsIfBurstEventUncorrecteds —
CASA# show upstream 11/0.0/1 burst-noise
Burst Noise Stats for Channel 11/0.0/1:
0 to 1 0 0
1 to 3 0 0
3 to 10 0 0
10 to 50 0 0
50 to 500 0 0
500 to 2000 0 0
2000 to 10000 0 0
10000 to 50000 0 0
> 50000 0 0
casaDocsIfBurstNoiseTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CasaDocsIfBurstNoiseEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"DOCSIS burst noise table"
::= { casaDocsExtMibObjects 21 }
casaDocsIfBurstNoiseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CasaDocsIfBurstNoiseEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"DOCSIS burst noise entry, The index is the ifIndex of
upstream logical channel:
an entry exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of
docsCableUpstreamChannel (205)."
INDEX { ifIndex }
::= { casaDocsIfBurstNoiseTable 1 }
casaDocsIfBurstEventCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"DOCSIS corrected burst event count"
::= { casaDocsIfBurstNoiseEntry 1}
casaDocsIfBurstEventUncorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"DOCSIS uncorrected burst event count"
::= { casaDocsIfBurstNoiseEntry 2}
The default setting is 1440 minutes (24 hours); a setting of 0 disables the auto-reset
function. The settable range is 0 to 65535 minutes.
CASA> show cable modem docsis-device-class
MAC Address US DS Mac Prim Reg Device Class Reg
Intf Intf Status Sid Ver Priv
0030.545e.56e8 11/0.3/0 4/0/13 online 52 1.1 eROUTER BPI
2476.7d98.bd08 11/0.3/0 4/0/4 online 53 1.1 eDVA BPI
fc52.8d5e.9c93 11/0.3/0 4/0/0w online 56 1.1 CM BPI
The following no commands have been implemented in the CLI to disable L2 traffic.
CASA(conf-if-vlan 10)# no l2vpn mac-address-movable
The l2vpn mac-address interval <1:1800> command has been implemented to set
the L2VPN interval timer period in seconds to elapse before determining if a MAC
address is no longer active. The default value is 900 seconds. The configurable range
is 1 to 1800 seconds.
CASA(conf-if-vlan 10)# l2vpn mac-address interval ?
<1-1800> expiry interval in seconds if mac-address is no
longer active. Default is 900 seconds
The l2vpn dhcp-insert option 82 command has been implemented in the CLI on a
per-VLAN basis. Use the no form of the command to remove the current setting.
CASA(conf-if-vlan 10)# l2vpn dhcp-insert option 82
CASA(config)# interface vlan 999
CASA(conf-if-vlan 999)# no l2vpn local-traffic-forwarding
casaBSoDl2vpnMibObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { casaBSoDl2vpnMib 1 }
casaBSoDl2vpnPWTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table maps l2vpnname to the corresponding
::= { casaBSoDl2vpnMibObject 1 }
casaBSoDl2vpnPWEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CasaBSoDl2vpnPWEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains a list of the pseudo-wire and the
corresponding configuration paramters including the VPN
identifier,VC-ID,pseudo-wire type,peer IP address and
Cable Modem MAC address, indexed by L2vpnname that
provisioned on the CMTS"
INDEX { casaL2vpnname, casaL2vpnpwPeerAddr}
::= { casaBSoDl2vpnPWTable 1 }
casaL2vpnpwPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"An administered octet string that externally identifies an
::= { casaBSoDl2vpnPWEntry 3}
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Virtual Circuit Identifier(VCID) of the pseudo-wire."
::= { casaBSoDl2vpnPWEntry 4 }
casaL2vpnPwType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This value indicates the emulated service to be carried over
this PW."
::= { casaBSoDl2vpnPWEntry 5}
casaCableL2vpnPWMac OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MacAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Cable modem MAC Addresses bind to a PW."
::= { casaBSoDl2vpnPWEntry 6 }
CASA(diag)# show swmgr flow-classes
Total G + Y Red Total G + Y Red
Flow Name Type Packets Packets Packets Bytes Bytes Bytes
LC_KA Priority 836210 836210 0 55524496 55524496 0
Best_Effort Meter 69 69 0 10110 10110 0
LACP Meter 0 0 0 0 0 0
ARP Meter 1226822 1226822 0 82877836 82877836 0
ARP_Reply Meter 83802 83802 0 5499768 5499768 0
QAM_ENCAP Meter 265 265 0 149218 149218 0
STP Meter 185236 185236 0 12624371 1262437 0
ISIS Meter 0 0 0 0 0 0
Expmt Fltr Filter 0 0 0 0 0 0
CASA(config-if-gige 6/0)# mtu ?
