Estrus Synch Buffalo

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2019; 8(2): 54-62

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.03 Estrus synchronization in buffaloes: Prospects,
TPI 2019; 8(2): 54-62
© 2019 TPI approaches and limitations
Received: 01-12-2018
Accepted: 05-01-2019 GN Purohit, Pankaj Thanvi, Munesh Pushp, Mitesh Gaur, Chandra Shekher
GN Purohit Saraswat, Atul Shanker Arora, Surya Prakash Pannu and Trilok Gocher
Department of Veterinary Gynecology
and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan Abstract
University of Veterinary and Animal Estrus synchronization and timed inseminations can overcome two distinct problems of buffalo breeding:
Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
poor overt estrus expression and seasonality of breeding. Evidence is accumulating that, similar to cattle,
Pankaj Thanvi the synchronization of estrus in buffalo is dependent on the presence of dominant follicle (DF) and
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, corpus luteum (CL) on the ovary. Approaches for estrus synchronization govern either the progression of
College of Veterinary and Animal DF to ovulation following luteolysis (prostaglandins PG) or regression of a DF, followed by growth of a
Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan
University of Veterinary and Animal new DF that progresses to ovulation (progestins and GnRH). The use of prostaglandins for estrus
Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India synchronization has led to estrus rates (ER) of 60-80% and conception rates (CR) of 12.5%-60% in
buffalo heifers and ER of 70-100% and CR of 40-80% in adult buffaloes. Such an approach has the
Munesh Pushp disadvantage of poor response in postpartum anestrus buffaloes and buffalo heifers with absence of CL
Veterinary University Training and
Research Centre, Kumher,
and follicular growth. Moreover, the effects are suboptimal during the non-breeding season and during
Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India nutritional inadequacies. Progestagen treatments are more useful in buffalo heifers and adult buffaloes
during the non-breeding season when combined with estradiol, eCG, prostaglandins and GnRH/hCG. A
Mitesh Gaur slightly longer duration (12-14 d) of progesterone therapy is suggested during the non-breeding season
Department of Veterinary
along with estradiol at the time of progesterone implant insertion, as this effectively regresses large
Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, follicles and/or initiates a new follicular growth. Such therapies effectively produce additional
Navania, Vallabhnagar, Rajasthan pregnancies during the unfavourable season, which is clearly advantageous. The ovsynch is the most
University of Veterinary and Animal commonly used GnRH based estrus synchronization protocol used in buffaloes with conception rates of
Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India up to 60% during the breeding season however, during the non-breeding season and in buffalo heifers the
Chandra Shekher Saraswat conception rates are suboptimal (11-20%). The nutritional status of buffaloes appears important before
Department of Veterinary initiating estrus synchronization. In conclusion, estrus and ovulation can be effectively synchronized in
Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of buffaloes using ovsynch protocols during the breeding season; however during the non-breeding season
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, progestagen based protocols in combination with estradiol, eCG, PG and GnRH are a better option for
Navania, Vallabhnagar, Rajasthan
University of Veterinary and Animal
timing insemination and planning calvings.
Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
Keywords: Buffalo, estrus synchronization, PG, progestagens, ovsynch
Atul Shanker Arora
Directorate of Extension Education,
Rajasthan University of Veterinary Introduction
and Animal Sciences, Bikaner, The success of estrus synchronization and timed inseminations in dairy and beef cattle
Rajasthan, India
(Bridges and Lake, 2011; Colazo and Mapletoft, 2014) [15, 30] has led to increased adoption of
Surya Prakash Pannu these approaches in the buffalo, a species with inherent problems of poor estrus expression and
Department of Veterinary seasonality of reproduction. It is almost around 45 years since the first report on estrus
Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
synchronization appeared in buffalo (Baruselli et al., 2013) [10] yet there are still considerable
Bikaner, Rajasthan University of limitations. The wide scale adoption of this technique can become popular in a very few
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, buffalo rearing countries on account of smaller number of buffaloes per herd, poor awareness
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
of farmers and poor responses of most estrus synchronization regimens especially during the
Trilok Gocher hot summer months. Although buffaloes have been shown to have 2-3 follicular growth waves
Department of Veterinary
Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of
during estrous cycle, with 2 waves being common (Baruselli et al., 2013) [10], yet the number
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, of follicles recruited per follicular wave is lower in buffalo compared to cattle (Gimenes et al.,
Bikaner, Rajasthan University of 2009; Campanile et al., 2010) [46, 21]. Thus, the results of estrus synchronization in buffaloes
Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
are expected to be low. Similar to cattle, approaches for estrus synchronization in the buffalo
have utilized prostaglandins, progestins and GnRH alone or in combination (De Renis and
Correspondence Lopez-Gatius, 2007) [34]. These pharmaceutical agents regulate corpus luteum (CL) regression,
GN Purohit follicle growth/regression and ovulation. Studies have shown that the dominant follicle (DF)
Department of Veterinary
Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of
and CL on the ovary are pivotal to estrus synchronization protocols. The mechanism of estrus
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, synchronization involves either the progression of DF to ovulation following luteolysis
Bikaner, Rajasthan University of (prostaglanidns), or the regression of DF, followed by growth of a new DF that progresses to
Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
ovulation (progestins and GnRH based protocols).
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Estrus synchronization protocols in swamp buffaloes have Markandeya and Bharkad, 2002) [7, 69] and animals return to
been recently reviewed (Yendraliza et al., 2015) [115]. In the estrus within 50-96 hr of administration. Thus, for
