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Veyon User Manual

Release 4.2.0

Veyon Community

Apr 04, 2019


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Program start and login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 User interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Computer select panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Screenshots panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Program features 7
2.1 Using functions on individual computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Monitoring mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Demonstration mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Lock screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5 Remote access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 Power on, restart and shutdown computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.7 Log off users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.8 Send text message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.9 Run program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.10 Open website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.11 Screenshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3 FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions 17

3.1 Can other users see my screen? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 How frequently are the computer thumbnails updated? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3 What happens if I accidentally close the Veyon Master application window? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4 How can I broadcast the screen of a student to all other screens? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4 Glossary 19

Index 21



Veyon is an application that lets you monitor and control a group of computers (e.g. classrooms) on a central com-
puter (e.g. an instructor’s computer) and use various features and modes.

1.1 Program start and login

The program is started via the start menu or a desktop icon:

Depending on the system configuration you will be prompted for your username and your password:

Enter your username and password here or – if given – the credentials of a special teacher account. If the entered
data is correct and and a a login can be performed, the program will start. Otherwise, the login will be denied and

Chapter 1. Introduction

an error message will be displayed. In this case you can try the login with corrected data again.

1.2 User interface

After the program start you will see the user interface with the toolbar (1), the monitor view (2) and the status bar
with various controls (3):

The toolbar contains a number of buttons for activating different features. A detailed description of the individual
features can be found in chapter Program features. The appearance and behavior of the toolbar can be customized as
described in section Toolbar.
In the monitor view all computers to be monitored are displayed in a tile view. Depending on the system configu-
ration and previous program starts you can already see the computers at your current location here. The computer
select panel allows you to show or hide computers or entire locations.
The elements in the status bar are used to control the program interface and are described in detail in the following

1.3 Status bar

Using the Locations & computers and Screenshots buttons, you can open and close the computer select panel and the
screenshots panel.
The search bar allows you to filter the computers displayed using computer names or user names as search terms.
Technically savvy users can even enter regular expressions here to define advanced search filters.
The (Only show powered on computers) button hides all computers that are not powered on, disconnected or not
reachable for some other reason. This allows simultaneous monitoring of a large number of computers or partially
occupied rooms while focusing on the actually active computers.
Use the slider to control the size of the computer screens displayed. When holding then Ctrl key, the size can also
be changed using the mouse scroll wheel. The size is adjusted automatically by clicking the button (Adjust optimal
size) to the right of it.

2 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

1.4. Toolbar

It is also possible to use a custom computer arrangement, e.g. to represent the actual arrangement of computers in
classrooms. After clicking the button (Use custom computer arrangement) each computer individually or a selection
of computers can be moved with the left mouse button pressed and arranged as desired. To align all computers in the
custom arrangement, click the (Align computers to grid) button. If you want to use the sorted standard arrangement
again, simply deactivate the button.
The button (About) opens a dialog with information about Veyon such as version, manufacturer and license terms.

1.4 Toolbar

You can customize the appearance and behavior of the toolbar. A right click on either a free section or a button
opens a context menu with several entries:

If you click the entry Disable balloon tooltips no tooltips will be displayed anymore whenever you hover the mouse
over the buttons. You can open the context menu at any time and uncheck the item again.
The Show icons only option gives a compact view of the toolbar buttons by hiding the labels and displaying only
icons. On smaller screens this option may be necessary to display all buttons.

1.5 Computer select panel

The Locations & Computers button in the status bar opens the computer select panel. This panel displays all available
computer locations in a tree structure. You can expand individual location entries by clicking on the corresponding
symbol in front of them.
You can activate individual computers or entire locations by checking them. All checked computers will then be
displayed in the monitoring view.

Veyon User Manual 4.2.0 3

Chapter 1. Introduction

With the Save computer/user list button you can save the list of computers and logged in users in a CSV file. Typical
use cases for this are subsequent presence checks or IT-based exams.
Depending on the system configuration, the button Add location is also available. This allows you to add more
computer locations to the view. A click on the button opens a dialog where you can see all available locations:

You can filter the list using the input field, i.e. enter a search term. The list then only displays the location names
containing the specified search term. Advanced users can also use regular expressions for the filter. Next you can
select the location and confirm with OK. The selected location is now available in the location list until the next
program start. You can also remove a previously added location by clicking on the location and pressing the Del

4 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

1.6. Screenshots panel

1.6 Screenshots panel

Using the screenshot management panel, you can view and delete all captured screenshots. Information on how to
take screenshots are given in the Program features chapter in section Screenshot.

You can now select individual screenshots from the list. Details of the screenshot, such as the date it was taken, user
name, and computer, are then displayed in the table below. The Show button or a double-click in the list displays the
selected screenshot in full size. If you no longer need the screenshot, you can permanently delete it using the Delete
button. Please note that this process cannot be undone and the files will not be moved to the trash.