<1500-9180> mtu size in byte; default is 1500
CASA(config)# ping quiet repeat 10
PING ( 56 bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.506/0.642/1.687/0.349 ms
CASA> show interface xgige transceiver
Optical Optical Optical
Temperature Voltage Current Tx Power Rx Power
Interface (Celsius) (Volts) (mA) dBm) (dBm)
--------- ----------- ------- ------- -------- --------
xgige 6/0 - - - - -
xgige 6/1 - - - - -
xgige 6/2 - - - - -
xgige 6/3 42.2 3.27 41.4 -2.3 -2.2
xgige 6/4 - - - - -
xgige 6/5 38.1 3.33 6.2 -2.6 -0.6
CASA(config-if-qam 3/0)# channel 36 annex A spectral-inversion
CASA(config-if-qam 3/0)# show this
interface qam 3/0
modulation 64qam
interleave 128x1
channel 0 frequency 205000000
no channel 0 shutdown
channel 36 annex A spectral-inversion
channel 36 frequency 400000000
channel 36 interleave 12
no channel 36 shutdown
CASA(config)# ip access-list kw
CASA(conf-acl kw)# permit all dscp 5 7
8 time-range kw
CASA(conf-acl kw)# permit all dscp 5 7
8 time-range kw
Duplicate ACL rule.
Fail to add rule to access-list kw
CASA# show cable modem summary
Upstream Total Active Registered Secondary Offline Bonding
Interface Modems Modems Modems Modems Modems Modems
Non-Bonding Channel
Modems Description
13/0.0/0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
CASA(config)# show interface docsis-mac 1 brief
interface docsis-mac 1
no shutdown
downstream 1 interface qam 4/1/0
downstream 2 interface qam 4/1/1
upstream 1 interface upstream 9/0.0/0
upstream 2 interface upstream 9/0.1/0
upstream 3 interface upstream 9/0.2/0
upstream 4 interface upstream 9/0.3/0
MAC Domain :1
Service-Group :1
Upstream Channel Set :9/0.0/0, 9/0.1/0
Downstream Channel Set :4/1/0, 4/1/1
[Mon Jan 4 12:54:19 2016]-IN-AAA-1: smm6: t15 logged in from through Telnet authenticated by TACACS server
CASA(config)# show cable modem fec
MAC Address US IF USSNR Unerrored Corrected Uncorrectable
0018.4de7.3d60 9/0.3/0 40.4 2269 0 0
CASA(config)# show upstream fec docsis-mac 11
US chan frequency status cFEC uFEC
10/0.0/0 20000000 UP 0 0
10/0.1/0 24000000 UP 0 0
10/0.2/0 28000000 UP 0 0
10/0.3/0 32000000 UP 16 78
CASA# show cable modem verbose
MAC Address :e448.c7b4.ab62
IP Address :
MAC Status :online(pt)
CM-ID :1
Prim Sid :1
MAC Domain :1
Service-Group :1
Upstream Channel Set :13/0.0/0, 13/0.1/0, 13/0.2/0, 13/0.3/0
Downstream Channel Set :2/0/0, 2/0/1, 2/0/2, 2/0/3
Unusable channel list :2/0/4, 2/0/5, 2/0/6, 2/0/7
Upstream Channel :11/0.0/0 11/0.1/0 11/0.2/0 11/0.3/0
Upstream SNR (dB) :42.1 42.1 42.1 42.1
Received Power (dBmV) :0.0 0.2 -0.5
Reported Transmit Power (dBmV) :40.5 40.8 39.8
Peak Transmit Power (dBmV) :58.0 58.0 58.0
Phy Max Power (dBmV) :20.8 20.8 20.8
Minimum Transmit Power (dBmV) :20.2 20.2 20.2
RCP ID :00 10 18 80 81
Initial Timing Offset :1611…
CASA(conf-if-mac 1)# shared-secret 7 <mic_string> extend
CASA(conf-if-mac 1)# show cable modem 2476.7d98.b7d1
MAC Address IP Addr US DS MAC Prim RxPwr Timing Num BPI
Intf Intf Status Sid (dB) Offset CPEs Enb
2476.x.x.x 9/0.1/0 4/6/3 offline(m) 0 0.0 0 0 no
CASA(config)# show running-config | begin modulation-profile
modulation-profile 10
request atdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0
initial atdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0
station atdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0
short tdma qpsk off 84 6 75 338 13 8 shortened on
long tdma qpsk off 96 8 220 338 0 8 shortened on
a-short atdma 16qam off 104 12 75 338 6 16 shortened on 0 2048 qpsk1
a-long atdma 16qam off 104 16 223 338 0 16 shortened on 0 2048 qpsk1
ugs atdma 16qam off 104 16 223 338 0 8 shortened on 0 2048 qpsk1
modulation-profile 11
request atdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0
initial atdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0
station atdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0
short tdma 16qam off 168 6 75 338 7 8 shortened on
In the following example, the access-list directs all traffic except the modem traffic.
