Expert Systems

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Expert systems

Expert systems (ES) are one of the

prominent research domains of AI
1) Introduction
2) Characteristics
3) Capabilities and incapabilities
4) Components
5) Limitations
6) Development of E.S
7) Benefits
8) Examples of E.S’s
9) References
Expert systems:-
The expert systems are the computer applications
developed to solve complex problems in a particular domain, at
the level of extra-ordinary human intelligence and
expertise,represented mainly as if–then rules rather than
through conventional procedural code.
● High performance
● Understandable
● Reliable
● Highly responsive
● Advising
● Instructing and assisting human in decision making
● Demonstrating
● Deriving a solution
● Diagnosing
● Explaining
● Interpreting input
● Predicting results
● Justifying the conclusion
● Suggesting alternative options to a problem

● Require human assistance.

● Knowledge base is to be updated for correct
● Knowledge acquistion(define the rules and
protocols to the systems).
● Don’t have any human capabilities.

1) Knowledge Base 2) Inference Engine

3) User Interface
Knowledge Base:-
It contains domain-specific and high-quality knowledge.
Knowledge is required to exhibit intelligence. The success of any
ES majorly depends upon the collection of highly accurate and
precise knowledge

Knowledge Base:-
Factual Knowledge − It is the information widely accepted by
the Knowledge Engineers and scholars in the task domain.
Heuristic Knowledge − It is about practice, accurate
judgement, one’s ability of evaluation, and guessing.
Knowledge representation:-
It is the method used to organize and formalize the
knowledge in the knowledge base. It is in the form of

Inference Engine:-
To recommend a solution, the Inference Engine uses the
following strategies −
● Forward Chaining
● Backward Chaining
Forward Chaining:-
It is a strategy of an expert system to answer the question,
“What can happen next?”
Backward Chaining
With this strategy, an expert system finds out the answer to the
question, “Why this happened?”
User Interface:-
User interface provides interaction between user of the ES and the
ES itself. It is the method by which the expert system interacts with a
user. These can be through dialog boxes, command prompts, forms,
or other input methods. The user of the ES need not be necessarily
an expert in Artificial Intelligence.

Expert Systems Limitations:-

● Limitations of the technology
● Difficult knowledge acquisition
● ES are difficult to maintain
● High development costs
Development of Expert Systems:-
1) Identify Problem Domain
● The problem must be suitable for an expert system to solve it.
● Find the experts in task domain for the ES project.
● Establish cost-effectiveness of the system.

2) Design the System

● Identify the ES Technology
● Know and establish the degree of integration with the other
systems and databases.
3) Develop the Prototype:-
From Knowledge Base: The knowledge engineer works to −
● Acquire domain knowledge from the expert.
● Represent it in the form of If-THEN-ELSE rules.

4) Test and Refine the Prototype:-

● The knowledge engineer uses sample cases to test the
prototype for any deficiencies in performance.
● End users test the prototypes of the ES.
5) Develop and Complete the ES:-

● Test and ensure the interaction of the ES with all elements of its
environment, including end users, databases, and other
information systems.
● Document the ES project well.
● Train the user to use ES.

6) Maintain the System

● Keep the knowledge base up-to-date by regular review and
● Cater for new interfaces with other information systems, as those
systems evolve.
Benefits of Expert Systems:-
● Availability − They are easily available due to mass production of
● Less Production Cost − Production cost is reasonable. This makes
them affordable.
● Speed − They offer great speed. They reduce the amount of work an
individual puts in.
● Less Error Rate − Error rate is low as compared to human errors.
● Reducing Risk − They can work in the environment dangerous to
● Steady response − They work steadily without getting motional,
tensed or fatigued.
Expert systems examples:-

1) PXDES -- Medical expert system which diagnosis the lungs

and take the X-Ray pictures.
2) CaDet -- Expert system for cancer detection.
3) DxPlain -- Expert system for diagnosis various diseases.
4) MYCIN -- It recommends appropriate therapies for
bacterial infections.
5) Rice-Drop Doctor -- Diagnose pests and diseases for rice.
6) Agrex -- provide advices to the farmers.
7) Other like CLIPS,GIS,LEY,CALEX etc.





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