Veyon User Manual 4.2.0 5

Chapter 1. Introduction

6 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0


Program features

Veyon offers a variety of features that let you control and access computers. All available features are accessible
through the buttons in the toolbar as well as the context menu of individual computers.
If you move the mouse over the individual buttons in the toolbar, a tooltip with a short help text is displayed unless
you have disabled tooltips. Pressing a button activates the desired feature on all displayed computers.

2.1 Using functions on individual computers

If you only want to activate a function on a single computer, right-click the computer in the monitor view and select
the desired function from the context menu. The entries in the context menu are displayed dynamically depending
on the active functions.

Chapter 2. Program features

You can also select multiple computers in the monitor view by drawing a selection rectangle with the mouse that
includes all desired computers:

Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl key and add computers individually to the selection via mouse click.

2.2 Monitoring mode

By default Veyon is running in monitoring mode. In this mode you have an overview of all computers and see their
screen contents in thumbnails. The screen content is updated almost in real time, so you can monitor all activity at
the selected locations.
As long as there is no connection to a computer, a computer icon is displayed instead of the screen content. After
the program has been started, the icon is initially colored gray. As soon as the program detects that the computer is
unreachable or access is denied, the color changes to red.
Some of the features described in the next sections switch the remote computers to a different mode. You can exit
the respective mode by activating monitoring mode again.

8 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

2.3. Demonstration mode

2.3 Demonstration mode

You can use the demonstration mode (demo mode) to start a presentation. In this mode, your screen content is
broadcasted to all remote computers and displayed in real time. You can choose between a full screen and a window
During a full screen demo your screen content will be displayed in full screen. Logged-in users cannot use their
computers for other tasks in this mode because all input devices are locked. In this way you will gain the full
attention of your students.
By contrast, a window demo allows users to switch between the demo window and their own applications. For
example, course participants can arrange the windows side by side and try out the demonstrated steps themselves
in parallel. The input devices are therefore not locked in this mode.
In order to start a full screen or window demo, you just have to press the Fullscreen demo or Window demo button:

If you want to leave the demonstration mode again, simply press the button again or click on the Monitoring button
to switch back to monitoring mode globally. The context menu can also be used to stop the demonstration mode on
individual computers.

2.4 Lock screens

Another way to draw students’ attention is to use the screen lock feature. As during a full-screen demonstration,
all input devices on the students’ computers are locked. The computers can then no longer be used. In addition, a
blocking image is displayed to prevent distractions caused by open applications.
Press the Lock button to lock all displayed computers:

If you want to unlock the screens, simply press the button again or click the Monitoring button to switch back to
monitoring mode globally.
If only individual computers are to be locked, you can select them as described in section Using functions on in-
dividual computers and select the feature in the context menu. The screen lock can then be deactivated either by
selecting Unlock or switching back to Monitoring mode. The screen lock can also be activated globally at first and
later deactivated for individual computers via the context menu.

Note: Due to security restrictions of most operating systems, the lock screen can not be displayed if no used is
logged on. The input devices are still locked, so that no user logon is possible.

Veyon User Manual 4.2.0 9

Chapter 2. Program features

2.5 Remote access

The feature group remote access consists of two very similar features Remote view and Remote control. In both access
modes, the screen of a remote computer is displayed in full size in a separate window. In contrast to the monitoring
mode in the main window, you can watch the activities on a computer in detail or intervene yourself.
The features can be activated in different ways. Depending on the system configuration, one of the two features is
usually started by double-clicking on a computer. Alternatively, you can click the right mouse button to open the
context menu and select the desired feature.
If you want to access a computer that does not appear in the monitor view, use the corresponding toolbar button:

After pressing this button, a dialog is opened and asks for the hostname of the computer to access:

Afterwards a new window opens with the remote access view:

The remote screen is then displayed within a few seconds and updated in real time. At the top of the window you
will see a toolbar with buttons similar to the main application. The toolbar disappears automatically a few seconds
after the connection is established. You can show it again at any time by moving the mouse pointer to the top of the
You can also change the access mode at any time during a running remote access session. All you need to do is click
on the Remote control or View only button. The button does not show the current access mode, but the access mode
that is changed when pressed.

10 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

2.6. Power on, restart and shutdown computers

As soon as you have entered the Remote control mode, your keystrokes, mouse movements and clicks are transmitted
to the remote computer so that you can operate it as usual. However, depending on the operating system, certain
special keys or key shortcuts such as Ctrl+Alt+Del cannot be used directly. If you want to use these shortcuts,
you can use the button Send shortcut. Clicking this button opens a menu where you can select the desired shortcut:

If the menu was opened accidentally, it can also be closed again without triggering an action by clicking the button
again or pressing the Esc key.
If you want to switch to fullscreen mode, you can use the Fullscreen button. In full screen mode, the button label
changes to Window. You can easily switch back to window mode by clicking on it again.
The Screenshot function captures the current screen content and saves it to a file that can be displayed later. More
information regarding screenshots can be found in sections Screenshots panel and Screenshots.
With the button Exit the remote access window is closed.

