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World Traffic

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This manual is applicable to World Traffic version 2.1.0 and greater and will be updated as needed.

Concept by Francesco Missarino of Aircraft3D and Greg Hofer of Classic Jet Simulations. Software
developed by Classic Jet Simulations.

Austin Meyer – for X-Plane and permission to use modified version of X-Plane aircraft with World Traffic.
Sandy Barbour and Ben Supnik – for the X-Plane SDK and answering all of my questions.
Brett Sumpter – for permission to use the Bell 206.
Capt. Jens E Borberg - for the Bell 412 SP.
Tiago Ribeiro – for the most excellent Flight Plan editor (still in progress).

Thanks to all the beta testers, especially Anton Goldmann and James Gillies for their extensive testing help.

Thanks to BlueBell and Chopinet for all their help during testing version 2.0 and support with aircraft and
ground routes.
1 Introduction
World Traffic is an application designed to fill the skies and taxiways of your favourite airports with
lots of planes. You can even land and sea traffic. Flight paths are defined through flight plans which
are simple to create by specifying the aircraft in the flight, some flight parameters, and the steerpoints
that the aircraft will follow. Arrivals and departures are controlled by World Traffic based on wind and
aircraft type info so that aircraft will land and takeoff from suitable runways.

1.1 Feature List

Subsequent sections in the manual will describe how to use these various features:
General Features
• Sample flight plans and ground routes are provided for KSEA and LOWI. These illustrate
almost all of the functionality of the application and may be used as examples for your own
• Several default aircraft are provided with many more to come. Users may create their own
aircraft as well. Aircraft have a flight model which takes into account aircraft fuel load so that
aircraft flying a long distance will require more fuel and will require more runway to takeoff.
The engine model's thrust is dependant on altitude. Aircraft are affected by weather so turn up
the crosswinds and turbulence and watch the planes react.
• STAR/SID data by Navigraph is included for the World's airports so that aircraft may follow
these departures and approaches.
• World-Traffic Radar plugin is included to get a bird's eye view of the traffic coming and going
from the selected airport.
• Flight plans can be grouped into zones to enable/disable flights for a specific region or to
enable/disable flights for a specific vintage of aircraft. You can organize the flight plan folders
however you wish and enable or disable whatever regions you are interested in.
• Directional, multi-track aircraft engine sounds with doppler shift.
• Optional control of X-Plane multi-player aircraft so that TCAS is functional for World-Traffic
controlled aircraft.
• ATC system to allow you to interact with the World Traffic application so that it is aware of
your position and can vector you and and assign you arrival/departure runways. Your aircraft
will be commanded to follow taxi info to the active runways and will be vectored along
SID/STAR routes.
• Track camera lets you follow any of the World Traffic controlled aircraft, boats, and vehicles.
• Flight information window allows you to quickly find active flights, flight information about
that flight, and to view that flight with the track camera.

Flight Plans
• Random Flight Plan Generator to create hundreds of flight plans for your favourite airports.
• User-defined flight plans to specify the flight path of an aircraft or a formation of aircraft.
• Flight plans can be for air (including helicopters), ground, or sea traffic.
• Selectable departure types for normal takeoffs or vertical departures if the aircraft thrust:weight
ratio is sufficient and the first flight plan waypoint is high enough to warrant a vertical
• Selectable arrival types for straight-in approaches, overhead breaks, or low approaches.
• Settable start times specified in zulu time or instant start meaning the flight will start as soon as
X-Plane starts.
• Various formation configurations.
• Formation joinups after takeoff.
• Settable altitudes for each steerpoint in the flight plan where altitude can be in feet above sea
level or feet above ground level for terrain following flights.
• Flight plans can be defined for specific aircraft tail numbers so that a specific aircraft can be
defined to follow a multi-leg route.

Ground Routes
• User-defined ground routes to specify specific parking locations for aircraft.
• Ground routes can be specific to a general type of aircraft, a type of aircraft, or a specific tail
number so you can have planes park in the parking spots you want.
• Runway intersections are defined in ground routes to specify hold lines and to determine when
planes are on or crossing runways.

Flight Model
• Simple flight model using aerodynamics and ballistics equations from the NASA web site to
provide a flight models accurate enough so that you can follow the World-Traffic controlled
aircraft. You can define drag coefficient, cross-sectional area, and thrust to tune aircraft
• Wind and turbulence affect aircraft so that they will bounce around in turbulence and crab into
the wind in flight.
• Afterburner thrust is settable so afterburner-equipped aircraft can accelerate quickly when
required, perform vertical departures, and fly supersonic.
• Larger aircraft have slower roll rates and pitch rates compared to smaller aircraft.
• Angle of Attack (AOA) increases as speed decreases and flap deployment will decrease AOA.
Cruise AOA and landing/takeoff AOA can be specified for each aircraft to give reasonable AOA
through the aircraft's speed range.

Aircraft Object Animation

• Custom datarefs are provided to provide your aircraft with full animation of control surfaces,
landing gear, canopy, nozzle, engine blades/prop, thrust reverser, lights etc.
• All types of aircraft lighting is supported and the lights will function correctly depending on the
phase of flight and aircraft type. Landing lights will go on and taxi lights will go off when the
aircraft taxis onto a runway for takeoff. The strobe lights will turn off when the plane arrives
and turns off the runway. Cabin lights will stay and aircraft doors will stay open for a few
minutes after an airliner parks until the passengers are all off the plane. Most other lighting
turns off when the aircraft engines are shut down.

Application Control of Aircraft

Besides the normal flight model control of aircraft between steerpoints, the application will also
perform the following functions.
• Planes are vectored on final approach to maintain sufficient spacing between other incoming
• Simultaneous runway operations are functional.
• Collision avoidance for taxiing aircraft.
• Non-military aircraft try and maintain a speed of less than 250 knots below 10,000 feet.
• Planes will hold for approaching aircraft that are landing, taking off, or taxiing towards other
• Planes will overshoot the runway if there is another plane on it.
• Planes will overshoot the runway if they can't slow down enough or descend low enough to
• Planes will go into holding patterns if all adequate runways are in use or if the cross wind
exceeds aircraft limits.

1.2 Planned Features

See the Classic Jet Simulations web site (www.classicjetsims.com) for a list of planned features.

1.3 Quick Start Guide

To get the application running as quickly as possible follow these procedures:
Below is a quick start guide:
0. First define the menu keys you need to open the World Traffic menus (see section 2 below on
1. Go the World Traffic Regions menu and enable the three included regions so that they are
green. (Use the arrow keys to move the cursor up or down and click enter to enable the region)
2. Select the Resynch option in the World Traffic menu or use the key you defined in section 2 to
re-start all the flight plans. This will activate the demo flight plans at KSEA.
To Create your own traffic:
1. X-Plane aircraft do not work as AI aircraft for World Traffic since there is a limit of 20 of these.
You need to download AI planes specifically created for World Traffic which are either
modified X-Plane aircraft, AI conversions from FSX, or custom models. Download extra add-
on aircraft, route files and ground routes you're interested in here: http://forums.x-
2. Go to your favourite airport
3. Open the Random Flight Plan Generator (see section 4.5 in the manual for info)
4. Add a new airport definition file for your favourite airport. Make sure to fill out all fields
including connecting airports and operators and then generate the flight plans.
5. Do a Resync to load in the new region folder created above (apt_name_RANDOM)
6. Enable the region folder and do another Resynch to activate all the flight plans and traffic.
7. After this you'll need to create ground routes for your airports or download them from the link
above. Creating ground routes is a bit involved. Without ground routes planes will start on the
departure runways and disappear after landing. The manual describes this in detail as well as
other aspects to the sim. If you are interested in creating ground routes for your airport, there is
a new ground route recorder app here:

There is also another ground route builder, AGRE, in development here:


There is the in-sim editor as well:

2 Installation
2.1 Installation
Open the WorldTraffic zip file and extract the folders into the following locations:
• Move the ClassicJetSimUtils folder in the zip file into the main X-Plane folder
• Move the WorldTraffic folder in the zip file into the X-Plane/Resources/Plugins folder.
• Move the WorldTrafficRTG folder in the zip file into the X-Plane/Resources/Plugins folder.
• Move the WorldTrafficRadar folder in the zip file into the X-Plane/Resources/Plugins folder.
• Move the Classic Jet Simulations folder in the zip file into the X-Plane/Aircraft folder.
• Optionally, put the apt.dat file in the zip file into the X-Plane/Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo
Area/Earth nav data folder. This simply moves the control tower view up above the tower so
you can see the planes taking off and landing in the KSEA demo area. The World Traffic
aircraft are not visible otherwise through the glass in the KSEA tower.
Your folder structure must look as follows in order for the application to function properly:
Illustration 1: World Traffic Folder Structure

Note: If you are using X-Plane 9.7, delete or rename AIplane.acf in the X-Plane/Aircraft/Classic Jet
Simulations/World Traffic folder. Then rename AIplaneXP9.acf to AIplane.acf.

2.2 Activation
After you install the WorldTraffic application, it will run in evaluation mode which only allows the
plugin to run 15 flight plans. After you purchase it, you will be e-mailed a key file called
WorldTrafficKey.txt. The file goes into your X-Plane/Resourse/Plugins/WorldTraffic folder.

2.3 Support
If you have any questions about the plugin or need help, please contact me by e-mail at
greg@classicjetsims.com ... You may also check out the support forum at X-Plane.org located here:
3 Setup

3.1 Sound Setup

Sounds should work automatically on the Mac and on the PC if you are using Windows 7 or greater. If
you are not hearing sounds, the first step should be to make sure your engine volume is turned up in the
Preferences window in the plugin. See section 6.2.3 Preferences for how to do that.
If you are using earlier versions of Windows, you may need to install the OpenAL sound driver. That
can be found here: http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/Downloads/Forms/AllItems.aspx
Download and run the oalinst.exe file from that site.
Note: As always, before installing new software, make sure to create a restore point on your PC first.
I've installed this successfully on my WindowsXP machines in the past but I lost my sound when I tried
it on Windows 7, which I didn't need to do.

3.2 Key and Mouse Setup

The plugin will start running when X-Plane starts up but you'll need to configure a few keys so you can
use the functionality. These are the functions currently available and the keys that I use to call the
function. You can use keys of your own choice of course.
• Key_Command_Menu – CTRL-W suggested
• Resynch – CTRL-R suggested
• Previous_Menu – this is optional if you don't like the default Backspace key
• ATC_Radar – SHFT-R suggsested
• ATC_Menu – CTRL-A suggested
• ATC_Prev_Command – SHFT-A suggested
• Track_Camera – F9 suggested
• Track Camera Back – Goes to previous aircraft – SHIFT F9 suggested
• Track_Camera_Toggle_Flight_Info – CTRL-F9 suggested
• Track_Camera_Move_In – V (you may use the mouse wheel as well for this)
• Track_Camera_Move_Out – C (you may use the mouse wheel as well for this)
• Track_Camera_Zoom_In – X suggested
• Track_Camera_Zoom_Out – Z suggested
• Track Camera Move In/Out – mouse wheel
• Track Camera View Lock – left mouse click

With X-Plane running, select the Settings – Joystick & Equipment menu. From that menu, click the
Keys tab on top. Click the Add New Key Assignment box in the bottom-middle of this window to
setup the first WorldTraffic key as shown below:

Illustration 2: Key Setup Window

Now, click on the new button labelled <NONE> on the bottom-left of the window if it is not already
highlighted in green. Press the key that you want to associate with the WorldTraffic function you are
currently configuring. The <NONE> text will get replaced by the key that you press.
A function selection box is now available in the top-right of this window with a default selection of
“sim/none/none”. Click on the box to the left of that text. A new window will appear as shown below:
Illustration 3: World Traffic Custom Key Setup

Click on the cjs folder and then the world traffic folder to expand the options. You will see a list of
key functions available from the WorldTraffic application. Click the function that you want to assign to
your new key and click the Open button to complete the assignment. Repeat this procedure for each of
the key functions.
4 How Does it All Work
This section describes how a flight works from end to end. The subsequent sections in chapter 5
describe the file formats in detail that are referenced in this section.

