Classroom Climate
Classroom Climate
Classroom Climate
Table Arrangement
In this
class, the
was positioned
in the middle
of the
space. Instead
of placing
students in
rows of desks,
students were
going to be
placed in table
groups around
the focus of
the SmartBoard. Not only were students placed at tables, there were different styles of seating that could
be used at the tables. My cooperating teacher had choices of exercise balls, wobble stools, regular chairs,
or a stool at the two higher tables. Next, there was a middle level table that students were placed at and
the choices for seating were exercise balls, wobble stools, regular chairs, or a cube chair. Lastly, there
were two lower tables that student could sit at. At those tables, they has the option between two different
pillows to sit on. In this classroom. flexible seating was a strategy that was used and it was a successful
for many students. Students were given the option to choose what kind of seat they would like to try for
the first few weeks of school during before school conferences. The seat that they chose was one that they
thought would be the best fit for themselves. During the first week of schools, during classroom rules and
expectations, my cooperating teacher and I conducted lessons that helped students understand how the
classroom materials should be used, such as their seats. After a demonstration, students had a better idea
of how to use that tool during learning time. During the course of my six week placement, only two
students needed to find a new seat that would better accommodate their needs. At the students tables as
well, this is where their materials for the day would be, that are used most often. In the baskets, there
would be pencils, crayons, an alphabet sheet, and glue sticks.
Classroom Climate
Teacher’s Desk
My cooperating teacher had a few ideas of where she wanted to put her desk this year. In the past years,
she mentioned to me how she had her desk setup. It was a tricky space between the carpet space and the
SmartBoard places because of the rugs that were used. After a few times of trial and error, the placement
of the teacher desk was decided. Her desk would be placed up against the whiteboard, right between the
two areas. This particular placement helped when doing activities on the SmartBoard. Along with that,
my cooperating teacher also had a desk for my use during my six week placement. It was placed right
next to hers so I could help with the same tasks that she could on the Smartboard if it was needed during a
Reading Nook
Another area of the classroom is a reading area. In
this area, there are various books. These books are
a combination of my cooperating teachers personal
books, called dessert books, and also IRLA books.
The students know the difference between the two
kinds of books according to color coordination and
stickers. Each week, on Monday, students are able
to change out their books. In total, they are
needing to put in their reading bag, five IRLA
books and three dessert books. These books are
kept for the duration of the week. Also in this area,
are different places for students to read. There is a crib, bean bags, blankets, pillows, and also a table
where students can listen to books on a CD player.
each student was assigned a lock spaced that was shared with another student. In this locker, students
would put their personal belongings such as, a coat, extra shoes, a water bottle, and their backpack. Below
each of their lockers is an empty shelf for any art work and extra storage. Above the lockers is more
cupboard space for storage. Above there, my cooperating teacher stored birthday supplies, personal
books, and any teaching materials.
Kidney Table
At the kidney table, located on the side of
the room by the storage areas, was an area
designated to small group time,
assessment area, and parent teacher
conference area. This area had a variety of
different seat choices for students to
choose from. This area was in a place
where the teacher could still analyze what
was happening in the room as small group
or assessment time was taking place.
Behind the table was a small organizer
with small group work available to the
teacher as well as any assessment and student binders.
-I really appreciated the set up of this classroom and the experience with rearranging furniture where I
thought it was a good place to be put. Everything we did together is something that I will take into
consideration for my own classroom. I made sure to outline how the classroom was set up and what I had
apart in doing during workshop week. The biggest thing I would like to do myself is ensure that I am
organized. If I can organize myself in a manner in which I am excited about and use frequently, I feel like
I can be a better teacher. In order for everything else to fall into place and ensure the classroom is
running how it should be, I need to be organized myself. Along with that, another big thing I would like to
incorporate in my layout of the classroom is a reading area. I strongly believe in having a good
atmosphere centered around reading in my classroom. I would like to provide a comfortable area where
students are actively engaged and excited about reading. This would include a fun place to sit, something
fun to read with, or a fun area to read in. Lastly, I would like to have tables if I can, or desks, in groups. I
feel like collaboration is a very strong strategy to incorporate into a classroom. Students can also
practice social skills.
Classroom Climate
Turn-in Bin
Near the student mailboxes, there is a cookie sheet labeled turn-in bin for students to turn in any work
they have completed that day that the teacher needs to check off or look at before it goes home. This is a
good organizational strategy to see who follows directions, who is on track to meeting standards, who
needs some extra practice, and who was gone for the day as well.
**The routine that was established here is how to hold a pencil and write letters on a paper, then
developing stories.
★ Lunch/Recess
Students would gather any outside clothing that was needed for recess and grab their lunch.
★ Tumble Books
To calm down and get ready for the rest of the afternoon, students would come back from lunch
and watch a tumble book on the SmartBoard at their tables.
★ Social Studies/Science Workshop
★ Math Workshop
★ Snack & Pack
Before going to special time, students would watch an educational video on the SmartBoard and
enjoy their afternoon snack. During this time as well, the teacher would call them to the back of
the classroom near their mailboxes. Students would gather all necessary papers and put them in
their take home folders to go home for the night. They would also pack up their backpacks and
take everything back to their tables and finish up their snack.
★ Special
★ Dismissal
Students would be dismissed according to their destinations. To begin, students who are going to
walk or go to SACC would be dismissed first. After that, the car riding students would be
dismissed and lastly, the bus riding students.
-Above, I outlined how my six week placement teacher organized her schedule. It is
important to quickly and thoughtfully establish routines in a classroom. This is something
that I will ensure I do right away. The more students can practice how to go to the
bathroom, how to write with a pencil, and how to properly sit in a chair, classroom
management and the well being of my students will be that much better. Within my
classroom, I will also have anchor charts and posters placed around the room as
reminders for the students. Lastly, coming up or finding a song that incorporates the
steps for some routines is also something I would like to do in my own classroom. Not
only will it help with memorization, but students will also be able incorporate some music
into their daily routines.
What strategies or techniques will you implement to support your students’ personal development
and responsibility in the classroom?
I really enjoy using guided discovery and the “what’s it” method. I feel like at a young age, it was fun for
the students to learn how to use classroom materials right away. Throughout the course of my six week
placement, we demonstrated the proper use of many materials and I feel like this could continue
throughout the entire year. In my experience, letting students experiment with different materials is the
best way to help them learn and succeed. In life, that is a great skill to take forth and remember. Students
will make mistakes, but helping them learn how to fix their mistake is another important take away.
➔ Classroom Rules:
This classroom rule chart was one that was introduced the first week
of school. I liked this one because it was very basic and to the point.
These were important parts for students to remember at the age of
five and six.
➔ Classroom Consequences:
The image to right is a chart that was made by the class after
reading the book, “No, David!” and “David goes to School”. The
students were able to think, the very first day of school, how to be
respectful in the classroom. Once the book was done and the chart
was made, the students talked about what they think should happen
if a student does not follow the directions in class. It was nice for
them to brainstorm as well as effective because they more than
likely going to remember what they said. The list that was created
If the incident was serious enough matters would be taken to a higher level.
Classroom Climate