UNIT-1 Fundamentals of Low Power VLSI Design Need For Low Power Circuit Design
UNIT-1 Fundamentals of Low Power VLSI Design Need For Low Power Circuit Design
UNIT-1 Fundamentals of Low Power VLSI Design Need For Low Power Circuit Design
The limited battery lifetime typically imposes very strict demands on the overall power
consumption of the portable system. Although new rechargeable battery types such as Nickel-
Metal Hydride (NiMH) are being developed with higher energy capacity than that of the
conventional Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) batteries, revolutionary increase of the energy capacity is
not expected in the near future. The energy density (amount of energy stored per unit weight)
offered by the new battery technologies (e.g., NiMH) is about 30 Watt-hour/pound, which is still
low in view of the expanding applications of portable systems. Therefore, reducing the power
dissipation of integrated circuits through design improvements is a major challenge in portable
systems design.
The need for low-power design is also becoming a major issue in high-performance
digital systems, such as microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs) and other applications.
Increasing chip density and higher operating speed lead to the design of very complex chips with
high clock frequencies. If the clock frequency of the chip increases then the power dissipation of
the chip, and thus, the temperature, increase linearly. Since the dissipated heat must be removed
effectively to keep the chip temperature at an acceptable level, the cost of packaging, cooling and
heat removal becomes a significant factor. Several high-performance microprocessor chips
designed in the early 1990s (e.g., Intel Pentium, DEC Alpha, PowerPC) operate at clock
frequencies in the range of 100 to 300 MHz, and their typical power consumption is between 20
and 50 W.
ULSI reliability is yet another concern which points to the need for low-power design.
There is a close correlation between the peak power dissipation of digital circuits and reliability
problems such as electro migration and hot-carrier induced device degradation. Also, the thermal
stress caused by heat dissipation on chip is a major reliability concern. Consequently, the
reduction of power consumption is also crucial for reliability enhancement.
The methodologies which are used to achieve low power consumption in digital systems
span a wide range, from device/process level to algorithm level. Device characteristics (e.g.,
threshold voltage), device geometries and interconnect properties are significant factors in
lowering the power consumption. Circuit-level measures such as the proper choice of circuit
design styles, reduction of the voltage swing and clocking strategies can be used to reduce power
dissipation at the transistor level. Architecture-level measures include smart power management
of various system blocks, utilization of pipelining and parallelism, and design of bus structures.
Finally, the power consumed by the system can be reduced by a proper selection of the data
processing algorithms, specifically to minimize the number of switching events for a given task.
Sources of Power Dissipation
The average power dissipation in conventional CMOS digital circuits can be classified
into three main components, namely,
(1) The dynamic (switching) power dissipation
(2) The short-circuit power dissipation and
(3) The leakage power dissipation.
If the system or chip includes circuits other than conventional CMOS gates that have
continuous current paths between the power supply and the ground, a fourth (static) power
component should also be considered
Output capacitance:
The output capacitance of the gate consists mainly of the junction parasitic capacitances,
which are due to the drain diffusion regions of the MOS transistors in the circuit. The important
feature to highlight here is that the amount of capacitance is approximately a linear function of
the junction area. So, the size of the total drain diffusion area determines the amount of parasitic
Total interconnect capacitance:
The interconnect lines between the gates contribute to the total interconnect capacitance.
Note Particularly in sub-micron technologies, the interconnect capacitance can become the
dominant component, compared to the transistor-related capacitances.
Input capacitances:
The input capacitances are mainly due to gate oxide capacitances of the transistors
connected to the input terminal. Again, the amount of the gate oxide capacitance is determined
primarily by the gate area of each transistor.
Generic representation of a CMOS logic gate
Any CMOS logic gate making an output voltage transition can thus be represented by its nMOS
network, pMOS network, and the total load capacitance connected to its output node, as seen in
above Fig. The average power dissipation of the CMOS logic gate, driven by a periodic input
voltage waveform with ideally zero rise- and fall-times, can be calculated from the energy
required to charge up the output node to VDD and charge down the total output load capacitance
to ground level.
Simplifying this integral gives the well-known expression for the average dynamic (switching)
power consumption in CMOS logic circuits.
Note the average switching power dissipation of a CMOS gate is essentially independent of all
transistor characteristics and transistor sizes. Hence, given an input pattern, the switching delay
times have no relevance to the amount of power consumption during the switching events as
long as the output voltage swing is between 0 and VDD.
Equation (3) shows that the average dynamic power dissipation is proportional to the square of
the power supply voltage; hence, any reduction of VDD will significantly reduce the power
Another way to limit the dynamic power dissipation of a CMOS logic gate is to reduce
the amount of switched capacitance at the output.
