Lower Segment Cesarean Section (LSCS) : Indications and Complications at Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad
Lower Segment Cesarean Section (LSCS) : Indications and Complications at Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad
Lower Segment Cesarean Section (LSCS) : Indications and Complications at Teaching Hospital, Faisalabad
Dr. Nazia Mussarat, Dr. Saima Qurashi, Prof. Dr. Mahnaz Roohi
ABSTRACT... Introduction: Caesarean section is one of the commonly performed surgical procedures in obstetric and is certainly one of
the oldest operations in surgery. Recently there has been a dramatic rise in the caesarean section rate world wide especially in the
developed countries. As primary caesarean deliveries contributed most to the overall caesarean section rate (CSR). So this is clear that
primary caesarean section is an important target for reduction because it leads to an increased risk for repeat caesarean delivery.
Objectives: To have an overview of fetomaternal indications for LSCS at a teaching hospital And to review intra-operative and post-
operative complications of LSCS at tertiary care centre. Material And Methods: All caesarean sections performed at Obstetrics and
Gynecology Unit Independent University Hospital Faisalabad from January 2009 to December 2010 were reviewed. Information was
obtained from operation theater and labor ward records. Results: During the study period 100 patients undergone caesarean section. Out
of 100 patients, 58(58%) had emergency and 42(42%) had elective caesarean section. The leading maternal indications were previous
caesarean section 34 (34%), severe pre- eclampsia 6(6%),post date& failed induction of labor6 (6%), placenta previa 6(6%), and failure
of progression of labor 5(5%), PROM3(3%), Pre-PROM3(3%)and cephalopelvic disproportion2 (2%).Major fetal indications include fetal
distress9 (9%), malpresentation 6(6%), cord prolapse 3(3%),IUGR 5(5%) and pregnancy complicated by multiple fetuses 7 (7%). Intra-
operative surgical and anesthetic complications were observed in very few patients. Nine babies had perinatal deaths in this study, 8
belonged to emergency and only one baby died in elective group due to aspiration pneumonia. Conclusions: Majority of cesarean section
are done in emergency situations and previous CS is the most frequent indication of cesarean section. The most effective mean to control
CS is the prevention of first caesarean section which could be achieved by adopting the policy of trial of vaginal birth after previous C-
section, selective vaginal breech delivery and regular audit of C-section as well as early detection of at risk cases and proper referral in
time is the key factor in decreasing the cesarean section rate and complications.
Key words: Caesarean section, indications, C-section complications
Article Citation
Mussart N, Qureshi S, Roohi M. Lower segment cesarean section (LSCS); indications and complications at teahcing hospital,
Faisalabad. Professional Med J 2013;20(6): 916-923.
INTRODUCTION edge of the bladder and results in less blood loss and is
Caesarean section is one of the commonly performed easier to repair. It may be transverse (the usual) or
surgical procedures in obstetric and is certainly one of vertical in the different conditions that involves
the oldest operations in surgery1. presence of lateral varicosities ,constriction ring to cut
through it and deeply engaged head2.
There are two types of Caesarean section (CS). An
important distinction lies in the type of incision made Recently there has been a dramatic rise in the
on the uterus, apart from the incision on the skin. caesarean section rate worldwide especially in the
According to type of incision, these two types developed countries. The reasons for this increase in
includes the classical Caesarean section (CS) and caesarean birth are multifactorial and include the
lower uterine segment section (LSCS).The classical increasing number of women with prior caesarean
Caesarean section involves a longitudinal incision in delivery, the increase in multifetal gestations, use of
upper uterine segment which allows a larger space to intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring, changes in
deliver the baby. However, it is rarely performed today, obstetric training, medico legal concerns, alterations
as it is more prone to complications. The lower uterine in parental and social expectations of pregnancy
segment section is the procedure most commonly outcome and maternal autonomy in decision – making
used today; it involves a transverse cut just above the regarding delivery mode . Over the last century
delivery by caesarean section has become important target for reduction because it leads to an
increasingly safer but it can not replace vaginal increased risk for repeat caesarean delivery .
delivery in terms of low maternal and neonatal
morbidity and less cost4. There is a wide variation in trends of indications and
rate of caesarean section. In recent years the rate has
Women are now four times more likely to have increased to a record level of 46% in China and 25%
caesarean birth than 30 years ago. Many programmes and above in many Asian countries, Latin America and
have been developed to reduce the rate of caesarean the USA .
delivery .
Caesarean associated maternal and fetal morbidity
Approximately one third of caesarean sections are and mortality has been brought down during this
performed electively and two third are performed as century due to improved operative technique and
emergency procedures. Primary caesarean sections facilities. But with emergency procedure risk of
have a major contribution in determining the future maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality increases
obstetric course of a woman. Among the primary many folds and efforts must be made to reduce the
caesarean deliveries the most common indication for incidence and complications of emergency Caesarean
an elective procedure is breech presentation and for an section.
emergency procedure includes labour dystocia and
non- reassuring fetal heart rate tracings6. This study was conducted to analyze the indications
and complications of caesarean sections in terms of
As primary caesarean deliveries contributed most to patient’s social and clinical characteristics so as to
the overall caesarean section rate (CSR). Wide find out reasons for increased caesarean delivery and
variation in clinical practice among the obstetricians to reduce complications. As cesarean section in primi
was identified. Main factor for these inconsistencies in gravidas have adverse consequences in forthcoming
clinical practice was attributed to the lack of adherence pregnancies.
to standard guidelines and lack of acceptable
benchmarks for the rates of caesarean section, Objectives
induction of labour and failed inductions. Induced The objectives of our study are:
cases contributed most to primary caesarean 1. To have an overview of fetomaternal
sections. Too many inductions on vague indications indications for LSCS at a teaching hospital.
and poor bishop scores, assessment and decision 2. To review intra-operative and post-operative
making by junior doctors, and missing partograms complications of LSCS at tertiary care centre.
were observed as a frequent occurrence.