4.1 Initialization
When X-Plane is started and World Traffic is initialized, it looks through all of the active route files in
the enabled regions and determines which flights are in progress and which flights have ended based on
the start times of the flights as defined in the flight plans, the speeds, and the route distance. For flights
that are in progress, it will determine about where the flight should be and place the aircraft in flight at
the calculated position, speed, and altitude. If it is determined that a flight is on approach, it will place
the aircraft somewhere in the middle of a STAR approach if defined for that airport and if the aircraft
has a FMS. If it is determined that a flight has landed, it will find a suitable unused ground route for
the aircraft and place the aircraft on the ground route's parking spot.
The Flight Plans can all be found in the X-Plane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/RouteFiles folders
with the region name being identical to one of the sub-folders here. See Appendix A1 – Flight Plan
File Format for a description of the flight plan file format and section 5.1 Region for a description on

4.2 Determining the Active Runways

Before any flights are started, the active runway/s for the departing airport are determined. If there is
an Airport Operations file (see section 5.7 Airport Operations ), that will be used along with the wind
and time of day to determine what runways are active for arrival and departure. If no Airport
Operations file is defined, the active runway is determined solely using wind direction. If the wind is
calm, the active runway/s will be the first ones defined in the X-Plane or custom scenery apt.dat files.
Airport Operations files are all found in the XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/AirportOperations
folder with the name of the file being the name of the airport.

4.3 Starting a Flight

World Traffic looks through all loaded flight plans and checks to see if it is time to start them. The start
time is defined in the flight plan and can be specified as a specific time and can have a specific day or a
set of days, or the flight can be set to start immediately if the start time for the flight plan is set to -1.
Five minutes before a flight is to start, the flight will be put into a pre-flight mode. It will try and find a
departure ground route to put the aircraft on. First an estimate is made of the aircraft's required takeoff
distance which is based on the aircraft's weight which is determined by how much fuel the plane needs
to get to its destination and the airport elevation. Runways of suitable length will only be considered.
Next, it will first and find a departure ground route that has an aircraft of the same type parked on it
which would have been done during initialization (see section 4.1 Initialization above) or when a plane
can landed and taxied to its parking spot. If found, the parked aircraft will be used for the flight. If it
can't find the same type of aircraft, it will look for a departure ground route with any parked aircraft on
it, using the one with the oldest parking time. If found the parked aircraft is deleted and replaced with
the aircraft defined in the flight plan. Ground routes are prioritized based on length. A shorter taxiway
route will be selected if unless there are significantly more aircraft taxiing to that runway (5) than to a
runway further away in which case it will then select the further taxi route.
Departure ground routes are all found in the
XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/GroundRoutes/Departure folder with one folder existing for
each airport. See Appendix A2 – Ground Route File Format for a description of the Ground Route file

4.4 Taking Off

Each runway is defined a departure queue. Aircraft are only allowed onto the active runway to takeoff
when they are first in the queue and there are no aircraft about to land. Traffic separation is enforced
on takeoff for wake turbulence using these spacing rules:
• Super Heavies – 2 minutes
• Heavies -1.5 minutes
• Large Jets/Props – 1 minute
• Medium Jets/Props – 45 seconds
• Light Jets/Fighters – 30 seconds
• Light Props 15 seconds
When the aircraft starts to takeoff, it tries to find a valid SID (for aircraft with a FMS) or a custom
departure (for aircraft without a FMS). The aircraft will be assumed to have a FMS if not a light prop.
This can be overridden in the aircraft definition file.
If multiple SIDs are available, it will select one that exits at a point closest to its destination. If no
custom departures are found with planes with no FMS they will follow a SID if it is suitable for the
aircraft type. If not found the aircraft will simply climb on the runway heading for a few miles before
proceeding en-route.
SIDs are provided with the included Navigraph data and are found in the
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/NavigraphData folder with the file being named after the airport. The user
may also define custom departures for airports in the same file using the special section for Custom
Departures. These are useful for flights in mountainous areas where a complex departure route may be
required to provide terrain avoidance.

4.5 Enroute Flight

Once an aircraft has completed the takeoff phase and has followed the SID or custom departure or
automatic departure route, it will then head for the first waypoint defined in the flight plan and will fly
that route to completion in most cases.
The Flight Plans can all be found in the X-Plane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/RouteFiles folders
with the region name being identical to one of the sub-folders here. See Appendix A1 – Flight Plan
File Format for a description of the flight plan file format and section 5.1 Region on regions.

4.6 Arrivals
If an aircraft has a FMS, it will start looking for a STAR when getting close (50Nm to 120Nm) of its
destination. The aircraft will be assumed to have a FMS if not a light prop. This can be overridden in
the aircraft definition file. For aircraft without a FMS, it will start looking for a Custom Arrival when
getting close to its destination. If more than one STAR exists, it will select a STAR entry point closest
to its current position. STARs may be entered mid-way through as well. If a suitable STAR is found, it
will be loaded. If the the preference “Ground Routes Required for Arrival Runways” is set to ON,
aircraft will only use arrival runways with ground routes if they exist. If no ground routes exist, then
any runway of suitable length can be used.
For any out and back flight where the departure and arrival airports are the same, a STAR or Custom
Arrival will only be searched for on the last leg of the route. If no STAR or Custom Arrival is defined
for the airport, an automatic arrival is calculated for the aircraft which simply points the aircraft to a
suitable arrival runway with the final approach point being between 1 to 7 Nm from the runway
depending on aircraft size.
During the arrival phase of flight, World Traffic tries to provide separation between arriving aircraft.
Each aircraft's arrival time onto a runway is continuously calculated. If an aircraft's arrival time is less
than 90 seconds behind another aircraft's arrival time, it will be requested to slow down. It will also
consider distances between arriving aircraft for aircraft not heading for the same runway. Again if it
determines that if an aircraft in front is less than 90 seconds in front, the aircraft will be asked to slow
down. Finally, an aircraft may asked to continue on its current heading where the STAR waypoint is of
type VECTORS if the aircraft's arrival time is too close to the aircraft in front of it.
STARs are provided with the included Navigraph data and are found in the
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/NavigraphData folder with the file being named after the airport. The user
may also define custom arrivals for airports in the same file using the special section for Custom
Arrivals. These are useful for flights in mountainous areas where a complex arrival route may be
required to provide terrain avoidance.

4.6 Landing
Once an aircraft has landed, it will try and find an Arrival Ground Route for the aircraft. If no ground
route file is found, the aircraft will disappear once coming to a stop on the runway.
Arrival ground routes are all found in the
XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/GroundRoutes/Arrival folder with one folder existing for each
airport. See Appendix A2 – Ground Route File Format for a description of the Ground Route file
5 World Traffic Files and Folders

5.1 Region
Note that the file containing the enabled/disabled status of the regions is called
WorldTrafficRegions.prf and is written to the X-Plane/Output/preferences folder. Deleting this file will
disable all regions which may be necessary if you are trying to load too many regions and are having
memory problems running the 32 bit version of X-Plane.
A region is a folder under the X-Plane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/RouteFiles folder. It is where
all of the flight plans are stored. The purpose of having separate region folders is to help organize your
flight plans. A region can be an airport, a state or province, or a country, whatever size that gives you a
manageable number of flight plans. It may also be used if you want to create set of flight plans for
planes of different eras. For example you could have one region with flight plans for modern aircraft
and another region with flight plans for historic aircraft and the disable the region not in use.
Having the option to enable and disable regions will also optimize the operation of the application. It
will improve the start time and reduce memory usage. There is no point in having a region enabled for
an area in Australia if you are flying in the U.S. and don't plan on flying there.
One important thing to note is that you may put identical flight plans in more that one region folder.
For example, you may have a flight plan defined for a flight from KLAX to KSEA. If you have region
folders for KSEA and KLAX, you can put this flight plan in both of those folders. Only one copy of
the flight plan will get loaded. The purpose of this is that if you are flying from KSEA to the eastern
U.S., you can disable the KLAX region. The flight plan from KSEA to KLAX will still get run since
it's in the KSEA region folder but all other flight plans in the KLAX folder will not get run. Again this
saves loading time and memory usage. This is the recommended method of using the application
especially when you have lots of flight plans defined.

5.2 Flight Plan

Note: The airport runway definitions are taken from the main X-Plane airport database (apt.dat). No
custom scenery airport definitions are used at this time so that functionality is consistent among users.
If the runway and taxiway definitions in the main X-Plane airport database are not accurate, then it is
suggested that Robin be provided with the more accurate info for the master X-Plane database.
A flight plan is a file defining the path of an aircraft, vehicle or boat. It specifies the aircraft in the
flight, the formation type if more than 1 aircraft is in the flight, the start time, whether a vertical
deparuture is required, and other flight-related parameters. The flight plan files go in any of the region
folders under the XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/RouteFiles folder. See Appendix A1 –
Flight Plan File Format for the Flight Plan file format.

5.3 Ground Route File

Note: The airport taxiway definitions are taken from the main X-Plane airport database (apt.dat). No
custom scenery airport definitions are used so that functionality is consistent among users. If the
runway and taxiway definitions in the main X-Plane airport database are not accurate, then it is
suggested that Robin be provided with the more accurate info for the master X-Plane database.
A ground route file is similar to a flight plan but specifies the path that aircraft follow on the ground. A
special case are ground route files for helicopters which are not actually ground routes, but approach
paths that the helicopter takes from its last waypoint defined in the flight plan to its landing spot. No
ground files are created for vehicles or boats. Flight plans are used in that case.
Ground route files specify the path that an aircraft takes from the runway it lands on to its parking spot.
It also specifies the path that an aircraft takes from its parking spot to one or more of the active
runways for takeoff. Ground route files can be specific to a general aircraft type (eg. Heavy airliner or
fighter), to a specific aircraft type (eg. 747), or to a specific aircraft tail number (eg. N-032JR). This
allows as much customization as required to have any plane taxi and park to exactly where you want it.
For large airports with lots of runways, there will have to be a lot of ground route files defined to cover
all of the possible combinations of arrival/departure runways and parking spots for various aircraft
types and tail numbers. Hopefully, users will start making these available for users to share.
The ground route files are created for specific airports. They go in any of the airport folders under the
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/GroundRoutes/Arrival and
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/GroundRoutes/Deparutes folders. See Appendix A2 – Ground
Route File Format for the Ground Route File format.