CASA(config)# show ip access-list PBR_ORANGE
10 deny all any any any
casaLawfulInterceptConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CasaLawfulInterceptConfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
casaLawfulInterceptConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CasaLawfulInterceptConfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Rows of table casaLawfulInterceptConfTable."
INDEX { casaLawfulInterceptConfId }
::= { casaLawfulInterceptTable 1 }
CasaLawfulInterceptEntry ::=
casaLawfulInterceptConfId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An identifier of a lawful intercept session. See
and cTapMediationEntry."
::= { casaLawfulInterceptConfEntry 1 }
casaLawfulInterceptConfVRF OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The VRF name of this session."
::= { casaLawfulInterceptConfEntry 2 }
casaLawFulInterceptGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
casaLawfulInterceptMib 2 }
casaLawFulInterceptGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { casaLawfulInterceptVRF }
STATUS current
"Casa lawful intercept group."
::= { casaLawFulInterceptGroups 1 }
casaLawfulInterceptCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
casaLawfulInterceptMib 3 }
casaLawfulInterceptCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
"Casa lawful intercept compliance."
MODULE -- this module
GROUP casaLawFulInterceptGroup
" "
::= { casaLawfulInterceptCompliances 1 }
The default setting (no attached-bit receive ignore) allows the router to install the
default route when the attached-bit is set in the LSP receive. The command can also be
set at the IPv6 address-family level.
CASA(config)# router isis
CASA(config-isis)# attached-bit receive ignore
[no] attached-bit receive ignore
Ping requests from the CMTS to the configured host domain are supported with this
feature. Note that the nameserver parameter must be set to the source IP address of
the DNS server in order to process domain name requests and responses at the CMTS.
CASA(config)# ip domain-name
CASA(config)# end
CASA(config)# video simulcrypt ecmg test
• Upstream Channel
• Ranging Status
• Upstream SNR (dB)
• Received Power (dBmV)
• Reported Transmit Power (dBmV)
• Peak Transmit Power (dBmV)
CASA# show cable modem 0024.d11e.4b2a verbose
• show ipdr disk — Displays the entire disk, including individual files.
• show ipdr disk usage — Displays total disk usage.
CASA(diag)# show ipdr disk
0 /tmp/ipdr_record
CASA(config)# video simulcrypt ecmg vrf vrfname
To perform the existing behavior of cascading though all available hop profiles, issue
the cm-mode command without the modulation-immediate option.
The following Reserved PID functionality has been added to the Configure->Video
Global page:
Corresponding CLI
CASA(config)# video reserved-pid upper-limit
<1-65535> upper limit of reserved pid. Default is 15
CASA(config)# video drop reserved-pids
The Monitoring > QAM screen in the Casa Video web interface has been changed to
the Monitoring > Video QAM screen to clarify that it is the video QAM interface.
The Replicate Port parameter was removed from the Shared Channel section of the
Configure > QAM screen in the Casa Video Web interface. The table column no
longer shows the parameter and it was removed from the Modify Port dialog.
The System > Users screen was modified to show a User List table with username,
privilege level, GUI access, and read/write privilege columns.
CASA(config)# route-map V6-CMTS-TO-HUB permit 5
CASA(config)# interface docsis-mac 3
CASA(conf-if-mac 3)# dhcp-authorization ?
ipv4-only Enable dhcp authorization for IPv4 only
ipv6-only Enable dhcp authorization for IPv6 only
CASA-C10G(conf-if-mac 3)# no dhcp-authorization
• Access-criteria: <message>
• Stream ECM ID: <message>
• Stream Status: <message>
CASA(diag)# show video power-key encrypt-data session 88
Power-Key encryptor data for session 001710035f40 00000088:
streamId(local session id): 4474306
Power-Key session id (to lib): 1
is_encrypted: 1
start_immediate: 1
start_time: 0
ecm_update_period: 100
cw_update_period: 4000
cw_setup_peroid: 450
caDATA[0] typeOfData: 0
caDATA[0] deliveryId: 0
caDATA[0] serialNumber: 0
caDATA[0] caDataLen: 80
caDATA[0] caData:
204e050e 00103900 0e000500 0000017e 21003000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006
20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020
CASA(config-if-qam 3/0)# ch 0 transport stream id 1 40 inc 2
• The software now translates the transport stream ID (TSID) to include the slot/
port/channel information for easier translation in video log messages when
logging is enabled with the video logging edis-text command.
• The show video session <session-id> command now includes the transport
stream ID (TSID) in the listed session creation parameters. Previously, the QAM
channel translation to the output port number was being presented instead of the
expected TSID.
