Exploring Pop Up Libraries in Practice
Exploring Pop Up Libraries in Practice
Exploring Pop Up Libraries in Practice
Asha Davis, Celia Rice, Deanne Spagnolo, Josephine Struck & Suzie Bull
To cite this article: Asha Davis, Celia Rice, Deanne Spagnolo, Josephine Struck & Suzie Bull
(2015) Exploring pop-up libraries in practice, The Australian Library Journal, 64:2, 94-104, DOI:
Exploring pop-up libraries in practice1
Asha Davisa, Celia Riceb*, Deanne Spagnoloc, Josephine Struckd and Suzie Bulle
Mildura Rural City Council Library Service, Mildura, Australia; bCasey-Cardinia Library
Corporation, Cranbourne, Australia; cBrimbank Libraries, Sunshine, Australia; dMoreland City
Libraries, Moreland, Australia; eMornington Peninsula Library Service, Mornington, Australia
This paper examines the pop-up concept, a world-wide trend which has been employed
in various commercial and community settings, with a particular interest in how it has
been applied to literary environments, using both physical and digital resources. The
report examines six Australian public libraries, investigating why and how they
established a pop-up library, and reflecting on their successes, challenges and what they
have learnt from the process. The paper provides a definition of pop-up libraries and
outlines how to create a pop-up library for a public library service, exploring the risks,
benefits and issues to consider when planning for a successful pop-up library.
Keywords: pop-up libraries; public libraries; low-cost promotion; literacy; innovation;
What is a pop-up?
The pop-up is an ever-increasing global trend, crossing into many different industries around
the world. A pop-up is established when businesses, governments, universities, community
groups, individuals or brands temporarily activate places and spaces for promotion, trials or
the sharing of resources. The key element for pop-ups is discovery. Ultimately, they help
communities discover new ways to engage, interact and progress. The important elements are
the concept, the location and creating a memorable experience.
According to the marketing company Vacant’s website (http://www.govacant.com/),
the concept of a pop-up shop began in New York City in 1999 as a way for fashion retailers
to promote their stock and sell excess stock at reduced prices. The possibilities of the type
of pop-ups existing today are endless. Successes have been experienced with cafes,
restaurants, shops, events, galleries, theatres, bars, markets, gardens, hotels, food trucks,
flash mobs, performances and libraries. According to the Pop Union website (http://
popuppages.com/pop-ups/what-is-a-pop-up), pop-ups can no longer be looked upon as a
trend, but rather a concept that holds its own place in an ever-changing, global
Pop-ups appear as something which is spontaneous, vibrant, innovative and
unexpected. Whilst a pop-up is temporary in nature, there is no clear indication as to
the definition of how long temporary is. Although they appear to be spontaneous and
unexpected, planning is essential to ensure the success of pop-up venues.
There are many advantages to creating a pop-up venue. They can:
. provide exciting new ways to discover products and services;
. create an enjoyable experience which differs from the norm;
. engage and interact with others in the community;
. provide experiences of new trends;
. excite a response from a new series of customers;
. promote local businesses;
. provide potential for publicity in local papers;
. encourage brand awareness;
. clear excess stock;
. make short-term profits;
. trial new concepts;
. respond to seasonal requirements; and
. make positive use of vacant spaces.
of book and audiobook titles via the Vodafone digital library mobile site (Telecompaper,
2012). Although a publicity stunt, this example encouraged commuters to sample eBook
technology in a clever, forward thinking way.
Another kind of digital library is the Library Box concept. Library Box is a
Kickstarter-funded file sharing software and inexpensive hardware developed by Jason
Griffey in 2013. It enables users to set up a mini server and Wi-Fi hotspot using a power
source and the Library Box hardware. Users can set up a Library Box in a park or café,
load it with digital information such as out of copyright eBooks and share it with those
who have a Wi-Fi enabled device (Griffey, 2012).
Pop-ups as promotion
Bookworld is an online company that specialises in selling Australian and international
titles. According to the Bookworld website (http://www.bookworld.com.au/popups), in
2013/2014 Bookworld revealed pop-up shelves full of free books in select locations across
Melbourne and Sydney in a promotion entitled Giving Back – Free Books at Bus Stops.