5.4 Aircraft Types

X-Plane aircraft do not work as AI aircraft for World Traffic since there is a limit of 20 of these. You
need to create your own or download AI planes specifically created for World Traffic which are either
modified X-Plane aircraft, AI conversions from FSX, or custom models.
The performance and dimensions of an aircraft are defined an Aircraft Type file. This file is also
associated with an X-Plane object file that the World Traffic application draws in the X-Plane world.
World Traffic has a simple flight model based on aerodynamics and ballistics equations available from
the NASA web site. It is therefore possible to define an aircraft so that it flies well enough to give
reasonable accelerations and climb speeds so that you can fly around with it. The flight model is
simple enough though that you should be able to run at least 30 aircraft at once in a 40 Nm radius of the
user with only a 3% drop in frame rates. Outside of the user area you can have a lot more aircraft
active since their position is only updated once a second.
If you want to create your own aircraft for World Traffic, you will have to e-mail me for a key which is
entered in the aircraft definition file. I have paid Aircraft3D to make several payware aircraft packages
so I need to cover these costs first. The World Traffic application is sold initially at a reduced priced
since these aircraft were not yet ready at the time of release. If users wish to make payware or freeware
aircraft for World Traffic, this is not a problem if the aircraft are not on our list. Our list of aircraft in
development is here:
Contact us first though before you spend time making an aircraft to make sure your plane is not our list.
When creating a new aircraft when you don't have a key, call the aircraft TEST.obj and the aircraft
definition file TEST.txt. The key is not required for the aircraft when it is named that.
The aircraft type files can be found in the Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/AircraftTypes
folder. See Appendix A3 – Aircraft File Format for the Aircraft Type file format.

5.5 Aircraft Objects

The aircraft object file must have the same name as the aircraft type file except with a .obj extension
rather than a .txt extension. The aircraft object file is the X-Plane object file that World Traffic uses to
draw in the X-Plane skies. Any of the features supported by the X-Plane object format such as LOD,
lighting, shadow-hiding etc are functional with the World Traffic application. The object files must be
modified to use the datarefs provided by World Traffic and the object must be positioned in a specific
way to work with the plugin but modifications are not too difficult.
The aircraft object files can be found in the Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/AircraftObjects
folder. See Appendix A3 – Aircraft File Format for the Aircraft Object information.

5.6 Airport Definition

The airport definition file is not required but is used in the creation of random flight plans. See chapter
4.5 for more information.

5.7 Airport Operations

Airport Operations files go in the Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/AirportOperations folder.
The Airport Operations file is not required but allows customization of airport procedures. Based on
wind conditions and time of day, a specific set of runways can be designated for takeoff and/or landing.
Runways can be configured to support specific aircraft types and aircraft navigation systems (eg ILS,
RNAV, etc). Approach angles to runways may also be defined for airports that have approach angles
different than the standard 3 degree approach. One example is London City Center airport which has
an approach angle of 5.5 degrees with the final approach point 3.4 Nm from the runway.
Using the Airport Operations file for EGLC, this section will explain how the Airport Operations file is
configured. You can look at the included airport operations file for KORD if you want to see
something more complex.

This section defines the various modes of operation based on wind speed/direction and time of day.
Associated with the the mode of operation will be a set of runways that will be in use which is defined
in another section.
INDEX Low Wind Speed High Wind Speed Low Wind Dir High Wind Dir Time Time Comments (not parsed)
0 0 5 0 360 00:00 24:00 East Ops A
1 5 1000 183 3 00:00 24:00 East Ops B
2 5 1000 3 183 00:00 24:00 West Ops

The “INDEX” field must be unique starting from zero. In this example, operation “0” (East Ops A) is
in effect when the wind is from 0 to 5 knots in any direction during all times of the day. Operation “1”
(East Ops B) is in effect when the wind is above 5 knots on a heading of 183 degrees to 3 degrees with
the wind direction moving clockwise. Operation “2” (West Ops) is in effect when the wind is above 5
knots on a heading of 3 degrees to 183 degrees.

This section specifies which runways are in use for takeoff and arrival for each unique operation
defined above.
Ops 1 2 Start End
Index Active Runway Arr Dep Time Time Comments (not parsed)
0 28 1 00:00 24:00 East Ops A
0 28 2 00:00 24:00
1 28 1 00:00 24:00 East Ops B
1 28 2 00:00 24:00
2 10 1 00:00 24:00 West Ops
2 10 2 00:00 24:00

The “Ops Index” field corresponds to the “INDEX” field in the OPERATIONS section above. For
Operation “0” and Operation “1”, runway 28 is configured as the runway for both arrival and departure
during all times of the day. For Operation “2”, runway 10 is configured as the runway for both runway
and departure during all times of the day.

Supported AC Types Supported Approaches Final Approach Final Approach
Runway 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Angle Distance Nm
10 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 3.4
28 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.5 3.4

Valid aircraft types are:

• 0 - FIGHTER - F-18, F-16, F-15, F-14, SU-27, Mig-29, F-22, F-35
• 1 - SUPER_HEAVY_JET - A-380, C-5, 747, AN-225
• 2 - HEAVY_JET - A-340, A-330, 777, 767, 787, C-141, L-1011, DC-10
• 3 - LARGE_JET - A-320, 737, 757,
• 4 - LARGE_PROP - A-400, Hercules
• 5 - MEDIUM_JET - Regional Jets
• 6 - MEDIUM_PROP - Regional Prop planes
• 7 - LIGHT_JET - lear jet, Gulfstream, Global Express
• 8 - LIGHT_PROP - GA prop planes

Aircraft Navigation Systems:

• 0 - Visual - DH 3000', vis - 3Nm (all runways support visual approaches)
• 1 - Non Precision (VOR,NDB,TACAN, etc) – DH = 200-500', RVR = 0.5-1.25 Nm
• 2 - ILS/DME - DH = 200', RVR = 0.5 - 1 Nm
• 3 - RNAV (GPS or RNP) - DH = 200', RVR - 2400'-4000'
• 4 - ILS CAT I - DH = 200', RVR - 1200-2400', Vis - 1600' or 1200' in Canada
• 5 - ILS CAT II - DH = 100', RVR - 1200', Vis - N/A (same for CYVR)
• 6 - ILS CAT IIIa - DH = 0', RVR - 600' (same for CYVR)
• 7 - ILS CAT IIIb - DH = 0', RVR – 150'
• 8 - ILS CAT IIIc - DH = 0', RVR = 0' - not currently used anywhere

Final Approach Angle and Final Approach Distance fields should normally be left blank so that the
default values are used. You can set these for airports where the final approach requires a steeper
descent angles in case there is terrain blocking the runway for example. The valid values for
Final approach angle are between 2 and 12 degrees. The valid values for final approach distance are
between 1 and 5 nautical miles.
5.8 SIDs, STARs, Custom Approaches, and Custom Departures
These files while not required can be used to route planes on specific SID/STAR approaches or other
custom routes that may be required for flights into mountainous areas where the automatically-
calculated approaches and departures are not adequate. Data specific to World Traffic can be purchased
from the Navigraph web site here:
A SID is a Standard Instrument Departure. All departing aircraft with a FMS will follow a SID if
A STAR is a Standard Terminal Arrival Route. All arriving aircraft with a FMS will follow a STAR if
The aircraft will be assumed to have a FMS if not a light prop. This can be overridden in the aircraft
definition file.

The SID/STAR data is provided in xml format with the included Navigraph data and is found in the
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/NavigraphData folder with the file being named after the airport. Do not
add custom approaches or departures to the Navigraph data as these files are maintained by Navigraph
so can be overwritten at any time. You may change the specific attributes though to set enable or
disable a route or set the time of operation. Navigraph data may not be shared or distributed
amoug users.

Custom Arrivals and Departures are used by aircraft without a FMS or by aircraft with a FMS if no
SIDs or STARs are defined. The custom approach/departure data is found in the
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/CustomAirportRoutingData folder. The user may edit these files to define
custom approaches and departures. For examples of Custom Arrivals and Custom Departures, look at
the included LOWI.xml file. Any custom data can be shared among users as long as the files don't
contain any routing data provided by Navigraph.
The Navigraph files specify a single route using latitude and longitude coordinates, speed limitations,
and altitude limitations. Published SID/STAR diagrams often show a path to all runways. The
Navigraph data breaks the SID/STAR into separate routes for each runway in these cases. Here is an
example of a STAR for Vancouver (CYVR) for the Canuck Arrival Procedure for runways 8R and 8L.
You can see a bigger image online here:

You can view the raw xml file for CYVR by opening the file
XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/NavigraphData/CYVR.xml. If you double-click on it, it will probably open
in your web browser. You can also open it in a text editor. To see if most easily, open it using an online
xml editor/viewer, such as this one: http://xmlgrid.net/
In xmlgrid, select the file to open and click the submit button to open the file. Clicking on any of the
black triangles will expand the node to see more data. To look at the Canuck approach, click on the
triangles to open the ProceduresDB / Airport / Star path which should give you a list of all STARs.
There are columns next to the STAR name that provide the following information:
• Runways – the runways that the STAR should be applied to. This can be a comma-delimited
list, or can be set to All for all runways.
• JetsOnly – the data from Navigraph has this field defaulted to false. It can be edited by the user
if it is determined that the approach should only be used by jets.
• PropsOnly – the data from Navigraph has this field defaulted to false. It can be edited by the
user if it is determined that the approach should only be used by propeller aircraft.
• Enabled – this can be set by the user to disable an approach
• StartTime/EndTime – these values can be set by the user to make an approach only available
during certain hours.
• Comments – not used by the application at this time.
Now click on the triangle next to the CANUC3.08L “Star_Waypoint” section to see all of the
waypoints for this approach. You'll see a form like the one below, and again here is a larger image if
that is too small to see:

You'll see that the Name field corresponds to the waypoint name on the chart. The lat/lon coordinates
are provided.
Altitudes are left blank in the file unless there is a restriction to follow. On the chart you'll see that at
VITEV, there is an altitude listed of 21,000 feet (FL210). There is a line above it which means that you
must be below this altitude. If the line were below that altitude, you'd have to be above it. If there was
a line above and below that altitude, you'd have to be at that exact altitude. In this case, we have to be
below that altitude so the “AltitudeRestriction” field in the file is set to “below”.
Speeds are also left blank unless there is a restriction to follow. On the chart you'll see that at
LANINE, there is a speed listed as 250 knots. You must be at this speed or slowed during the
approach. You must also be at an altitude between 10,000 and 14,000 feet.
The second last waypoint is just shown as VECTORS with the Type field set as “Vectors”. This
indicates that ATC will send you out on the specified heading which in this case is 263 degrees until
you are able to turn to the last waypoint EMKAM.
World Traffic will parse this file and have the aircraft arrive following this route and following the
altitude and speed restrictions. For the VECTORS waypoint, the plane continues on its heading until
the arrival ETA on the runway fits into a slot with other arriving aircraft allowing 90 seconds of
separation at a minimum.
In the above example aside from the Vectors waypoint, all other waypoints are of type Normal in which
case the aircraft flies directly to that waypoint. There are other types as well as described below:
Waypoint Types:
• Normal – fly to the specified waypoint
• Vectors – fly on the specified heading until traffic separation requirements are met to proceed to
the next waypoint and to continue the approach.
• Intc – fly on the specified heading until intercepting the specified radial from a give location
• ConstHdgtoAlt – fly on the specified heading until reaching the specified altitude
• VorRadialIntc – same as Intc
• DmeIntc – fly on the specified heading until reaching the specified distance from the specified
6 World Traffic Operation
This section describes how to use the menu structure and what the various functions do.

