Spek CT Scan Siemens
Spek CT Scan Siemens
Spek CT Scan Siemens
Detector type 2 x Multi Stellar Detector
Number of slices acquired simultaneously 2 x 128 (acquired slice) ; 2 x 384 (reconstructed slice)
No. of Rows 128 (2x64)
Detector widht, mm 38,4
Reconstructed slice widht option, mm 0.5, 0.6,0,75, 1, 1.5, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10
No of detector elements 77.824 (47.104 system A, 30.720 system B)
Number of channels 2432 channels (System A : 1472 ; System B : 960)
X-Ray tube Anode 2 x Straton MX P
0 MHU (0.6 MHU capacity combination with 7.3 MHU/min cooling rate is
Heat storage, HU
comparable to thr performance of a conventional tube with approx 50 MHU
Dissipation rate, HU/min 7,3 MHU/min
Tube Cooling Water
Tube focal spot, mm 0.7 x 0.7 mm/7 degrees, 0.9 x 11 mm/7 degrees
kW Output 200 (2 x 100)
kVp range 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140
mA range Single source 28 - 800, Dual source 40 - 1.600
Max scan time, sec 80, (100s for sequence)
Max scan volume, cm 197, (200 s for sequence)
Spatial resolution, lp/cm 30
0.35 - 3.2 standard, down to 0.17 with syngo HeartView Flash and up to 3.4
with ECG-triggered Flash Spiral)
Reconstruction time per image, sec up to 50 fps
Vertical, cm 48 - 92
Longitudinal, cm 200
Scannable range, cm 200
Max load capacity without restrictions, kg (accuracy, mm) 227 kg / 0.25 mm
Hard disk, MB 3.8 TB
No. online images 260.000 uncompressed
Archival storage CD / DVD-Rom
Adaptive 4-D Spiral, CareFilter, Care Bolus, Care Topo, Care kV, Care Child-
Dose modulation technique
Pediatric protocolsCare profile and Care dashboard, SAFIRE
Pediatric-specific dose control Care Child (70kV). Pediatric protocols, adaptive dose shield, and Safire*
Iterative recostruction technique SAFIRE
Prospective ECG Gating syngo HeartView Flash
Retrospective ECG syngo HeartView Flash
Low dose Cardiac (axial acquistion) syngo HeartView Flash
Max heart rate, bpm Every heart rate / heart rate-independent
High-contrast spatial resolution (x/y-plan)
0% MTF, lp/cm 17.4 lp/cm, 30 lp/cm with UHR
10% MTF, lp/cm 13.5 lp/cm
50% MTF, lp/cm 11.8 lp/cm
Low contrast resolution, mmat % at < 4 rads 20 cm CAPTHAN; 5mm, 3 HU, 11 mGy
DICOM 3.0 interface Yes
Factory Warranty 1 year
Cardiac syngo HeartView CT
Temporal resolution 75 ms, 88 ms, 134 ms, 268 ms,
Nonsegmented reconstruction, msec up to 37.5 ms with bi-segment reconstruction (with syngo HeartView CT*)
Low-dose axial cardiac ECG-synchronized Flash Cardio Sequence and Adaptive ECG-Pulsing
Perfusion imaging Yes, syngo Neuro Perfusion
Extended coverage perfusion Yes, 140 mm (optional with Adaptive 4D Spiral Plus)
Dual-energy acquisition Yes available
Coronary artery calcification scoring syngo.CT CaScoring
Auto vessel mapping syngo.CT Vascular Analysis
Quantifitation syngo.CT Coronary Analysis
Left ventricle analysis syngo.CT Cardiac Function
Myocardial evaluation syngo.CT Cardiac Function
Brain perfusion syngo.CT Neuro Perfusion
Single-click aneurysm evaluation syngo.CT Neuro DSA
Auto stroke functionality syngo Volume Perfusion CT Neuro
Auto bone removal Automatic Bone Removal
CT Virtual Endoscopy syngo Fly Through
Auto Spine and Rib Labeling Yes
Complex procedures reduced to a single click FAST CARE
Single click to create FOV FAST PLANNING
Provide cardiac workflow and guidance FAST CARDIO WIZARD
Metal Artifact Reduction syngo Dual Energy
Real-time MPR, syngo Dynamic Evaluation, CT Angiography, syngo 3D SSD, syngo 3D
VRT, CT, FAST Spine, Neuro Best Contrast
Power requirements for system scanner 285 kVA
Room requirements According to BAPETEN regulation
Power requirements for water cooling (chiller) 16 kVA
Printer Yes
Injector Yes
Lead Glass (kaca Pb) Yes
Electrical Panel Yes