The response was overwhelming and as a result Bookworld was flooded with requests for
more pop-up shelves throughout Australia. A subsequent survey asking for nominations of
future pop-up shelf locations received 6000 nominations. The winner was determined
through a public vote on the company’s Facebook page: Dirrandandi, a small drought-
stricken town in New South Wales.
The Penguin Group USA (2014) website describes how the company borrowed the
concept behind the ubiquitous food truck and developed a book truck and book pushcart
which travels to book-related events and festivals across the USA. The truck and pushcart
are stocked with a wide selection of the publisher’s most popular authors and titles. The
truck is parked near the event, while the pushcart, similar to a New York hotdog cart, is
moved to various locations in the area such as bookstores, parks, markets and popular
shopping precincts to create awareness and generate buzz. The public are invited to follow
the truck on social media as it travels around.
Tweedy (2010) describes how in 2010, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the BILLY
design bookcase produced by IKEA, the company staged a ‘BILLY on the Beach’
promotion. This saw 30 BILLY bookcases set up on Bondi Beach for a day and filled with
books. The beachgoers were invited to take a book/leave a book, or purchase a book with a
gold coin donation. The remaining books and donations were given to The Australian
Literacy and Numeracy Foundation at the end of the promotion.
Street is an example of a recent guerrilla library (Occupy Wall Street Library [OWSL],
2014). It started as a pile of books that kept growing and to protect them from the rain,
protesters put them in boxes and started to organise them into categories. The boxes,
labelled OWSL, were set to be confiscated and destroyed by the New York City Police
Department; however, librarians’ resistance prevented this and ensured the library’s
continuing growth.
Pop-up librarians
College of Business Librarians at Victoria University (VU) in Melbourne have taken to
popping up all over campus to assist students with specialist business research as well as
with finding information and using resources such as the library catalogue, databases and
online resources (VU, 2014). The initiative began at VU’s Footscray and City campuses in
April 2013.
The following examples illustrate why and how many libraries around Australia have
used the pop-up library concept. The descriptions of the services offered have been taken
from interviews either by email or in person with the organisers within each organisation.
Wodonga library
According to Leanne Boyd (email, 24 April 2014), Wodonga Library started the Little
Libraries project with the aim of engaging community members who would not normally
visit the library with reading material. As a flow-on effect, it was hoped that they would
become members of the library.
Four local artists were asked to submit a drawing and a concept. Proposals had to
adhere to a budget and meet certain criteria, for example, shelves for the books and easy
movability, since the libraries are small and have wheels to allow them to be moved inside
at night. Out of the four, three were chosen. The items used were all withdrawn or donated
stock. Each site had a specific focus. For example, one location was the local swimming
pool, so the stock consisted of mainly junior fiction, picture books and magazines. One
was at a neighbourhood house where a youth group was being set up so a lot of young adult
fiction was sent. Boyd stated that it is not a concern if books do not come back, but the
hope is that people will simply return the books or exchange them for something else.
While no formal statistics were collected, success was measured by how many times
the pop-up libraries had to be restocked. This was only once required at the pool location;
however, Boyd explains that this may be due to staff failing to request new stock rather
than lack of demand.
For Wodonga Library, Little Libraries is a long-term project, with the pop-up library
location changing every 3 –4 months. The next sites chosen are the local leisure centre, a
corner store a little out of town, and the town’s entertainment centre.
The pop-up is an outstanding success, with 3082 visits, 2811 loans and 4231 returns in
the 2012– 2013 financial year, a statistic that includes returns of other branch items to the
Library Express.
Wyndham Libraries
Wyndham Libraries partnered with Werribee Plaza to provide a pop-up library in the
Plaza’s centre court for Children’s Book Week in 2013. According to Elizabeth Arkles
from Wyndham City Libraries (email, 28 April 2014), the aim of the pop-up library was to
promote reading and learning, attract non-member users, create outreach opportunities and
strengthen the partnership between the library and the Plaza. When asked for a definition
of a pop-up library, Arkles stated that it was ‘recreating the library experience in an
external location’.