6.1 General Operation

Once you call up the ATC or Key Command menu using the keys you defined in section 3 Setup, you
can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll up and down in the menus. Clicking the Enter key will
select the menu option next to the cursor. The Backspace key takes you back one level in the menu. If
you are at the top level in the menu, pressing the Backspace key will close the menu. If the Backspace
key does not work for you or you wish to use another key, you can define that from the custom key
setup menu. See section 3.2 Key and Mouse Setup for information on how to do that.

6.2 Key Command Menu

This menu displays information on all flights defined, it lets you enable and disable flight regions, it
allows you set application preferences, and it allows you to re-synchronize all of the flights if you have
changed the time or if you wish to restart the instant flights. Pressing the key function that you defined
in section 3 Setup brings up the Key Command menu which gets displayed in the top-right corner of
the X-Plane window as shown below:

Illustration 4: Key Command

Main Menu

One thing to note is that bringing up this menu will close the ATC menu and bringing up the ATC menu
will close the Key Command menu. It is not possible to have both menus function at the same time
since it's not possible to determine what menu the user's key presses are destined for.
6.2.1 Display Flight Info
Press the Enter key with the cursor on the top line to go to the Flight Information window. A window
now appears as shown below:

Illustration 5: Flight Information Display

This window shows a list of all enabled flight plans defined along with the Flight Plan Identifier
number which may be used to correlate the flight plans in this window with the specific Flight Plan
Identifier shown for the aircraft when using the Track Camera . The first flight is always the “user”
flight. This is information about the plane the user is currently flying in X-Plane. Other flight plans
are shown in green, blue, and red. Plans shown in blue indicate that the plane/s in the flight are
currently moving. Plans shown in green indicate that the plane/s in the flight are currently parked.
Plans shown in red indicate that the flight plan defined is invalid or incomplete. Use the up and down
arrows to scroll though the list. At the bottom of the display in white, is information on the currently
selected flight plan. Information includes the following:
• Flight Plan Name – Name of the file including the sub-folder name which can be found in the
ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/RouteFiles folder.
• Speed – Speed of the aircraft in indicated airspeed, true airspeed, ground speed, and Mach.
• Altitude – Altitude of the aircraft in feet above sea level
• Heading – Heading of the aircraft in degrees true.
• Position – Position of the aircraft in latitude/longitude decimal coordinates.
• Waypoint Info – The last waypoint in the waypoint list that the plane has passed. The waypoint
list will either be the flight plan, the ground route file, or intermediate waypoint lists the plane is
given for approach waypoints, takeoff waypoints, holding pattern waypoints, or overshoot
pattern waypoints.
• Waypoint Distance – The distance in Nm to the next waypoint.
Pressing the Enter key on a flight information window will cause the track camera to display that
aircraft if the aircraft is in a valid state and in range of the user (10 to 80 Nm depending on what the
user has the track camera display range set to).

6.2.2 Enable/Disable Regions

Selecting this menu option shows the regions currently enabled and disabled. See section 5.1 Region
for a description of what regions are. You must use the Resync option to activate changes made in this
menu. Disabling a region will result in all flight plans in that region folder not being loaded the next
time that the plugin starts. Below is an example of the window:

Illustration 6:
Enable/Disable Regions

Regions shown in red are disabled. Ones shown in green are enabled. Pressing the Enter key will
toggle the state between enabled and disabled.
6.2.3 Preferences

Illustration 7: Preferences Menu

The Preferences menu allows the user to set various preferences used by the application. The
Preferences menu is shown below:
Flight Plan Display Filter
This option allows the user to change the filtering option for aircraft displayed in the Flight Information
window. The available options are
• Display All Loaded Flight Plans – All flight plans are displayed including ones for planes not
yet loaded or for parked aircraft as well as for aircraft in flight.
• Show Flight Plans for Active Aircraft – Flight plans are displayed only for aircraft moving in
the air or on the ground.
• Show Flight Plans for Active Aircraft Nearby – Flight plans are displayed only for aircraft
moving in the air or on the ground that are near by. Planes considered to be near by are planes
within the maximum draw distances as set in the next preferences described below.

Illustration 8 - Flight Plan Filter

Max Track Camera Distance

The track camera distance can be set in this sub menu.

Illustration 9: Max Track

Camera Draw Distance

Use the up and down arrow keys to change the maximum draw distance. This distance specifies the
maximum distance away from the user's aircraft that World Traffic will draw aircraft. The value can be
between 10 and 80 Nm. Aircraft outside this range are not drawn but their position is still updated once
a second.
AI Aircraft Volume
If you wish to change the engine volume of the aircraft, controlled by World Traffic, use the up and
down arrow keys in that menu to change the volume as desired.

Plugin Control of AI Aircraft

This option allows World Traffic to control the X-Plane multi-player aircraft. The purpose of this
option is to allow the World Traffic aircraft to be visible on your TCAS display. Follow these
procedures to use this function:
1. From the World Traffic Key Command Menu, select the Preferences option.
2. Make sure the last option shows that Plugin Control of X-Plane Aircraft is “Currently OFF”.
Press the ENTER key on that line if it is “Currently ON”. This must be off before you change
the number of X-Plane multi-player aircraft.
3. In X-Plane open the Aircraft – Aircraft & Situations menu.
4. Click the Other Aircraft tab.
5. Set the number of aircraft to 20 or the maximum aircraft that you want to have displayed.
6. From the World Traffic Key Command Menu, select the Preferences option.
7. Set the last option so that Plugin Control of X-Plane Aircraft is “Currently ON”.

A stick plane will be drawn on the X-Plane showing showing the location of closest 20 planes. The
plane used is a generic stick plane that you installed in section 2.1 Installation.

Ground Routes Required for Arrival Runways

If this option is set, only runways that have ground routes defined for the landing aircraft will be used.
If no ground routes are defined, then any runway of suitable length may be used for arriving aircraft.

Planes Start on Runway if No Ground Route Defined

If this option is set, it will cause aircraft to appear and takeoff on a departure runway if no ground route
files are available, suitable (eg. correct aircraft type), or defined for the departure airport. If the option
is turned off, aircraft will only depart if suitable ground route files are found for the airport.

Toggle Ground Collision Avoidance

If this option is set, aircraft will try and not run into each other. This only applies to aircraft
approaching other from behind. For aircraft approaching head-on, they will not stop for each other as
they have no way of going around each other. Ground collision avoidance may be disabled to resolve
deadlocks if they should occur.

Set Ground Collision Ignore Timeout

Every once in a while aircraft may end up in a deadlocked state if there is lots of ground traffic, where
no aircraft are able to move. After an aircraft is stopped, due to ground conflicts a timer will start
which is equal to that set in this menu. When the timer expires, the stopped aircraft will ignore
conflicting ground aircraft for 25 seconds. This should resolve deadlock issues.

Set Aircraft Startup Time

This value can be set between 0 and 5 minutes. The default value is 2 minutes and specifies how long
after an aircraft starts up before it begins taxiing. It can be set to 0 minutes for testing ground routes.
6.2.4 Resync
This option will restart all flights using the current time as a reference. Any flights determined to be in
progress will have their planes positioned at the correct positions along their routes. Any instant flights
will restart immediately. This is also a very handy option when testing new flight plans or ground
routes. You can select the Resync option and not have to reload the plugin or restart X-Plane.
Use the Radar command that you defined in section 3.2 Key and Mouse Setup to open the radar
display. This will bring up the Radar display as shown below:

In the top-left of the radar window, you can enter the 3 or 4-character code of the airport you are
interested in, in upper or lower case. Note that you can only enter an airport for which there is a loaded
flight plan to or from as WorldTraffic only knows about these airports. You also should normally select
an airport within 80Nm of your current position. Beyond this range, aircraft positions are only
calculated periodically.
The radar range may be selected by checking one of the boxes for 10, 20, 40, or 80 Nm.
On the top left of the radar display are three fields:
• AIRPORT: The selected airport at the center of the display.
• RANGE: The range selected from one of the range check boxes.
• OPERATIONS: The number corresponding to what airport operations are in effect if there is an
airport operations file defined for the selected airport. Otherwise this will display N/A.
Reading the Aircraft Data:
• Aircraft highlighted in blue are arriving at the airport you have selected.
• Aircraft highlighted in green are departing the airport you have selected
• An aircraft highlighted in red is one that you have clicked on. Clicking the Track Camera
button on the top right of the window will activate the track camera for this aircraft if it's within
80 Nm of the user. Clicking an aircraft again will toggle the information text above the aircraft
or below it.
• The aircraft symbol is representative of the aircraft type. A big fat aircraft symbol represents
and heavy or super-heavy aircraft. A cool looking F-18 symbol represents any fighter aircraft.
• The aircraft text is decoded as follows:
• The text on the top left is the aircraft callsign, eg. UA719. The aircraft callsign is read
from the flight plan. If not defined in the flight plan, the callsign is derived from the
Operator IATA code and using a random number inside the flight plan number range
defined in the aircraft definition file.
• The text in the top middle is the aircraft name as read from the aircraft definition file.
• The number on the top right is the flight plan number which can be correlated against
that displayed in the Flight Information window or in the Track Camera information.
• The number on the bottom-left is the aircraft's Flight Level (altitude divided by 100
• The number on the bottom right is the aircraft's speed in knots indicated.
6.4 Air Traffic Control (ATC)
This menu allows the user to interact with the World Traffic Air Traffic Controller that routes its own
planes around the X-Plane skies. The user aircraft is treated as just another aircraft by the plugin and it
will perform routing functions and runway allocation and deallocation. The interface is simple and
allows for STAR and visual approaches and SID departures. Pressing the key function that you defined
in section 3 Setup brings up the ATC menu which gets displayed in the top-center in X-Plane.
One thing to note is that bringing up this menu will cause the Key Command menu if open to lose
focus and bringing up the Key Command menu will close the ATC menu will cause the ATC menu to
lose focus. The window with focus has a black border drawn around the perimeter. The window in
focus will be the one processing the user's keystrokes.
The ATC menu is context sensitive and has several states. When you call it for the first time on the, it
will ask you for your aircraft information. Also note, that ATC will only be operative for airports that
you have flight plans defined for as these are the only ones that World Traffic is concerned about.
Note that if you missed an ATC command, you can use the previous ATC command key which you
defined during setup. This will display the last command given to you by ATC as well as ATC's current
The ATC state machine is defined in the following sections. Note that the state machine will not rely
on the user following procedure so will transition to whatever state is most applicable. For example if
the user requests taxi to an active runway, but then takes off without clearance, ATC will transition to
an in-air state once the user's plane in airborne.

