Gas-Liquid Absorption
Gas-Liquid Absorption
Gas-Liquid Absorption
ID: 141761
In this experiment, it is required to determine the flow rate of air at which flooding occurs during
the absorption of the carbon dioxide in water in a packed column. First and foremost, dry air data
of the flowrates and the pressure drop at each flow rate are collected. Wet are data are of air and
water flowrates and the corresponding pressure drop are recorded. Log (pressure drop/ column
height)-log (flowrate) graph is then constructed after calculations and modification of the collected
data. Finally, the flooding point is determined at 1.9 of logarithmic flowrate and by anti-log the
flow rate of air at which flooding occurs is 79 l/min.
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1 introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Drying............................................................................................................................. 10
2 Results ................................................................................................................................... 11
3 Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 16
4 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 17
5 Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 18
Distillation is used to perform a chemical process which is carried out mainly to separate liquid
mixtures or a solvent from a solution, and to extract pure components from the mixtures. Moreover,
distillation depends on the volatility of each component such that the more volatile component is
the first extracted and vice versa. A distillation unit consists of a tower connected to a re-boiler
and a condenser. Feed mixture is heated at the re-boiler to maintain vaporization in which liquid
is partially vaporized flowing up through the column that would consist of trays or packing.
Furthermore, the vapour leaving the trays enters the condenser where some of it is extracted as the
overhead product while the rest returns to the column as reflux. Volatility of components
determines in which phase each component will be in which the more volatile component will be
more likely to move from liquid phase to the vapour phase, therefore the top product will be rich
in more volatile component. On the other hand, less volatile components will move from the
vapour phase to the liquid phase, thereby the bottom product will be rich in less volatile
components. (Khoury, 2015). Distillation columns are used throughout industry when mixtures
(primarily in liquid form) must be separated. One such example is the petroleum industry. In such
an application, crude oil is fed into a large distillation column and different fractions (oil mixtures
of varying composition and volatility) are taken out at different heights in the column. Each
fraction, such as jet fuel, home heating oil, gasoline, etc., is used by both industry and the consumer
in a variety of ways. The separation achieved in a distillation column depends primarily on the
relative volatilities of the components to be separated, the number of contacting trays (plates) or
packing height, and the ratio of liquid and vapor flow rates. (Engineer & Ricci, 2010)
Distillation columns are
rarely designed with packing
in large scale production
because of the liquid
distribution problems that
arise with large diameter
units and the enormity of the
height of many columns.
However, where applicable,
towers filled with packing are
competitive in cost, and are
particularly useful in cases
where the pressure drop must
be low and/or the liquid
holdup must be small. Packed
towers, an overview of which is available at the end of this chapter, are Figure 1 Crude oil distillation Tower
occasionally used for bench-scale or pilot plant work. In contrast, use of trayed towers extends to
many areas of the chemical industry. Types of distilltation are flash distillation batch distillation
continuous distillation. (Engineer & Ricci, 2010)
The removal of one or more selected components from a gas mixture by absorption is an important
operation in engineering. The process of absorption conventionally refers to the intimate
contacting of a mixture of gases with a liquid so that part of one or more of the constituents of the
gas will dissolve in the liquid. The contact usually takes place in some type of packed or plate
column. The engineering design of gas absorption equipment must be based on a sound application
of the principles of diffusion, equilibrium, and mass transfer. The main requirement in equipment
design is to bring the gas into intimate contact with the liquid, i.e., to provide a large interfacial
area and a high intensity of interface renewal, and to minimize resistance and maximize driving
force. This contacting of the phases can be achieved in many different types of equipment, the
most important of which are either packed or plate columns. The final choice often rests with the
various criteria that may have to be met. For example, if the pressure drop through the column is
large enough such that horsepower costs become significant, a packed column may be preferable
to a plate-type column because of the lower pressure drop. Again, primary emphasis in this section
is placed on packed and plate columns. In most processes involving the absorption of gaseous
constituents from a gas stream, the gas stream is the process fluid; hence, its inlet conditions (flow
rate, composition, and temperature) are usually known. The temperature and composition of the
inlet liquid and the composition of the outlet gas are also usually specified. The main objectives,
then, in the design of an absorption column, are the determination of the solvent (liquid) flow rate
and the calculation of the principal dimensions of the equipment (column diameter and height).
(Theodore & Ricci, Absorption, 2010)
stage (h, j) is minimized. These low concentrations of both ammonia and carbon dioxide in the
stripper effluent can be obtained at relatively low temperatures of the urea solution because carbon
dioxide is only sparingly soluble under such conditions. (Ulamman's Encylopedia of Industrial
Chemisty, 2012)
It is already well established that the molecular forces at the surface of a liquid are in a state of
imbalance or unsaturation. The same is true of the surface of a solid, where the molecules or ions
on the surface may not have all their forces satisfied by union with other particles. As a result of
this unsaturation, solid and liquid surfaces tend to satisfy their residual forces by attracting and
retaining onto their surfaces gases or dissolved substances with which they come in contact. This
phenomenon of the concentration of a substance on the surface of a solid (or liquid) is called
adsorption. Thus, the substance attracted to a surface is said to be the adsorbed phase or adsorbate,
while the substance to which it is attached is the adsorbent. Adsorption should be carefully
distinguished from absorption, the later process being characterized by a substance not only being
retained on a surface, but also passing through the surface to become distributed throughout the
phase. Where doubt exists as to whether a process is true adsorption or absorption, the
noncommittal term “sorption” is sometimes employed. The study of adsorption of various gases
(or vapors) on solid surfaces has revealed that the forces operative in adsorption are not the same
in all cases. Two types of adsorption are generally recognized: “physical” or van der Waals
adsorption and “chemical” or activated adsorption. Physical adsorption (physisorption) is the result
of intermolecular forces of attraction between molecules of the solid and the substance adsorbed.