2.6 Power on, restart and shutdown computers

The features Power on, Reboot and Power down are helpful both for administrative purposes and for the preparation
and follow-up of courses and exams. Using these functions, you can remotely power on, restart, or shut down
computers. The corresponding buttons can be found in the toolbar:

Click the appropriate button to power on, restart, or shut down all displayed computers. If you want to use a feature
for individual computers only, you can select the respective computers and select the desired item in the context

Attention: Please note that, depending on the program configuration, the computers will be restarted or shut
down without further confirmation queries. Therefore, always make sure that the logged in users have saved all
open documents etc. and closed all programs if possible. This prevents unwanted data loss.

Veyon User Manual 4.2.0 11

Chapter 2. Program features

Note: Depending on the configuration of the network and the system settings of the individual computers, powering
on only works under certain technical conditions. At the same time, there is no access permission check when you
power on, so you may be able to power on computers in other rooms or locations. For this reason, pay attention to
the selected computers when using this feature.

2.7 Log off users

The Log off feature complements the possibilities described in the previous section to control basic computer states.
A corresponding button in the toolbar is available for this purpose:

Activate this button to log off all users from all displayed computers. If you want to use this feature for individual
computers only, you can select the respective computers and select the desired item in the context menu.

Hint: A typical use case for this feature can be to end a course for all participants at the same time.

Attention: Please note that the logged on users – depending on the program configuration – are logged off
without further confirmation queries. Therefore, always make sure that the logged on users have saved all open
documents etc. and closed all programs if possible. This prevents unwanted data loss.

2.8 Send text message

Another possibility for user interaction is to send a text message to individual or all course participants. The text
message is displayed on the computers in the form of a message window. The Text message button is available for
this purpose:

After pressing the button, a dialog window opens in which you can enter the message to be displayed:

12 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

2.9. Run program

Click on OK to send the entered message.

If you want to use this feature for individual computers only, you can select the respective computers and select the
desired item in the context menu.

2.9 Run program

If a specific program is to be opened on all computers, you can use the Run program feature in the toolbar. For this
purpose, click on the button shown:

If no programs have been predefined by the administrator, a menu with the predefined programs opens. In this menu
you can click on the desired program.
If you want to start a program that is not included in the menu, click on the last item Custom program. Afterwards
the same dialog appears, which also appears if no programs are predefined. In this dialog window you can enter the
name of the desired program file, e.g. notepad:

Veyon User Manual 4.2.0 13

Chapter 2. Program features

Then confirm the dialog with OK. Please note, that the requested program often does not located in the pro-
gram path environment so that you have to specify the complete path to the program, e.g. "C:\Program

Hint: You can pass an argument to most programs with the name of a file that you want it to open automatically.
For example, if you want to automatically play a video on all computers, add the path to the video file separated by
a space, e.g. "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" X:\Videos\Example.mp4.

Attention: In case the program path or file name contains spaces, you always have to enclose the complete
path and file name in quotation marks. Otherwise parts of the input will be interpreted as parameters. Example:
"C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 5\program\swriter.exe".

2.10 Open website

If you want all students to navigate to a specific website, you can automatically let that website open on all computers.
Use the Open website button to do so:

If no websites have been predefined by the administrator, a dialog window opens in which you can enter the address
of the website to be opened:

14 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

2.11. Screenshot

Confirm this dialog with OK.

Otherwise, a menu with the predefined websites will open from which you can select the desired website. If you
want to open a website that is not included in the menu, select the last item Custom website. The dialog shown above
wll then open.

2.11 Screenshot

Veyon allows you to save the current screen content of single or all computers in image files. By clicking the button
Screenshot you trigger the feature for all displayed computers:

If you want to use this feature for individual computers only, you can select the respective computers and select the
item Screenshot from the context menu.
You will then receive an information message about how many screenshots have been taken. You can now view the
images in the screenshots panel and delete them if necessary.

Veyon User Manual 4.2.0 15

Chapter 2. Program features

16 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

3.1 Can other users see my screen?

Which user can access which computer under which circumstances depends on the system settings configured by
your administrator. Usually the software is configured so that the course instructor can access the computers of
course participants, but not vice versa. Whether other course instructors are able to see your screen or those of
other course participants also depends on the settings. Contact your administrator in order to configure access
control rules according to your needs as described in the administration manual.