6.4.1 Idle State

This is the initialization state for ATC. If the user's aircraft is on the ground and the user presses the
ATC key, the aircraft Name, Operator, and Callsign will be requested. The aircraft name and Callsign
are used for display on the radar. The operator along with the aircraft type which is determined based
on aircraft MTOW and if the plane is a prop or a jet, are used to determine what ground routes are
available, what runways are available, and which STARs and SIDs can be followed. After entering the
Operator, a list of available gates is listed associated with valid ground routes if you are not already on
a parking spot associated with a valid ground route. At this time, if desired, you may place you aircraft
at one of the suggested gates or parking spots. If not, the application will query for which runway you
want to use for departure after determining your destination.
Next your destination is queried. You must enter the 3 or 4 character airport ICAO identifier for which
the airport is specified in a loaded flight plan. World Traffic only knows about these loaded airports.
Once you enter the airport name, World Traffic loads SIDs, STARs, and ground routes for that airport
and any of the surrounding ones within 120Nm into memory so there may be a delay when this
ATC next transitions to the state ATC_DISPLAY_AVAILABLE_RUNWAYS_FOR_TAKEOFF if you
are not parked at a valid ground route. A menu such as this will be displayed to the user if their tail
number is N199UA and they are at KSEA.
N199UA to KSEA – Request taxi to runway 34R
> 16L
ATC will confirm the request or if you are parked at a gate for which there is a valid ground route, a
departure runway will be assigned to you. Something like this message will be displayed:

KSEA to N199UA – Taxi to runway 34R via B, J

Expect to use SID KTSAP4.34 for departure

If you are following a ground route, a list of taxiway names to follow will be displayed. The SID that
you will be following is also displayed in case you want to program your FMS now.

If the user's plane is en-route, ATC will transition to the ATC_ENROUTE_STATE and wait for user

6.4.2 Displaying Available Runways for Takeoff State

The user can either cancel the request and ATC will return to the idle state. If the user selects a runway,
ATC will display a message telling the user to taxi to the request runway and hold short. ATC will
then transition to the state ATC_WAIT_USER_HOLDING_SHORT.

6.4.3 Wait for User Holding Short State

When the user presses the ATC key in this state, they are allowed 2 options displayed in this example:
N199UA to KSEA
> Holding short runway 16L
Cancel takeoff request

If the user cancels takeoff, ATC will transition back to the Idle state. If the user says they are holding
short, ATC gets quite busy. If there is a plane on final approach to 16L, ATC will display the below
message and transition to the state “Wait for no plane on final”:

KSEA to N199UA - Holding short runway 16L for arriving aircraft

If there is another plane further down the runway, this message will be displayed and ATC will
transition to the state “Wait for no plane on runway”:
KSEA to N199UA – Taxi to position 16L and hold

If there is no plane on the runway, the takeoff runway is allocated and this message will be displayed
and ATC will transition to the state, “Wait for user takeoff”:
KSEA to N199UA – Cleared for takeoff 16L

6.4.4 Wait for no Plane on Final State

If there is no plane on final, the takeoff runway is allocated and this message will be displayed and ATC
will transition to the state, “Wait for user takeoff”:
KSEA to N199UA – Cleared for takeoff 16L
6.4.5 Wait for no Plane on Runway State
If there is no plane on the runway, the takeoff runway is allocated and this message will be displayed
and ATC will transition to the state, “Wait for user takeoff”:
KSEA to N199UA – Cleared for takeoff 16L

6.4.6 Wait for User Takeoff State

When the user's aircraft is airborne, the takeoff runway is deallocated and ATC will transition to the
state, “Enroute”.

6.4.7 Enroute State

When the user presses the ATC key in this state, a list of available airports within the local area are
shown that may be selected as a destination. ATC transitions to the state, “Displaying Available

6.4.8 Initial Arrival State

As you are enroute, World Traffic will start searching for the best STAR for your arrival once you are
within 50 to 120 Nm of the destination airport that you entered.
This is an example of what might be displayed in this state:
CYVR to N199UA – Follow STAR CANUC3.08L in for arrival

You can now program the STAR into your FMS and ATC will also give you vectors along the

6.4.9 Displaying Arrival Options State

Two arrival options are allowed for selection in this state as shown below:
Request approach type
> Straight in
Overhead break

When the approach type is selected, ATC will transition to a state, “Display Approach Directions”.

6.4.10 Displaying Approach Directions State

ATC uses the same algorithm to determine the approach directions for your aircraft as it does for the
aircraft under the applications control. It will use the aircraft type that you are flying to determine
approach distance, approach speed and approach altitude and will vector you to a position from which
you should be well set up to start your turn onto final or for an overhead break. This is an example of
what you might see.
KSEA to N199UA – Cleared for approach runway 16L
Turn right to heading 321, maintain current altitude

ATC will allocate the approach runway for your aircraft keeping other planes safely away from you.
After the initial approach clearance, you will receive steering directions such as this
Turn right to heading 040
Descend to 1500
Slow to 220

When the user aircraft has reached the final approach fix, ATC will transition to the “Display Landing
Directions” state.

6.4.11 Displaying Landing Directions State

ATC will give you final directions to the runway in this state. This is an example of what you might
KSEA to N199UA – Turn left to runway heading, cleared to land runway 16L

From this state, ATC transitions to the “Wait for User Landed” state.

6.4.12 Wait for User Landed State

World Traffic will try and find a ground route for your aircraft when you touch down. If found it will
provide you with a parking gate and a list of taxiways to follow to get there if these are defined in your
ground route.
6.5 Runway Allocation Logic
Runways are chosen with wind speed and direction being one criteria. The initial active runway
heading is based on the wind direction when you start X-Plane. The wind values are filtered over a
period of 1 minute so the active runway does not flip back and forth in light and variable winds. For
the active runway to switch directions, the wind speed must be consistently above 6 knots for about 1
minute in the opposite direction of the current active runway.
This section provides a brief description of how planes are allocated runways for takeoff and landing.
Runways are given a length classification as follows:

1 – Greater than 8900 feet

2 – 6900 to 8900 feet
3 – 4900 to 6900 feet
4 – Less than 4700 feet

Aircraft types are also given the runway classifications that they are allowed to land on. They
will first try and pick their runway class or higher and if they can’t find one, they will try and
pick a runway with one classification lower. If none is found (or if the crosswind is too high),
they will probably circle for ever. Aircraft types use the following runway classifications as


So a fighter jet will try and land on a runway that is 8900 feet or longer. If none is found it will
try and find a runway between 6900 and 8900 feet. For the C-130 (MEDIUM_PROP), it will try
and find runways 4700 to 6900 feet of length or longer and if none found, it should will be
happy with a runway less than 4700 feet in length.
6.6 Airport Definition File and Random Flight Plan Generation
To open the Airport Definition window, select the World Traffic option from the X-Plane Plugins
menu as shown below:

Selecting that option will bring up the Airport Definition Selection window as shown below:

You may add a new airport for editing by typing the airport name next to the Add Airport Definition
button and then clicking that button. The airport name must be entered in upper case letters and must
be the name of an existing airport existing in the main X-Plane apt.dat airport database. The
application does not yet read airports from custom scenery packages.
The Delete Selected Airport option is currently not functional but you may delete the airport definition
manually by deleting the airport definition file found in the
XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/Airports folder.
You may select an airport to edit by clicking on an airport name in the left selection window and then
clicking the Edit Selected Airport option. That brings up the main Airport Definition window as
shown below:
This window is used to setup the types of aircraft flying in and out of the selected airport as well as the
connecting airports. Random flight plans can then be created based on the data filled in.
Zulu Offset Hours
X-Plane time is in Zulu or UTC time. For this field enter the offset time for the airport being edited. If
you are not sure of the offset, this web site has a list of them:
Valid values are between +12 and -12 hours. Times west of Greenwich have negative offsets and time
east of Greenwich have positive offsets.

Year for Air Traffic

All aircraft definitions for World Traffic aircraft have operating year ranges. So if you've downloaded
the WWII planes from X-plane.org, set the year to something like 1942 to generate flights for those
planes. For the modern airliners, you would enter the current year. This allows you to generate flights
for whatever era you are interested in. Now we just need some more aircraft!

Minimum Safe Altitudes (MSA)

These can be found using aviation charts for the airport of interest. For KSEA, the MSAs can be found
on this chart:
You'll see a circle on the upper right side of the chart showing MSAs for each quadrant out to 25 miles.
I'm not sure where you get the 100 mile values. I just look at the terrain in X-Plane but I know I've
seen charts with these values.

Airport Classification
This is only used to determine if an airport is a military airport or a civil airport. If a military airport,
arriving planes may use the overhead break arrival pattern and departing fighter aircraft may perform
vertical departures. In the next update, classification will also be used to route military and civil
aircraft to appropriate airports. Airports will also be matched by corresponding operators for
connecting airports in the next version.

Aircraft Type Percentages

Along with the flights per day for selected operators, these values are used to determine the how many
flights per day for specific aircraft types should be created. For every operator flight, aircraft are found
for all possible types. Percentages are then normalized and a random number generator is used to pick
a specific aircraft type. For example, if the operator currently being processed is AIO (USAF), the
aircraft types available may be Fighter, Heavy (KC-10), and Medium Prop (C-130). The percentages
for each in the example above are 5, 25, and 10 respectively. Normalized, the percentages become
12.5, 62.5, and 25 respectively so for the AIO operator (USAF) the current aircraft's type will be set to
one of the three available types based on those normalized percentages.
Connecting Airports
After the random flight plan generator has determined an aircraft to use for the current flight plan it is
generating, it will next try and find a suitable airport. A suitable airport must lie within an aircraft's
minimum and maximum range and it must have runways of sufficient length. The maximum range for
an aircraft is defined in the aircraft definition file. The maximum range used for a flight is set to 90% of
that ultimate value. Below is a table showing how the aircraft minimum range is determined, what the
minimum runway length both the home and connecting airports must have are, and what the chances
are of an out and back flight.

NOTE: These values may be overwritten be editing the file “GeneratorConfig.txt” in the “X-
Plane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic” folder.
Aircraft Type Min Range (Percentage Min Runway Length Chance of out
of Aircraft Range) at Home and and back flight
Connecting Airports
Fighter 15.00% 7000 ft 80.00%
Super-Heavy (Civil) 9.00% 7500 ft 0.00%
Super-Heavy (Military) 5.00% 7500 ft 40.00%
Heavy (Civil) 7.00% 7000 ft 0.00%
Heavy (Military) 4.00% 7000 ft 40.00%
Small/Light Jet (Civil) 15.00% 5000 ft 0.00%
Small/Light Jet (Military) 15.00% 5000 ft 50.00%
Medium/Small Prop (Civil) 15.00% 3500 ft 0.00%
Medium/Small Prop (Military) 15.00% 3500 ft 60.00%
Light Prop (Civil) 15.00% 2000 ft 50.00%
Light Prop (Military) 15.00% 2000 ft 80.00%

In addition to the above criteria, there are some extra criteria for Super-Heavy and Heavy aircraft.
These aircraft are required to fly to big airports only. A big airport is defined simply as one having 2 or
more runways.
Flights that are one-way are split evenly between either originating from the home airport and flying to
the connecting airport, or originating from the connecting airport and flying to the home airport.
If either of the range or minimum runway length requirements can not be met for any connecting
airport, the flight plan will not be generated.
Out-and back flights are set to average between 45 minutes and 2 hours.