Study Design
Considering the indications for caesarean section the A retrospective study
repeat caesarean section, labour dystocia, fetal
distress, APH etc are commonly reported in Pakistan7. Study Period
From January 2009 to December 2010
Repeat caesarean section accounted for the largest
proportion of caesarean deliveries in United Kingdom . MATERIAL AND METHODS
All caesarean sections performed at Obstetrics and
So this is clear that primary caesarean section is an Gynecology Unit Independent University Hospital
Faisalabad from January 2009 to December 2010 The age of the patients ranged between 18 and 36
were reviewed. Information was obtained from years with a mean age of 27.45 years. Most of the
operation theater and labor ward records. The patient’s patients (80%) were in 20-30 years age group.
evaluation was done on designed performed. Data Youngest was 18 years of age and eldest was of 36
were collected regarding the age, parity, indications, years. 86% cases were below 30 years of age while
perinatal outcome and the type of caesarean section only 16% were of more than 30 year(Figure no 2).
(emergency or elective). The indications were
classified as maternal and fetal.
Intra-operative surgical and anesthetic complications and 5 were belonging to emergency group.
were observed in very few patients. Thirteen out of Hemorrhage occurred in 3% patients. Extension of
100 patients got surgical complications, out of whom uterine incision/tear, bladder injury and caesarean
10 were from emergency caesarean section (90 %) hysterectomy complicated only emergency group as
and only three was from elective group (10%). shown in Table-II.
Amongst these complications, difficult endotracheal
intubation was the most common problem
encountered. Six patients out of 13 faced this problem
the indwelling catheter. Other common complications obstetricians prefer it mainly because of fear of
faced were wound infection, pelvic and genital tract Litigation. Being a major surgical intervention it is
infection, chest infections (Table-III). associated with significant immediate and delayed
maternal morbidity and mortality.
The frequency of caesarean section depends on the
inherent characteristics of the obstetrics population,
socio-demographic pattern, referral role of the
hospital, depar tmental policies regarding
management of cases of dystocia, breech, fetal
distress and previous caesarean section, physician
factor, medico-legal aspects and consideration of
maternal choice and wishes.
caesarean section if they had a previous caesarean shown that increase in cesarean section rate in 2001
section (71%), if baby is breech (90%) or if the women was attributed to statistically significant increase in
had APH (85%). It is therefore important to pay cesarean section for previous cesarean section and
attention to the first labour as its outcome greatly placenta previa major18.
determines the future mode of delivery .
In our study major fetal indications include fetal
Similar correlations were noted in this study. Similarly distress (9%), malpresentation (6%), ,cord prolapse
Repeat CS accounted for the largest proportion of CS (3%),IUGR (5%) and pregnancy complicated by
in the UK, while mother who achieved a vaginal multiple fetuses.
delivery in their first pregnancy are very unlikely to end
up with a CS in subsequent deliveries14. Similar findings reported by Lubna Ali Karachi and
Shamshad Abbottabad found obstructed labor and
It is therefore important to pay attention to the first fetal distress were the second and third common
labour as its outcome greatly determines the future causes of c-section19,20.
mode of delivery13.
Florica M etal from Sweden reported suspected fetal
As Primary caesarean section usually determines the distress (+1.6, p=0.001) maternal request (+1.5%,
future obstetric course of any woman and therefore p<0.0001) and labor dystocia (+0.8%, p=0.03)
should be avoided wherever possible. The 1-2% risk of were associated with the increase in caesarean
scar dehiscence associated with trial of vaginal birth section rates, findings which does not correlate with
after caesarean section (VBAC) can result in serious our findings .
maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in
subsequent pregnancies. While Haverkemp and colleagues have shown a
higher cesarean section rate for fetal distress, when
Kenner R et al have found that women who had just the use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring is
one previous caesarean section were more likely to compared with intermittent auscultation of fetal
have problems with their second birth, including heart22.
increased risk of malpresentations, APH, placenta
previa, placenta accreta, prolonged labour, risk of scar All types of maternal and Fetal complications are seen
dehiscence, uterine rupture, preterm birth etc. They more commonly with emergency cases as compared
concluded that some risks may be due to confounding to elective one. But maternal and fetal morbidity and
factors related to the indications for the first CS rather mortality is largely dependent on the nature of the
than procedure itself15. condition for which the operation was performed.
Silver RM et al also reported that Women who had Similarly Neilson et al showed that intra operative
multiple CS were more likely to have problems with caesarean section complications rate was higher In
later pregnancies like placenta accreta16. WHO emergency as compared to elective section23.
estimates the rate of CS between 10% - 15% of all
births in developed countries . Postoperative complications rate was also more
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