present review, the prospects, approaches and limitations of prostaglandins to be effective animals should be cyclic. The
estrus synchronization in river buffaloes are discussed. administration of PG causes luteolysis and this permits the
dominant follicle (DF) of the follicular growth wave to grow
Prospects and prerequisites to a stage that allows estrus and ovulation (Day and Geary,
The benefits of estrus synchronization in dairy cows have 2005) [33]. An obvious increase in the size of the DF (from
been analysed previously. It was reported that the use of 0.97 ± 0.07 cm to 1.4 ± 0.09 cm) was recorded in Egyptian
ovsynch reduced intervals to first AI, days open and/or culling buffaloes on Day 2 of PG injection, with concomitant
of cows for infertility (Tenhagen et al., 2004) [105]. The decrease in plasma progesterone and estrus in 3-4 days post
pregnancy rates can be increased further by accurate estrus injection (Noseir et al., 2014) [79]. The return to estrus would
detection methods to re-inseminate cows that spontaneously depend upon the status (Size and dominance) of dominant
return to estrus, concurrent with routine pregnancy diagnosis follicle and CL (at the time of PG administration). Most
and re-synchronization of non-pregnant cows (Galvao et al., buffaloes with a CL and a DF below 1.0 cm would respond to
2013) [42]. PG however, buffaloes with a CL and a DF above 1.0 cm
Estrus synchronization in buffaloes can address two distinct respond poorly (Brito et al., 2002) [16].
problems of breeding. First, estrus signs are less marked in Since buffaloes are known to have a preponderance of two
buffaloes (Roy and Prakash, 2009) [90] which can be wave cycle (63.3%) (Baruseli et al 2013) and a lower number
efficiently managed by estrus synchronization, followed by of follicles are recruited per follicular wave (Campanile et al
timed insemination without estrus detection (Baruselli et al., 2010; Baruselli et al., 2013) [10, 21, 19], the probability of
2013) [10] and second, anestrus postpartum buffaloes can be buffalo returning to estrus following PG administration is
effectively impregnated during the hot summer, which would lower compared to cows. Palpation of a CL in buffaloes
have otherwise continued to be non-pregnant during the non- appears difficult due to poor projection on the ovarian surface
breeding season, thus reducing days open and achieving (Sharifuddin and Jainudeen, 1983) [96]. However, estrus rates
yearly calving (Kumar et al., 2012) [63]. This has been shown after a single PG administration following palpation of a CL
in many studies (Malik et al., 2011b; Ghuman et al., 2014) or without palpation of CL in different studies (Table 1)
[112, 44]
. Using estrus synchronization, 50-75% pregnancy rate appear to be high. A smaller number of animals (>25) were
can be achieved during the first month of the breeding season utilized in most of these studies, conducted during the
without estrus detection (Crudeli and de La Sota, 2011; breeding season. Besides many variables like, day’s
Baruselli et al., 2013) [10, 31]. Additional pregnancies during postpartum (Usmani, 2001) [109], nutritional status (Hussein
non-breeding season would result in calvings during a time of and Abdel-Raheem, 2013) [52] and others that regulate effects
milk deficit improving overall profitability of buffalo farming. of prostaglandins, an important determinant appears to be the
Pregnancy rates are, however, dependent upon many factors season of administration. Administration of a single PG to
such as estrus detection, nutritional status, body condition buffalo heifers resulted in estrus rates of 60% during the low
score and postpartum interval. Low pregnancy rates during breeding season with poor subsequent conception rates (22.8 -
low breeding season result from high embryonic mortalities 25.6%) (Chohan et al., 1993) [27], whereas, during the
(Campanile et al., 2005; Russo et al., 2010) [19, 46]. Animals breeding season estrus rates were 86.6% and conception rates
should be in good body condition before initiating estrus varied from 47.8 to 53% (Table 1).
synchronization. It is beneficial to examine animals by Results of estrus synchronization using PG in pre-pubertal
transrectal palpation and transrectal ultrasonography to buffalo heifers and postpartum anestrus buffaloes may be sub-
evaluate uterine and ovarian status (De Rensis and Lopez optimal (Honparkhe et al., 2008) [49]. None of the 12
Gatius, 2007) [34] before initiating estrus synchronization. postpartum acyclic buffaloes treated with PG responded to the
Buffaloes with a DF and a CL are good candidates for treatment. Eight of the 12 Murrah buffalo heifers (32 months
inclusion in the synchronization programs. Buffalo heifers age) managed at an organized farm responded well to the PG
should have attained around 60% of their adult body weight injections with estrus and ovulation within 48 h of PG
and a minimum of 50% of heifers should have normal estrous injection (Singh and Madan, 2000) [49] however, this might
cycles. Use of high fertility buffalo bulls and high fertility not be applicable to farmers buffaloes at similar age (due to
semen are also essential for attaining success with estrus diverse nutritional and managemental conditions) (Brito et al.,
synchronization. 2002; Misra et al., 2003) [16, 71]. Thus, the nutritional status
and ongoing follicular and luteal activity appears important
Approaches and limitations when selecting a diverse group of buffaloes comprising of
Similar to cattle, estrus synchronization approaches in the buffalo heifers and postpartum anestrus buffaloes. The intra-
buffalo have used prostaglandins, progestins and GnRH based vulvo-submucosal route of administration of PG has been
protocols in combination with other hormones such as suggested for estrus induction/synchronization in buffaloes
estradiol and hCG. The use of a particular approach would (Totewad et al., 2009; Lucy et al., 2010) [107, 64] to reduce the
depend upon many factors which should be considered prior cost but estrus synchronization with such a treatment was
to use of a particular product. suboptimal and delayed compared to the intramuscular use.
Administration of 2 PG 11-12 days apart is suggested for
Prostaglandins cyclic animals in well managed buffalo herds during the
Use of prostaglandins is one of the oldest approaches for breeding season with satisfactory conception rates (Table 1)
synchronization of estrus in buffaloes (De Rensis and Lopez- employing natural service or timed artificial insemination.
Gatius, 2007) [34]. The admsinistration of natural or synthetic
prostaglandins to the buffalo results in a marked decrease in Progestins
progesterone due to luetolysis (Chohan et al., 1992; Progestin treatments inhibit the maturation of DF due to