Effect of reducing the power supply voltage VDD on switching power dissipation
Although the reduction of power supply voltage significantly reduces the dynamic power
dissipation, the expected design trade-off is the increase of delay. This can be seen by examining
the following propagation delay expressions for the CMOS inverter circuit.
Assuming that the power supply voltage is being scaled down while all other variables
are kept constant, it can be seen that the propagation delay time will increase. Figure below
shows the normalized variation of the delay as a function of VDD, where the threshold voltages of
the nMOS and the pMOS transistor are assumed to be constant, VT,n = 0.8 V and VT,p = - 0.8 V,
respectively. The normalized variation of the average switching power dissipation as a function
of the supply voltage is also shown on the same plot.
Note the dependence of circuit speed on the power supply voltage may also influence the
relationship between the dynamic power dissipation and the supply voltage. Equation (3)
suggests a quadratic improvement (reduction) of power consumption as the power supply voltage
is reduced. However, this interpretation assumes that the switching frequency (i.e., the number of
switching events per unit time) remains constant. If the circuit is always operated at the
maximum frequency allowed by its propagation delay, on the other hand, the number of
switching events per unit time (i.e., the operating frequency) will obviously drop as the
propagation delay becomes larger with the reduction of the power supply voltage. The net result
is that the dependence of switching power dissipation on the power supply voltage becomes
stronger than a simple quadratic relationship.
The analysis of switching power dissipation presented above is based on the
assumption that the output node of a CMOS gate faces one power-consuming transition (0-
to-VDD transition) in each clock cycle. This assumption, however, is not always correct; the
node transition rate can be smaller than the clock rate, depending on the circuit topology,
logic style and the input signal statistics.
To better represent this behavior, we will introduce T (node transition factor), which is
the effective number of power-consuming voltage transitions experienced per clock cycle. Then,
the average switching power dissipation becomes
Note that in most complex CMOS logic gates, a number of internal circuit nodes also make full
or partial voltage transitions during switching. Since there is a parasitic node capacitance
associated with each internal node, these internal transitions contribute to the overall power
dissipation of the circuit. In fact, an internal node may face several transitions while the output
node voltage of the circuit remains unchanged, as illustrated in below Fig.
In the most general case, the internal node voltage transitions can also be partial transitions, i.e.,
the node voltage swing may be only Vi which is smaller than the full voltage swing of VDD.
Taking this possibility into account, the generalized expression for the average switching power
dissipation can be written as
Where Ci represents the parasitic capacitance associated with each node and Ti represents the
corresponding node transition factor associated with that node.
(2)Short-Circuit Power Dissipation:
The switching power dissipation discussed above is purely due to the energy required to charge
up the parasitic capacitances in the circuit, and the switching power is independent of the rise
and fall times of the input signals. Now, if a CMOS inverter (or a logic gate) is driven with input
voltage waveforms with finite rise and fall times, both the nMOS and the pMOS transistors in
the circuit may conduct simultaneously for a short amount of time during switching, forming a
direct current path between the power supply and the ground, as shown in below Fig.
Short-circuit current component is the current component which passes through both the
nMOS and the pMOS devices during switching. It does not contribute to the charging of the
capacitances in the circuit.
This component is particularly powerful if the output load capacitance is small, and/or if
the input signals rise and fall times are large, as shown in below Fig. Here, the input/output
voltage waveforms and the components of the current drawn from the power supply are
illustrated for a symmetrical CMOS inverter with small capacitive load. The nMOS transistor in
the circuit starts conducting when the rising input voltage exceeds the threshold voltage VT,n.
The pMOS transistor remains on until the input reaches the voltage level (VDD - |VT,p|).
Thus, there is a time window during which both transistors are turned on. As the output
capacitance is discharged through the nMOS transistor, the output voltage starts to fall. The
drain-to-source voltage drop of the pMOS transistor becomes nonzero, which allows the pMOS
transistor to conduct as well. The short circuit current is terminated when the input voltage
transition is completed and the pMOS transistor is turned off. A similar event is responsible for
the short- circuit current component during the falling input transition, when the output voltage
starts rising while both transistors are on.
Note the magnitude of the short-circuit current component will be approximately the same
during both the rising-input transition and the falling-input transition, assuming that the inverter
is symmetrical and the input rise and fall times are identical. The pMOS transistor also conducts
the current which is needed to charge up the small output load capacitance, but only during the
falling-input transition (the output capacitance is discharged through the nMOS device during the
rising-input transition). This current component, which is responsible for the switching power
dissipation of the circuit (current component to charge up the load capacitance), is also shown in
Fig. The average of both of these current components determines the total amount of power
drawn from the supply.
For a simple analysis consider a symmetric CMOS inverter with k = kn = kp and VT =
VT,n = |VT,p|, and with a very small capacitive load. If the inverter is driven with an input
voltage waveform with equal rise and fall times (t = trise = tfall), it can be derived that the time-
averaged short circuit current drawn from the power supply is
Note that the short-circuit power dissipation is linearly proportional to the input signal rise and
fall times, and also to the transconductance of the transistors. Hence, reducing the input
transition times will obviously decrease the short circuit current component.
