Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology: Librabry Management Software FOR (National Public School, Bangalore)
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology: Librabry Management Software FOR (National Public School, Bangalore)
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology: Librabry Management Software FOR (National Public School, Bangalore)
Submitted by:
1) DIVYANSHU D V Usn: 1NT16CS025
2) D ARUN SAKETH Usn: 1NT16CS030
3) MIHIR M Usn: 1NT16CS048
Course In-charge
A.Ass Assistant. Professor, Dept. Of CSE,
NMIT, Bangalore
The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people. Their contribution are sincerely
appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. However the group would like to express our
sincere gratitude to our Software Engineering lecturer Mr. Vinay. T.R for his vital
support, guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary
information regarding the Software Requirement Document of library management
We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individuals who in one or the another shared their
support, either morally or physically . We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all
of them.
Software Requirements Specification
The main objective of the document is to develop a software for "NATIONAL PUBLIC
SCHOOL” library management software. The purpose of the document is to collect all
the requirements from the client and analyze all assorted ideas along with the budget
that have come up to define and develop the system, its functional and non-functional
requirements with respect to consumers.
The main purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of our
software product planned to develop, its parameters and goals. This document
describes the project's target audience and its user interface, hardware and software
requirements. It defines how our client, team and audience see the product and its
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
1.2 Type of Software
1.3 Motivation of need of project
1.4 An Introduction about Client
2. Glossary
3. User Requirement Definition
3.1 Functional Requirements
3.2 Non - Functional Requirements
3.2.1 Performance Requirements
3.2.2 Scalability Requirements
3.2.3 Usability
3.2.4 Reliability / Availability Requirements
3.2.5 Security Requirements
3.3 User Levels /Characteristic
3.4 Representation for client
4. System Architecture
5. System requirement Specification
5.1 Detailed Description of Functional Requirements
1.1 Scope
This project is developed in response to the need to maintain the details of books and library
members of different libraries.
The maintenance of a physical log book could be tedious and might require higher expense in
long term which cannot be backed up. Also searching and updating records in such a system
could be tiresome.
The Client is staff member of the school which is located in Jeevan Bheema Nagar, Bangalore.
The school’s library contains various books that can be issued to users based on the availability
of the books and many more. We interacted with the client and collected all the requirements
needed for client organisation’s software.
Client Name : Hima Bindu D
Contact Number of the Client : 9900975826
JAVA -> platform independence
SQL -> Structured query Language
DFD -> Data Flow Diagram
CFD -> Context Flow Diagram
ER -> Entity Relationship
IDE -> Integrated Development Environment
SRS -> Software Requirement Specification
MTTR -> Mean Time to Repair
R.1.1: Sign up
Input: Detail about the user as mentioned in the description.
Output: Confirmation of registration status and a membership number and password
will be generated and mailed to the user.
Processing: All details will be checked and if any error are found then an error message
is displayed else a membership number and password will be generated.
R.1.2 : Login
Input: Enter the membership number and password provided.
Output : User will be able to use the features of software.
R.2.1 : Books issued. Description : List of books will be displaced along with data
of return.
R.2.2 : Search
Input : Enter the name of author's name of the books to be issued.
Output : List of books related to the keyword.
R.2.5 : Return
Input ; Return the book to the library.
Output : The issued list will be updated and the returned book will be listed out.
R.2.6 Fine
Input : check for the fines.
Output : Details about fines on different books issued by the user.
Processing : The fine will be calculated, if it crossed the date of return and the user did
not renewed if then fine will be applied by Rs 10 per day.
User module: In the user module, user will check the availability of the books.
1. Issue book
2. Reserve book
3. Return book
4. Fine details
Library module:
2. Remove books
Administration module: The following are the sub module in the administration module :
1. Register user
3. Book issue
The application is estimated to be developed and deployed within the budget of 200000.
For the proposed software there is no requirements of any additional hardware. Only
Basic computer system requirement along with installation of required software is to be
provided. The number of people chosen to work for the project is approximately around
10 members among whom one is a project manager who can be assigned with different
parts of software development.