When, for example, the intermolecular attractive forces between a solid and a gas (or vapor) are
greater than those existing between molecules of the gas itself, the gas will condense upon the
surface of the solid even though its pressure may be lower than the vapor pressure corresponding
to the prevailing temperature. The adsorbed substance does not penetrate within the crystal lattice
of the solid and does not dissolve in it but remains entirely upon the surface. Should the solid,
however, be highly porous, containing many fine capillaries, the adsorbed substance will penetrate
these interstices if it “wets” the solid. The partial pressure of the adsorbed substance at equilibrium
equals that of the contacting gas phase, and by lowering the pressure of the gas phase, or by raising
the temperature, the adsorbed gas is readily removed or desorbed in unchanged form. Physical
adsorption is characterized by low heats of adsorption (approximately 40 Btu/lbmol of adsorbate)
and by the fact that the adsorption equilibrium is both reversible and established rapidly. This latter
point allows one to simplify calculations in most real-world adsorption applications. (Adsorption
, 2010)
separation. Another possibility is to use some sort of countercurrent or crosscurrent continuous-
contact device where discrete stages are not involved.
In the drying process, a liquid (usually water) is separated from a wet solid by use of a hot dry gas
(usually air). The drying of solids to remove moisture involves the simultaneous processes of heat
and mass transfer. Heat is transferred from the gas to the solid (and liquid) in order to evaporate
the liquid contained in the solid. Mass is transferred as either a liquid or vapor within the solid and
then as a vapor from the surface of the solid. Additional details on this process are provided later
in this section. The energy required to vaporize the liquid in a solid is almost always furnished by
a hot inert carrier gas that enters the drier. In some driers, the solid may be in contact with heated
metal surfaces where the required heat of vaporization flows to the solid by conduction. In vacuum
drying (where there is essentially no carrier gas), the heat of vaporization is furnished by
conduction or radiation; here, the capacity of the drier is largely influenced by the heat-transfer
surface available within the dryer. (Theodore & Ricci, Drying, 2010)
0 2
20 2
40 2
60 23
80 30
98 34
95cm = 76 l/min
1 cm=98.06 Pa.
Table 2 Modified dry air data
Table 3 Wet air data
Water flow rate (cm/min) Air flow rate (cm/min) Pressure drop ΔP (cm
50 0 2
50 20 10
50 40 18
50 60 40
50 80 58
50 98 80
95cm = 76 l/min
1 cm=98.06 Pa.
Table 4 Modified wet air data
Water Air Pressure Height 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑 Log (flow
𝒍𝒐𝒈 ( )
flow rate flow drop (m) 𝑯𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑯𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 rate)
(L/min) rate (Pa) (Pa/m)
1.935 0 196 1.4 140 2.15 -
Now the log-log graphs can be found and from which the flooding point can be found:
Log (pressure drop/height)
0.5 point
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Log (flowrate)
The experiment’s aim is to determine the flow rate of air that will cause flooding. Flooding is a
phenomena that occurs when the flow rate of air is more than the flow rate of water causes
restrictions to the movement of the water. The log-log graph is an essential method in determining
the best conditions of the flow rates of gas and liquid in order to avoid flooding. Log-log graph is
constructed by plotting log (ΔP/height of the column) versus log (flowrate) for both dry and wet
basis. At the point which the largest log (pressure drop/height) occurs, corresponding log (flow
rate) is the flow rate at which flooding occurs. In the design of the absorption columns, some
factors are taken into consideration as the height of the column, the type of the column whether
packed, trayed, spray or blub. Moreover, the number of stages at which the absorption occurs, and
the flow rates of the gas and liquid. Also as the surface area provided is large, more efficient
absorption occurs. An efficient absorption column is what provides good absorption with the low
pressure drops in order not to waste energy.
It was required to determine the flooding point of the absorption of carbon dioxide from air by
water. The experiment was carried out on two steps, dry basis and wet basis. Firstly, only the air
is injected to the column and then the pressure drop is recorded corresponding to each flow rate.
Secondly water and air are injected to the column and also the pressure drop recorded at each flow
rate. These data are then used to construct a log-log graph of both dry air and wet air. The graph
should a rise in the pressure drop as the flow rates of the gas and the liquid increase. This is because
the resistance between the two opposing fluid increase. The highest pressure drop is at the flooding
point at 1.9 logarithmic flow rate that equals 79 l/min.
Adsorption . (2010). In Mass Transfer Operations for the practicing engineer . John Wiley.
Engineer, L., & Ricci, F. (2010). Distillation . In Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing
Engineer. John Wiley.
Theodore, L., & Ricci, F. (2010). Absorption. In Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing
Engineer. John Wiley.
Theodore, L., & Ricci, F. (2010). Drying. In Mass Transfer Operations for the practicing
engineers. John Wiley.