Operating Airlines, Air Forces, and Companies

Each World Traffic aircraft has an operator defined for it in the aircraft definition file. For privately
owned aircraft this value can be set to NONE. Otherwise, the operator will match a value in this
selection list.
To select the operators operating at the airport being edited, select the operator from the top list and
click the ADD button which will add it to the selected operators window below. To remove an operator
from the selected operators list, click the operator name in the lower window and click the DEL button.
The list can be filtered to only show operators for which there are corresponding World Traffic aircraft
by checking the Display Only Operators with Associated Aircraft box. This option should normally
be left checked unless you want to see the list of all known operators.
After adding an operator, the number of flights in and out of the airport can be edited. Click the
operator name in the lower window, type in the number of flights per day, and click the SET button.
Both the flights per day values and the aircraft type percentage values are used to determine the
specific aircraft type used by the flight plan being generated. The logic is described in the previous
If you develop an aircraft that does not have an operator defined in the list, let me know and I can add it
in. The list looks completed in regards to airlines but it is missing some air forces and probably many
defunct airlines and air forces that user may wish to support. I already added in JAS for the Japanese
air force.
In the next update, the operators defined for connecting airports in their own airport definition files (if
defined) will be used to determine suitable airports for flight plans being generated.

Aircraft Volume Percentages

Note: These values are local time, not Zulu time
These values are used to determine start times for the generated flights so that the aircraft arrive or
depart during the various times according to the specified percentages. Usually more flights take off
and arrive in the day, than in the middle of the night so these fields let you define those percentages.
If the flight is originating at the connecting airport, it's departure time will be set such that it arrives
during the requested time range. For example in the Airport Definition window, say a flight plan is
being generated so that it's arrival time is calculated to be 13:00 local time. The start time for the flight
will be calculated based on the aircraft's cruising speed and flight distance so that it should hopefully
arrive close to that time.

Generate Random Flight Plans

This button will generate flight plans in a region folder with the name of the airport being edited and a
suffix named “_RANDOM” appended to the end. If flight plans already exist in this folder, they will
not be deleted in case the user wants to add to whatever is there. To enable these flights, first do a
Resync so World Traffic finds the new region folder, and then go to the “Enable/Disable Regions” key
command option and enable the new region folder. Do a Resynch again to activate the changes.
Appendix A1 – Flight Plan File Format
Note: All files are space-delimited (no TABS allowed) and file names can not include spaces.

A flight plan is a file defining the path of an aircraft, vehicle or boat. It specifies the aircraft in the
flight, and the flight characteristics. The flight plan files go in any of the region folders under the
XPlane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/RouteFiles folder. Note that the flight definition commands
as described below can be defined in any order in the file. Several commands are optional.

A) Start Time
Specify the start time as follows:
HH:MM TimeIntervalHours (Optional)

Where the time is in entered in Zulu time. Set this value to -1 if you wish the flight to start
immediately as soon as the plugin starts. If the optional time interval is set and the time is not set to -1,
flight plans will be cloned using the start time and adding the time interval to generate flights for a day.
If the time interval is 1.0 hours, for example, 23 flights will be generated for the day at 1 hour intervals.
The minimum value for the time interval is 0.25 hours (15 minutes) and the maximum value is 23.75

B) Start Days (optional)

Specify the days of the week that this flight plan is active. If this section is not defined, the flight plan
will be valid for all days of the week. Specify the active days as follows:
D1 D2 D3 etc.

Where the days are 0 to 6 with 0 being Sunday. One or more days can be entered in this section.

C) Aircraft Types and Tail Numbers

Aircraft names can be defined in this section with a maximum of 4 allowed if the flight plan is for a
formation flight. Aircraft need not be the same, but they must have overlapping speed ranges between
max takeoff flap speed and cruise speed so they can fly together.
Tail numbers can be defined for the aircraft if you want to have several flight plans define an aircraft's
travel path from one airport to another. For example, if you have three flight plans defined all for one
aircraft tail number for different times of the day, the application will determine on startup where the
aircraft should be and only draw it in one location, parked at an airport on en-route. If no tail number is
defined for an aircraft in a flight plan, on startup the application will place aircraft at the destination
airport if the plane is not determined to be en-route. Aircraft names and tail numbers are defined as
AircraftName1 TailNumber1 (optional)
AircraftName2 TailNumber2 (optional)
AircraftName3 TailNumber3 (optional)
AircraftName4 TailNumber4 (optional)

Where AircraftNameN is the name of one of the available aircraft in the AircraftTypes folder and where
TailNumber is an optional tail number of the aircraft. Enter up to 4 aircraft if you want a formation

D) Callsign (optional)
The callsign entered in the flight plan will be used on the radar display. It is recommended for airliner
flights that this be set to the flight number for the aircraft, eg. UAL1022 for United Airlines flight 1022.
For civilian aircraft, it can be set to the aircraft's tail number and for a military flight, they often have
cool names like Hammer or Viper or whatever you think sounds typical. If no callsign is set here, the
callsign will be derived using the operator ICAO code and the flight plan range as defined in the
aircraft definition file.

E) Departure Airport (optional)

The departure airport is defined as shown below:

Where AirportId is the 4 letter airport identifier as defined in the X-Plane airport database. If the
departure airport is defined, the plane will take off from this airport if it can find a suitable departure
ground route file. If the departure airport is not defined, the plane will start in flight at the position
defined in the first steerpoint.D) Arrival Airport
The arrival airport is defined as shown below:

Where AirportId is the 4 letter airport identifier as defined in the X-Plane airport database. If the
arrival airport is defined, the plane will attempt to land at this airport if it can find a suitable runway. If
no suitable runway is found, in the case where it is in use by another plane, or if the airport does not
have a runway long enough, the plane will enter a holding pattern. Once the plane has landed, it will
try and find a suitable ground route to a parking spot. If none are available or not defined, the plane
will disappear once it comes to a stop.
F) Departure Type (optional)
The departure type can be defined as follows:

Where DepartureType can be one of the following:

• 1 – Normal Departure (default)
• 2 – Vertical Departure (used if the aircraft in the plan has a sufficient thrust to weight ratio to
perform a vertical departure)

G) Arrival Type (optional)

The arrival type can be defined as follows:

Where ArrivalType can be one of the following:

• 1 – Straight-in Approach (default)
• 2 – Overhead Break (planes fly 1500 feet over the runway and break from formation one at a
time to circle in to land. This is frequently used for military aircraft arrivals for fighters and
even large planes.
• 3 – Low Approach (not yet implemented – planes will fly low over the runway and break from
formation one at a time and pitch up and circle in to land).

H) Flight Type (optional)

The Flight Type is defined as shown below:

Where FlightType can be one of the follow:

• 1 – Civilian Flight (default)
• 2 – Military Tactical Flight (planes turn off lights when en-route)

I) Fly To Completion
Normally for a one-way flight, the aircraft will start searching for a STAR approach within 50 to 100
Nm of the destination airport. If you want the aircraft to follow its route to completion before looking
for a STAR, set this field to 1.

Where FlyType can be one of the follow:

• 0 – Don't fly to completion... use a STAR as soon as it's available
• 1 – Fly route to completion... only look for a STAR on the route's last leg.

J) Landing Light Altitude

For aircraft with landing lights on the wings, these are often turned on when flying below 10,000 feet.
You can specify this altitude in feet.


K) Steerpoints
Define the steerpoints as follows:
lat lon alt alt_type speed_kias max_bank_angle heading unused formation_type description

Where the fields in order are:

• latitude – decimal degrees
• longitude – decimal degrees
• altitude – feet
• altitude type – ASL or AGL (use AGL for terrain following flights)
• speed – speed in knots indicated airspeed
• max bank angle – degrees
• heading – unused
• unused field
• formation type which can be one of:
• 1 - FINGERTIP (not yet implemented)
• 2 - BATTLE_SPREAD (not yet implemented)
• 3 - FLUID_2 (not yet implemented)
• 4 - FLUID_4 (not yet implemented)
• 5 - TRAIL (not yet implemented)
• 6 - ROUTE (not yet implemented)
• 7 - BOX (not yet implemented)
• description – whatever you want to add here to identify the waypoint.
Appendix A2 – Ground Route File Format
Note: All files are space-delimited (no TABS allowed) and file names can not include spaces.

The ground route files are created for specific airports. They go in any of the airport folders under the
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/GroundRoutes/Arrival and
Xplane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/GroundRoutes/Departures folders. Create a new folder under
those folders for a new airport. The folder name must match the airport name as defined in the X-Plane
airport database. Note that the ground route definition commands as described below can be defined in
any order in the file.

You can specify a ground route for a general aircraft type (eg. fighter, heavy), a specific type (eg. 747),
an aircraft tail number, or an aircraft operator. You use one the following 4 command blocks. You can
either specify one tail number, one aircraft name, or one or both aircraft type/s and operator. This is
useful for many airports where a block of gates are used by a single airline for various aircraft types
For example Concourse H at KORD consisting of several gates is used exclusively by American
Airlines and its various aircraft types. Note that if you specify both type and operator, both values must
match the arriving aircraft or it will not use that ground route.

A1) Specify Aircraft Tail Number


Where TailNum is a specific tail number matching that defined in the flight plan.

A2) Specify Aircraft


Where PlaneName is the name of the aircraft (eg. 747, F-14), matching the name of one of the aircraft
defined in the AircraftTypes folder.

A3) Specify General Aircraft Type

N N1 N2

where N, N1, N2 ... are aircraft types as follows:

0 - FIGHTER - F-18, F-16, F-15, F-14, SU-27, Mig-29, F-22, F-35
1 - SUPER_HEAVY_JET - A-380, C-5, 747, AN-225
2 - HEAVY_JET - A-340, A-330, 777, 767, 787, C-141, L-1011, DC-10
3 - LARGE_JET - A-320, 737, 757,
4 - LARGE_PROP - A-400, Hercules
5 - MEDIUM_JET - Regional Jets
6 - MEDIUM_PROP - Regional Prop planes
7 - LIGHT_JET - lear jet, Gulfstream, Global Express
8 - LIGHT_PROP - GA prop planes

So you could create a ground route for one aircraft type or you could make it for all aircraft types.

A4) Specify Aircraft Operator

Operator_ICAO_name1 Operator_ICAO_name2 Operator_ICAO_name3...

Up to 20 operators can be specified on a single line, where Operator_ICAO_name is the 3 character

operator name of the aircraft (eg. AAL, ACA), matching the operator for the aircraft defined in the
aircraft definition file and also matching one of the files in the ICAO_Operators.txt file in the
“XPlane/ClassicJetsimUtils/WorldTraffic/ICAO_Operators” folder.