Now consider the same CMOS inverter with a larger output load capacitance and smaller
input transition times. During the rising input transition, the output voltage will effectively
remain at VDD until the input voltage completes its swing and the output will start to drop only
after the input has reached its final value.
Although both the nMOS and the pMOS transistors are on simultaneously during the
transition, the pMOS transistor cannot conduct a significant amount of current since the voltage
drop between its source and drain terminals is approximately equal to zero. Similarly, the output
voltage will remain approximately equal to 0 V during a falling input transition and it will start
to rise only after the input voltage completes its swing. Again, both transistors will be on
simultaneously during the input voltage transition, but the nMOS transistor will not be able to
conduct a significant amount of current since its drain-to-source voltage is approximately equal
to zero. The fig below shows the input and output voltage waveforms of the inverter and short-
circuit and dynamic current components.
Note that the peak value of the supply current to charge up the output load capacitance is
larger in this case. The reason for this is that the pMOS transistor remains in saturation during
the entire input transition, as opposed to the previous case where the transistor leaves the
saturation region before the input transition is completed.
The short-circuit power dissipation can be reduced by making the output voltage transition times
larger and/or by making the input voltage transition times smaller. Yet this goal should be
balanced carefully against other performance goals such as propagation delay, and the reduction
of the short-circuit current should be considered as one of the many design requirements that
must satisfied by the designer.
A similar situation can be observed when the input voltage is equal to zero, and the output
voltage is charged up to VDD through the pMOS transistor. Then, the reverse potential difference
between the nMOS drain region and the p-type substrate causes a reverse leakage current which
is also drawn from the power supply (through the pMOS transistor).
The magnitude of the reverse leakage current of a pn-junction is given by the following
Where Vbias is the magnitude of the reverse bias voltage across the junction, J S is the reverse
saturation current density and the A is the junction area. The typical magnitude of the reverse
saturation current density is 1 - 5 pA/mm2, and it increases quite significantly with temperature.
Note that the reverse leakage occurs even during the stand-by operation when no switching takes
place. Hence, the power dissipation due to this mechanism can be significant in a large chip
containing several million transistors.
Note the sub threshold leakage current also occurs when there is no switching activity in the
circuit, and this component must be carefully considered for estimating the total power
dissipation in the stand-by operation mode. The sub threshold current expression is given below,
in order to illustrate the exponential dependence of the current on terminal voltages.
One relatively simple measure to limit the subthreshold current component is to avoid
very low threshold voltages, so that the VGS of the nMOS transistor remains safely below VT,n
when the input is logic zero, and the |VGS| of the pMOS transistor remains safely below |VT,p|
when the input is logic one.
In addition to the three major sources of power consumption in CMOS digital integrated
circuits discussed here, some chips may also contain components or circuits which actually
consume static power. One example is the pseudo-nMOS logic circuits which utilize a pMOS
transistor as the pull-up device. The presence of such circuit blocks should also be taken into
account when estimating the overall power dissipation of a complex system.
The glitching power dissipation occurs due to finite delay. This Power dissipated in the
intermediate transitions during the evaluation of the logic function of the circuit.
In multi-level logic circuits, the finite propagation delay from one logic block to the next
can cause spurious signal transitions, or glitches as a result of critical races or dynamic hazards.
In general, if all input signals of a gate change simultaneously, no glitching occurs. But a
dynamic hazard or glitch can occur if input signals change at different times. Thus, a node can
exhibit multiple transitions in a single clock cycle before settling to the correct logic level. In
some cases, the signal glitches are only partial, i.e., the node voltage does not make a full
transition between the ground and VDD levels, yet even partial glitches can have a significant
contribution to dynamic power dissipation.
Glitches occur primarily due to a mismatch or imbalance in the path lengths in the logic
network. Such a mismatch in path length results in a mismatch of signal timing with respect to
the primary inputs.
Example, consider the simple parity network shown in Fig below. Assuming that all
XOR blocks have the same delay, it can be seen that the network in Fig.(a) will suffer from
glitching due to the wide disparity between the arrival times of the input signals for the gates.
In the network shown in Fig.(b), on the other hand, all arrival times are identical because
the delay paths are balanced. Such redesign can significantly reduce the glitching transitions, and
consequently, the dynamic power dissipation in complex multi-level networks. Also notice that
the tree structure shown in Fig. (b) Results in smaller overall propagation delay. Finally, it
should be noted that glitching is not a significant issue in multi-level dynamic CMOS logic
circuits, since each node undergoes at most one transition per clock cycle.