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTemplateIndex
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanConfigChangeCt
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTargetRxPower
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanLowerBdryFreq
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUpperBdryFreq
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanSubcarrierSpacing
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanCyclicPrefix
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanNumSymbolsPerFrame
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRollOffPeriod
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanPreEqEnable
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngGuardband
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngNumSubcarriers
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanFineRngPreambleLen
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngGuardband
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngNumSubcarriers
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanInitRngPreambleLen
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanProvAttribMask
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanTxBackoffStart
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanRangingBackoffEnd
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaChanUtilization
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsTotalCodewords
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsCorrectedCodewords
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsUnreliableCodewords
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsInOctets
• docsIf31CmtsUsOfdmaDataIucStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileTotalCodewords
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileCorrectedCodewords
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileUnreliableCodewords
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileLastPartialChanTime
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfileLastPartialChanReasonCode
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaProfilePartialChanReasonCode
Support has been added for the docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStatusTable
objects in the SNMP DOCS-IF31-MIB to support queries to OFDMA channel signal
statistics and for SNMP configuration of the RxMerThreshold (read-write) setting.
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxPower
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMeanRxMer
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelStdDevRxMer
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRxMerThreshold
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerValue
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelThresholdRxMerHighestFreq
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelMicroreflections
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelHighResolutionTimingOffset
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelIsMuted
• docsIf31CmtsCmUsOfdmaChannelRangingStatus
CMTS(config-router-bgp)# address-family ipv6
CMTS(config-router-af)# distance bgp 77 88 99
The default setting is disabled. Use the no form of the command to revert to the
default setting.
CASA(config)# dhcp renew keep-server-address
The port buffer thresholds are set up so that over subscription of NSI or line card ports
WILL NOT affect control flows in the system.
CASA# ssh-server gen-hostkey ecdsa
CASA# ssh-server gen-hostkey ed25519
• 0 – Unknown
• 1 – MAC domain descriptor (MDD) timeout
• 2 – QAM/FEC lock failure
• 3 – Bad transmit channel configuration (TCC)
• 4 – Bad transmit power
• 5 – Range timeout
• 6 – Next codeword pointer (NCP) profile failure
• 7 – Impaired channel
• 8 – Unreachable channel
• 9 – Ranging failure
CASA# show cable modem partial-service
Reason code: x/y/z(reason_code)
1 MDD timeout, 2 QAM/FEC lock failure
3 Bad tcc, 4 TR power bad
5 Range timeout, 6 NCP profile failure
7 Impaired channel, 8 Channel unreachable
9 Ranging failure, 0 Unknown
CASA# show snmp statistics
SNMP agent statistics
snmpInPkts: 38
snmpOutPkts: 38
snmpInBadVersions: 0
snmpInBadCommunityNames: 0
snmpInBadCommunityUses: 0
snmpInASNParseErrs: 0
snmpInTooBigs: 0
snmpInNoSuchNames: 0
snmpInBadValues: 0
snmpInReadOnlys: 0
snmpInGenErrs: 0
snmpInTotalReqVars: 38
snmpInTotalSetVars: 0
snmpInGetRequests: 0
snmpInGetNexts: 38
snmpInSetRequests: 0
snmpInGetResponses: 0
snmpInTraps: 0
snmpOutTooBigs: 0
snmpOutNoSuchNames: 0
snmpOutBadValues: 0
snmpOutGenErrs: 0
snmpOutGetRequests: 0
snmpOutGetNexts: 0
snmpOutSetRequests: 0
snmpOutGetResponses: 38
snmpOutTraps: 0
snmpEnableAuthenTraps: 1
snmpSilentDrops: 0
snmpProxyDrops: 0
snmpCongestionDrops: 36
Console passwords
The console-password <password> command has been removed from the Casa CLI.
The console-password configuration is now specified with the adduser command.
The existing setting is converted to the new configuration and no reconfiguration is
CASA# adduser USER1 privilege 15 password Tr3btr3b
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsTable
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsEntry
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsProfileId
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsConfigChangeCt
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsFullChannelSpeed
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutOctets
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastOctets
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastOctets
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutFrames
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutUnicastFrames
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsOutMulticastFrames
• docsIf31CmtsDsOfdmProfileStatsCtrDiscontinuityTime
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2Table
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2Entry
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2CmVrfId
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2CmInetAddressType
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2CmInetAddress
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2VrfId
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2InetAddressType
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2InetAddress
• casaCmtsCmIpToCpe2MacAddress
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2Table
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2Entry
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2CmMacAddress
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2VrfId
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2InetAddressType
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2InetAddress
• casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2MacAddress
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2Table
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2Entry
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2IfIndex
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2NetAddressType
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2VrfId
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2NetAddress
• casaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2CmPhysAddresscasaCmtsCpeIpNetToPhysical2Type
Support has been added for the casaCmtsCmMacToCpe2Table objects in the SNMP
CASA-CABLE-CMCPE-MIB to support multiple virtual routing and forwarding
(VRF) queries. These objects include the following:
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2Table
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2Entry
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2CpeVrfId
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2CpeInetAddressType
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2CpeInetAddress
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2StatusIndex
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2Ipv4Address
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2Ipv6Address
• casaCmtsCpeIpToCm2MacAddress
The following SNMP objects have been added to the casa-cable-cmcpe-mib file to
support upstream and downstream secondary modem counts as currently supported
with the show cable modem downstream summary and show cable modem
upstream summary commands:
• casaCmtsUSSecondaryModemCount
• casaCmtsDSSecondaryModemCount
1: casaCmtsUSSecondaryModemCount.5005632 (gauge) 1
***** SNMP QUERY STARTED *****1:
1: casaCmtsDSSecondaryModemCount.3001536 (gauge) 1
The clear cable modem offline counters [docsis-mac <1:96>] command may be
used to reset the offline counters associated with a DOCSIS-MAC interface.