Throughout the week, eight events were held. Library staff hosted story times with
guest readers – including the Mayor – and library IT staff led introductory sessions for
iPad and eBook users. Volunteer youth ran manga workshops for young people and there
was a guest appearance from a Channel 10 weather newsreader who presented his daily
weather cross from the pop-up library. Approximately 100 withdrawn items, identified
with ‘pre-loved’ stickers, were taken from the pop-up library. Wyndham Libraries also
partnered with Collins Booksellers who had a shop in the Plaza at the time.
In preparation for the pop-up library, Wyndham library staff met with Plaza staff to
negotiate space and furniture requirements. Libraries budgeted for staffing requirements
while the Plaza agreed to provide the space, furniture, microphone, stage and chair/lounge.
Arkles revealed that unfortunately the space did not meet the expectations of the library
staff. The pop-up library was created in a setting described as a theatrical stage set-up,
so library staff, therefore, expected a relaxed environment with comfortable lounges and
books cases. Instead, a gated square with rowed seating facing a stage was provided.
In evaluation, library staff concluded that the attendees of the story time sessions were
already library members, many of whom travelled straight over from the story time session
in the library to the pop-up library session. Internet access and restrictions also limited
library staff in their delivery of programs throughout the week. The attendance was
estimated based on library staff talking with attendees. Anecdotally, staff reported that
over 50% of participants were already library users.
Arkles and the Wyndham Libraries team concluded that partners need to be chosen
with care and that expectations should be clearly documented, but that the experience had
not swayed them from trying out a pop-up library in another location at another time.
No deleted library stock is used to fill it. Each item is stickered to explain the process of
use, and to provide details about Castlemaine Library.
Statistics are gathered by keeping data relating to the number of items taken each
week, and then data relating to the amount of stock removed from the stand. There is no
correlated data relating to potential increases in membership as a result of exposure to the
library service.
Rolling Stock does not require the use of any technology. The associated costs are
extremely low, and it is not labour intensive. It is considered by the staff to be a low-risk
promotion of the library.
come into a library. Once engaged, staff used the opportunity to discuss and survey the
public regarding their library plan. For this project, two full pop-up libraries and five
smaller displays were placed in shopping centres. The pop-ups used a few boxes of
withdrawn items and a trolley of loanable titles which were sourced from the largest
branches. iPads with NextG connections were used to perform the surveys about the
library strategy and to display the library’s website.
The project was a success. The library staff completed around 400 surveys and spoke
to many more people about what the library offers. Anecdotally, the staff reported that
everyone they spoke to were excited to see the library out and about doing things.
Unfortunately there was no interest from patrons in actually borrowing books, but as some
pop-up libraries were set up at the beach, a lack of convenience may have had a lot to do
with that decision.
. extending the life of your collection by recycling old and donated stock; and
. good use of volunteers.
Establishing a pop-up library for a public library is a simple and cost-effective way to
lift the profile and enhance promotion of the library in the community. When pop-up
libraries appear in unexpected spaces, it lets people see libraries in a different light. The
unexpected nature plus the wow factor that can be achieved with creative design means the
pop-up library is an effective way to reach non-traditional library users.
Taking services to the people is also an effective way to upskill staff and provide them
with a fun and creative outlet. Instead of serving customers behind a desk, the pop-up
library encourages staff to be more proactive in approaching people. For libraries that
engage volunteers, the pop-up library is a good use of their time.
Partnerships are increasingly important to libraries, to combine resources and share
expertise of organisations. Pop-up libraries offer a great opportunity to form or strengthen a
partnership. The partnership could involve the location of the pop-up library, for example a
shopping centre, swimming pool or railway station; it could involve what is in or at the pop-up
library such as donated books, an event or a coffee machine; it could also include promotion of
the pop-up library through local media or the centre where the pop-up library is located.
It is also necessary to consider the potential risks in creating a pop-up library.
By addressing these risks, it is possible to minimise the chance of them occurring (see Table 1).
Suggested requirements for a pop-up library are listed in Table 2. This is intended as a
guide only, as requirements will depend on the nature of the library.