B) Specify Arrival or Departure Runway

After selecting one of the above 3 blocks, specify the landing runway that the ground route is for using
this command:


Where runway is the runway name, eg 16L, 34R. The runway name may be entered with or without a
trailing zero. For example either 03L or 3L will work.

C) Specify Parking Spot Reference

After selecting one of the above 3 blocks, specify the landing runway that the ground route is for using
this command:


If you want the location of the parking spot to specify the location of the aircraft's nose wheel, use the
NOSEWHEEL option. If you want the location of the parking spot to specify the center of the main
wheels, use the MAINWHEEL option. When taxiing, the steerpoint coordinates always specify the
position of the center of the aircraft which is between the main wheels. Selecting the NOSEWHEEL
option is quite useful when placing dissimilar aircraft at a gate where you want the nose of the plane to
be in the same place for various aircraft types.
D) Specify Ground Route Priority

Ground routes are normally prioritized by their distance so a ground route with a shorter distance will
normally be given priority. You can override the ground route priorities, however. Note, that if you
must prioritize all or none of them. Use this command:


Where priority_number can be 1, 2, 3, etc with 1 being the highest priority.

E) Specify the Steerpoints

Next define the steerpoints in between the STARTSTEERPOINTS and ENDSTEERPOINTS text as

lat lon speed heading runway_name runway_control_id taxiway_name

For an arrival ground route, the first steerpoint must be set to the runway threshold position. For a
departure ground route, the last waypoint indicates the position where the plane is on the runway and
ready for takeoff. This can be the start of the runway for a large plane or the middle for a light aircraft
not requiring the full runway length to take off in.

Steerpoints should be placed at a minimum of about 30 feet apart when the aircraft is travelling quickly
(above 8 knots) and at a minimum of 15 feet when the aircraft is travelling slowly. Any closer, and the
waypoint may get skipped. WorldTraffic aircraft anticipate the corners and will attempt to stay on the
lines connecting waypoint to waypoint so you can define square corners for sharp turns. For long
turns, you may need to have a coupe of waypoints throughout the turn. A waypoint will be considered
as passed if the relative angle to it from the aircraft is more than 90 degrees and the distance to it is
inside of the aircraft's calculated turn radius.

The fields in order are:

• latitude – degrees
• longitude – degrees
• ground speed – knots (if the first waypoint has a negative speed, a push-back cart will move it
to the 2nd waypoint)
• heading – degrees (used to specify park heading for 1st or last waypoint, set this to -1 to
indicate not to use the heading). This is used only when spawning aircraft on a parking spot to
ensure that it is loaded at the correct heading.
• description – if this is a runway name (eg 16L), it is used to determine when the waypoint is on
a runway for ground traffic control. If not a runway, it can be any text you want to identify the
• runway control id (set to 0 if not used):
• 1 – To specify this is holding point for the runway as specified in the description field
above. When an aircraft is taxiing and sees a runway name in the description and a 1 as
the control id, the plane will hold at this steerpoint if the runway is in use.
• 2 – For when plane is on the runway as specified in the description field above. When
an aircraft is taxiing and sees a runway name in the description and a 2 as the control id,
this lets the application know that the plane is on a runway and will make sure ground
conflicts with landing or departing aircraft are avoided.
• Runway Name (set to 0 if not used) – the name of the runway the aircraft is on or holding for.
The name for either end of the runway is fine. This is only used if the runway control id field is
set. The runway name may include or exclude a leading “0”, eg both “08L” and “8L” are valid.
• Taxiway name – This gets used for display and for directing the user aircraft when the user is
requested by ATC to follow a route to parking.

Tips for creating ground routes:

There are some 3rd party tools now for creating flight plans and ground routes. Check them out here:

These procedures also work well if you want to create them manually:
A) Creating Ground Routes inside of X-plane.
- Open an aircraft in X-Plane of roughly the same type that you want to create a ground route for.
- In the Flight Information window, select the User aircraft, highlighted in red. This will show the
lat/lon position for your aircraft.
- Put your plane on the landing runway threshold. The first waypoint in a ground route should always
be the landing runway threshold. Set the speed of your first waypoint to a decent runway cruise speed
like 30 knots.
- Now record waypoint lat/lon positions for your next waypoints all the way to your parking spot
- You need to use slow taxi speeds for sharp turns but for high speed exits you can use faster speeds.
- Don’t put waypoints too close together (a few feet), otherwise it will ignore them.

B) Using WED
- Use WED to open your airport area and get the lat/lon coordinates from the editor.
Appendix A3 – Aircraft File Format
Note: All files are space-delimited (no TABS allowed) and file names can not include spaces.

The aircraft definition file is used to provide data used in the World Traffic flight model. It also has
some information used in aircraft animations.

To define an aircraft to work with World Traffic, you need both an Aircraft Definition File and an
Aircraft Object File. They both must have the same name with the Aircraft Definition file having a .txt
suffix and the Aircraft Object file having a .obj suffix. An optional damaged aircraft model can also be
provided with the suffix “_damaged.obj” appended to the name of the aircraft. If the aircraft is
destroyed using the “destroy_ac” dataref, this object is drawn instead of the normal one.

The Aircraft Definition Files must reside in the

X-Plane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/AircraftTypes folder.

The The Aircraft Object Files must reside in the

X-Plane/ClassicJetSimUtils/WorldTraffic/AircraftObjects folder.

The plane may be animated using the datarefs as listed in Appendix A4.

Aircraft Definition File

The aircraft definition is defined between the START and END key words. All other text outside of
this block can be used for description. Again, note that all files are space-delimited (no TABS allowed)
and file names can not include spaces. Fields can be in any order in the file. Fields may be excluded if
they are not applicable. For example boats don't require AOA values and helicopters don't require wing
spans. The following are the supported aircraft definition fields:

1) Name – Name of aircraft displayed in X-Plane in the flight/aircraft information windows.

2) Key – no longer used and if present will be ignored.
3) Type – NOTE: Type must go before all other fields listed below! Integer value used by the
application for runway allocation and some performance modelling. See the table at the bottom
of this section for more info on how to determine aircraft type. Available types are as follows:
0- FIGHTER - F-18, F-16, F-15, F-14, SU-27, Mig-29, F-22, F-35
1- SUPER_HEAVY_JET - A-380, C-5, 747, AN-225 (MTOW > 700,000 lbs)
2- HEAVY_JET - A-340, A-330, 777, 767, 787, C-141 (MTOW > 300,000 lbs)
3- LARGE_JET - A-320, 737, 757, ERJ-190 (MTOW > 100,000 lbs)
4- LARGE_PROP - A-400, Hercules (MTOW > 100,000 lbs)
5- MEDIUM_JET - Regional Jets, large corporate jets (MTOW > 40,000 lbs)
6- MEDIUM_PROP - Regional Prop planes eg. Dash8, ATR (MTOW > 12,500 lbs)
7- LIGHT_JET – LearJet, Cessna Citation, Honda Jet
8- LIGHT_PROP - GA prop planes
10 - GROUND VEHCILE - car, tank, etc
11 - BOAT
4) BaseAircraft – This links to another aircraft definition file if you want to use the values from
that file. For example, there could be several aircraft definitions files for a 767 used by
different airlines. The base file could contain all aircraft attributes excluding the Operator,
Operator_IATA, and flight number range fields since they are specific to a certain operator and
everything else will be common such as aircraft length, wingspan, etc.
5) hasFMS – This defaults to 1 (true) for all aircraft aside from light props. If set to 0 the aircraft
won't use STAR approaches or SID departures.
6) NavSystemNPA – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform non-precision
approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for all aircraft types.
7) NavSystemRNAV – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform RNAV
approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for all aircraft types.
8) NavSystemILS – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform ILS approaches or 0
if not. Default is 1 for all aircraft types except for helicopters.
9) NavSystemILS_CAT_I – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform ILS CAT I
approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for all aircraft types except light props and helicopters.
10) NavSystemILS_CAT_II – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform ILS CAT II
approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for super-heavies, heavies, large jets, large props, medium
jets and medium props.
11) NavSystemILS_CAT_IIIa – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform ILS CAT
IIIa approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for super-heavies, heavies, large jets, and medium jets.
12) NavSystemILS_CAT_IIIb – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform ILS CAT
IIIb approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for super-heavies, heavies, large jets, and medium jets.
13) NavSystemILS_CAT_IIIc – Set to 1 if the aircraft has navigation systems to perform ILS CAT
IIIc approaches or 0 if not. Default is 1 for super-heavies, heavies, and large jets.
14) Operator – The optional operator of the aircraft. Leave blank for general aircraft types that
you want to see everywhere like light privately-owned general aviation aircraft or use one of the
4 character ICAO operator codes from this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airline_codes-All
15) Operator_IATA – The 2-character IATA operator name if known. This is used along with the
flight number range as defined below to randomly generate a callsign for display on the ATC
radar if a callsign is not defined in the flight plan.
16) FlightNumberRangeLow – See comments above for Operator_IATA.
17) FlightNumberRangeHigh – See comments above for Operator_IATA.
18) Civil – Set this to 1 if the aircraft is a civilian aircraft and set to 0 for a military aircraft.
19) StartYearOfOperation – The year the aircraft entered service with the operator.
20) EndYearOfOperation – The year the aircraft stopped flying with the operator.
21) EngineType – Integer value used to determine sound type, engine performance, and to set
animation values. Available engine types are as follows:
0 - Fighter turbojet
1 - Turbofan
2 - Light jet (not yet supported)
3 - Turboprop
4 - piston prop
5 - big prop, non-turboprop (not yet supported)
6 - helicopter
7 – boat (not yet supported)
8 – car (not yet supported)
9 - diesel vehicle (not yet supported)
22) NumEngines – Allowed values between 0 and 4
23) Length – Length in meters of the aircraft, used for ground collision avoidance and turn radius
24) Wingspan – Wing span in meters.
25) BodyDiameter – Approximate frontal area of the aircraft used in the drag calculation.
26) Cd – Aircraft drag coefficient used in the drag calculation. If you find that the aircraft is no
accelerating as fast as it should or if can't reach its top speed, try lowering the drag coefficient
or adjusting the BodyDiameter value.
27) BrakingFactor – (0.0 to 1.0). The default is 0.0. Increase it slightly if the aircraft landing
distance is too long. Values between 0.0 and 0.2 are typical.
28) GroundDragFactor – (0.0 to -3.0). The default is 0.0. Decrease if the aircraft is accelerating
too slowly on takeoff. Values of -2.5 are typical of regional prop planes like the Dash-8 or ATR.
29) LandAOA – Angle of Attack of the plane during landing, used for lift calculation. This
should be about 6 degrees for a plane with slats and 3 degrees for a plane without slats. Some
fighters like the F-16 have a landing AOA or on-speed AOA of 8 to 10 degrees.
30) TakeoffAOA – Angle of Attack of the plane during takeoff, used for lift calculation. It's
normally about 3 to 5 degrees.
31) CruiseAOA – Angle of Attack of the plane at the entered cruise speed.
32) GroundPitchAngle – Pitch angle of the aircraft when it is on the ground used when drawing
the aircraft. Change this value to level the aircraft if you find the nosewheel in the air or under
the pavement.
33) MainGearLength – This is the length between the center line of the aircraft object to the
bottom of the main landing gear when it is compressed. Below is a screenshot of an aircraft in
AC3D showing how to determine these dimensions. Note that the aircraft object must be
placed such that the rear-most part of the main landing gear is at the zero Z coordinate position
and so that the center of gravity axis aligns with the Z axis. The aircraft will rotate about these
axes. The center of gravity may not be quite at the same position as the rear landing gear but
it's pretty close. The application depends on the aircraft being oriented like this since it
calculates the distance from the ground to the landing gear based on this setup.