CASA# show cable modem offline counters
Docsis-Mac rngfail DhcpFail Tftpfail regfail bpifail onlineback
1 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 3 1 1 1 1 1
Total: 5 2 2 2 2 2
CASA# clear cable modem offline counters docsis-mac 1
The default base value is 0 for a Casa or Cisco System Resource Manager (SRM)
QAM 8x96 or QAM 8x192, or 1 for a BigBand SRM QAM 8x96 or QAM 8x192. The
slot value can be a comma-separated list. The syntax of the command is:
CASA# video qam export configuration slot 2,11 base 1
in-service-state filename casa-base1
The command returns warnings if other than a QAM module is specified and when
not all the QAM ports are shut down. Responding with YES resets the counters to
zero. Ports which are still enabled will show counters as negative with the show
interface qam <slot>/<port> block command. The ports must be shut down, the
command rerun, and the ports re-enabled.
CASA(conf-rule 64)# cm-mode tolerance-count ?
<4-100> default to 15
• continue <2:15> — The CMTS can be set to continue to adjust the modem power
output during ranging response. If the power offset is within the power level set by
the power-adjustment continue command, the modem is properly ranged in
transmit power. If it is beyond this level, the CMTS continues to send power
adjust messages. The adjustment level is in dBmV; default is 2.
• threshold <0:2> — The upstream input power threshold determines whether or
not the CMTS will send power adjustments. If the modem transmits power is
within the threshold, the CMTS sends no adjustments. . If it is beyond the
threshold, then it sends a power adjustment. After 16 failed attempts, the CMTS
stops sending ranging and the modem remains offline. The adjustment level is in
dBmV; default is 1.
CASA(conf-ofdma-channel 12/3.0)# power-adjustment ?
continue margin in dB to consider cable modem
properly ranged
threshold threshold in dB to send power
adjustments in RNG-RSP
The UDP port mapping for this mode is 100qqqqq qqpppppp. The UDP port range of
Table Mode 5 is (10000000 00000001 - 10011111 11111111) (0x8001 - 0x9FFF).
The output program number is in the range 1 to 63. Video streams with a UDP port out
of this range will be treated as homeless streams, and no output will be generated on
the RF side.
CASA(config)# video table ?
mode0 qqqqqqqq qqpppppp
mode1 1qqqqqqq qqqppppp
mode2 1qqqqqqq qqqpppp0
mode3 qqqqqqqq pppppppp
mode4 qqqqqqqq pppppppp,where q starts from 1
mode5 100qqqqq qqpppppp
CASA(config)# video table mode5
Implementation notes
CASA(config)# video channel-id-offset ?
<num> Valid range is from 1, or Nmax-64 if Nmax
is greater than 64 to Nmax-1,
where: Nmax is the largest "module
narrowcast-channels" setting
In the example, the channel-id-offset is set to 32, where channels 0–31 are reserved
for DOCSIS and the remaining 16 channels (32–47) are video channels for QAM
8x96, or channels 32–79 for QAM 8x192. The remaining video channels are then
numbered 0–15 for QAM 8x96 or 0–47 for QAM 8x192.
In the example, the channel-id-offset is set to 64, where channels 0–63 are reserved
for DOCSIS and the remaining 16 channels (64–79) are video channels for the QAM
8x192. The remaining video channels are then numbered 0–15.
CASA# show interface docsis-mac 1 topology
interface docsis-mac 1,AdminStatus: UP
• session 19 -- CM-REG-STATUS-TYPE-ADHOC
If these adhoc session are not needed, disable these sessions with the following
commands in the Casa config mode.
CASA# show cable ods-report ofdm 11/0/0
6814.01f0.3e47 on ofdm 11/0/0 opt_rsp total_len=7525 - 6 TLV head =
7519 subcarrier
RxMER per Subcarrier:
be bc c1 c2 c0 c0 c3 bd c3 bf ba c2 c2 be
be bd c1 bf bf c3 c0 ba c6 c0 bf bd c1 c3 be be
be bd c1 c3 bf c2 c0 c0 bf c2 bd c1 c3 c3 c1 be
bc c1 c1 ba c2 c0 bf bf c0 c0 be c1 c1 bc bf c1
c2 be
Use the [no] cable proxy-arp unknown subnet command to set the unknown
subnet option globally in the configuration. The IP bundle proxy-arp unknown
subnet setting takes precedent over the global setting. The global setting only takes
effect only when the IP bundle proxy-arp unknown subnet setting is not configured
on an IP bundle subnet.
