To: Karoline From: Khalifa CC: (Click Here and Type Name) Date: 12/7/21 Re: Self Assessment

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To: Karoline
From: Khalifa
CC: [Click here and type name]
Date: 12/7/21
Re: Self Assessment


First of all, I would like to say thanks to the instructor who taught us this course as it is the
first time for her. The course is so amazing, and she enhanced her educational skills totally

Here I will discuss my primary responsibilities as a trainer, as an employee and as a student.


As a trainer I had to communicate with other employees to know exactly what shall I prepare
for customers?

My responsibilities as a trainer are:

 Prepare tutorials and present them in the right time.

 Prepare handouts for trainees

 Prepare and organize numbers of PPTs to use them as an educational tool.

 Organize and present information in such a way that trainees can use it to increase
their knowledge base.

 Organize and present activities that will support the learning process.

 Check to see if learning has taken place.


Well, here it depends on my position in the organization. Let’s take an IT person an example

My responsibilities as an employee (IT Person)

 To make sure technology is accessible and equipped with current hardware and

 Monitor and maintain technology to ensure maximum access

 Perform other related tasks as required during working time


My responsibilities as a student are:

 Attending class every day.

 Arriving in class on time.

 Bringing to class all necessary materials

 Completing all assignments, including quizzes and tests

 Participating in all class discussions

 Communicating any concerns to the teacher.

At ICTC I was an IT person where I did some work that support the company, here I will
provide you with some memos I did for this course:

Memo 1
 Discussion

o I discussed with other members of the company about the Logo I have to prepare

o I showed them a sample

o They showed an interest

 Options

o Another member volunteered to provide us with extra Designed logos which gives
more options

o Members will choose the best one

 Page 2
 Mission Statement

o 3 different mission statements Completed

o Attached in BBVista

Memo 2
 Marketing Plan

o Last week we had to prepare a marketing plan for ICTC

o Ali Zaid divided the marketing plan into parts

o Every two or three members do a part

 Market Overview

o Mustafa and I were doing market overview for the training centers industry

o We handed it to Ali Zaid

Memo 3
 Discussion

o I discussed with other members of the company about the we should use

o I showed them three different samples

o They decided to chose this one

 Job description

o I updated the JD into simple tasks

 That applied in such medium company

 Mission Statement

o We discussed about the mission statement, and we tried to combine what we have

o Ali Zaid should decide

 Page 3
 Letterhead

o I prepared a letterhead for the company’s uses


The three goals are:

 Organized and well prepared

 Reliable

 Always on time

I did accomplish the first two goals. The last one I tried to do so but sometimes poor planning
results this!

I prepare and organize my work to hand it in completed in a proper way. When I give a
person a word to do something; I do it as promised.



I got improvements in such quite hard position, and they are:

 Communication skills

o Where I should make sure that students got what I am saying.

 Technical skills

o PPTs, Photoshop designing skills improved as well


As student, my awareness to be good student in the last 6 or 7 weeks is helping me to

improve my attention to the lessons.


I had the experience as I am a real employee in an organization. It is good to be prepared for

the future career, but this was with my classmates. In the real life, I will be working with
different people who came from different backgrounds.

 Page 4

I would like to work in an environment where I can implement my IT skills professionally. I

think of working for government rather than private sector because it is more reliable in
terms of life insurance and other valuable values.


I believe that I deserve a B+ for the work I did this semester. But there are different reasons
where make me get another grade; depends on how my teacher look at me and my work.

I deserve B+ because:

 I tried to hand work in on time!

o Sometimes I am little late

 My work is good

o Not too much errors

 Quality of my work is quite high

 Page 5

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