The pop-up concept is a worldwide trend infiltrating a wide variety of ventures and social
movements. In the literary sphere, pop-ups have been used by individuals to share books
and other resources, such as in the international Little Free Library movement. Pop-ups
have been used by bookshops, publishers and digital providers to promote their products in
new and unexpected ways. Pop-ups have also been used as a form of protest in the guerrilla
library and librarian movements.
Pop-up libraries allow Australian public libraries to promote literacy beyond the
physical space of the library, providing an opportunity to remind and inform the
community of its services. Literary-based engagement with the general public is the focus
of any pop-up library project, adding a fun flavour to the library brand.
This paper could not have been completed without the helpful insights and cooperation from each
public library mentioned in this report. Accordingly, we would like to thank Ann Anderson from
Frankston City Libraries, Jenny Mustey from Campaspe Regional Library Service, Jane Stronach
from Sunshine Coast Libraries, Leanne Boyd from Wodonga Library, Gary Aspinall from Goldfields
Library Corporation and Elizabeth Arkles from Wyndham City Libraries. All contributors to this
paper are graduates of the 2014 Victorian Shared Leadership Program. The Shared Leadership
Program, run by the State Library of Victoria and Public Libraries Victoria Network, and facilitated
by Upton Martin Consulting, is a challenging leadership development program for Victorian public
library (including the State Library) staff. The program focuses on increasing the leadership
capabilities of participants through theoretical, practical and experiential learning opportunities. This
report was initially written as an action learning project for the 2014 Victorian Shared Leadership
Program. We would like to acknowledge the support of our project sponsor, Jenny Mustey, in every
stage of the development of this project.
104 A. Davis et al.
1. This paper has been double-blind peer reviewed to meet the Department of Education’s Higher
Education Research Data Collection requirements.
Architectural League of New York. (2013). RFQ Little Free Libraries/New York. Retrieved from
Griffey, J. (2012). The LibraryBox Project. Retrieved from http://jasongriffey.net/librarybox/index.
Occupy Wall Street Library. (2014). Librarian is my occupation: A history of the People’s Library of
Occupy Wall Street. Retrieved from http://peopleslibrary.wordpress.com/
Penguin Group USA. (2014). The Penguin book truck and Penguin book pushcart. Retrieved from
Sanford, C. E. (2008). Contra Costa County Library brings book-dispensing machines to U.S.
Marketing Library Services, 22(5), 1 – 3. Retrieved from http://ccclib.org/locations/
Telecompaper. (2012). Vodafone Romania launches digital library at Bucharest metro. Retrieved
from http://www.telecompaper.com/news/vodafone-romania-launches-digital-library-at-
Tweedy, J. (2010, February 4). Bondi Beach bookshelves offer sunbathers and surfers the ultimate in
holiday reading. Daily Mail Australia. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/
Victoria University. (2014). Pop Up library for business students. Retrieved from http://www.vu.
Notes on contributors
Asha Davis is Library Officer, Client Services at Mildura Rural City Council Library Service. Asha
has worked in public libraries for 11 years. She is interested in the marketing and promotion of
libraries as community spaces.
Celia Rice is Children’s and Youth Services Librarian, and currently Acting Team Leader, at Casey-
Cardinia Library Corporation. Celia recently moved to the public library sector after teaching for a
number of years. She is a member of the Public Libraries Victoria Network Children’s and Youth
Services Special Interest Group. Celia is passionate about community engagement and the
promotion of libraries.
Deanne Spagnolo is Branch Coordinator at Brimbank Libraries. Deanne has worked in public
libraries for 22 years. Before moving into her current role, Deanne was a Children’s and Youth
Services Librarian for 10 years. Deanne is passionate about promoting libraries as accessible
community spaces with a focus on the delivery of literacy and learning programs to Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse groups.
Josephine Struck is Children’s and Youth Services Librarian at Moreland City Libraries. Josephine
has worked in libraries for 10 years and has a particular interest in the integral role libraries play in
fostering early childhood literacy.
Suzie Bull is the Rosebud Library Services Coordinator at Mornington Peninsula Libraries. She has
worked in customer service roles in public, university and secondary school libraries since 1992.