CASA(ip-bundle 15)# ip address classname proxy-arp
unknown subnet
CASA(config)# cable proxy-arp unknown subnet
• casaVideoSimuEcmgCurrentCryptoPeriodNum
• casaVideoSimuEcmgCryptoPeriodRemainingTime
• casaVideoSimuEcmgEcmChannelIdStart
• casaVideoSimuEcmgEcmChannelIdEnd
• casaVideoSimuEcmgEcmVrfName
• casaVideoSimuEcmgEisVrfName
• casaVideoSimuConnectionDomainName
• casaVideoSimuConnectionAccessCriteria
• casaVideoSimuConnectionEcmChannelId
• casaVideoSimuConnectionStreamEcmId
• casaVideoSimuConnectionStreamStatus
CASA(config-if-mac 1)# initial-tech ofdma unicast-ranging
CASA# show iftable ofdma
ifIndex: 16000160
ifDescr: OFDMA Upstream 1/0.0
ifType: ifType_ofdma
ifPhysAddress: 00:00:00:00:00:00
ifAdminStatus: Up (2)
ifOperStatus: Up(1)
ifIndex: 16000161
ifDescr: OFDMA Upstream 1/1.0
ifType: ifType_ofdma
ifPhysAddress: 00:00:00:00:00:00
ifAdminStatus: Up (2)
ifOperStatus: Up (1)
Show commands are excluded and do not appear as part of the command history.
CASA# show command history web-gui
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> shutdown
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> no ip pim sparse-mode
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> ip address
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> gige 6/0 mode active
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> no vrf forwarding
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> no description
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> interface trunk 2
2016-07-05 16:33:16 <root> config
2016-07-05 16:32:10 <root> video pat-interval 100
2016-07-05 16:32:10 <root> config
configuration (mode0 through mode6). The table is created using the parameters
specified in the command.
CASA(config)# video table custom prog-per-chan 64 chan-per-port 24
start-udp-offset 65 skip-chan 12
To override the global setting on a specific upstream interface, use the existing
map-advance parameter in the interface upstream <slot/port> configuration
CASA(config)# cable map-advance-adjust ?
<-1000-5000> map tx margin in microseconds, default
is 0
CASA(config)# cable map-advance-adjust 500
CASA(config)# cable modem 1234.1234.1343 dbc upstream-list 1,2,3
initial-tech direct ofdma-initial-tech ?
broadcast-ranging use broadcast initial-ranging
probing use probing opportunity
station-ranging use station initial-ranging opportunity
unicast-ranging use unicast initial-ranging opportunity
Example: 0/0.1w
CASA# show ofdm channel 2/0/0
interface qam 2/0
ofdm-channel 0 lower-freq 499000000 upper-freq 689000000
plc-freq 592000000
ofdm-channel 0 cyclic-prefix 192
ofdm-channel 0 rolloff-period 64
ofdm-channel 0 interleave 1
ofdm-channel 0 sc-spacing 50
ofdm-channel 0 pilot-scale-factor 48
ofdm-channel 0 ncp-modulation qpsk
no ofdm-channel 0 up-down-trap-enable
ofdm port-exclusion-band 1
ofdm-channel 0 profile 0 1
no ofdm-channel 0 shutdown
CASA(config)# interface ofdma 12/0.0
CASA(conf-ofdma-channel 12/0.0)# voice-bw-reserve ?
<0-100> percentage for total call,default is 75 percent
max-calls limit voice band-width by ugs number
CASA(conf-ofdma-channel 12/0.0)# voice-bw-reserve max-calls 50
emergency 15
CASA(config)# docsis submgt default cm-filter-downstream ?
<0-1024> Docsis default: 0
CASA(config)# docsis submgt default cm-filter-downstream 1024
IA_PD stands for Identity Association for Prefix Delegation and is a collection of
prefixes, each with its own ID, assigned to a requesting router.
C100G(config)# docsis submgt default max-ipv6-iapd ?