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suppression of both FSH and LH which promote the atresia of period is important for the expression of estrus as well as for
all follicles present on the ovary in cattle and buffaloes subsequent normal luteal function (Baruselli et al., 2007) [8].
(Baruselli et al., 2007; Suadsong, 2011) [8]. Once the DF A longer period of progesterone treatment (12-14 d) has been
undergoes atresia, its suppressive effects on other small suggested to mediate these effects (Bhat et al., 2015) [13].
follicles and FSH are removed which allows a new follicular However, a recent report depicted reduction in hypothalamo-
wave to begin with formation of a DF which attains ovulatory pituitary responsiveness to synchronization treatments
capacity following withdrawal of progesterone implant. The including PRID and ovsynch during increasing daylight
use of estradiol or GnRH on the day of implant insertion (Barile et al., 2015) [7].
significantly suppresses DF growth and enhances new wave Progestins have been used as oral supplements, daily
emergence (Suadsong, 2011; Bhat et al., 2015) [104, 13]. injections, auricular implants (norgestomet) and vaginal
Follicular waves emerged in Murrah buffaloes on days implants however, use of commercially available vaginal
4.22±0.12, 3.12±0.33 and 5.14±0.42 of treatment with implants (CIDR and PRID) has been most common. Use of
estradiol + CIDR, GnRH + CIDR or CIDR alone (Bhat et al., indigenously prepared methyl-acetoxy progesterone vaginal
2015) [13]. Similarly, in another study on Italian buffaloes sponges was reported in one study with estrus rates of 50-80%
treated with estradiol and progestagens, a new follicular wave and conception rates of 33% in acyclic and 50% in cyclic
occurred around the 4th day of treatment (Niasari-Naslagi et Nili-Ravi buffaloes (Kausar et al., 2013) [58] sponges.
al., 2007). The diameter of the largest follicle was reduced
from about 8mm (Day 0) to 5 mm around the day of wave Oral supplements
emergence. Also, the mean number of 4-5 mm follicles Oral administration of progestin melengestrol acetate (MGA;
increased from 1.58 (Day 0) to 5 around the day of wave 1-2 mg daily for 9-14 days) alone or combined with 500 µg
emergence (Bhat et al., 2015) [13]. IM estradiol 24-48 hrs before last MGA dose to buffalo
Progesterone based treatments in combination with estradiol, heifers has been reported in a few studies with estrus rates of
PG, GnRH or hCG and timed inseminations are considered 62.7-100% however, conception rates were only 35%
more useful during the non-breeding season in buffaloes due (Shanker et al 1996) [95]. Administration of low levels of oral
to poor responses of other estrus synchronization treatments progestin (MGA) in the absence of a corpus luteum can result
such as PG and ovsynch during this time (Carvalho et al., in the formation of persistent follicles in cattle (Smith et al.,
2013b; Vecchio et al., 2013) [22, 111]. Pre-pubertal buffalo 2011) [102] however; similar occurrence could not be recorded
heifers have low blood progesterone concentrations (Ahmed in trials involving small number of buffaloes.
et al., 2010) [10], which peak around puberty (Haldar and
Prakash, 2006) [47], thus progesterone treatments should be Progesterone injections
more suited to anestrus buffalo heifers for estrus Progesterone injections can be used as an alternative to oral
synchronization. This was shown in a small trial (n=6) on feeding of progestagens, however these injections have to be
PRID treated anestrus buffalo heifers, all of which exhibited administered on a daily basis for 5-8 days which limits their
estrus after PRID removal (Singh et al., 2009) [49] and similar practical applicability. The daily administration of
results were shown for anestrus buffaloes treated with progesterone injections (250 mg IM) for 5 days followed by
progesterone implants in combination with other hormones 500 IU eCG or 5 mg estradiol on day 6 to postpartum
(Carvalho et al., 2013a; Vikash et al., 2014) [23, 112]. A short buffaloes resulted in estrus rates of 40-59% and conception
period of elevated progesterone concentration during anestrus rates of 45.5% (Thakur, 1989; Kumar et al., 2010) [62, 106].