15) MainGearWheelRadius – Radius in meters of the main gear wheels, used for animation.
16) MainGearMaxComp – Distance in meters that the main gear compresses on the ground if
17) NoseGearWheelRadius - Radius in meters of the nose gear wheel/s, used for animation.
18) NoseGearMaxCompression - Distance in meters that the nose gear compresses on the ground
if any.
19) NoseGearParkedCompression – not used
20) DistanceToNoseWheel – Distance in meters between the the Y axis and the center of the nose
21) MainGearTrack – Distance in meters between the left and right main gear.
22) GearRetractTime – Time in seconds for the gear to retract.
23) FlapExtensionTime – Time in seconds for the gear to extend fully.
24) NumberFlapSettings – If FBWflaps below is set to zero, enter the number of distinct flap
positions available.
25) FBWflaps – Set to 1 (true) if the flaps are controlled by a FBW system and change position
continuously in an infinite number of positions.
26) VariableSpeedBrakes – Set to 1 (true) if the speed brakes can be set to any position between
retracted and extended, otherwise they will be open or closed only.
27) Ceiling – Max altitude in feet that the aircraft can fly at.
28) Range – The maximum range of the aircraft in Nm.
29) ClimbSpeed – Typical climb speed in knots (kias) that the plane will fly at in a normal climb
(not max climb speed).
30) CrusieMach – The typical cruise Mach speed of the aircraft at its cruising altitude.
31) CruiseSpeed – The speed (kias) at which the CruiseAOA value is defined for, not necessarily
the real aircraft's cruise speed. This is used only for for AOA calculations.
32) MaxSpeed – The maximum speed (kias) that the aircraft can fly at in level flight.
33) MaxMach – The maximum Mach value that the aircraft can fly at in level flight.
34) LandingSpeed – The normal final approach speed (kias) of the aircraft.
35) TakeoffSpeed – The normal takeoff speed (kias) of the aircraft.
36) NoseDownSpeed – The speed at which the nose gear drops during landing. This is normally
equal to LandingSpeed except where the aircraft sits on its main gear during landing for
aerodynamic braking. Planes like the F-16 and F-15 use aerodynamic braking with nose down
speeds of around 100 kias.
37) MaxLandingFlapSpeed – The speed (kias) at which the flaps move to their full extension.
38) MaxTakeoffFlapSpeed – The speed (kias) at which the flasp move to their takeoff position
which is 30% of full travel. The gear extension speed is set to 5 knots below this value.
39) Weight – Set to (MTOW – fuel weight).
40) MTOW – Maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft.
41) TakeoffDistAtMTOW – Entered in feet. This value can usually be found in wikipedia for
most aircraft. It's the takeoff distance at sea level, no wind, and standard conditions at the
aircraft's maximum takeoff weight.
42) LandingDist – This is the landing distance in feet of the aircraft with a light fuel load.
43) AfterburnerThrust (optional) – Total engine thrust of all engines combined with the
afterburner on.
44) MaxThrust – Maximum, non-afterburning thrust of all engines combined. For prop planes,
determine an effective thrust from the prop. A plane like a Lancair Columbia has a
thrust:weight ratio of 0.28. A plane such as the C-130 Hercules has a thrust:weight ratio of
0.27. You can adjust thrust to increase or decrease acceleration and climb rate.
45) RadarType – for future use in X-Combat.
46) HasSpeedBrakes – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has speed brakes (used for drag calc and
47) HasRetractableGear – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has retractable gear (used for drag calc
and animation).
48) NavSystemNPA – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has basic navigation equipment to perform
Non-Precision Approaches.
49) NavSystemRNAV – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to perform RNAV
50) NavSystemILS – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to perform ILS
51) NavSystemILS_CAT_I – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to perform
ILS CAT I approaches.
52) NavSystemILS_CAT_II – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to perform
ILS CAT II approaches.
53) NavSystemILS_CAT_IIIa – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to
perform ILS CAT IIIa approaches.
54) NavSystemILS_CAT_IIIb – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to
perform ILS CAT IIIb approaches.
55) NavSystemILS_CAT_IIIc – Set to 1 (true) if the aircraft has navigation equipment to
perform ILS IIIc approaches.

Other Guidelines:

– The Nav Systems defined for the aircraft are used in conjunction with the nav systems
supported by the various runways as defined in the Airport Operations file. Using the current
weather ceiling and visibility and the aircraft nav systems and the nav systems supported by the
runways, World Traffic determines if the aircraft can land or not.
– Wikipedia is a great place to get aircraft specs from. For example all the numbers required for a
787 can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_787_Dreamliner
– To reiterate, the aircraft object should be placed so that the z axis goes through the center of
gravity on the aircraft as shown in the figure above. This is the axis that the aircraft will be
rotated around when banking.
– The cruise AOA that is set is used at the aircraft cruise speed and should normally be around 0
to 2 degrees. Lower this value if the aircraft seems to be flying with the nose excessively high
or set the aircraft cruise speed lower. The cruise speed is only used for determining AOA.
– Cruise speed and max speed are in knots indicated and should be set using the published cruise
Mach and max Mach numbers as published with the altitude set to 25,000 feet. Use this
calculator here to determine the cruise speed and max speed in knots:
http://www.hochwarth.com/misc/AviationCalculator.html In the very bottom section, set the
altitude as 25,000 feet, enter the Mach number and press the “Compute CAS/TAS/EAS” button.
Use the CAS speed. The cruise speed is used mostly for calculating the AOA. The plane is
limited by the lesser of max speed and max Mach.
– Aircraft weight should be set to the aircraft's MTOW minus the fuel weight.
– Thrust should be set to the maximum available thrust so for the 787-8, this value would be
64,000 lbs X 2 = 128,000 lbs. Afterburner thrust if defined should be set to thrust if the aircraft
has no afterburner.

Here is the work flow I follow when creating aircraft definition files:
• Set takeoff speed to Vr at MTOW in the aircraft definition file. If it can't be found, use a value
from a comparable aircraft.
• Set climb speed to a normal value. I think I use 290 knots for most of the jetliners.
• Cruise speed is only used for AOA calcs and should be set to 295 for jetliners or about 80%
max speed.
• Set MaxSpeed to Vmo.
• Set MTOW to data found online
• Set Weight to MTOW minus fuel capacity in pounds.
• Set LandingSpeed equal to landing speed at Weight value above (not MTOW)
• Set NoseDownSpeed to LandingSpeed for most planes except planes like F-15s or F-16s that
use aerodynamic braking.
• Set TakeoffDistAtMTOW to data found online
• Set LandingDist equal to landing distance data for the aircraft weight set to the weight value
above (not MTOW).
• Create a flight plan with departure and arrival airports as far apart as possible so that aircraft
will takeoff at MTOW. Make sure that the departure airport is at sea level and the winds are
calm. Test that the aircraft takes off at the specified takeoff distance at MTOW. If it's taking off
in too little runway, reduce the thrust a bit. If it's taking too much runway to takeoff, increase
thrust slightly, but not more than 10%. If still using too much runway, set the
"GroundDragFactor" from 0 to -3.0 min to reduce calculated drag. This seems to be required
for some prop planes like the Dash-8 for which I have this value set to -2.5.
• Check out the landing distance for the aircraft to make sure it's close to specs. If the plane takes
too much runway, increase BrakingFactor. It's often at around 0.4 for the smaller jets.
• Create a flight plan such that an AI plane is level at 35,0000 feet and flying at its cruise Mach
Speed. Adjust Cd so that engine speed is at around 88%.
• Make sure that the type is correct. This table below shows how aircraft should be classified:
Fighter - Any jet with a thrust:weight ratio greater than 0.5:1 - Type 0
SR-71, Mig-31, F-15, F-16, SU-27, Bae Hawk, Alpha Jet, etc.

Super-heavy > 700,000 lbs - Type 1

AN-225 1,411,000 lbs
A-380 1,268,000 lbs
C-5 840,000 lbs
747 735,000 lbs
777-200LR 766,000 lbs
A-340-500/600 840,000 lbs

Heavy - 300,000 - 700,000 lbs - Type 2

777-200/ER 656,000 lbs
A340-300 610,000 lbs
767 350,000 lbs
L-1011 430,000 lbs
KC-10 590,000 lbs
C-141 342,100 lbs
B-52 488,000 lbs

Large Jet > 100,000 to 300,000 - Type 3

ERJ-190 114,000 lbs
737 150,000 lbs
757 272,500 lbs

Large Prop > 100,000 lbs - Type 4

C-130 155,000
A-400 310,000

Medium Jet > 40,000 lbs - Type 5

ERJ-170 79,000 lbs
Global Express 95,000 lbs
CRJ-100 53,000 lbs
CRJ-700 86,000 lbs

Medium Prop > 12,500 lbs - Type 6

Dash-8-400 65,000 lbs

Light Jet < 40,000 lbs - Type 7

Learjet 23,500 lbs
Gulfstream G280 39,600 lbs

Light Prop < 12,500 lbs - Type 8

Cessnas, Pipers, Lancairs, etc.
Appendix A4 – World Traffic Datarefs

These datarefs are as follows and are all single floating point numbers unless otherwise specified.

All ratios vary between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 being closed or retracted.

Writable Datarefs for Aircraft Animation:

cjs/world_traffic/gear_door_ratio1 // opens and closes with gear
cjs/world_traffic/gear_door_ratio2 // opens before gear and closes after gear
cjs/world_traffic/gear_door_ratio3 // only open when gear is extending or retracting
cjs/world_traffic/altitude_agl // Only available for landing aircraft or when in terrain-
following flight mode as specified in the flight plan.
cjs/world_traffic/destroy_ac // Pass in aircraft id as found in the “id” integer array
described above to destroy specified aircraft and to
display damaged model (integer).

Readable Aircraft Telemetry Datarefs:

cjs/world_traffic/num_aircraft // Number of aircraft currently being rendered (integer)
cjs/world_traffic/aircraft_trackcam_id // Aircraft id currently being viewed by track camera
cjs/world_traffic/aircraft_type // Aircraft Type – see Appendix A3 for types (integer array)
cjs/world_traffic/id // Aircraft Identifier (integer array)
cjs/world_traffic/alt_asl // Altitudes of all aircraft (float array)
cjs/world_traffic/speed_kias // Speeds of all aircraft (float array)
cjs/world_traffic/heading_degT // Heading of all aircraft (float array)
cjs/world_traffic/aircraft_lat // Position of all aircraft (float array)
cjs/world_traffic/aircraft_lon // Position of all aircraft (float array)

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