Master Solenoid Kit: MS KM-175
Master Solenoid Kit: MS KM-175
Master Solenoid Kit: MS KM-175
MS KM-175
Master Solenoid Kit
FITS KM-175, -176 It -177 Series
FOR F4A21-1, F4A22-2, F4A23-2
'87-up for Hyundai, '85-'92 & some '93 Mitsubishi and"
12. Install new filter, tighten four bolts to 6 to 6.5 Nm (4 to 5 ft. Ibs.).
/ "-
B Shift Control Lock-UpSolenoidValve
Solenoid Valve SolenoidValve red wires wI black stripe
orange wires orange wires
13. Install new Oil pan gasket and oil pan, tighten bolts to
10 to 11.5 Nm (7.5 to 8.5 ft. Ibs.).
6. To Install: Attach black ground wire with eyelet to the same
bolt that was used originally. Cut original grounding wire from 14. Connect the negative battery cable.
OEM eyelet.
15. Fill unit with ATF and check for any leaks.
7. Strip back wires cut from the old solenoid and original
solenoid harness approximately 1/2" and twist braided wire to SOLENOID
form a tight strand. Loosen the Posi-LockTMConnectors. Insert 6
the bare wire into the connector until it bottoms out. Tighten the 1 5t Gear ON ON
connector. Repeat this procedure for all of the connections
2nd Gear OFF ON
(Figure 2).
3rd Gear OFF OFF
4th Gear ON OFF