Short-Channel Effects
Short-Channel Devices:
A MOSFET device is considered to be short when the channel length is the same order of
magnitude as the depletion-layer widths (xdD, xdS) of the source and drain junction. As the
channel length L is reduced to increase both the operation speed and the number of components
per chip, the so-called short-channel effects arise.
Short-Channel Effects
The short-channel effects are attributed to two physical phenomena:
1. The limitation imposed on electron drift characteristics in the channel,
2. The modification of the threshold voltage due to the shortening channel length.
In particular five different short-channel effects can be distinguished:
1. Drain-induced barrier lowering and punch through
2. Surface scattering
3. Velocity saturation
4. Impact ionization
5. Hot electron effect
The expressions for the drain and source junction widths are:
There exists a potential barrier between source and drain which is to be lowered by
applying gate voltage. In short channel devices in addition to the gate voltage, drain voltage also
has a significant effect on reducing this barrier. As the source & drain get closer, they become
electrostatically coupled, so that the drain bias can affect the potential barrier to carrier flow at
the source junction. As a result, sub threshold current increases. As the drain depletion region
continues to increase with the bias, it can actually interact with the source to channel junction
and hence lowers the potential barrier. This problem is known as Drain Induced Barrier
Lowering (DIBL).
When the source junction barrier is reduced, electrons are easily injected into the channel
and the gate voltage has no longer any control over the drain current. In long channel devices,
the source and drain are separated far enough that their depletion regions have no effect on the
potential or field pattern in most part of the device. Hence, for such devices, the threshold
voltage is virtually independent of the channel length and drain bias. DIBL is enhanced at high
drain voltages and shorter channel lengths.
When the drain is at high enough voltage with respect to the source, the depletion region
around the drain may extend to the source, causing current to flow irrespective of gate voltage
(i.e. even if gate voltage is zero). This is known as Subsurface Punchthrough as it takes place
away from the gate oxide and substrate interface. So when channel length L decreases (i.e. short
channel length case), punch through voltage rapidly decreases. In short-channel devices, due to
the proximity of the drain and the source, the depletion regions at the drain-substrate and source-
substrate junctions extend into the channel. As the channel length is reduced, if the doping is
kept constant, the separation between the depletion region boundaries decreases. An increase in
the reverse bias across the junctions also pushes the junctions nearer to each other. When the
combination of channel length and reverse bias leads to the merging of the depletion regions,
punchthrough is said to have occurred.
Surface scattering:
As the channel length becomes smaller due to the lateral extension of the depletion layer
into the channel region, the longitudinal electric field component εy increases, and the surface
mobility becomes field-dependent. Since the carrier transport in a MOSFET is confined within
the narrow inversion layer, and the surface scattering (that is the collisions suffered by the
electrons that are accelerated toward the interface by εx) causes reduction of the mobility, the
electrons move with great difficulty parallel to the interface, so that the average surface mobility,
even for small values of εy, is about half as much as that of the bulk mobility.
Velocity saturation:
The performance short-channel devices are also affected by velocity saturation, which
reduces the transconductance in the saturation mode. At low εy, the electron drift velocity vde in
the channel varies linearly with the electric field intensity. However, as εy increases above 104
V/cm, the drift velocity tends to increase more slowly, and approaches a saturation value of
vde(sat)=107 cm/s around εy =105 V/cm at 300 K.
Note that the drain current is limited by velocity saturation instead of pinchoff. This
occurs in short channel devices when the dimensions are scaled without lowering the bias
voltages. Using vde(sat), the maximum gain possible for a MOSFET can be defined as
Impact ionization
Another undesirable short-channel effect, especially in NMOS, occurs due to the high
velocity of electrons in presence of high longitudinal fields that can generate electron-hole (e-h)
pairs by impact ionization, that is, by impacting on silicon atoms and ionizing them.
It happens as follow: normally, most of the electrons are attracted by the drain, while the
holes enter the substrate to form part of the parasitic substrate current. Moreover, the region
between the source and the drain can act like the base of an npn transistor, with the source
playing the role of the emitter and the drain that of the collector. If the aforementioned holes are
collected by the source, and the corresponding hole current creates a voltage drop in the substrate
material of the order of 0.6V, the normally reversed-biased substrate-source pn junction will
conduct appreciably. Then electrons can be injected from the source to the substrate, similar to
the injection of electrons from the emitter to the base. They can gain enough energy as they
travel toward the drain to create new electron hole pairs. The situation can worsen if some
electrons generated due to high fields escape the drain field to travel into the substrate, thereby
affecting other devices on a chip.
Hot electron effect:
Another problem, related to high electric fields, is caused by so-called hot electrons.
These high energy electrons can enter the oxide, where they can be trapped, giving rise to oxide
charging that can accumulate with time and degrade the device performance by increasing VT
and affect adversely the gate’s control on the drain current.