3.2 How frequently are the computer thumbnails updated?

Usually the computer thumbnails in the monitoring view are updated once a second. Depending on the utilization
of the network and the computer, there may be slight deviations. In contrast when remote controlling or viewing a
computer, you see In contrast whe screen content of the remote computer in real time.

3.3 What happens if I accidentally close the Veyon Master application


Any active functions such as demo mode or screen lock are stopped when the program is closed. However, you can
simply reopen the program and activate the mode again if necessary.

3.4 How can I broadcast the screen of a student to all other screens?

If you want to transfer a student’s screen instead of your own screen in demo mode, first activate demo mode for all
computers. Then stop demo mode for the student to be performing the demo using the context menu. Finally open
the remote view for the students computer. This will transfer the remote view window - and therefore the student’s
screen - to all other computers.

Chapter 3. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

18 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Button The term button (sometimes known as a command button or push button) refers to any graphical control
element that provides the user a simple way to trigger an event, like searching for a query at a search engine,
or to interact with dialog boxes, like confirming an action.
See also:
Context menu A context menu (also called contextual, shortcut, and pop up or pop-up menu) is a menu in a
graphical user interface (GUI) that appears upon user interaction, such as a right-click mouse operation.
See also:
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are a compilation of frequently asked questions and the corresponding
answers to a topic. FAQs have become well-known in information technology, especially on the Internet,
where many Usenet newsgroups have created a FAQ collection to relieve the pressure on the forums. Because
the principle of the FAQ has proven itself, it exists in many areas.
See also:
Graphical user interface Graphical user interface (GUI) refers to a form of user interface of a computer. It has
the task of making application software operable on a computer by means of graphical symbols, controls or
widgets. In computers, this is usually done by using a mouse as a control device to operate or select the graphic
elements; in smartphones, tablets and kiosk systems, it is usually done by touching a sensor screen.
See also:
Input device Input devices are all devices that can be used to supply information to a computer so that interaction
with computer programs is possible.
See also:

Chapter 4. Glossary
Keyboard shortcut A keyboard shortcut is a series of one or several keys, such as “Ctrl+F” to search a character
string. Such a directive invokes a software or operating system operation (in other words, cause an event)
when triggered by the user.
See also:
Password A password is a word or string of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or access
approval to gain access to a resource (example: an access code is a type of password), which is to be kept
secret from those not allowed access.
See also:
Screenshot A screenshot, also called screen capture or screen grab, is a digital image of what should be visible on
a monitor, television, or other visual output device. A common screenshot is created by the operating system
or software running on the device. A screenshot or screen capture may also be created by taking a photo of
the screen.
See also:
Status bar A status bar is a graphical control element which poses an information area typically found at the
window’s bottom.[1] It can be divided into sections to group information. Its job is primarily to display infor-
mation about the current state of its window, although some status bars have extra functionality. For example,
many web browsers have clickable sections that pop up a display of security or privacy information.
See also:
Tooltip The tooltip or infotip or a hint is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with
a cursor, usually a pointer. The user hovers the pointer over an item, without clicking it, and a tooltip may
appear—a small “hover box” with information about the item being hovered over.
See also:
Username A username is a name with which a user can log on to a computer, a website or a program. On the
Internet, it is usually used to log on to a user account and requires registration.
See also:
• genindex

20 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0


B Log out, 12
Browser, 14 Login, 1
Button, 19
C Message, 12
Commands, 13 Message window, 12
Computer overview, 8 Monitor view, 2
Computer select panel, 3 Monitoring, 8
Context menu, 19 Monitoring mode, 8

Demo mode, 9 Observation, 8
Demonstration, 9 Open browser, 14
Demonstration mode, 9 Open document, 13
Desktop icon, 1 Open website, 14

End of lesson, 12 Password, 1, 20
Execute programm, 13 Power down, 11
Power on, 11
F Presentation, 9
FAQ, 19 R
Fullscreen demo, 9
Reboot, 11
G Remote access, 10
Remote control, 10
Graphical user interface, 19
Remote view, 10
I Restart, 11
Run program, 13
Input device, 19
K Screen broadcast, 9
Keyboard shortcut, 20 Screen lock, 9
Screenshot, 15, 20
L Screenshots panel, 5
Lock computers, 9 Shutdown, 11
Lock input devices, 9 Snapshot, 15
Lock screen, 9 Start menu, 1
Log off, 12 Start program, 13
Log off users, 12 Status bar, 2, 20


Switch on, 11

Text message, 12
Toolbar, 2
Tooltip, 20
Turn off, 11
Turn on, 11

URL, 14
User interface, 2
User log out, 12
Username, 1, 20

Wake-on-LAN, 11
Web address, 14
Website, 14
Window demo, 9
WoL, 11

22 Veyon User Manual 4.2.0

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