Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Books Gernale, Myles Austin D.V. Aguinaldo International School
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Books Gernale, Myles Austin D.V. Aguinaldo International School
Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Books Gernale, Myles Austin D.V. Aguinaldo International School
This research analyzes the general advantages and disadvantages of e-books. Its effect on
humans and the environment. This will show an entirely new perspective since people have their
own perception on things whether they agree or disagree the e-books disadvantages and effects.
This is also to show whether people are more comfortable with books or e-books. This paper was
done at home with the help of sources and in Aguinaldo International School with the use of
surveys given to the students to assist in this research.
E-books to expand the word itself means “Electronic books.” This is the “digital”
version of the paper book and can be physically read on electronics such as phones,
tablets, computers and others.
Reading will and always be the most powerful natural ability of humans.
Reading has the power to influence, express, and create the world we live on and its
unique diverse cultures. Reading can improve the intelligence of humans by its
vocabulary and information to fill the human mind. If we don’t learn reading, then
humanity will be misunderstood and unable to interpret and even write. And the world
will descend into chaos because of mishaps. Thus books and authors we know wouldn’t
exist. It’s hard to imagine a world without reading.
The greatest offer of e-books is their versatile abilities. E-books can be purchased
instantly on devices when you need a book in an instant. Able to carry one library with just one
device great for trips for a portable hassle free experience with no need to carry the heavy weight
paper books. Another big advantage is trees are much safer as trees are needed to be cut down in
order to for paper books to form therefore a safer environment.
Regardless of e-books versatile features, there are disadvantages that may drag
your e-book reading experience. Since e-books require a device to work, most devices today are
pricey in stores. Internet connection is mandatory to be able to acquire the document and its site.
No connection means you are unable to acquire the piece. Majority of devices are electronic
which means power is needed for it to function. This can be a nuisance if you are too busy
reading a prime scene and suddenly the device powers down because of no power. The devise
can be a problem to your health especially overuse. This is the “Computer Vision Syndrome”
(CVS). This can lead to eye strain and discomfort such as headaches. A Harvard Medical School
study found that reading a light-emitting e-book before bed interferes with your ability to sleep,
with your alertness the following morning, and with your overall health. There is one theory
were in a study of middle schooler's, West Chester University researchers found out that students
who read on iPads had lower reading comprehension than when they read traditional printed
books. They discovered that the kids sometimes skipped text in favor of interactive features in
the e-books, suggesting that certain multimedia in children’s e-books can be detrimental to the
practice of reading itself. However, the researchers noted that some interactive features in e-
books are designed to enhance comprehension, and that those might be more helpful than game-
type interactive graphics. Similar results were found by a small study by the Joan Ganz Cooney
Center that consisted of 32 kids reading e-books and print books with their parents. It found that
"enhanced" e-books might be distracting. Kids who read enhanced e-books—ones with
interactive, multimedia experiences were more engaged with them physically, but in the end they
remembered fewer narrative details than those who read print books or basic e-books.