Table 1: Effect of prostaglandins on estrus response and conception rates in buffaloes

Type Shot Estrus rate (%) Conception rate (%) Reference
Honnapagol and Patil, (1991); Chohan et al. (1993) [27];
Heifers PG 1 shot 60-68 12.5-62.5
Chohan, (1998)
Heifers PG 1 shot 60(LBS) 86.6(PBS) 22.8-5.6(LBS) 47.8-53(PBS) Chohan et al. (1993) [27]; Chohan, (1998)
Heifers PG 2 shot 71.4% 88.6(LBS) 45 Singh and Dabas, (1998) [44]
Adult PG 2 shot - 32.48 Phadnis et al., 1994 [14]
Adults Single injection after CL palpation 76.6-80 70-80 Ribeiro et al. (1998) [89]
Pant and Singh, (1991) [45]; Honappagol and Patil,
Single injection 77.5-100 41.5-72.9
(1991); Khattab et al. (1996) [20]; Brito et al. (2002) [16]
Chohan et al. (1993) [27]; Diaz et al. (1994) [39]; Singh
2 injection 11 d apart 25-95 22.8-83 and Dabas, (1998) [49]; Misra et al. (2003) [71];
Srivastava, (2005) [105]; Hussain and Honappa, (2008) [51]
2 injection 11 days apart TAI 72-96 h Chohan, (1998); Yuan et al. (2008) [117] Yuan et al.
47.8-63.6 47.8-63.6
after 2nd injection (2010) [118]; Dadarwal et al. (2009) [45]