<0-1023> Docsis default: 3
C100G(config)# docsis submgt default max-ipv6-iapd 1023
C100G(config)# show docsis submgt default
docsis submgt default active on
docsis submgt default max-ip 16
docsis submgt default max-ipv6-prefix 16
docsis submgt default max-ipv6-iapd 3
docsis submgt default learnable on
docsis submgt default cm-filter-downstream 0
docsis submgt default cm-filter-upstream 0
docsis submgt default cpe-filter-downstream 0
docsis submgt default cpe-filter-upstream 0
docsis submgt default ps-filter-downstream 0
docsis submgt default ps-filter-upstream 0
docsis submgt default mta-filter-downstream 0
docsis submgt default mta-filter-upstream 0
docsis submgt default stb-filter-downstream 0
docsis submgt default stb-filter-upstream 0
• casaCmtsChannelUtilizationTable
• docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable
• docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable
CASA(config)# show docsis upstream channel utilization
Upstream Total-BW Utilization Online Secondary Channel
Slot/Port.Channel (Mb/Sec) Percentage Modems Modems Description
11/0.0 (20000000 Hz) 10.2 0 0 0
11/0.1 (28000000 Hz) 10.2 2 0 0
11/0.2 (24000000 Hz) 10.2 5 1 0
11/0.3 (32000000 Hz) 10.2 0 0 0
11/1.0w ( 5M- 40M Hz) 182.8 12 0 0 ofdma
11/2.0w ( 42M- 85M Hz) 225.6 20 0 1 ofdma
CASA(config-if-qam 3/0)#shared-channel 0 annex A symbol rate ?
<5000-6999> Kilo-Symbol per second (default 6952)
CASA(conf-ofdma-channel 4/12.0)# show service group 2 verbose
service group 2
downstream channel bonding
upstream channel bonding
no upstream rfog-scheduler
CASA(conf-ofdma-channel 4/12.0)#
CASA(config)# show ipdr template
cm-ds-ofdm-prof-status cm-ds-ofdm-prof-status type
cm-ds-ofdm-status cm-ds-ofdm-status type
cm-us-ofdma-prof-status cm-us-ofdma-prof-status type
cm-us-ofdma-status cm-us-ofdma-status type
ds-ofdm-prof-stats ds-ofdm-prof-stats type
us-ofdma-prof-stats us-ofdma-prof-stats type
The UDP port mapping for this mode is 00qqqqqq pppppppp. The UDP port range of
Table Mode 6 is 0x0001 - 0x3FFF. The output program number is in the range 0 to
255. Video streams with a UDP port out of this range will be treated as homeless
streams, and no output will be generated on the RF side.
CASA(config)# video table ?
mode0 qqqqqqqq qqpppppp
mode1 1qqqqqqq qqqppppp
mode2 1qqqqqqq qqqpppp0
mode3 qqqqqqqq pppppppp
mode4 qqqqqqqq pppppppp,where q starts from 1
mode5 100qqqqq qqpppppp
mode6 00qqqqqq pppppppp
CASA(config)# video table mode6
Implementation notes
Use these commands with the assistance of Casa Technical Support when diagnosing
throughput issues.
CASA(diag)# show bcm congestion-info
Total Shared Buffer cells: 38427, Total Shared Buffer cells in use: 0
Buffer cells in use: 0 (0%)
Currently Alarmed: No, Alarm Count 0
Cell usage for port 0: input - 0, output - 0, output uc 0, ing mmu
drops 0
PG Shared Usage: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PG Headroom Usage: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Multicast Queue Usage: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The number of channels over which the specified power-attenuation value is applied
is in the range 1 to 80, depending on the QAM module in use.
1: mpegInputUdpOriginationIfIndex.266256.1 (integer) 1000079 [1000079]
2: mpegInputUdpOriginationInetAddrType.266256.1 (integer) ipv4(1)
3: mpegInputUdpOriginationSrcInetAddr.266256.1 (octet string)
C0.1D.02.1D (hex)
4: mpegInputUdpOriginationDestInetAddr.266256.1 (octet string)
5: mpegInputUdpOriginationDestPort.266256.1 (gauge) 67
6: mpegInputUdpOriginationActive.266256.1 (integer) true(1)
7: mpegInputUdpOriginationPacketsDetected.266256.1 (integer) true(1)
8: mpegInputUdpOriginationRank.266256.1 (gauge) 1
9: mpegInputUdpOriginationInputTSIndex.266256.1 (gauge) 266256
CASA(config-if-qam 0/0)# ofdm-channel 0 lower-freq ?
<108000000-1196000000> frequency in Hz
The show module <slot> qam-mode [summary] command has been introduced in
the Casa CLI to display detailed QAM mode statistics for all ports. . There can be up
to three QAM modes for a QAM 8x192 module, two for unicast and one for broadcast
(the one with the positive ref_cnt). The second broadcast mode (bc_mode 2) is used
only in per channel interleave mode where all the module channels have the same
annex, modulation, and symbol rates, and vary only between two interleave values.
Specify the summary option to display the same output in table format.
