Gingival Biotype - Prosthodontic Perspective
Gingival Biotype - Prosthodontic Perspective
Gingival Biotype - Prosthodontic Perspective
12 775
7 authors, including:
J. Srilakshmi
The Oxford Dental college and hospital , Bangalore
All content following this page was uploaded by J. Srilakshmi on 18 July 2017.
During treatment planning it is important to recognize different gingival biotypes and forms, because they
can affect the esthetic outcome of the treatment. This review provides an insight into the different gingival
biotypes, their response to inflammation and trauma; significance in different prosthodontic modalities like
esthetic rehabilitation and implant therapy.
is particularly significant in full coverage crowns for the Thick periodontal biotype is fibrotic and resilient, making
following reasons. it resistant to surgical procedures with a tendency for pocket
The thin gingival margins allow visibility of a formation (as opposed to recession). Therefore, a thick
metal substructure (either porcelain fused to a metal biotype is more conducive for implant placement, resulting
crown or implant abutment), thereby compromising in favorable esthetic outcomes.
esthetics in the anterior regions of the mouth. In
these circumstances, all-ceramic crowns, or ceramic Characteristics of Thick Gingiva
implant abutments are a prerequisite to avoid esthetic
reproval. Relatively flat soft tissue and bony architecture
Due to the fragility of the thin tissue, delicate Dense fibrotic soft tissue
management is essential for avoiding recession and Relatively large amount of attached gingiva
hence visibility of subgingivally placed crown margins Thick underlying osseous form
at the restoration/tooth interface [1, 4, 5]. Relatively resistant to acute trauma
Reacts to disease with pocket formation and infrabony
Characteristics of Thin Gingiva
defect formation [4, 5, 6].
Highly scalloped soft tissue and bony architecture
Delicate friable soft tissue
Minimal amount of attached gingiva
Thin underlying bone characterized by bony
dehiscence and fenestration
Reacts to insults and disease with gingival recession [6].
Thick biotype
Bony architecture
Gingival Bioforms
Tooth extraction Minimal ridge atrophy Ridge resorption in the apical and
lingual direction
minimizing alveolar resorption or by providing a better possibility of significant resorption, which may have an
tissue environment for implant placement. impact on esthetics. Furthermore, the loss of peri-implant
structures may result in thin, translucent tissue over the
Ridge Preservation in Thick vs Thin Biotypes implant, which appears grayish, especially if the facial
plate is lost and implant threads are exposed. In these cases,
Prevention of postextraction alveolar bone loss is critical further bone and soft tissue grafting procedures may be
in assuring implant success. Thin periodontal biotype is necessary. However, once an implant is in place, it may be
associated with thin alveolar plate, so it is usual to see more difficult to regain pre-extraction tissue contours. In a thick
ridge remodeling when compared with thick periodontal biotype environment, immediate placement of an implant
biotype which is associated with thick alveolar plate. can be completed with predictable results.
In thin biotypes, it’s not only a traumatic extraction is
critical in ridge preservation, it is important to consider Conclusion
strategies to preserve the alveolar bone such as socket
preservation or ridge preservation procedures [1, 8]. Evaluation of gingival tissue biotypes is important in
This loss can be 1.5–2.0 mm over the first 12 months treatment planning. Since thick and thin gingival biotypes
with most loss occurring during the initial 3 months. A are associated with thick and thin osseous patterns, the
variety of approaches can be employed to address this two tissue types respond differently to the inflammation and
problem, but most involve grafting the extraction socket trauma and have different patterns of osseous remodeling
and using membranes to support missing/perforated bony following the extraction or implant procedure. In
walls. Ridge preservation should be considered for most fixed prosthodontics, care to be taken in finish line
thin biotype cases. placement and retraction and type of restoration selection
Classically, socket or ridge preservation involves the use in esthetic zone.
of a graft material placed in the socket followed by a variety By understanding the nature of the tissue biotype, the
of other substances such as demineralized freeze-dried bone practioner can employ appropriate periodontal and surgical
allograft, mineralized freeze-dried bone allograft, xenograft procedures to minimize alveolar resorption and provide a
(mostly of bovine source), and alloplastic materials more favorable environment for implant placement.
(β-tricalcium phosphate, durapatite, hydroxyapatite).
The ridge preservation strategy is only successful if the
graft material is retained in the extraction socket. A variety of
approaches can be utilized to achieve socket closure. These 1. Ahmad (2005) Anterior dental esthetics: Gingival perspective
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narrow ridge with a large buccal deficiency or decreased
vertical height, a block graft is generally the technique
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can be of autologous or allograft origin. Autologous graft
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ramus or mandibular symphysis. Allograft block grafts 6. Richard TK, Mark C, Gregory JC (2008) Thick vs. Thin Gingival
can be obtained from several commercial providers. The Biotypes: A Key Determinant in Treatment Planningfor Dental
advantage of this technique is that the graft is placed as a Implants CDA J 36(3):193–198
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