Ear implants buffaloes (>15), estrus rates were high and conception rates
Norgestomet is a synthetic progestagen ear implant that is were similar across regimens utilizing norgestomet in
administered subcutaneously and kept in place for 8-10 days, combination with eCG and PG or norgestomet alone (Table
followed by its removal. An estradiol valerate capsule and/ or 2). A larger trial on 100 anestrus buffaloes however, yielded
estradiol valerate (5 mg IM) is administered simultaneously to 75% estrus rates (Yadav et al., 1994) [114] only, and in another
synchronize estrus. Buffaloes show estrus within 24-48 hr of trial on 96 buffaloes the conception rates were41.4% (Phadnis
withdrawal of the auricular implant. Estrus rates in buffalo et al., 1994) [14]. However, another study on Murrah buffaloes
heifers were high (70-100%) in trials utilizing a smaller evidenced norgestomet to be ineffective in inducing cyclicity
number of animals (n=10) (Patel et al., 2003; Kumar and in postpartum anestrus buffaloes (Garg et al., 1999) [43].
Mandape, 2004) [61, 81]. Similarly, in experiments on adult

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Table 2: Estrus and conception rates in adult buffaloes administered norgestomet ear implants alone or with combination with eCG and PG
Estrus rates (%) Conception rates (%) References
Norgestomet (8-10 days) + 5 mg E2 60-100 30-70 Phadnis et al. (1994) [14]; Chattry et al. (1999); Patel et al. (2003) [81]
Norgestomet + 500 IU eCG 86-97.6 44.6-66.7 Luthra et al. (1994) [65]; Malik et al. (2011a) [113]
Norgestomet + PG (9 days) 100 45-66.7 Utage et al. (2010) [110]; Chaudhary et al. (2015) [25]

Timed insemination in 119 buffaloes 64-68 hr after of progestagen treatments in buffalo heifers. A trial in
withdrawal of norgestomet ear implants and administration of Venezuela buffalo heifers treated with PRID + E2 + PG
PG+ eCG before withdrawal during summer resulted in showed no conception in treated buffalo heifers (Noguera et
conception rates of 49.6% (Carvalho et al., 2013a) [24] and al., 2013) [78]. Anestrus buffaloes evidence a poor response,
similar conception rates were recorded in other trials on timed especially during the summer season when the implants are
insemination in adult buffaloes following estrus used alone (Sekerden et al 2005; Murugavel et al., 2009) [73].
synchronization with norgestomet in combination with eCG, It has thus been suggested to administer 1-2 mg estradiol and
PG and GnRH (Baruselli et al., 2007; Diaz et al., 1994) [8, 39] PG along with the CIDR/PRID (Caesar et al., 2011; Carvalho
et al 2013a) [22]. The combined use of estradiol and
Vaginal progesterone implants progestagen vaginal implant at the beginning of the regime
Two commercially available progesterone vaginal implants induces a new follicular wave due to atresia of all follicles
(CIDR and PRID) developed for cattle have been widely used present (Baruseli et al., 2007).
in buffaloes. The implants are applied for 8-10 days (Ghuman Alternatively, PG plus eCG or GnRH or both (eCG and
et al., 2009; Murugavel et al., 2009) [45, 73]. Estrus and GnRH) at withdrawal of implant have been suggested during
ovulation occur within 48-96 hrs after withdrawal of off season use (Caeser et al 2011; Frares et al 2013) [41]. The
progestagen implant in treated buffaloes (Bhosrekar et al., administration of eCG at the time of withdrawal of
1994) [82]. progestagen implants significantly increased the size of the
In experiments utilizing lesser number (n=20) of buffaloes the DF rapidly before ovulation (12 mm) from Day 9 to Day 12
estrus response to progesterone vaginal implants was depicted (Malik et al., 2011a) [113] and the estrus and ovulation rates
to be high (Table 3) however, the estrus response was lower (Caesar et al., 2011). The ovulation rate can further be
in trials using a higher number of buffaloes (<50). The estrus increased by the administration of GnRH two days after the
response and subsequent conception rates are dependent upon administration of eCG and PG (Carvalho et al 2013c) [23].
the reproductive status, days postpartum, ovarian follicular Timed insemination at 60-72 h after withdrawal of
status, season of the year and the simultaneous administration CIDR/PRID, and repeated at 24 h, has been suggested
of eCG, PG and GnRH (De Rensis and Lopez-Gatius, 2007) (Carvalho et al 2013a) [24]. Experiments using GnRH
. The mean diameter of the largest follicle was significantly (administered 2 days after implant withdrawal and eCG
smaller in nulliparous Italian buffalo heifers compared to administration at withdrawal) suggest fixed time insemination
mixed parity buffaloes during the first 4 days after PRID 24 hr after the GnRH administration (Carvalho et al 2013b)
removal (Presicce et al., 2004) [83], suggesting lower response [22]
during the non-breeding season.