CASA# show module 1 qam-mode
Module 1:
uc_mode 1: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6952
ref_cnt 24
uc_mode 2: annex A modulation 64qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6952
ref_cnt 24
bc_mode 1: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6900
ref_cnt 8
bc_mode 2: annex B modulation 256qam interleave 128x1 symbol_rate 0
ref_cnt 0
Port 0:
admin status: UP
total channel up: 28
number uchan up: 24
number bchan up: 4
uchan in mode 1: 12
uchan in mode 2: 12
bchan in mode 1: 4
bchan in mode 2: 0
default mode: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12
symbol_rate 6952
other mode: annex B modulation 256qam interleave 128x1
symbol rate 0
CASA# show module 1 qam-mode summary
Module 1:
uc_mode 1: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6952
ref_cnt 24
uc_mode 2: annex A modulation 64qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6952
ref_cnt 24
bc_mode 1: annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 symbol_rate 6900
ref_cnt 8
bc_mode 2: annex B modulation 256qam interleave 128x1 symbol_rate 0
ref_cnt 0
0 UP 28 24 4 12 12 4 0 Annex_A 64qam
12 6952 Annex_B 256qam 128x1 0
1 DOWN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annex_B 256qam
128x1 0 Annex_B 256qam 128x1 0
Enabling extended-taps will enable all 24 taps of the equalizer. This could provide
the user with additional immunity to large echo and/or group delay impairments.
CASA(config)# interface upstream 13/0.0
CASA(config-if-ups 13/0.0)# pre-equalization ?
extended-taps support extended taps(tap equalizer),
default is off
CASA(config-if-ups 13/0.0)# pre-equalization extended-taps
To revert to the default setting of 16 taps:
CASA(config)# module 1 ofdm-channels 2
Need to reboot module 1 to apply the change.
CASA(config)# module 1 reboot
For more information, see the section “Support for two OFDM downstream channels
in R7.2.3.0.”
CASA# show cable admission-control interface ofdma 11/15
App-Class Exclusive Non-Exclusive Curr-Resv Curr-Ovrsb
8.1 0 50 0 0
8.2 50 0 0 0
8 50 50 0 0
9.1 0 20 0 0
9 10 10 0 0
performing the actual system reboot. This means that the system reboot process will
be freed from the file extraction process, reducing the boot-up time.
CASA# system bootfile update
The maximum length of an IPv4 or IPv6 prefix name has been increased from 32 to
256 characters in all configuration instances where a named prefix list is applied.
To speed up system boot time, priority processing has been revised to allow line cards
to come up faster. Line cards now acquire SMM status information at the SMM
CONFIG state instead of waiting for the SMM RUNNING state.
CASA(config)# system service-delay ?
snmp delay before processing SNMP
tftp-proxy delay before processing TFTP proxy
CASA(config)# system service-delay snmp ?
<num> time in minutes, max delay 60 (default 0)
CASAconfig)# cable partial-service tx-power-deficit
CASAconfig)# show running-config | inc deficit
cable partial-service tx-power-deficit
CMTS(config)# show cable modem offline counters
Docsis-Mac rngfail_R2 rngfail_RC Dhcpfail Tftpfail...
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0
Total: 0 0 0 0
CASA(config-if-ups 9/31.0)# frequency 56000000
This board does not support higher than 55 MHz frequency.
The show dmesg command presents messages from the boot process in a controlled
manner after the system has started without having to observe the console output.
Even after the system has fully booted, the kernel may occasionally produce further
diagnostic messages which are also captured in this log. Look for any key words such
as Oops, Panic, Warning, or Failure.
CASA(conf-minislot-cfg 30)# subcarrier-group-minislot 1 ?
<5000000-100600000> start frequency
CASA(diag)# mirror cm traffic ?
<mac_addr> xxxx.xxxx.xxxx. mac addr of cm
loopback loopback interface name for source address
The bitrate-threshold parameter sets the bitrate per second (bps) low threshold in
which an SNMP trap will be generated if the detected rate is below the configured
value. The missing pat-pmt-pid parameter forces an SNMP trap message if any of
the required video elements (PAT, PMT, or PID) is missing from the video session
stream. Apply the no form of the command to cancel the current setting.
CASA(config)# snmp trap logging video alarm bitrate-threshold ?
<0-4294967295> bitrate(bps)
CASA(config)# snmp trap logging video alarm bitrate-threshold 1000
CASA(config)# snmp trap logging video alarm missing pat-pmt-pid
The [no] cable spectrum syslog command has been introduced in the Casa CLI to
enable and disable logging of CSM messages. When enabled, syslog messages will be
sent to the configured syslog hosts.
CASA(config)# cable spectrum syslog
A new multicast join session which is already in effect will now be acknowledged
using the current gate-set ID when the duplicate session is requested. The change
enables the CMTS to reduce the number of bandwidth-consuming transactions by
immediately freeing the duplicate session gate-set request in this situation.
The 200000 option has been added back to the show spectrum upstream <slot/> chan-width <width> command. The revised range is 200 kHz to 6400
Previously, the software supported up to 1280 DSG channels per tunnel-group and
2560 DSG channels across all tunnel groups.
CASA(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp 21)# channel 1 qam 1/0/0
maximum channel limit in all dsg tunnel-groups has been reached: 5120
Release 7.2 Features Guide