Table 3: Estrus rates and conception rates in buffaloes administered CIDR/PRID intravaginal progesterone implants in different studies
No of animals Physiological state of buffalo Estrus rates (%) Conception rates (%) References
De Santis et al. (2003) [36]; Naseer et al. (2011) [74];
>20 Acyclic/sub estrus 80-100 56-80
Yotov et al. (2012) [116]; Kajaysri et al. (2015) [55]
21-50 Anestrus 83-100 50-80 Singh et al. (1988) [44]; Singh, (2003) [45]
21-50 Postpartum 71.4-100 46- 85.7 Sathiamoorthy et al. (2007) [93]; Caesar et al. (2011)
NBS-32.5-82 BS-54- 25.3 Rao and Rao, (1983); Bhoserkar et al. (1994);
>50 Anestrus
93 40.7 Ghuman et al. (2009) [45]
>50 Postpartum/ Acyclic - 36.0 Neglia et al., 2003 [76]
36.5-46.4 Carvalho et al. (2013a) [23]; Noguera et al. (2013) [78];
>50 Lactating/ Acyclic -
Urdaneta et al. (2013) [108]

GnRH based Protocols follicle present at the time of administration of first GnRH
Approaches utilizing administration of GnRH alone, followed may regress or persist throughout to ovulate subsequently
by PG to postpartum buffaloes have not become popular, (Day and Geary, 2005) [33]. The success of this protocol
although they can stimulate estrus and ovulation (Khasatiya et depends on the presence of a DF at the time of first GnRH
al., 2005) [59]. Pursley et al. (1995) [85] were the first to (De Rensis and Lopez-Gatius, 2007) [34] and this can be
demonstrate that the administration of GnRH, followed by determined by ultrasound examination of the ovaries (De
administration of PG 7 days later results in more precise Rensis et al., 2005) [35]. In a study on Mediterranean buffaloes
control of ovarian follicle growth and estrus and the ovulation the largest follicle present at the time of first GnRH
is assured by a second injection of GnRH 2 days after the PG. administration regressed in 46.6% of nulliparous and 78.5%
This has led to a wider use of GnRH in estrus synchronization of pluriparous animals (Presicce et al., 2005) [85]. In another
protocols in cattle and such a protocol is popularly known as study on postpartum anestrus Murrah buffaloes, all animals
ovsynch protocol. By far the ovsynch protocol is the most (n=15) ovulated one largest follicle in response to first GnRH
widely used regime in buffaloes. This ovulation treatment (Malik et al., 2011b) [112]. The ovulation of the
synchronization protocol employs the IM administration of largest follicle at the time of first GnRH administration is
GnRH, PG and GnRH on days 0, 7 and 9. probably dependent on the size of the dominant follicle (De
The administration of GnRH promotes ovulation of a DF and Rensis et al., 2005) [35]. When the size of the largest follicle
this initiates a new wave of follicular growth. The largest was >8mm at the time of first GnRH injection, 87.5% of

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heifers and 100% of adult buffaloes ovulated (Derar et al., The ovulation rate to first GnRH appears important and can
2012) [112]. The ovulation of the DF is also dependent on the be used as a preliminary screening of buffaloes to be
stage of the DF. inseminated, reducing timed insemination costs (Neglia et al.,
In buffaloes, Day 6 and Day 10 of the estrous cycle are 2013) [76], as pregnancy rates were significantly higher (81%)
considered the growth phase and regression phase of the first in buffaloes that ovulated after first GnRH injection compared
wave DF and the proportion of buffaloes that ovulate in to 22.3% in those that did not ovulate with first GnRH
response to GnRH during the growth and regression phase treatment (Neglia et al., 2013) [76]. The ovsynch protocol has
was 75.0 and 16.67%, respectively (Dharani et al., 2010) [38]. been used in buffaloes in a large number of countries with
Similarly, Campanile et al. (2008) [20] recorded ovulation in estrus rates varying from 41.6 to 91.9% and conception rates
62% of the buffaloes when GnRH was administered on Day 5 from 11.11 to 68.8% (Table 4). Similar pregnancy rates were
of the estrous cycle. Moreover, the DF of the first anovulatory recorded in studies using a combination of CIDR and ovsynch
wave reached the maximum size earlier and remained in static or norgestomet and ovsynch (Table 4). Although the DF at
phase for a greater number of days, indicating an early loss of first GnRH did not ovulate or regress in 50% of buffaloes
LH receptors in buffaloes compared to cows (Sateshkumar et treated with CIDR in combination with ovsynch treatment,
al., 2011) [87]. The ovulation of a DF initiates a new follicular yet the addition of a progestagen implant at the time of first
wave and formation of a new DF.A new follicular wave GnRH injection improved conception rates in acyclic
started one day after the first GnRH dose in Egyptian postpartum buffaloes (Ali et al., 2008; Alyas et al., 2013) [6].
buffaloes and this wave resulted in the development of a new Estrus synchronization in buffalo heifers using ovsynch has
DF with a diameter of 1.03+0.07 cm on day 7 after treatment yielded lower conception rates (18.8-40%) compared to those
(Day of PG administration) (Noseir et al., 2014) [79]. In in adult buffaloes (Irikura et al., 2003; Presicce et al., 2005)
[85, 53]
another study, the interval from first GnRH administration to . Many previous reports (Baruselli et al., 2002; Warriach
the onset of new follicular wave was 48 to 54 h and a new DF et al., 2008; Jabeen et al., 2013) [9, 113, 54] have shown that
developed from this wave (Ali et al., 2008). The estrus rates and conception rates in buffaloes with the
administration of PG 7 days later causes luteolysis and the ovsynch protocols are higher during the breeding season
new DF or the continually growing unovulated DF reaches (Estrus rates 87.5% versus 36.3% and conception rates 40%
the ovulatory size and the animal evidences estrus. The versus 11.1%) (Warriach et al., 2008; Jabeen et al., 2013) [113,
second GnRH treatment ensures ovulation of the ovulatory .

Table 4: Estrus rates and conception rates in buffaloes with ovsynch treatments in different reports
Estrus Rates (%) Conception Rates (%) Reference
Berber et al. (2001) [11]; Francillo et al. (2005) [40]; Ali and Fahmy, (2007) [37]; Sathiamoorthy
Ovsynch 46.3-91.9% 28.0 - 66.6
et al. (2007) [93]; Ravikumar et al. (2009) [88]; Derar et al. (2012) [112]; Hoque et al. (2014) [50]
Ovsynch + CIDR 58.3-86 18.18 – 63.6 Campanile et al. (2005) [19]; Ravikumar et al. (2008) [87]; Kalwar et al. (2015) [56]
Norgestomet +
- 71.4 Malik et al. (2010) [111]
PG + Ovsynch - 36.4 Hoque et al. (2014) [50]
Camelo et al. (2002) ; Karen and Darwish, (2010) [57]; Akhtar et al. (2013) [2]; Neglia et al.
Ovsynch + TAI - 18 - 59
(2013) [76]
CIDR + Ovsynch +
100 66.67 Alyas et al. (2013) [6]

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